Chapter 43

The two teams walked off to the battlefield while everyone remained on the stage area. 

"Both teams are at their bases," Vlad King announced. "And now, it's time. Team Kendo, tear them to pieces! Start the second match!"

"Stop with the biased commentary!" Ashido protested. 

"For real," Jiro, Kaminari, Ojiro, Sero, and Eva agreed, popping up behind her. 

"Kendo seems like a really important part of your class dynamic," Sero as the two teams became their fight.

"YEAH!" Tetsutesu shouted making Sero jump, he bumped into Eva who looked over. "She gets the job done, no matter what!"

"Why're you yelling?" Sero cried as he leaned back more.

"That's our brilliant class representation for ya!" Tetsutesu continued. "She's smart and decisive even under pressure! It's so awesome! She's also brave, risking herself on the front lines when others are counting on her! Not to mention her attitude rocks! Without her, we would've killed Monoma or become a buncha fools like him by now!"

"Uncalled for," Monoma grunted. 

"Think of her as our class's big sister!" Tetsutetsu said. "Itsuka Kendo inspires all of us to do our best!"

"If that's the case, I wonder if Yaoyorozu's plan will work," said Todoroki. 

"Why, what's she up to?" Ojiro asked as he looked over.

"Even if it doesn't work, I'm sure Yaoyorozu can come up with something on the spot," Eva said. "Have faith in her and our classmates." They watched as Tokoyami released Dark Shadow; who quickly found Class B. Moments later, Dark Shadow who then went back over to Class A. Dark Shadow landed a punch on Tokoyami, sending him flying. 

"What's wrong with Dark Shadow?" Urakaka asked.

"He lost control!" Ashido.

"No," Izuku denied. "There's plenty of light out here, so Tokoyami should be in full command. So maybe someone possessed him?"

"A power like Shinso's?" Eva asked, Izuku nodded. Aoyama's legs were shaking as Dark Shadow towered over him. Hagarkure used wrap refraction shining light, Dark Shadow began to move around in pain. Retreating to Tokoymi as Kuroiro went flying. Yaoyorouzu threw many nets trying to capture him, but he simply disappeared into the darkness. Tokoyami looked back at Kuoiro angrily as the boy hung upside down; Tokoyami then took off his cloak revealing a tool belt; After some taunting Kuoiro slipped back into the darkness. 

'I think Tokoyami's going for it,' Eva thought to herself, they did this a thousand times when they trained just between the two of them. 

"Isn't this the same plan that failed the first match?" Ojiro asked. 

"It's a pretty smart move," Todoroki commented. "In an area like this. I'd say he definitely has the upper hand." In an instant, Aoyama was grabbed by his cape. 

"Trickery," Shizokai noted. "How despicable he is. Wretched soul. Repent at once!"

Everyone but Eva was surprised at Tokoyami using Dark Shadow to fly.

"WAIT, HE CAN FLY?!" Awase, Tokage, and Kamakiri exclaimed.

"Look at Tokoyami go!" Urakaka cheered.

"It's a new move!" Ashido cheered. 

"I'm so happy to get to see it in action finally!" Eva cheered as she waved her arms and legs up and down.

"Oh, that's right!" Izuku smiled at her. "Tokoyami came to you about flying." She nodded.

"But how's that possible?" Mineta demanded.

"The principle behind it is so simple!" Izuku smiled with a raised fist. "Dark Shadow is always floating, so he can hold onto Tokoyami and carry him through the air! And by covering himself with a cape, Tokoyami can block the light that weakens his Quirk in order to achieve a continuously high output! Plus, with that hold, Tokoyami's hands remain free to do whatever he needs! It's such a brilliant move, you guys!" He turned to the others. "So obvious that it didn't cross our minds, but with Eva's help he figured it out, and look how's perfect it's working!" He turned to the other side. "It's kind of like his own personal Gordian Knot! So cool! Whoa, I'm impressed!" Tokoyami freed Aoyama from Kuroiro's hold; Aoyama then used his laser to shoot down into the tight spaces below.

