Chapter 41

A new school day came, Eva was walking to class with Shoto; he was telling her all about how his father was recovering from the fight with the Nomu. 

"Hey!" Izuku greeted them once they entered the class. "Is Endeavor doing okay?"

"Yeah," Todoroki answered. "Sounds like his condition isn't serious."

"Oh, wow," Izuku smiled. "So glad!"

"Guess you can be pretty proud of your pops, huh?" Mineta asked. They all looked as Shoto stared at the ground. 

"Yes," Todoroki breathed. "That's true." Everyone made their way to the seats.

The door opened again. "Right, the bell already rang, so--" He stopped to see everyone was already seated. "Okay..." He went to the center of the room. "It's time to stop playing around and be more serious. Things get harder from here. Even though you only have provisional licenses, you've been given the certification to act as heroes in an official capacity. Or at least, most of you have. Two of you remain in supplemental courses." Bakugo looked away in annoyance. "From this moment on, we'll be kicking your training up a notch. So be prepared. Now, then. For today's homeroom lecture--" Alarm blared; red lights filled the classroom. 

"Emergency drill, emergency drill!" a Nezu robot voice announced. "Hypothetical villains have infiltrated UA High School grounds. Assistance from Hero Course Class 1-A requested." Everyone got up. "Please change into your hero costumes and report as soon as possible."

"You heard the announcement, everyone," Iida said as he stood up. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed; soon they all quickly got ready; everyone gathered on a rooftop, and in the distance, there was a ton of smoke.

"At the moment, our tactical information is limited,  but we know that villains have infiltrated Ground Beta," Iida announced. "Even if this is only a drill, we will carry out this mission as though lives are on the line.

"We need to understand the situation better," Yaoyorozu added. "Reconnaissance squad, if you will."

"We're on it," Jiro assured. 

Koda stepped forward giving a loud whistle. "Bird friends, please look for damaged buildings and people in need. " Eva flew up as Jiro stuck her ear jack onto the ground.

"Northeast, 900 meters out," Jiro reported. "Something's definitely going down!"

"I can confirm smoke from an explosion in that direction," Shoji reported. "A building collapsed near the river. It's currently ablaze. I don't see any villains here."

"Roger that," Ida said. "Our foremost priority is to put out that fire."

"I can help with that," Yaoyorozu offered. Mina and Eva forced Mineta down as Yaoyorozu opened her suit to activate her quirk. She produced a large wagon. "No time to waste. We need an extinguishing squad to race to the scene. Ingenium?"

"Shoto," Ida said. 

"We've got this," Shoto assured. 

"I'll join as well," Tokoyami offered.

"Me too!" Sato said as he went with the others.

"And moim" Aoyama winked. 

"Oh no!" Koda gasped. "Someone got swept away by the river!"

"A victim?" Eva asked. 

"It's our turn now, Violet Gust and Grape Juice," said Froppy. "We'll save them." He stood up quickly.

"Rescue squad and Extinguishing Squad moving out!" Iida announced. Everyone got into place; Iida took place at the front of the wagon; everyone else but Eva got in. 

"Meet you there," Eva said. "Good speed." 

Ida nodded as he got into position. "Ingenium...Go!" They all sped toward the scene. Eva flew up; then shot right over to the flames; she circled the fire; she used her quirk to create a small whirlwind around the fire sucking out the oxygen. When Iida and the others came; Iida's halt sent the others flying. "Shoto. You're up."

"No problem," Shoto said as he stood up; he sent out a large amount of ice; Eva landed on the tip of an ice spot.

"Excellent job!" Iida complimented. 

"Crisis adverted!" Sato cheered. 

"C'rest magnifique," Aoyama commented. 

"Froppy, are you at the river?" Tokoyami asked. "Report in."

"I found them," Tsu answered.

"Where are they?" Eva asked.

"Over there!" Froppy exclaimed; they looked over to see Mirio laughing as he floated down the river.

"Gee, how'd I end up in here?" Mirio asked. "This can't be good, amiright?"

"Shut up, is that Togata?" Mineta asked. 

