Chapter 42
After warming up and getting changed; Eva joined her class at ground beta for exercise. Eva made a few changes to her suit to combat the cold. Her halter top now had long sleeves; with her back remaining open. The bands on her arms were now designed to hold rescue equipment including the giant extendable bug catcher.
"I can't believe we are already back at it!" Hagakure cheered as she danced around. "Aren't you excited?"
"Yeah," Eva nodded.
"Don't you get cold like that, Hagakure?" Jiro asked.
"Yeah," Hagakure laughed. "I'm freezing."
"But ya got guts," Jiro complimented.
Ashido slid into view. "Check out my winter outfit. Isn't it, like super cute?"
"It's lovely," Yaoyorozu complimented.
"I didn't realize that the temperature dropped so much," Ojiro admitted.
"Everyone's costumes have changed since we've started school, haven't they?" Iida noted. "They've adapted just as we have!"
"You're a champ," Sato complimented. "I'm surprised you lasted through the summer in all that gear."
"Kacchan's is different, too!" Izuku noticed.
"HUH?" Katsuki grunted. "If you've got something to say, then say it to my face, nerd! WHILE I'M BLASTING YOURS!"
"How does it work?" Izuku asked. "Do the gauntlets come equipped with a heat generator? Since your sweat glands are used as weapons, it's a really smart modification to combat the cold, I'm impressed!"
"STOP PRAISING MY SUIT!" Katsuki yelled.
"Yours may have changed the most out of everyone's, Midoriya," Ojiro pointed out. "How much new stuff do you have on?"
"I had to upgrade because I learned some new moves," Izuku answered. "The gloves are definitely going to come in handy. Actually, these are the 2.0 versions. Hatsume made adjustments to the original design that made them even stronger."
"She's incredibly talented," Ojiro commented.
"Bad thoughts!" Urakaka shouted punching her helmet.
"What are you doing?" Eva asked.
"Look who we have here," Monoma greeted; everyone looked to see Class B walking toward them. "Relaxed and full of yourselves, as always." Tumbleweed blew past. "Obviously you underestimate us."
"There you are!" Kirishima smiled; punching his hand. "We've been lookin' forward to this."
"Ha!" Monoma laughed. "Is that so? I'm not sure why. There's no way you stand a chance against us in this exercise. Come on, Class A! Let's see who's best once and for all!" He suddenly pulled out a piece of paper. "You might wanna take a closer look at this survey. I took it at the festival and it's enlightening! I asked what was better: Class A's pathetic attempt at being rock stars, or Class B's superior play! Aw, what's this? We won by two votes?" Eva took the paper to look at Jiro, Kirshima, and Sero surrounding her. "You guys have been hogging the spotlight ever since we started school! But your standing around campus is trash!"
"Seriously?" Kirishima asked. "Did we somehow blow it at the festival, you think?"
"We made Eri smile," Eva said. "That has to count for something."
"Now, finally!" Monoma cried. "It's Class A versus Class B! Our first joint combat training! You're finish--" He got caught off by Aiawa's scarf strangling him.
"That's enough," Aizawa ordered.
"Stranglehold!" Awase shouted.
"Today, there will be a special participant," Vlad King announced.
"Please try to not embarrass yourselves if at all possible," Aizawa advised.
"Who's joining us?" Eva asked as she put her hands together.
"I'll murder 'em!" Katsuki declared.
"Is it a babe?" Kaminari asked.
"We'll do our best, whoever it is!" Kirishima and Tetsutesu promised.
"This person is interested in switching to the Hero Track," Aizawa explained as Shinso walked up. Eva and Izuku gasped happily; while Ojiro did not so much. "From General Studies Class C, Hitoshi Shinso." He had a mouthpiece hanging around his neck along with the scarf.
"Oh, ho-ho!" Izuku, Eva, and Ojiro chimed.
"Shinso will be joining in on your training," Mr. Aizawa informed. "He's hoping to be one of you, so treat him as you would any classmate."
"He mentioned that before the sports festival," Izuku recalled.
"Uh. Is that one of Mr. Aizawa's capture scarves?" Fukidashi asked.
"The mask looks special too," Komori added.
"Welcome to the fight!" Tetsutetsu shouted as he raised a fist.