Kuroiro eventually got out of the darkness; soon he was surrounded by Class 1-A. As they chased him; spores started to pop up all over the place and on their teammates...though Class 1-B wasn't affected.

"I don't get why they are so disgusted by the mushrooms," Eva admitted as she crossed her arms.

"Not everyone has the same affection for them as you do," Izuku answered. 

"They are just mushrooms," Eva said as she looked at him.

"To you," Izuku nodded as he looked at her. "To others, they can be...gross."

"Uh, they've got shrooms growing on their bodies?" Mineta asked in disgust as they watched their classmates get the spores off of them. "This is like a serious horror movie." He was shaking in fear. 

"Don't you worry, the fungus up and disappears in two or three hours tops," Awase informed. "Your teammates'll be fine. Which is why she doesn't hold anything back."

"Look, they're growing over the camera!" shuddered Urakaka.

"Gag," Jiro shuddered as she held herself. The area all around class 1-A started to be destroyed by giant words popping out of the ground. With Fukadashi's Quirk, the mushrooms all around them began to grow and multiply from the dampness. 

"Komori and Fukidashi came to Kuroiro's rescue," Vlad King commentated. "Now, attacking in waves, they're giving Class A's team a hard time from a distance. My kids are showing their superior strength!"

Ashido was right there with her sign. "Again with the biased commentary!"

"Yeah, stop!" Mineta, Eva, Todoroki, Urakaka, and Jiro backed her up.

"It's gonna be hard to break those wide-range attacks," Sato said. "Also, if we go overseas, do you think Fukidashi will need a translator?"

"No clue," Sero admitted. 

"Deku. The arena!" Urakaka exclaimed; pointing at a screen.

Izuku nodded. "The word wall separated Yaoyorozu from the rest of her teammates. Don't tell me, was their plan from the start?" Kendo and Yaoyorozu started to go head-to-head with each other. Kendo punched repetitively on the shields Yaoyorozu made to protect herself. 

"She designed a situation where she's got the advantage," Tetsutetsu acknowledged with a fist raised. "Her plan was right on the money! What did I say? Our girl is smart and decisive even when she's under pressure! That's our brilliant rep Kendo for ya!"

"I'm not convinced this was the smartest move on her part," Todoroki said. Tetsutesu looked back completely dumbfounded. "If Yaoyorozu was separated because they feared her planning then they might've misjudged her." Tetsutesu's face didn't change. "If they were so worried about Yaoyorozu, then their team should've tried to disrupt her strategy from the very start. This predicament is still well within what she could have anticipated. And it seems within her expectations she should be able to create a path that will lead her to victory. This is what Momo Yaoyorozu excels at!" Kendo's smile dropped after she knocked away the shields, Yaoyorozu had created a cannon. 


On the other side of the fight, Kuroiro managed to grab hold of Aoyama again from Tokoyami. More mushrooms popped on others, and one of Fukidashi's words knocked into Tokoyami. The bird man became completely frightened by Hagakure being covered head to toe in mushrooms.


Back on the other side with Kendo and Yaoyorozu's fight,

"Is she insane?" Tetsutesu asked. "Who's she trying to kill with that?"

"Again, huh?" Kaibara asked. "That girl must really like cannons."

"That looks like it packs a big punch," Mineta suspected. 

"Hold on," Izuku said. Kendo dodged to the size as Yaoyorozu aimed her cannon at the wall. They watched a bag shoot up and over the wall.


On the other side with the others. 

With flight, Tokoyami grabbed Hagakure and flipped up to the bag supplied to them by Yaoyorozu. Kuroijor on the other hand placed Aoyama behind bars. 

After rummaging through the bag, they sprayed themselves down with the ethanol getting rid of the mushrooms Tokoyami put on thermal goggles and then flew through the industrial spaces. As Tokoyami flew toward Komori, Hagakure took on Fukidashi. As Tokoyamu reached forward so did Dark Shadow. After separating the two, Tokoyami trapped Kuroijo in his cloak.

"Whoa go Tokoyami and Dark Shadow," Eva complimented as they saw that Dark Shadow had a hold of Komori.