"What's he doing here?" Sato asked.

"He's on a leave of absence," Iida asked.

"Talk about rotten luck," Mirio said. "Hope I don't die!"

" The bridge!" Iida gasped as a piece fell off.

"Tsukuyomi, toss me out there," Mineta instructed. "I got this."

"Very well," Tokoyami agreed.

"Me, too, Sugarman," Froppy said. "I'll help."

"Right!" Sato yelped. 

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami shouted.

"Here we go!" Dark Shadow cheered as he was released Sato ate sugar cubes and then helped throw the other two.

"AND GO!" Sato yelled as he threw the other two. 

"C'mon, Grape Rush!" Mineta should as he threw multiple balls toward the bridge;

"Ribbit!" Tsu shouted; her tongue wrapped around Mirio; pulling him out of the water and over to the bridge.

"Hey, look at that," Mirio smiled as he dangled. "You saved me, yay!"

"All right!" Sato exclaimed. 

"Reconnaissance squad," Iida greeted. "Any update on the search for villains?"

"Nothing here," Shoji answered. "We haven't found anyone."

"Copy that," Iida said. "Please keep--" A huge explosion happened; they all looked back.

"I don't understand," Shoto frowned. "My ice should have stopped the blaze." The other team arrived; Pinky spread acid over a few places; Aoyama used his navel laser to knock down a large block of concrete; using it to suffocate the fire.

"Smart," Iida complimented. "We can keep the fire contained."

"This time, I'll make sure to snuff it out," Shoto promised as he sent another large ice attack. 

"BE CAREFUL!" Jiro shouted. "Somethings heading in your direction!" Everyone ducked as energy waves entered their path.

"Wait" Eva breathed as she looked over and saw Nejire.

"It can't be," Izuku added. 

"Hey! Hey! There are still villains to deal with," Hado reminded them; she had captured Pinky with Sero's tape. "Do you guys remember me? I'm a villain today. Did you know that?"

"So Hado's playing a bad guy in this drill?" Izuku asked. 

"Not just her!" Amajiki denied it; they all looked back at him. "I'm also a bad guy!"

"Amajicki?" Eva asked.

"Man," Amajiki breathed when his hood fell off. "Why'd they have to drag me into this? I feel like everyone's staring. I'll just pretend they're potatoes. Yeah, there are no heroes here. Only starches." He started to walk in the opposite direction. "I'm going home."

"Wait a minute, is he really just taking off?" Urakaka asked. 

"I think maybe he's just confused," Ojiro added. 

"Hey! Stop this, Amajiki!" Hado protested. He stopped walking and looked back at her. "You can't bounce, you have a big part to play. And don't any of you move, either! Or it'll be bad! Because I'm a fearsome villain right now!"

"To think they'd pit us against members of the big Three!" Iida noted. 

"With Pinky as a hostage," Tokoyami said.

"We might be able to sneak up from behind," Shoto said.

"Clever!" Tokoyami nodded; he began to move along with the others.

"I told you not to move!" Hado shouted as she looked back. "What didn't you get?" They all stopped. "Kids like you must be punished!"

"Watch out," Iida ordered.

"Full charge," Hado stated. "Output level 30." Hado's blast collided with Todoroki's ice.

"Uh-oh!" Mirio shouted as he fell backward into the water.

"Ribbit!" Tsu cried as Mineta screamed.

"Dang, I got washed away again, huh?" Mirio asked with only his head sticking out. 

"We have to grab him!" Tsu cried as she jumped in. "Violet Gust!" 

"He's obviously doing this on purpose!" Mineta shouted as he jumped in. Eva looked back to see that Iida was running along the edge; Shoto and Tokoyami were following with the ice. Eva took an item out of her armband; with a click, it extended into a human-size bug catcher. She flew till she was in front of Mirio; turned placed her feet on top of the water; kept fluttering to keep herself from going under. She captured him into the net; then lifted him out.

"All right!" Mirio cheered as Eva flew over to land. "That was a heck of a swim! Much appreciated! You saved me!" Tsu and Mineta were now out of the water.