"You'll be brainwashed if you talk to him, mes amis," Aoyama recalled.
"A powerful quirk," Ojiro recalled.
"Wait, one sec," Mineta began. "Midoriya got brainwashed once, but he snapped out of it."
"Yeah, that was honestly kind of an accident, though," Izuku admitted, he looked at Eva and tilted his head; she responded to him in the same way,
"Well, Shinso, why don't you say a few words?" Aizawa asked.
"I'm Hitoshi Shinso," He greeted everyone. " I already faced some of you as opponents during the sports festival. But we're not friends because we've fought before. I don't subscribe to that sort of sportsmanship. We're still competing to be the best. And I'm already countless steps behind. I need to prove myself. One day, I will become a proper hero. Then I can use my powers to help citizens in need. All of you are hurdles I must overcome. I am not here in search of friends." Eva grunted as she landed on the ground. "Thanks for having me." The two classes started to clap.
"Whoa," Urakaka breathed. "He's so serious."
"Be on guard," Tokoyami advised.
"He's taken intensity lessons from you, 'Roki," Sero noted.
Shoto looked over. "Wait, you think so?"
"For sure," Eva confirmed.
"I like this guy," Monoma said as he put two fingers to his face.
"What's the matter, Eva?" Izuku whispered to her.
"I've been training with Shinso for a bit," Eva answered. "I thought we developed a friendship from it...I suppose not."
"Don't think about it too much," Izuku said. "I'm sure he considers you a friend."
"Shouldn't we be getting on with this, Vlad?" Aizawa asked.
"Tome for combat training!" Vlad King announced. "This will be a battle between Class A and Class B, here, in one corner of Fielf Gamma! You will be grouped into teams of four or five. Each competing one at a time."
"That sounds like fun," Tokage smiled. "Hope it's a good mix."
"Me, too!" Komori cheered.
"Which Shinos, that makes 42 competitors," said Shishida. "So won't it be impossible to divide the teams equally?"
"Which is why he'll be participating in two matches," Vlad King answered as he held up two fingers. "One time with us and one time with Class A.
"Class A already has a student more than Class B," Eva said. "Would it be fair for Class B to be doing more with five against four?"
"It's important for them to learn to overcome obstacles like these," Mr. Aizawa answered. "In the real world, you may be one hero against twenty villains on your own."
"Three of the five matches will be five-against-four," Vlad King said. "Prepare yourselves."
"That's super unfair for the smaller team!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"It's probably more of a disadvantage to have the inexperienced Shinso on your side," Vlad King said. "The larger teams will have the advantage in numbers, fighting when there's more against you, but also a handicap. Listen closely to the scenario. You're all hero agencies trying to capture a villainous organization. You should consider our opponents to be evil criminals! You'll win if you capture four competitors."
"They do say villains are organizing more these days," said Komori.
Tetsutetsu punched his hand. "Keepin' it nice and simple."
"Aw!" Ida cried. "We're heroes, but we're villains to the opposing team?" He had his hands on his head. "I've lost this sort of roleplay before!"
"This does go against your nature," Yaoyorozu said.
"Ida," Eva said. "You were the MVP of that exercise, remember?"
"I'll strive to be MVP again!" Ida declared as he gave a thumbs up.
"In your team's base camp you'll find an adorable decorated prison," Vlad King continued with the instructions. "Once you put your enemies behind bars, that will count as a capture." They saw a pink prison thing with Principal Nezu's head sticking out."
"Not wrong about the adorable part," Eva commented as she titled her head; finger under her chin.
"Who designed that thing?" Kaminari asked.
"It would be most efficient to try and disarm our opponents and capture them near their own bases," Shishida said. "But I doubt it will be that easy when we get down to it."
"So we gotta capture four losers," Bakugo said. "Is that what you meant when you said disadvantage?"
"Huh?" Kaminari asked.
"Well, your team might not be used to fighting together, and if four people on one of the five-person teams are captured, that will be considered a loss," Aizawa explained.
"You're making us haul around excess baggage?" Katsuki asked as he got into a darker mood. "That's some bull crap!"
"Hey, now, don't be mean about it!" Kaminari urged.
"It's fine," Shinso said. "He makes a fair point."
