Chapter 39
It was now the night before the festival, they were getting in one last practice at the gym. Eva was sitting up on the stage.
"We'll have to clear outta the gym soon!" Kirishima said. "But we should have enough time for one more run-through!
Mina started to clap her hands. "Look alive! And one, and two, and three. And one, and two, and three. And pose! Then Aoyama goes to the center and Midoriya and Yuki book it offstage."
"Oui," Aoyama said.
"On it," Izuku said at the same time as Eva nodded.
"Midoriya. You're still lacking passion," Ashido scolded. "So bring the fire!
"Roger!" Izuku responded.
"I was scared we were going to seem like amateurs," Sero admitted. "But things are looking good. The band and dance teams are stepping up their games and putting in the work. Guess it helps that Ashido's a merciless coach."
"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "Dancing's her thing so she's taking this seriously. I think Bakugo fired everyone up. And that just the band members."
"I'll admit, I am getting a little nervous," Yaoyorozu panicked as she pretended to play the keyboard.
"Hey, don't improvise during the actual concert," Jiro instructed.
"Huh?!" Katsuki asked.
"It's just, not everyone can keep up with you," Jiro said,
"Why you gotta drag me like that, Jiro?" Kaminari asked.
"I don't think you're the only one she's talking about, friend," Tokoyami said as he put a hand on Kaminari's shoulder.
"We need you up on that catwalk like, yesterday, so hurry," Ashido urged. "When Aoyama's in place, get him in the air."
"Wee!" Aoyama smiled as he got pulled in the air.
"That's it! Perfect!" Ashido cheered.
"It's already 9 o'clock!" Hound Dog shouted as he busted the doors open. "Students should've cleared out of the gym by now!"
"Crap," Kirishima grunted. "Let's beat it." They then quickly made their way out of the gym.
"Hey, hey!" Ashido smiled as she tapped Eva. "Can you fly me home? Come on! Please!"
"Sure," Eva laughed.
"Yeah!" Ashido cheered jumping into Eva's arms. "Go fast! Speed! Whooooo!"
"Me, too!" Tsu called out. "Bleh!" She shot out her tongue, wrapping it around Eva's waist.
"Careful!" Jiro exclaimed. "Just don't get hurt before tomorrow."
"You dumbasses, get back on the ground," Katsuki grunted.
"You just don't wanna lose," Eva said looking at him; a lot of the class grew shocked.
"WHAT?!" Katsuki shouted looking at her. "I can beat you any day!"
"Sure you can," Eva grunted as she started to go higher.
"BRING IT WINGS!" Katsuki demanded as he got into a starting position.
"We can't use our quirks!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air. "Do you want to be on house arrest again!?"
"Hang tight," Eva said to Ashido and Tsu.
"We are going to win!" Ashido cheered.
"Like hell! I'm not losing this race to you, Wings!" Katsuki argued as he jumped on Iida's back. "Move it legs!"
"Pardon me!" Iida said. "As your class rep, you are to call me Iida! And I am not partaking in this foolishness!"
"See you there!" Eva chimed as she took off Iida ended up partaking as well. Ashido cheered, even more, Tsu was happily dangling below. Soon they were all back in the dorms. Eva landed just as Katsuki and Iida got on top of the steps of the dorm, crashing into each other. They rolled right into the middle of the common room.
"I won," Katsuki grunted as he started to pin Eva.
"Not at all," Eva argued as she shoved her hand in his face.
"I flipped you three on purpose, so I would WIN!" Katsuki shouted as he sat on her.
"And you brought me down with you," Iida sighed. "I can't believe I let myself get dragged into this foolishness."
"No way, we totally landed before you got to the top step!" Ashido argued as they got up.
"SO WHAT OF IT!" Katsuki shouted.
"In all technicalities, we never set where the finish line would be," Tsu said. "Ribbit." They looked over to see she was sitting on the couch. "But I would say I was the one to win this race. Ribbit."
"Tsu!" Ashido and Eva smiled. Soon the rest of their classmates came in. 11:35 pm came around, some of their classmates went to bed, and some stayed up. Eva sat on the couch with Ashido and Kirishima. Ashido had her legs over Eva's legs, they were cuddling close to each other.
"Woo! I can't sleep!" Kaminari cheered.
"Yeah, right?" Mineta agreed. "I'm stupid excited!" Those two ran around.
"Not so loud!" Ashido scolded. "People are sleeping upstairs.
"I just hope the audience will be that enthusiastic," Iida wished.
"It's probably better if we don't think about it very much," Jiro advised, Eva noticed how nervous Jiro was getting. "Being embarrassed. Worrying what others are thinking. That'll kill our vibe. We should focus on having fun. That's what really matters."