"The drill is over," Principal Nezu's robot voice announced. "The drill is over."

"It appears we met all our objectives," Todoroki said. 

"Yes, it would seem," Tokoyami agreed. 

"When did you get that, Eva?" Ida asked as he looked at the rescued item.

"Hatusme," Eva answered looking at him; he screamed a little in fear. 

"DIE!" Katsuki's voice was heard followed by an explosion; they all looked over to see a huge smoke cloud; they watched it rise taking the form of a skull. 

That night; after another milk and honey drink; Eva was in Bakugo's room studying with him.

"What you think of the training earlier?" Bakugo asked.

"I could've helped out more," Eva answered. "Didn't do as much as I could." She looked over at him. "What happened at the faculty lounge with you?"

"Went overboard," Katsuki answered as he closed his book. "I'm going to bed."

Eva looked at the clock. "It's not 8:30 yet." Bakugo looked over at her. "Just a few more minutes."

"This may sound strange," Bakugo began. "But I miss the stories your dad told us."

"Hm?" Eva asked as she stood up; she went and sat on the bed. "I miss them too."

"You got a favorite?" Katsuki as Eva laid back; her feet dangling over the edge. "I always liked the one about the ice witch."

"If I had to pick..." Eva began to think. "This is hard...the skeleton king."

Katsuki laid down next to her. "Tell that one." Eva looked at him funnily. "Don't you look at me like that." Eva then began to tell the story; she was halfway through to find that he was fast asleep; soon she fell asleep. Instead of falling asleep in her own dream; Eva found herself in someone else's dream. She looked around to find 9 people; one covered in completely yellow that looked like All Might and Izuku who was covered in this green stuff with his mouth covered. Eva slowly walked over; observing the people; then at Izuku who was looking at his hand.

"Izuku," Eva greeted; he looked over at her and became alarmed.

"Stand at my side!" All For One's voice ordered; they both looked at All For One and another boy standing a distance from each other. "Dear, foolish little brother. "Why do you resist me?"

"Because what you are doing is wrong!" One For All exclaimed. "I refuse to stand by and watch as you corrupt everything around us!"

All For One raised his arms. "What a callous thing to say. I'm trying to compromise with you. But let me guess: tolerance is not part of your rigid sense of Justice."

"The world is falling apart right now; it's in utter chaos, but Meta powers shouldn't be used to further self-interest," One For All explained. "You're only thinking about how you can fulfill your own desires!"

All For One held out his hand. "Come." Two men appeared; a bald guy and one with fangs sticking out of his face. "This man's jaw was transformed. Those wretched fangs simply won't stop growing. He's a kind-hearted man who takes care of his elderly parents. But he was persecuted called sick and a monster. Even his own parents have abandoned him." He started to talk about the other. "This man has no abilities. On his way from work one evening he was attacked by a gang of Metas. His stun gun was rendered useless, and the tentacle-like hair of an assailant held him down as he was beaten."

The younger brother began to protest. "No, don't! There's no turning back--" He doubled over putting a hand over his mouth; coughing.

"Please help me," Fang man requested as All For One turned to them.

"Just do it," the other man ordered as All For One for a hand on them; he activated his quirk, and red lines swirled around the men. Eva watched as the Fangs disappeared on one man and then appeared on the bald one. 

"If I'm ever in need, will you lend me your aid?" All For One asked. 

"Yes, of course, I will," the one guy agreed as he touched his face. "I can go home. Thank you."

The other smiled at his new quirk. "I'll help, too. I'm forever in your debt after this gift."

"Is this the world you call chaotic?" All For One asked. "It doesn't seem so to me, brother. I saw two people in need and helped both of them using my ability."

"I'm no fool," One For All grunted. " You don't care about them; you're just adding lackeys to your collection."

All For One turned to his brother holding up a finger. "I do need people I can trust and depend on. For someone so concerned with righteousness, though, why do you ignore the joy my power brings them? The concept of humanity is broken in this world. I can use my power to restore a sense of order. So which one of us is actually indulging in self-interest, would you say?"