"He caught two enemies!" Mineta added. "He's turned the tables!"

"They couldn't have done it without Yao-momo's items!" Jiro smiled. 

"Hagakure's doing awesome too!" Eva cheered. 

"If they keep going like this they can win it four-to-one," Izuku added. 

Tokoyami suddenly started to cough.

"Komori doesn't have a Quirk that screams combat and yet she's scary," Monoma said. "Did you think we'd hold back because this is just training, you stupid bird? You should've knocked her unconscious."

Over at the one-on-one fight, Kendo had grabbed hold of Hagakura...Kendo also had an unconscious Yaoyorozu attached to her. Class 1-B's teams were now standing around talking to each other and Class 1-A was captured or down. 

"Luck has nothin' to do with it!" Tetsutestu cheered a fist raised. "It was all Kendo's plan! All right!"

"Yaoyorozu, I hope you don't get discouraged by this result," Todoroki wished.

"She won't," Eva assured. "She's grown a lot since the beginning of the school year."

"Second match!" Vlad King announced once off Class A was captured. "Class B nabs a crushing victory with a score of four-nothing! Words can't describe how impressive this showing was!"

Ashido appeared again with her sign. "This is getting seriously ridiculous!" 

"Seriously" Mineta, Eva, Todoroki, Urakaka, and Jiro backed her up. 

" I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" Vlad King gleamed. Everyone watched as their classmates regained themselves.

"The grounds were completely wrecked," Shinso noted. "It was so different from the first match."

"This is what training in the hero course is like," Aizawa informed. "That said they did go a little overboard."

"Fukidashi! Kendo!" Vlad King began. "Remember your surroundings. Damage should be kept to a minimum."

"Yes, sir!" Fukadashi saluted.

"Sorry 'bout that!" Kendo apologized. 

"Right, so, when will Komori's mushrooms disappear?" Aizawa asked. 

"They'll be gone in two hours, give or take," Vlad King answered, looking back.

"Then it would be logical to change locations," Aizawa advised. 

"Maybe take a break as well," Vlad King added. Locations were changed; the break was being put into place.


Kendo chopped him in the neck. "Apologies!" She then dragged him away.

"He sounds like a broken record that needs to be set on fire," Mineta complained. 

"I don't know why he talks like that when he knows she's gonna smack him," Ashido added in annoyance. 

"Maybe it's a kink," Eva suggested putting a finger to her face.

"Kink?" Izuku repeated as he grew red. "How do you know what that is?"

"That doesn't concern you," Eva answered.

"It was Sero, wasn't it!" Izuku hissed in a whisper, Eva giggled before fluttering over to Komori.

"Komori," Eva greeted.

"Eva," Komori greeted as she looked up. "What you think of the way I used my shrooms?"

Eva put her hands together. "Found it delightful."

Komori lit up with a smile. "Aren't they just the cutest!"

"Totally!" Eva nodded.

Tokoyami started to cough a bit more. "Dark Mushrooms."

"Are you sure you don't want a cough drop?" Komori asked. "It will help soothe your throat."

"I will be quite fine," Tokoyami assured. "What feeling conjures in you when you see the mushrooms, Yuki?"

Eva thought about it. "In all honesty, I felt less homesick."

"The third match will take place in an area two blocks east of the previous rounds were held," Vlad King announced. "The cages have been moved to your new bases. This little breather is over! Prepare for the third training battle!"

"Eva," Katsuki called as she started to go down with her team.

"Katsuki," Eva greeted fluttering over to him.

"Make sure to destroy them," Katsuki advised. 

"Have your team come up with a strategy?" Eva asked tilting her head; Bakugo put a hand on top of her head. "I see."

"HOW DOES SHE KNOW THE PLAN BEFORE US!?" Sato, Sero, and Jiro demanded. 

"Good luck," Bakugo nodded.

"Good luck to you, if I don't see you after mine," Eva wished him before going over to her team. On their way over; two of them noticed that one particular teammate had zoned out.

"Todoroki? Todoroki? Shoto?" Eva called.  "Is something wrong?"