"Yeah, says the girl who was super scared to front the band!" Kaminari teased.
"Shut up, that was a totally different situation," Jiro blushed harder.
"What Jiro said was good advice for more than just the performance," Izuku said as he sat at the table with Aoyama.
"Oui," Aoyama agreed. "When you try to make others feel good, you end up raising your own spirits, too."
"Exactly," Izuku agreed as he picked up the rope. "Ah--This rope is so frayed."
"Mon Dieu!" Aoyama said. "We put it through some abuse during practice. it's physical proof of our blossoming friendship!"
"But it's dangerous," Izuku worried. "I should have noticed this before."
"Yaoyorozu will make you a new one," Kaminari suggested in a high voice. "And some tea."
"Yaomomo is already in bed," Eva brought up.
"And don't treat her like your own personal factory," Ashido scolded.
"But people use me as a phone charger on the regular," Kaminari groaned. Eva thought back to her phone, it had been dead since yesterday. She's been using a lot since the festival was happening, along with set times to go help others with training. If it wasn't for that, her phone would have been dead for three days straight. The only reason she got a phone in the first place is because Katsuki and Izuku teamed up to convince her when they were 12.
"That's 'cause men get no respect," Mineta groaned.
"Nah. I'll go buy a new one in the morning," Izuku said. "It's my fault for not noticing. And this'll work out. I'm up early for training anyway."
"Okay, but the performance is at 10 tomorrow," Kaminari pointed out. "And most places don't open till 9."
"There's a hardware store about 15 minutes from UA," Izuku said. "That place opens at 8 AM, so I'll hit it up."
"That's cutting it pretty close, dude," Kaminari said.
"I can drop you off there," Eva offered.
"That'll be great!" Izuku lit up. "After you drop me off, you can head back up to campus."
"You sure?" Eva asked.
"Yeah," Izuku nodded.
"Well, goodnight," Ashido smiled as she got up. "I should be getting to sleep."
"Before we go, how about we night owls make a final promise!" Kirishima suggested as he punched his fists. "To do our best. We're gonna pull this off. And rock everyone at UA!"
"Yeah!" the group cheered. They all went to their rooms to get some sleep before the big day. Eva lay in her bed staring at the ceiling. The whole past month was going through her head. All the training, visiting Eri. It also went back to other feelings. Living among humans was interesting, it had helped her grow to like them a lot more. Though she was missing home. Even if it was just seeing one fae, that being her dad, it was good enough. Since living on campus, she doesn't get to see her home realm. She turned on her side and then stared at the photo of her mom on her study desk. Soon she drifted off to sleep.
The next morning came around, it was now 6:45 in the morning. Eva was up she was on her balcony, sucking on a honey sucker and reading a book.
"Hey!" a voice exclaimed as the door to her room opened. Eva looked back to see Ashido, Kirishima, and Kaminari walking in.
"Oh, morning," Eva greeted. "What are you three doing up so early?"
"A girl from the business course named Genesis is at the door," Kirishima said.
"She's pretty cute," Kaminari smirked. "Do you think you can get her number for me?"
"She said she's been calling you all morning," Ashido said as she picked up Eva's phone, she tried to turn it on to learn it was dead. Kaminari took her phone, to charge it himself.
"Oh, I think my phone's dead," Eva said as she went inside. "Sorry about that. Is everything alright?"
"She said something about shedding, you have a lot left over, especially since Aizawa brought some," Kirishima said.
"Oh, that's right!" Eva gasped, as she opened one of her drawers. "I promised her some to sell at the festival. It's very good for your plants." Eva then went over to her balcony to find Genesis staring up at her.
"Hey, there!" Kaminari greeted as he appeared next to Eva. "The name's Denki Kaminari! I can treat you out to a barbecue sometime! I can treat you to Takoyaki at the festival or crepes! Whatever you prefer!"
"I love your hair!" Ashido chimed as she appeared next to Eva on the other side. Eva looked back to see Kirishima sprinkling fairy wings into a plant, he was in amazement as he watched it become instantly healthier.
Soon 8:00 AM rolled around, Eva received a text from Izuku that he was running late, and gave her a location. Eva instantly left where she was located, and then flew over to Izuku. She found him running through the excited students. She grabbed him and then darted off to the store.
"Thanks," Izuku breathed once they landed.
"You sure you don't need me to stay?" Eva asked.