"Aw, your understanding makes us look like a bunch of jerks!" exclaimed Kaminari.
"Now," Aizawa said and Vlad King held up boxes.
"Draw your lots," Vlad King instructed.
1st Fight
Kirishima, Kaminari, Koda, and Tsu vs. Shiozaki, Shishida, Tsuburaba, and Rin.
2nd Fight
Tokoyami, Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, and Aoyama vs Komori, Kendo, Fukidashi and Kuroiro.
3rd Fight
Eva, Ojiro, Todoroki, Shoji, and Ida vs Tsunotori, Honenuki, Tetsutetsu, and Kaibara
4th Fight
Sato, Sero, Jiro, and Bakugo vs Kamakiri, Awase, Tokage, and Bondo
5th Fight
Mineta, Ashido, Urakaka and Deku vs Monoma, Kodai, Yanagi, and Shoda.
"Your turn Shinso," Vlad King said as the two boxes were moved closer to him. "You'll join one team from each class. If you draw Team 4 for Class A, then you will redraw." Shinso picked Team 1 for Class A and Team 5 for Class B.
"Let's have some fun out there, man!" declared Kirishima. "This is gonna be awesome!" He raised a fist. "Let's get pumped!"
"Tell us more details about your Quirk," Tsu requested.
"I bet girls kinda dig that smirk," Kaminari suspected. "You rake 'em in, huh?"
"Let's win," Shinso said. He was now with Team 5 from Class B.
"You're a perfect addition!" Monoma said. "Let's destroy the always-in-danger Class A and humiliate them!"
"Take a lesson from us and tune him out as much as you can," Shoda advised.
"Lookin' forward to it," Shinso said.
"YEAH LET'S ANNIHILATE THESE EGO MANIACS!" yelled Monoma. All the teams were going over strategies.
"We're teaming up again, Ida!" Eva cheered as she put her hands on his shoulders. "Rounds 2 of being villains together!"
"WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!" Ida cried as he put his hands on his head.
"HEY!" Bakugo grunted as he neared Class A's Team 3. "If anything of you losers lets Eva get captured then I'm roasting all of you sorry ass losers!"
"Katsuki," Eva breathed. "If I get captured then it means I'll become more aware of things I need to work on, don't put it on them."
Katsuki grunted tilting his head. "You my best girl, Eva...if those four losers can't protect you then I will destroy them."
"I need to protect them as well," Eva said.
"Shouldn't you strategize with your team?" Ojiro asked as he crossed his arms.
"Yeah!" Ida, Shoji, and Todoroki agreed all in the same pose.
"Teams will begin at your base camp," Vlad King informed. "You'll have 20 minutes."
"If there's no decisive victory within the time limit, then whoever has the most people left will be the winners," Aizawa announced.
"Oh!" Ashido chimed. "All Might and Midnight are here together!" Eva looked over. " Z'it a date?"
"Stop that," Midnight ordered. "Older men aren't my thing." She looked at the former number-one hero. "Which class would you put the odds on?"
"I couldn't really say," All Might answered. "Class A has definitely gotten stronger after overcoming many different crises. But the thing is---if you look at their grades, Class B has actually improved more than they have. It's probably because they were able to cover the curriculum since they didn't run into outside trouble. They've been getting better at a steady rate. Class A has turned disasters into strength, while Class B has taken a more traditional; approach to their studies. This'll be good."
"Fighters take your marks!" Vlad King instructed into a microphone.
"You're really into this," Aizawa noted.
"And...start!" Vlad King announced when the buzzer sounded. Everyone was watching the screens while their classmates battled. Koda was using his quirk to search for the other team with his birds, in minutes they watched Shishida take Class A by surprise, throwing Kirishima and Tsu into the walls. Tsubaraba was on top of Shishida; he blew his quirk out in squares trapping Koda inside. Suddenly, Shishida suddenly fell limp.
"Wait," Izuku gasped. "What is that mask?"
"Not sure," Eva answered as she put a finger to her face. "He didn't wear it when we trained together."
"It's a voice modulator," Yaoyorozu said. "Combined with his quirk... it's genius." As Shinso went on strike, Tsubara captured Shinso in an air prison. Kaminari shot up; Shishida caught him, and Kaminari then electrocuted him. Soon Shishida let go of Kaminari, and Tsu captured Tsubara with his tongue.