"You have quite the puzzled look on your face," Iida added. 

"Oh, really?" Todoroki asked.

"It's true," Iida confirmed. "Are you worried about something?"

"No, I'll be okay," Todoroki assured as he looked over. "Thank you for asking."

"He's not exactly the most expressive person, so I didn't notice," Ojiro admitted. "That's impressive, Tenya and Eva."

"It's my responsibility," Iida confirmed. "I am class representative. I must aid any of our troubled peers." He had his helmet raised.

"You seem really cheerful, more than usual," Shoji noted. 

"Yes, I am," Iida confirmed. "My brother's recovery has been going well lately."

"Oh, that's great to hear!" Ojiro lit up.

"Splendid!" Eva added. 

"I also have the duty to uphold my brother's honor and live up to his name," Iida added. "I'm watching everyone closely, but that means everyone's watching me, too." He put his helmet on. "I was third at the sports festival! I'll show everybody that I'm a worthy successor!"

"I believe in you," Eva said as she gave a thumbs up; in the distance, they saw buildings crumble along with the sound of smashing.

"What's that?" Ojiro asked. 

"I hear the screeching sounds of metal against metal," Shoji informed with all arms having ears on the end.

"Tetsutestu most likely is causing this," Eva concluded; she focused tilting her head. "It is Tesutetsu."

"The sound is getting louder," Shoji said. "Based on the reverberations, I believe he's destroying their surroundings."

"He's a good brawler," Todoroki recalled. "They must intend to fight us head-on."

"If that's the case, then I welcome the approach," Ojiro said as he got into a ready position. "It'll make it easier for us to deal with them."

"Agreed," Shoto said as Iida got into a ready position. 

"Remember, Violet Gust, whatever you do avoid touching anything," Iida advised, she nodded. "Time to make our class proud! Let's go team 3!" They all took off as they ran Shoto let out a sneeze.

"Are you okay?" Iida asked. "I didn't think you ever got sick!"

"Yes, I'm sure I'm fine," Todoroki assured. 

Ojiro stopped running. "We're almost there." He turned back to the others. "You know the plan, let's all spread out."

"Yes, sir," Eva nodded as she started to fly up.

"On it!" Iida responded.

"Make it count Todoroki," Shoji advised. Eva flew up high; peaking past a building she saw Class B standing around; she then only flapped her middle wings; Todoroki sent out his infamous large ice attack. Eva saw that all of Class B was trapped in the ice; her classmates were hiding in the facility watching.

'As soon as Honenuku softens anything; move in,' Eva said to herself. 'That's the cue I was given.'

"RECIPRO BURST!" Iida shouted as he ran into view.

"COME GET SOME!" Tetsutesu encouraged; as soon as Iida stepped on the ice; it and all around them softened greatly. 

"Blasting ice is a cheap move," Honenuki commented from a pipe he sat on. "Though if you'd been coldhearted and used fire, we wouldn't have been able to trap you."

"Thanks, Juzo!" Kaibara thanked him as he splashed around. "Gotta love how flexible that power is---." He let out a scream when Honenuki suddenly slammed into the pipe behind him; as he bounced off; Eva appeared in front of him, turned him, and pinned him. "THAT SEEMS MORE LIKE A MOVE FOR THAT HOT HEAD IN YOUR CLASS!"

Eva looked over. "He is the one that taught it to me."

Ojiro was running from pipe to pipe. "He must have activated his Quirk the moment the ice appeared." He jumped. got caught in a random softened pole. "I'll retreat for now and wait for--" He dropped on the pipe he landed had been softened. 

"Found you," Honenuki said as he pointed over. " I softened a bunch of random stuff around here, so I'd be smart to watch your step."

"Nice job, Juzo!" Kaibara said as he used her gyrate Qurik on his limbs. "I'll handle Ojiro!" The two went head-on; Ojiro used his tail to block the attack; the soft parts from the pipe touched her left hand; burning it. Honenuki; hooked one leg around Eva's bringing it forward; in an instant, the pipe in front of them softened and hardened; the burning sensation on Eva's foot was enough to make her drop Honenuki.