"I'll be fine," Izuku assured. "I'll be back up at the school in no time." Eva nodded before going back to the school to get ready with the others. Soon it was 8:45 AM, 15 minutes before the festival started. They were all in a locker room together, getting ready. The band members had orange shirts with the letter A. Eva wore an outfit, that was super flashy.
"It's almost time!" Kaminari squeaked. "My nerves are killin' me.
"Just take a few deep breaths," Yaoyorozu said, mainly for herself. "Try to center yourself, Kaminari."
"Are you sweating, Yaomomo?" Tokoyami asked.
"We went through the trouble of having shirts made, so put yours on, Bakugo," Jiro ordered.
"The dance outfits are super cute!" Ashido cheered as Urakaka tried to get a wrinkle out. "And all we did was jazz up some dresses."
"If I could de-wrinkle it!" Urakaka said as she played with Ashido's skirt.
"Still super sexy!" Mineta jumped up. Kaminari and Kirishima whispered into Eva's ear, as he held a shirt that Katuski refused to wear. They then continued to get ready.
"Good morning, UA!" Present Mic exclaimed over the PA. "Yeah! Prep work is all done and it's time to rock! Let's get this party goin! If you can hear my voice, get out there and have fun! Let me hear you make some noise!" A minute passed. "The UA School Festival starts now!"
"Hey Katsuki," Eva greeted as Kaminari got behind the explosive man.
"Huh?" Katsuki asked looking over at her. "Is something wrong?"
"I think a string is caught on my wing," Eva said as she turned around. "Could you check it out?" Katsuki gently felt her wings, searching for any sign of string, when Kaminari shoved the shirt over Katsuki's head.
"Hey!" Katsuki raged as Eva turned around. "There isn't a string, is there!?"
"Nope," Kaminari denied. "We just know your guard is down whenever she needs something."
"Exploiting my weaknesses?" Katsuki asked. "You damn villains!" Kaminari and Eva were laughing. "Cut it out!" Katsuki's face fell he noticed Eva start to glow just a little, he looked to see that she was wearing her ring still. He knows she's been consuming honey and milk more than she used to. She didn't eat it that much before. He then remembered something her dad said when they were younger.
It was a rainy night, they were 9, Katsuki laid on a blanket on the floor next to Eva who was under the same blanket, watching a clip of All Might on the screen. It was a news report about his most recent villain fight. Eva was asleep, but Katsuki was wide awake.
"Still awake?" her dad asked as he walked past the room with a baby squirrel. He had his ring off, so he was glowing as well, all the curtains were shut."Normally, you are out before Eva."
"I couldn't miss this!" Katsuki smiled as he looked over. "All Might is just the coolest! I am going to be just like him someday, even surpass him!"
"With your quirk, I have no doubt," Sora Yuki laughed. Katuski's face dropped, he looked at Eva and then back at Sora.
"When Eva's ring is off, she doesn't glow as bright as you do," Katsuki said. "How come? I know she eats that dumb vital stuff."
"Well, it also depends on emotions," Sora explained as he put the baby squirrel in its home. "All the honey and milk can make her glow bright, but it's the happiness and love that truly makes it brighter."
"Huh?" Katuski asked. "That weird gross stuff?" Sora laughed a little.
"That ring is currently to hold back Eva's glow at the current state her magic is at, as well as help her blend in with the humans," Sora explained. "If she ever becomes truly happy again, it will start to go past it, which means she's going to need a new ring."
"Well, how can she become happier?" Katsuki asked.
"Eva has to free herself from the sadness that is holding her back," Sora answered. "All the anger and hatred she has...especially towards humans...that needs to go away. It's normal to have those feelings, but it's also affecting her magic."
"If it fully comes back will she have to go back to Otherworld?" Katsuki asked as he looked down.
"That is up to her," her dad laughed. " If you want her to stay, then make her feel like she belongs here as much as she does back home." Katsuki looked up at him. "You are as stubborn as they come...don't give up on Eva."
"How can I call myself a hero if I give up?" Katsuki smiled. "Eva's my best friend, I will fight to see that day her magic goes past that stupid ring."
"Remember love and happiness are huge factors," her dad said.
"But I don't want to marry," Katsuki grunted as he stuck out his tongue, and her dad started laughing.
"Love is through friendship as well, kiddo," her dad said. "Create a strong bond with her, just keep doing what you are doing now." He then looked at Eva. "The last time I saw Eva truly happy was before her mom's been about...six years now."
"I promise," Katsuki said as he clenched a fist. "I will make sure Eva becomes truly happy again, I'll be by her side the whole time. As a future pro, it is my duty to save her. I don't care how long it takes."
"You are only nine," her dad laughed. "You don't have to take this on all by yourself."