"Dang, d' you see him?" Sato asked as they watched the battle continue; Shishida was now going after Tsu. "That guy is super powerful."
"Faster, Tsu, c'mon!" Urakaka urged,
"Don't you worry," Izuku advised, they looked at him. "Trust our classmates. They've got this." Kirishima then broke through the pile of rubble he was underneath, and he quickly ran over to free Koda. Those two went to face Shishida to allow Tsu to get Tsubara behind bars. As they went to attack, Shishida slimmed down; slipping right through them. He grabbed Kirshima, he got placed behind bars.
"Oh, no!" Urakaka cried. "I can't believe they caught him!"
"Agreed," Ida nodded. "But Asui managed to snare Tsubara."
"The odds are still even," said Todoroki.
"No," Katsuki denied. "They're definitely not."
"Hm?" Eva asked; glancing back at him. Katsuki crouched down and whispered in her ear as they watched Koda struggle against Shishida. Tsu and Kaminari tried to attack from both sides, but Shishida easily evaded with a jump. He then took off with Koda; putting him behind bars as well. Kaminari and Tsu began to break Shinso free.
"Oh, what's this?" Vlad King asked. "Class B's already pulling ahead. Each team has three competitors left, but it's obvious Class B is setting themselves up for a win. Can't say I'm surprised given their brains and brawn." Everyone glanced at him. "My superior students are attacking furiously. Looks like they'll finally crush Class A!"
"Yeah!" Monoma cheered. "Keep brin' in the truth, Mr. Vlad!"
"That must be where Monoma gets it from," Eva commented, Ashido, Jirio and Aoyama appeared behind her with a sign.
"Stop with the biased commentary!" Ashido ordered.
"That beast is strong," Sero said looking at Sato. "He'll be hard to take down."
Sato nodded. "And his sense of smell is no joke either. It's as strong as Eva's." This time around; they were able to hear what the teams were saying, such as Shishida smelling three Asui's.
"I don't get what Shishida's saying," Kaibara admitted. "She can't multiply herself like Mr. Ectoplasm does, right? There should be only one of her?"
"It's a trickery thing," Eva said; he looked at her. "Mask your scent on others to make them undetectable to others."
"You seem to know a lot about it," Awase said as Tsu, Kaminari, and Shinso ran toward enemy territory.
"Fairy dust can be used to cloak others or a fae itself from others," Eva explained. "The others back home in the Otherworld use it all the time." Shiozaki used her veins to detect the others, capturing and pulling Kaminari into the light. She cut most of her hair; trapping Kaminari like at the sports festival. Rin used his quirk to shoot off Kaminari's pointer; before the lightning attack could be completed, Shiozaki tangled him even more in her vines. As she was lowering Kaminari, Shiozaki became brainwashed.
"Shinso is cool!" Eva commented as she hugged her knees.
"You mentioned that you've been training with Shinso for a bit," Shoji recalled. "What did your training mainly conclude?"
"Mainly the capture scarf," Eva answered. "It's a delight to see him use in battle." Shishida suddenly started to charge in the area where Shinso was hidden. Before Rin could wake up Shizaoki, Tsu grabbed a hold of her with her tongue. Asui went head to head with Rin and Shishida went head to head with Shinso.
Shinso captured one of the poles on top; bringing it down on Shishida's head, he went to go strike when Tsu slammed Rin into him.
"Alright!" Urakaka cheered as the Tsu rescued Shinso.
"Yes!" Ida cheered. "Expertly done."
"Hey, Shinso's awesome," Mineta complimented. "I'd say he's good to transfer."
"No," Izuku said as he worked on his notebook. "Asui and Kaminari's quick thinking let him shine. That's why he did so well. That's teamwork. By erasing their smells with Asui's mucus, making them hard to pinpoint, and using the vocal modifier, they made it so the other team couldn't communicate."
"Brainwashing," Shoto said. "It's an even more annoying Quirk than I thought it was before." Katsuki let out a sigh. Eva looked over to see Izuku staring at her in thought.