"EVA!" Todoroki shouted.

"OJIRO!" Iida shouted as he ran over; he fell victim to one of Honenuki's tricks. "Caught again?" He fell into the softened ice below. Eva took out her giant bug catcher; with one click a blade appeared on the end and she began to stab the area trapping her foot.

"Your legs are only as strong as what you're standing on," Honenuki said. "The ground beneath the ice is also softened. " Iida sank further. "You both are difficult to deal with. So, I'll leave you both trapped in the muck for now."

"Are you trying to keep us from working as a team?" Iida asked. "VILLAIN! YOUR WICKEDNESS KNOWS NO BOUNDS!"

Eva looked over at Iida. 'He's so cute when he gets into character.' As Eva worked to get her leg freed, two horns appeared pinning Shoji.

"I was betting they'd keep Shoji in what they thought was a safe place far from where we are!" Pony said. "Like...hidden behind their so-called 'ace' Todoroki." She got to her feet. "Tetsutesu!"

"Here we go!" Tetsutesu smiled as the horns took him to Todoroki. "HORN DASH HAMMER!" He appeared out of the ice; grabbing Todoroki. "Are my teeth chattering? You're so freaking cold, my brain feels like it's gettin' frosty. If I weren't on top of things, you'd freeze my steel solid! Think you can beat me in a hand-to-hand fight? You don't stand a chance!" He slammed Todoroki into a wall of ice.

'Shoto!' Eva gasped to herself.

"Be good and stay there, okay?" Pony asked.

"YOU ARE EVIL INCARNATE!" Iida shouted as Honenuki stood up. He had trapped Iida in the ice surrounding his head.

"Sorry about it," Honenuki apologized as he faced Iida. "Recipro has a time limit, right? Not so smart to use it right in the beginning." He began to walk away. "Anyway, I'm gonna go help Tetsutesu."

"A time limit?" Iida asked. "That was a while ago, Mudman." Honenuko turned back. "Ingenium will rush anywhere at any time." The ice around him started to break. "That's what these legs are for! They won't be constrained!" There was a blast. "You see! I've been in full throttle this entire time! New Style. Recipro Turbo!"

"Seriously?" Honenuki asked. 

"I've raised Recipro's horsepower and lowered fuel consumption to the minimum!" Iida explained. "Ten minutes!" He jumped out of the ice. "FOR TEN MINUTES NOBODY CAN STOP ME!"

"Is he going to beat me with some new move I've never seen?" Honenuki asked as Iida zapped around. 

"I can't control it completely," Iida admitted. "But at the is speed, the trade-off is power." With a smash; Honenuki flew up.

"Well, fair enough," Honenuki said as he covered his mouth. "I'm no match for this attack." A blast of air sent him flying back down; he landed face first; he looked back up to see that Eva had finally managed to free herself; one shoe was gone; and her foot was steaming; her toenails all bleeding white.

"YOU'RE UNDER ARREST VILLAIN!" Iida declared; he and Eva both gasped when Honenuki sunk into the softness.

"Anything?" Eva said as she flew down to Iida.

He placed a hand on the ice. "The ice has gone back to normal. Is he planning a surprise counterattack?" Eva placed her foot on the ice. " He should understand now that won't work."

"He most likely went to support his teammates," Eva said. "We should do the same."

"Will you be alright to do so?" Iida asked as he bent down. "Your foot is injured."

"I'll be alright," Eva answered as she fluttered up. "Ojiro needs backup." 

"Let's come at Kaibara from opposite openings," Iida suggested as he stood back up. "Meet you over there, Violet Gust." They put the plan into action; just as Karibara was about to jab Ojiro; Eva's middle wings centered together; a ball of air shot out; slamming him into Iida.

"IIDA! YUKI!" Ojiro shouted.

"I'll throw Spiral in jail!" Iida announced. "Forgive my brief absence as I do. Help the others with Eva, and Ojiro! Mudman is probably heading toward them! I'll be back!"

"Yeah, you got it!" Ojiro shouted.

"We should go help Shoji," Eva said as she grabbed Ojiro; she started to fly over to Shoji who was facing Pony.