"We'll see about that," Katsuki smirked, he then laughed.
Then Katsuki remembered when he walked into Eva with her ring off. It was brighter when they were little, even back before the first day of UA, than he remembered a few days ago. When Eva's light was flooding the entire top floor on the girl's side, it made Yaoyorozu think Eva was getting abducted. He remembered seeing her light go dim, which meant something was making her extremely happy or feelings of love. Either way, his goal from nine was accomplished. Katsuki put a hand over his mouth.
"Is everything alright?" Eva asked as she tilted her head.
"Just fine," Katsuki answered. "Let's go kill those losers with music." They were all now on the stage, their performance was about to start.
"There're way more people here than I thought there'd be!" Urakaka said as she peeked around the curtain.
"At least everyone sounds like they're in a good mood," Sato said.
"Well, yeah, stupid, it's a festival," Mineta said.
"Is Deku still not back?" Urakaka asked as she looked back.
"That slowpoke better put a fire under his butt and get here now!" Mineta demanded. Then it was time, the lights turned off and the buzzer went off as well. The crowd started cheering as the curtains slowly opened. Eva slowly sent out a small wave of wind, almost like a small breeze.
"This it!"
"We're rooting for you guys!"
"Show us what you've got, first years!"
"Yaoyorozu!" People started to chant her name. Eva spotted Eri in the crowd, Mirio was holding her up. Eva increased her wind a little. The lights went off as the wind increased.
"Now! Start, dammit!" Katsuki shouted as he got ready.
"Let's show 'em what we've got!" Kirishima encouraged.
"Get ready, UA," Katsuki advised darkly. "Our sound is gonna kill you!" He let off a strong explosion and then started on the drums, the routine started to follow along with the music as well. Eva had her wind at a good speed, it wasn't too strong or too weak.
"Thanks for comin' out today!" Jiro exclaimed. "What am I to be? What is my calling? I gave up giving up, I'm ready to go. The future's left unseen. It all depends on me. Put it on the line to follow my dream. Yeah! Tried all my life. I've tried to find. Something that makes me hold on never let go ohhh. Hero too. I am a hero too. My heart is set and I won't back down. Her too. Strength doesn't make a hero. True heroes stand up for what they believe. So wait and see." Aoyama went into the air with the help of Izuku and Eva's wind push. He was now spinning, letting his sparkle out.
"Whoa, lasers!"
"He's like a human firework!" Ojiro and Eva caught Aoyama, those two returned to the dance routine as Eva ran off stage with Izuku, they gave thumbs up to Eri and Mirio.
Jiro continued singing. "Am I doing right? Am I satisfied? I wanna live my life like it's meant to be." The other girls made a special presentation to show Mineta, he loved every minute of it. "Yeah! Tried all my life. I've tried to find. Something that makes me hold on."
"Here we go!" Kirishima smiled as the special effects team got ready.
"Ohhh!" Jiro sang. Todoroki made ice, and Koda had pigeons flying around. Yaoyorozu shouted confetti from her arm, Eva flew up around the ice, throwing the grounded-up fairy wings, in other words. It seemed like fairy dust coming from the ceiling. They mixed hers, along with some of the others, so it would look more colorful. The crowd cheered happily. Kirhisma ran along the top, sprinkling down the ice. "My heart is set and I won't back down. Hero too. Strength doesn't make a hero. true heroes stand up for what they believe. So wait and see..."
Eva could see how much Jiro was losing herself in the song, it made her smile, and it made her even happier seeing her classmates just lose themselves after all the hard work they did. The dances were now all above them dancing away the number, people looked up in amazement. "Yeah, I'll be! Hero too. I am a hero too. My heart is set and I won't back down." Tsu used her tongue to fling Urakaka around, with her quirk, Urakaka touched people's hands, making them float. "Now it's my turn to be the one to make you smile."
Soon the concert was over Eva was helping with cleaning, mainly getting rid of the ice. She went over to dump ice when Katsuki tapped her.
"Hm?" Eva asked as he held out a hand. "We can't waste any time, I promise Hado I won't miss the event."
"Yeah, yeah," Katsuki grunted. "You won't miss it." He then took her hand, Eva looked to see that she was slightly glowing even with her ring on, her eyes went wide. Eva knew the purpose of the ring and its limits. She then recalled all the times, Katsuki made sure she was happy, and then all the feelings she felt when around her friends, family...and others. Katsuki turned to take the ice, then was surprised to find Eva hugging him.
"I'm sorry," Eva apologized. "I know you don't like this in public."
"You are probably going to need a new ring," Katsuki said as he pushed her off of him.