Vlad King started to growl when it was shown that Class A had won that round. "Despite their failures, the team of Class A plus Shinso are the winners!" Soon the two teams were back at the platform.
"Explain what you learned or would do differently," Aizawa instructed.
Kirishima took off his headpiece, "Well, if I'm not brawling with my enemies, then my Quirk ends up kinda useless. If that had been real, Shiozaki would have just murdered me before I ever hit the ground."
"I need to be able to give more detailed instructions to the bugs I call," Koda said.
"And I pretty much killed it!" Kaminari gleamed as he gave two thumbs up. "Thinkin' I probably made some new fans." He jumped around more. "It's cool! Those warm feelings aren't something you can control! Now, let's hear some praise. I'm not shy."
"We lost Koda and Kirishima quick," Tsu said. "It was a blow to our team's morale. I wish we could've won without losing anybody but...we were sloppy out there."
"The binding cloth," Shinso began as he stared at the weapon. "I couldn't even use a tenth of what I'd learned from you. All that practice with Eva and I still couldn't use it properly. It's so frustrating."
"There's a reason they call it training," Aizawa said. "The scarf is hard to use. Took me six years to master. Move on, but don't forget this feeling."
"Right..." Shinso sighed.
"The two who went through work studies dug deep into their reflections," said Aoyama.
"It's not surprising," Sero said. "They faced those Shie Hassaikai villains. I heard it was a pretty intense raid. If you experience fighting like that, it changes the way you think and how you approach a battle. Even a training battle like this, I guess."
Jiro put a hand over her mouth to hide her laughter. "Compared to the others that brain-dead shock jock looks like a total moran."
"Listen up," Aizawa began. "Kirishima, you should focus on forcing your opponent into a head-on fight."
"Yes, sir!" Kirishima responded.
"Koda, it's exactly what you said," Aizawa acknowledged. "Increase the accuracy with which you control animals. Don't rush. Think about your enemy's weaknesses." He nodded. "Kaminari! You weren't serious at the start." His cheerfulness fell. "Are you only strong if your team's in trouble?"
"No," Kamainri gloomed.
"Asui, focus on how to recover from a mistake instead of the mistake itself," Aizawa advised.
"Yes, sir," Asui nodded.
"Use what you learned today to improve your future," Aizawa advised. "Dismissed!"
"Yes, sir!" they responded as he walked away.
"Yay!" Kaminari sounded.
Vlad King was angry with his class. "Do you know why you lost? Or shall I explain it to you?" They nodded. "Shishisa was your focal point." The boy fell back. "Or wait. Was Shiozaki your ace? If you'd only come together as a team, you could've taken them all."
"It's not in Shiozaki's nature to deceive," Monoma pointed out. "Forgot to consider that fact, Beast Man, didn't you?"
"You're correct," Shishida confirmed. "And as a result, we allowed our opponents time to come up with a plan." He turned to his classmate. "You have my sincerest apologies."
"Hellfire spares one," Shiozaki said.
"What a shame," said Monoma as he walked to the group. "But I learned something swell. He's good." He had his eyes on Shinso. "I'm looking forward to having him on my side. Shinso, buddy! Let's come up with a plan to make Class A cry like toddlers!" He got closer. "Something that'll really ruin their lives."
"We should strategize as well," Ida said as the team faced each other.
"Todoroki and Eva are both strong focal points," Shoji said.
"I am?" Shoto asked.
"We all haven't fully worked together," Eva said. "Shoji and Ojiro in particular, what are your strengths and weaknesses?" They discussed more.
"Eva, have you gotten any better at maneuvering in tight spaces?" Ida asked.
"I've been training with Sero on that part," Eva answered. "Though I still struggle."
"You've been training in Gamma a lot which means you know there are plenty of places to hide," Ida said.
"It'll be a pain to find the enemy," Ojiro said.
"I'm on it," Shoji assured. "With Honenuki's quirk, Eva, you should probably avoid touching anything, having one less person to get stuck can be an advantage." She nodded.
"We can save Ida for our trump card if we're in a bind," Eva said.
"Uh," Ida began as he turned to her. "Before you rely on me, there's something I wanted to tell you about my Recipro." They discussed even more.
"Second-round teams, to the field!" Vlad King shouted.
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