"From how things are heating up; I'm guessing Todoroki," Ojiro said.

"Yeah," Eva nodded.

"Can you send me ahead?" Ojiro asked. 

"Yeah," Eva nodded; she held him out. Used her middle wings to keep her up while making a point with the other four wings. "Brace yourself." He nodded; a ball of air formed Eva let go of Ojiro shooting him forward. When Eva got to the fight; Honenuki had sunk Shoji and Ojiro who were wrapped around Pony.

"YOU BASTARD!" Ojiro cried as Eva went over to Shoji grabbing his hands; she used a wind scythe to cut up the ground around him and began to pull him up. "FIST OF TAIL. SWAMP SMACK SPIRIT!" Eva held to Shoji as Honenuki slammed into the pips.

"Thanks," Shoji said as he grabbed Ojiro. "Thanks for that."

"Likewise," Ojiro said as he got pulled out of the sludge. 

"How'd you use so much force?" Honenuki asked as he stood up.

"You gotta tell me before you do something like that, Honenuki!" Pony scolded. Horns shot up stabbing Ojiro.

"I won't let you go!" Ojiro grunted in pain.

"It's cool," Pony smiled. "I'm not worried about that." More horns appeared; Ojiro was ripped away.

"Ojiro!" Shoji shouted as they watched him disappear. 

"Honenuki's gone too," Eva said as she put Shoji on the ground. 

"You go on ahead," Shoji said. Eva nodded, and she flew up high; right when she got up there she saw a large tower beginning to fall; Iida was carrying an unconscious Todoroki; they were in the line of the fall. She shot over there instantly. 

"Violet Gust!" Iida greeted as she appeared behind him; putting her hands on his back. "I sure am glad to see you!" She shot air out of her wings; it jolted forward faster. Iida grabbed Eva and threw her forward allowing himself to get trapped under the mountain of rubble and the building. Eva rolled till she landed on her back; Todoroki lay a bit away from unconscious on his side. Eva upped herself by her elbows as a screw bounced; landing on the right middle ring; in an instant, it dissolved into sparkly dust. A pansy flower bloomed instantly. "Eva." She looked forward to seeing Iida staring at her. "Your wing."

"I'll be alright," Eva assured him more than herself. "It should grow back." Her attention was grabbed when a horn grabbed onto Todoroki.

"Shoto!" Eva shouted as Pony grabbed him; having Tetsutestu and Honenuki carried too; Shoji ran after, and Pony flew high into the air with Todoroki.

"No!" Shoji shouted as Eva got back to her feet.

"Eva, what about your wing?" Iida asked as Pony went higher.

"I want to see her flight up close," Eva said as she took her bug net out again. She took off the ground in an instant; Pony kept her eyes on Eva; trying to evade her. Eva focused her wings up at Class B, and two mini cyclones shot out shredding the horns carrying Honenuki and Tetsutesu, with her bug catcher; Eva caught them.

"I should've known you'd come after your teammate!" Pony shouted. "You fae can be quite predictable!" She readied to two horns. "Come to grant me a wish?"

"Sure," Eva sounded as she sounded a gust of wind at Pony; separating her from Todoroki; Eva caught him; then Pony into the net. "Your flying style is unique." With a wind scythe; she cut the net; and held the opening with one hand. She flew up a little higher as Pony struggled in the net. "Though I don't like the way you spoke to Shoji about his appearance earlier." Before she could do anything else; the buzzer went off.

"20 minutes have passed!" Vlad King's voice sounded. "The third match is over! Each team put one person away, so we've got ourselves a draw!" 

Eva shot over to Kaibara. "Take your teammates." She set them down; before going back over to Iida and Shoji.

"Iida," Eva greeted as she saw robots working to free him.

"If only I'd been faster"Iida began as Eva put Todoroki on a stretcher carried by the robots. 