"No worries," Eva said as she dug into the pocket of the dress. "I always carried this around for the day...though at some point I didn't think it would ever come." Eva quickly switched rings, there was a sudden bright glow, and then the glow went away altogether.
"I'm still obligated to beat up whatever loser that makes you sad," Katsuki said as he blasted the ice. "I don't--"
"Katsuki," Eva cut him off, and he looked at her. "Thank you." She kissed his cheek, Katsuki smiled. Eva continued to help. After a few minutes, Eva stopped when Mirio and Eri walked in. She immediately noticed that the little girl had a smile.
"Hey! Good work, friend!" Mirio complimented.
"Thank you!" Eva smiled, and then she looked down. "Did you like it Eri?" A big smile appeared on the girl, she went to go speak to be cut off by Miriro.
"Hey, Good work, buddy!" Mirio exclaimed, Eva then looked over to see Izuku reenter the gym.
"That was crazy!" Eri chimed. "At first there was this breeze, then there was a loud noise it was scary, but there everyone was jumping with the dance." She started to do movements, and Mirio copied her. "And then there was a flash and Deku and Eva, you both went away for a little bit. And a guy started flying in the air." Eri threw her hands apart, letting fairy dust fall out. "That's when it started to get cold and I saw birds, fairy dust, and there was a spinning light. And a bunch of people said 'Wow!' and you know what I said? 'Wow!' too!" Eva noticed that Izuku was tearing up, he was wiping away his tears. "It was so fun!" Eri noticed as well.
"I'm glad you had such a good time, Eri," Izuku smiled.
"You two should be working!" Mineta ordered as he ran up to them. "Slacking off now after being late? And you move faster! Take this ice!"
"Whoa!" Izuku breathed as he spuna rounf. "Oh, sorry! I've got it."
"Mine, too please!" Aoyama requested. "Yuki, can you be a dear?"
"Of course," Eva nodded. She then looked down at Eri, "This shouldn't take long." She then flew around Mirio and then took Aoyama's ice. Students started to pass by as Eva threw ice in the bin.
"Class A!" a student shouted.
"We had a killer time at your show!"
"Yeah?" Kirishima blushed. "Sweet! Thanks a lot!"
Agoyamato started to appear from the crowd. "Hmph. I gotta say...You did well." Katsuki glared at them. Those two students panicked.
"We're sorry!" the girl apologized loud to everyone.
"We just came to see you guys screw up!" Agoyamato revealed. They then ran off. "Please forgive us!"
"They didn't have to apologize," Kaminari said.
"We won," Katsuki said lowly as he looked back with a smile, Eva laughed.
"I wonder if they're some of the people Mr. Aizwa said were feeling bummed out," Kirishima said. He looked at Iida. "If they were, our mission was accomplished."
Iida nodded. "But surely there are those who were unable to attend!" he looked at the sky. "The festival is still young! We will not rest until every student--"
"Dude, take a breather," a student cut him off. "We heard about what you were trying to do when you started planning this."
"You totally pulled this off."
"We'll tell the others all about it."
"Yeah, seriously, it was insane."
"We'll make sure everyone knows how much you put into this, Don't worry!"
"That's perfect, aw!" Ashido chimed as she elbowed Jiro.
"Thank you for your kindness!" Iida bowed.
"Naw, screw that," Katsuki argued. He approached the other students. "Go find the jerks who didn't watch us and bring 'em here!"
"Hey. Calm down a little. Please," Ojiro pleaded as he dragged Katsuki back.
"Stop screwing around and finish cleaning up the ice!" Mineta ordered as he ran.
"Yeah, sure!" Kirishima responded. "Mineta seems pretty on edge."
"Gotta hurry so I can score good seats," Mineta trembled. "I will not miss the beauty pageant!" He looked at them with a wild look in his eyes.
"You know what?" Eva began. "I want good seats as well." She then picked up the pace, helping out the ice away at a faster pace. Soon they were all at the beauty pageant, Eva was holding up Eri as they watched Kendo.
"You can take out the competition with one punch!"
Kendo took out the blocks, and the crowd cheered.
"She stuns with a martial arts demonstration in a gorgeous dress! Strength and beauty!" said the MC. Everyone cheered. "A masterful demonstration of skill!"
"Really?" Kenranazaki asked as she dashed into view. "Is that the best you can do? I'm almost offended you'd compete against me with something so dull!" She was on top of something that her face on it, lips and lashes added as well.
MC. "It's the support course third year and beauty pageant queen herself! Prepare yourselves for a stunning performance!
"What kind of dance is she doing?" Eri asked.