"What kind of order is it if you're taking advantage of people?" One For All asked. "Do you even remember how many innocents you've toyed with before you abandoned them?" He took off, a man appeared stopping One For All. 

"You'll lose your tongue before you insult him again," the man warned.

"Ah. Do try to be careful," All For One advised. "My little brother has a weak constitution. Poor thing, born without any meta abilities. Without power, you can't hope to achieve anything. You're a pitiful hypocrite, but I still love you. I hope you know that. You are my only family." The green and black smoke stuff rose; then opened revealing a city that All For One was walking down. "I will give you everything you want." One on side humans; on the other side people with quirks. All covered in red and red eyes all stood the sides. "If you agree to join me. You have my word. Choice to those without power. Mercy to those who have sinned." The green stuff flowed up; when it disappeared the little brother appeared to be in a cell, the red stuff around him a little. "You've stopped eating again. You're disintegrating into nothing. "

One For All coughed. "Brother. I refuse to become the man you want me to be. "

"But you should've been there," All For One smiled. "You should have seen them fall. All of them. They let their powers go to waste. Formed factions. Rose against me. That's why they had to be killed. But it wasn't my hand that they lost their lives. My multitude of adoring fans took it upon themselves to spite the wicked and act on my behalf. I couldn't be more thrilled. The suggestion of a desire and people act for me. A fantasy come to life. It's like the world from the comic we read together back when we were younger."

"Except you gave up and only read through volume three," One For All recalled. "You missed the end. The demon king ruled the fictional land, but a hero of justice struggled against him despite the horrible odds and saved the world. Don't you know" The villain always loses in the end." 

All For One put his hand on his brother. "Dreams have become reality." He activated his quirk. "And reality doesn't follow stock plots. I believe it's time you finally bend to my cause. I'll rewrite your story as well. Because you're dearest to me, brother."

"Let me go!" One For All cried.

"I've found a meta power for you," All For One revealed. "Even your pathetic boy can utilize it. You will join me."

"PLEASE, BROTHER!" One For All cried. They got thrown from the scene. "You're the ninth wielder right?" Izuku gasped; they saw him walking through the green. "I'm sorry. I wanted to show you both more." Izuku and Eva glanced at each other and then back at the man. "But he is barely using 20 percent of the power." He reached out his hand; Izuku did the same. "Be careful. We're long past the singularity point." Their hands reached toward each other. "Don't be afraid. You are not alone." All the predecessors of One For All were reaching out to Izuku.


Eva jolted wide awake, she stared at her own hand as many things ran through her mind. She saw she was now under a blanket; Katsuki was next to her still sound asleep. She swung her feet over; and quietly got up; stepping onto the balcony. She stared out into the night until she saw Izuku begin to go on a run. She gave him a few minutes before flying after him.

"Izuku," Eva greeted appearing him front of him; he screamed falling over. "Relax it's just me." 

He stared up at her. "You want to talk to me about..."

"Your dream," Eva answered. "What happened and why?" She helped him back to his feet.

"I'm not sure," Izuku answered. "It made me activate my quirk in my sleep." He stared up at his hand. "What were you doing in my dream?"

"I don't know," Eva answered. "I was surprised myself...perhaps you should talk to him about it?" Izuku nodded.

"What were you thinking about before falling asleep?" Izuku asked.

"I wanted to talk to you," Eva recalled. "We haven't really spoken much in a while and I wanted to catch up." They both stared at each other in curiosity. 


Morning came around; they were both sitting in front of All Might having tea.

"You both witnessed the memories of the original?" All Might asked. 

"We did," Izuku confirmed. "It was scary. Mostly because All For One was a part of the dream, too."

"He called the original little brother," Eva added. 

"You've seen them, right?" Izuku asked. "When you were younger? You saw the spirits of those who wielded our Qurik?"

"Yeah," All Might said. "I saw for young Yuki seeing them." They both looked at her. "I believe you saw them by dream walking on accident." He looked at Izuku. "I learned from my master--my predecessor, that is--about the existence of vestiges. That's why I even know how the power functions. I witnessed its history."