"This is about earlier," Eva said as she knelt to him. "You sacrificed yourself---"

"And I'd do it again," Iida confirmed. "That tower was mainly iron and silver if that thing had landed on you--" 

Eva leaned over and kissed the top of his helmet. "Thank you, Iida." Soon, Eva was in the recovery room with the ones unconscious. Eva got her foot wrapped, though there was nothing Recovery Girl could do about her wing.

 "Since there are a number of round three students unconscious, we can review their performances later! Get ready for the fourth match!" Eva and Iida both waited by Todoroki's bedside.

"You must be feeling down about your wing," Iida said. "Do you think honey will do the trick?"

"I don't know," Eva admitted honestly. "It took months for them to grow back when they got ripped out..but they turned to enhanced fertilizer this time." She looked back at her missing wing. "It makes my flying feel unbalanced."

"Hm," Iida frowned. "Do you by chance brought any fae books?" Eva nodded. "I will need to take a look at those." Eva looked back at him.

"Smooch!" Recovery Girl said; seconds later Todoroki sat up; they both looked at their classmate.

"Great, you're awake!" Iida cheered. 

"That's a good patient," Recovery Girl smiled. "Here, you should eat this protein bar? Ojiro ate his and went back out."

"Damn, Todoroki!" Tetsutestu complimented. "The match was a draw, but I feel like I lost the head-head fight! That heat was insanity!" Tetsutetsu continued. "Let's do it again!"

"Ah! So loud!" Recovery Girl complained.

"If only I'd been faster, we'd have claimed victory," Iida said.

"Same here," Eva nodded. "If I had been more tenacious like Katsuki as well. If I had been more combative then focused on rescuing--"

"Iida," Todoroki breathed. " of your wings--"

"It's obvious that I'm still too slow," Iida reconciled. "Honenuki's style was so flexible. And I just failed to react."

"Pony's disorganized fighting style is definitely one of her advantages," Eva said. "I failed to react to that."

"You saved me, didn't you?" Todoroki asked. "I seem to remember that." He looked down. "And anyway, when it comes to mistakes, I made the biggest one." He looked at his hands. "It's become a habit to use ice as my opening move. You are fast as well Eva...I'm the one who's slow." Eva and Iida looked at each other. "And because of that weakness, I caused you and the team to worry. I wanna be a hero who brings people peace of mind."

"No!" Iida denied as he moved his arms robotically. "I would never consider you unrelia--Ah!" Eva's creases turned teal, she placed it on Iida's arm, and he looked down. "I will run anywhere, to anyone who needs my assistance. That's my conviction as Ingenium's successor."

"I want to help those who had lost faith in heroes," Eva answered as she looked over at Todoroki. " The ones heroes have failed continuously, as well as helo my people...I need to keep in mind that rescuing will involve fighting as well. I can't do one if I neglect the other."

The curtain opened; they looked to see that Honenuki had regained consciousness. "Since we're talkin' about how we need to upgrade, I'll point out I also still have work to do." He looked up. "So I hope you'll fight me again."

"Of course," Iida, Todoroki, and Eva responded.

He looked at Eva. "I want to apologize about your foot...I didn't keep in mind that steel is harmful to you."

"No," Eva denied. "You helped me realize a lot, of things I need to improve on."

"If you boys and fae are better, then why are you still here?" Recovery Girl asked. "This is no place for chitchat!"

"Right! Please excuse us!" Iida responded. Soon they had all left the room. " seem to be in a hurry."

"I don't want to miss Katsuki's match," Eva answered. "Him, Jiro, Sato, and's a well-balanced team." Soon they reached the rest of their classes, and Eva was instantly pulled into a hug by Izuku; he was crying.

"Izuku," Eva grumbled. "I thought you said you were going to try crying less."

"Eva!" Izuku yelped pushing her back. "I can't help but replay that scene over and over! If that had touched your head---" He pulled her into another hug; he pushed her back. "How's your foot?"

Eva looked down. "It's going to heal, though can't really feel it right now." She fluttered up; Izuku gently grabbed her foot to give a closer look. "I've been trying to put together this iron-silver resistance needs more work." Izuku looked up with a smile; pulling her back down. "Never mind that I want to see this match."

"Me as well," Izuku nodded as they both faced the screen.

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