"Maybe I'm not the best person to ask about these things 'cause I'm totally lost," Mirio answered.
"I think she's just spinning," Eva answered.
"The goal of beauty is to leave your audience dazzled!" Kenranazaki exclaimed. She laughed as she dashed off stage.
"Oh, man. This third year," Monoma said. "Gotta admit. She's good."
"Heard your plaything went well," Kirishima said as he held up a fist.
"You too, bro," Tetsutestu smiled as they activated their quirks on their arms and bumbled elbows.
MC. "Next, another third year. Nejire Hado!" Everyone cheered as they watched Nejire land on the stage, she was looking super cute.
"Nejire!" Yuyu cheered.
"You've got this," Amajiki said with his head lowered. "People are animals." he gave a shaky thumbs up. "Imagine we're puppies and you'll feel more relaxed.
"Nejire lost last year because she tried to be flashier than Kenranzaki," Yuyu said. "Sure, nobody's gonna out-dazzle that girl." Everyone gasped as they watched Nejire go into the air. Her quirk came out gently. "But Nejire has her own strengths!" Nejire giggled as she put on her performance.
"So pretty," Kendo breathed from backstage. Everyone cheered as Nejire gently landed on the ground, toes first.
"What a magical air dance! And I think the audience agrees!"
"Eva," Izuku said pulling on her sleeve. "Did you teach Hado that dance?"
"Yeah," Eva smiled. "She came to me at the beginning of the month for some landing advice, and then it sort of developed into this." Izuku smiled widely as the screen changed showing contestants.
"Please vote for one of these eight contestants! Results will be announced at 5 PM." Most of the students walked away as Class A stuck around at the front.
"Kendo from Class B!" Monoma shouted from on the stage. "A vote from her is a vote for the future!"
"You're gonna get her disqualified!" Awase shouted as he tried to pull him off stage.
"Aw, yeah man! Tonight's gonna be so great!" Mineta dreamed.
"Class C's haunted maze looks crazy!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Wanna go?"
"Obvi!" Ashido agreed.
"Yeah, no, I'll pass," Jiro declined.
"There's an obstacle course!" Kirishima exclaimed.
"And crepes!" Urakaka cheered.
"We've still got lots to see, you guys!" Mirio informed.
Yay!" Eri cheered. The students walked to their next destination, Eva carried Eri on her shoulders as the little girl talked a mile a minute. "First, that one lady flew up in the air like FWOOSH, all pretty-like! And then that one lady had a giant face that was the same as her face! And the other one broke all the wood and with her hand like KRAK KRAK KRAK! And then, and then..." Joining the group was, of course, Mirio and Izuku, along with Tsu, Urakaka, and Mr. Aizawa.
"Where would you like to go next, Eri?" Izuku asked as he spread out the festival pamphlet.
Eri squinted at the item, furrowing her eyebrows. "Too many choices."
"No prob!" Mirio smiled. "We'll just start walking, and if something catches your eye, give a shout!"
"Uh-huh," She nodded.
"Here, Eri," Izuku said as he held up a hand. "Grab my hand." Eri stared at his scarred hand. "Ack, sorry! My hand's a little scary, huh?"
Before he could pull back, Eri grabbed onto his hand. "Not scary...It's a really nice hand that helped me."
Izuku became off guard, he then smiled. "Oh, glad to hear it." Eri smiled again.
"And what? My hand's just gotta be lonely over here on its own?" Mirio asked.
"No way!" yelped Eri as she grabbed Mirio's hand. Eri smiled happily as she leaned on Eva's head.
"Aww, they look like family!" Urakaka remarked as the others watched from behind.
"Like two older brothers and an older sister? And their much younger sister? Ribbit," Tsu said. Mr. Aizawa was relaxed as he followed. "Ooh, crepes!"
"What's crephez?" Eri asked.
Urakaka let out a cry of joy, causing Eri to look back. "You're in for a treat, Eri! A crepe is like a really, really thin pancake, loaded up with fresh cream and topped with fruit! It's the fanciest, heavenlists dessert around!"
"Crehpz sounds yummy!" smiled Eri with stars in her eyes.
"Why don't we get some, then? Aizawa asked as they approached the crepes stall. They all stared at the menu, Eva's eyes lit up when she saw a mango option.
"Is with apples?" Eri asked timidly, there were no apples.
"Don't worry!" Mirio tried to cheer up. "We're still gonna find you a candy apple later!" Izuku twitched.
"Okay!" Eri smiled again.
"Let me guess which one you'll choose, Eri! This's gotta be peach! Peach for sure!" Mirio encouraged.
"No," Eri declined. "Tangerine."