"The memory stopped after the first wielder was given the Quirk," Izuku called. "Then he spoke to me and Eva...mainly me."

"He said about how Izuku was only using 20 percent," Eva explained. "And something he called the singularity." 

"He was looking right at me," Izuku added. 

"Hm?" All Might sounded. 

"When I first saw them during the sports festival, you said they were like ghosts that didn't have intentions," Izuku recalled. "But I think they wanted something from me."

All Might put his hand under his chin. "I didn't experience it like you did. "And you know everything my master told me. Based on what I know, this phenomenon has only happened to you." He then got quiet; in deep thought.

"All Might?" Eva asked. "Are you still with us?"

All Might suddenly coughed blood spilling onto the floor; alarming the other two. "So, you accidentally powered up, and that woke you. Were you hurt?"

"No, I'm good," Izuku answered. 

"I'm happy to hear that," All Might said. "I wish I had more answers, but right now, the only thing I can say is that I don't know what happened to you last night. And what about the singularity?"

"There's a rumor about something like that," Eva recalled.  "Even back in the Otherworld, there were whispers about The Quirk Singularity doomsday theory."

"Quirks mix and evolve as they're passed down through generations," Izuku recalled. "Kids end up a combination of their parents."

"Like Shoto," Eva said. 

"The theory goes that this will lead to stronger, and more complex powers today," Izuku continued. "Extraordinary abilities that nobody will be able to control. Which makes some sense."

"It's still unclear if you were the cause of this event or if something external was at play," All Might said. "Do you two remember anything else? The smallest detail can be helpful."

"Uh, let me think," Izuku began; he and Eva looked at each other. "There were two figures I couldn't make out. Oh, and you were kind of a glow-y-blur." They looked back at All Might. "Maybe it's still 'cause you're still relatively new? And alive? You think that's how it works?"

"Sorry, kid," All Might grunted. "But your guess is as good as mine. What's important is that you remember One For All is your ally. We'll keep investigating this together. Young Yuki; I want you to work on dream walking more, so you can be there if the vestiges appear to him like that again. "Eva nodded. 

"Right," Izuku nodded. "So we just do our best. Oh! One more thing; it's about your master."

"She was so beautiful!" Eva chimed. "Extremely pretty!"

"I know!" All Might agreed. "You two got practical training this afternoon. Better go or you'll be late."

"Good call!" Izuku agreed as they were in the hallway. 

"I'll be watching today, too. It sounds like a riot." Eva looked forward to seeing Aizawa stepping into the hallway.

"In a good way, or...?" Izuku asked. 

"Of course, you two," Aizawa grunted. "You look like you're thick as thieves, per usual."

"Aizawa!" All Might gasped. "It's nothing. No special treatment or funny business...Young Midoriya was just supporting a concern that Young Yuki had."

"It's not like I caught you doing something inappropriate," Aizawa responded in irritation. "Calm down."

All Might was taken back. "You didn't have to put it that way."

"Shinso!" Eva greeted him as he stepped into the hallway. 

"Were you hanging out with Mr. Aizawa?" Izuku asked. "I hope you're learning a lot from him!"

Shinso smiled a bit putting a hand behind his head. "Oh, I am...Yuki's been helping a lot as well."

" should start warming up," Aizawa advised. "It's going to be a busy day."

"Yes, sir!" the two responded. 

Izuku and Eva began to walk down to the changing rooms.

"Dreamwalking," Izuku repeated. 

"It was silly to be freaked out about it," Eva admitted. "Just about everyone in the Otherworld can do it...just thought it got eliminated like other things due to my quirk."

"A first time for anything can freak anyone out," Izuku said. "But I wonder why now after all this time...have you been doing anything different?"

"I had that honey milk drink that you gave Iida," Eva answered; Izuku looked at her weirdly. "He said that you gave him a recipe."

"I didn't give him anything," Izuku answered with a small smile. "I think Iida found it all on his own."

Eva frowned. "He didn't have to do that."

"Don't think too much about it," Izuku advised with a smile. "He just takes his job as class rep very seriously." 

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