"That was my next guess!" Mirio smiled. "Hang on--you got something against peaches or what?" Urakaka ended up going with a chocolate one, as Tsu went with a banana one.
"So sweet and yummy," said Eri as she nibbled on hers, everyone's hearts grew a few sizes again. The gang made their way to the school.
"Wanna try mine, Eri?" Eva offered as she held up a piece.
"Yeah," Eri nodded. "Thank you." She took a bite, she became even happier. "So yummy! What fruit is that?"
"Mango," Eva answered.
"Mango," Eri repeated with a smile. Soon they entered the building, and two events caught Mirio's and Izuku's attention.
"A hero quiz competition...and the prize is a board signed by all the pro heroes teachers at UA?" Izuku asked.
"Oh no," Eva muttered under her breath.
"It's just some autographs," Aizawa said.
"Just autographs?" Izuku repeated. "You take that back! This is a rare, one-of-a-kind collectible featuring autographs from both All Might and Erasure Hero: Eraser Head, who rarely shows his face! And look--Present Mic, Vlad King, Midnight, Thirteen, Cementoss, Ectoplasm, Snipe, Power Loader, and Recovery Girl! Why I've never seen an autograph collection like this in Heroes Monthly!"
"Uh-huh, sure," Aizawa said.
"Izuku, we see these faces about every day," Eva said.
"You're missing the big picture, Eva!" Izuku exclaimed. "This is rare!"
"Uh-huh," Eva breathed. "If you want an autograph from them that bad, just have them sign a permission slip of some sort."
"But that's deceitful!" Izuku gasped. "Not very heroic! Plus, this all of them together!"
"It's not deceitful," Eva argued. "Now that you mention it, I do have a lot from Recovery Girl."
"Hey, they're still accepting entrants for the quiz!" said Urakaka, she was trying to break up the argument.
"Oh, no," Eva muttered again.
"Erm, but...." stammered Izuku.
"Get in there, man!" Mirio encouraged. "We'll have a blast watching you, won't we, Eri?"
"Uh-huh," Eri nodded, she seemed a little lost. "You can do it, Deku!"
"Well, that settles it!" Izuku smiled. "I'll give it my best shot, Eri!" He went up to register and then took a seat at a desk with the other entrants.
"Deku! Go for the gold!" Urakaka shouted.
"You've got this, Midoriya. Ribbit!" Tsu encouraged.
"How is this going to go?" Aizawa asked leaning toward Eva.
"It may be worse than whenever the hero billboards chart is on every year," Eva answered. The student as the quiz master emerged, people cheered. Once the excitement died, the quiz began.
"Question one!" said the quizmaster. "Kamui Woods is a rising young star of the hero world. During his debut, what did he--" Izuku's button lit up.
"He captured a gang of bank robbers with his Preemptive Binding Lacquered Chain Prison!" Isuku answered.
"Midoriya of class 1-A, youuu are correct! Moving on, question two! Flame Hero: Endeavor's favorite food is--"
"Correct again!" The contestants didn't stand a chance against Izuku.
"So is it worse or better?" Urakaka asked as she leaned over.
"Worse," Eva answered.
"Question eight! What does Present Mic call the devoted listeners of his show, Put Your Hands Up Radio?"
"Question fourteen! Just after her debut, the commercial that sent Mt. Lady's popularity skyrocketing for--"
"Lady Hair Shampoo and conditioner! And the tagline For beautiful, shiny hair!"
"Question twenty-five! In Laundry Hero: Wash's commercial, what does he--"
"Washashahasahasa! And he says it fives times total!" His eyes were bloodshot, bloodlust in his throat. The audience was being swept away in mild horror.
"Not exactly a good role model," Mirio said bluntly as he put a hand over Eri's eyes.
"And our final question! All Mi--" Everyone stared at Izuku, the quizmaster barely started the question.
"Seven minutes and thirty-one seconds."
The quizmaster gulped. "The question was All Might's legendary debut video clip was how long, exactly? And...yes! Seven minutes and thirty-one seconds is correct! Our disputed winner is Midoriya of Class 1-A!"
"Woo, I did it!" Izuku cheered as he transformed back into himself. He accepted the prize, then went back to the group as Eva put Eri on the ground. She took Eri's other hand as the little girl continued to hold Mirio's hand.
" How'd you know...just from All Mi--?" asked Urakaka.
"Clearly the fanboy god walks among us," remarked Tsu.
"That was so cool," Eri said. Izuku returned her a smile. They continued with the festival. Izuku left to run running back to the dorms. He was making a candy apple for Eri and grabbing the wings, Eva put together with the help of Sero. Soon they came across another group.
"Oh? If it isn't Iida and Todoroki?" Tsu greeted, and the two boys turned around.
"Hello, Tsuyu," Iida greeted as he turned around.
"What are you guys doing?" Urakaka asked.
"Tokoyami and Koda are buying us those drink receptacles in the shape of Cementoss," Iida answered. "Wait a moment?"
"Wasn't Midoriya with you guys?" Todoroki asked.
"He said he had some business to take care of," Eva answered. "Then he ran off."
"I dunno where Deku went," Eri added, looking dejected.
"Don't worry!" Mirio said. "At the speed, he was going. I bet he just needed to take a tinkle! He'll be back before we know it!"
"Oh, okay," Eri breathed, not entirely convinced.
"Eri, do you like cats?" Aizawa asked. "How about we try the Cat People Cafe?"
"Wait, are they cats, or are they, people?" Eri asked.
"In a way, both," Eva answered.
"Hey, if you bump into Deku, tell him we went to the Cat People Cafe, okay?" Urakaka said to Iida and Todoroki. Then they went to the cafe. They hit up a couple of other things, including getting those Cementoss drinks, and they got Eri a red balloon. They were happy to see that Eri was having a good time, she smiled most of the time. 5 p.m. came around, and Hado had won the Beauty Competition. The festival came to an end, it was late afternoon, and the sun was setting. Eva now stood outside the school door Eri was now leaving.
"Thanks for coming today!" Eva said.
"I loved it!" Izuku added. Eri seemed a bit down about leaving. "Two more things." She looked up to see Izuku holding a candy apple. "Got a surprise for ya!"
"A candy apple!" Mirio exclaimed. "From where? I couldn't find any."
"Yeah, I didn't see that anyone was gonna be selling them, so I bought ingredients when I went out this morning," Izuku answered as Eri took the apple. "It was easier to make than I thought it'd be. The only thing I couldn't get at the store was food coloring, but Sato had plenty."
"It's getting late," Aizawa said as Eri took a bite. "But you three should be able to see her again soon."
"It's the best thing ever!" Eri smiled as she pulled away from the apple.
"I'll make them again!" Izuku laughed. "So you have something to look forward to!"
"I will!" Eri smiled.
"Before you go!" Eva exclaimed as she pulled out the wings. "For you!" Eri's eyes filled with joy.
"So pretty," Eri breathed as Mirio took the wings, he slipped them on Eri.
"The prettiest fairy out there!" Mirio smiled.
After Eri left, Izuku and Eva made their way back to the dorms. They talked about their day and how it filled their hearts with joy to see Eri smile.
"Hi, guys," Izuku greeted as they stepped in. They saw the group hanging out in the first-floor common area.
"Well, Deku? Was Eri thrilled?" asked Urakaka.
"Did she like the wings?" Sero asked.
"Mm-hmm," the two smiled.
"How wonderful, Midoriya and Yuki!" Iida beamed, joined by Todoroki.
"Thanks for helping me out earlier," said Izuku.
"I should be thanking you as well, Sero," Eva said. "Wait, what's that smell?"
"They're ready, everyone," Sato said as he walked into the room with a platter. Candied apples, strawberries, mikan, grapes, and other fruits.
"Wow, what prompted this?" Eva asked as her eyes lit up. It was plate out of a fairy tale.
"We were gifted with all this fruit," Sato explained. "As thanks for helping out at the takoyaki stall. And since you made that candy apple earlier, I thought why not do the same with all this, for everyone?"
"It's a candied fruit wrap party!" Ashido cheered as she and Hagakure hopped into the air.
"If you ladies like, I've got a special candied banana just for you!" Mineta chuckled. "One condition, though! You gotta focus real hard on licking. No teeth."
"Lick your banana yourself," Tsu said as lashed out some punishment with her tongue.
"Ohh, which one do I want?"
"I'm going for strawberry!"
"Gotta be an apple for me!" The class chose their fruit as Katsuki stayed on the couch.
"Don't want any, dude?" Kirishima asked.
"Sweets? Not my thing," Katsuki said with venom in his voice.
"Thought you'd say that, so I whipped up a candied chili pepper!" winked Sato; he gave a thumbs up.
"Quit going outta your way for me! And what's the point of mixing spicy and sweet!" raged Katsuki as he let off a small explosion.
"C'mon, the big guy made it just for you," said Sero as he grabbed the pepper, forcing it onto Katsuki.
"Hey. Deku, you dweeb..." Katsuki began as he approached. "Didja give that obstacle course a shot?"
"Huh? What obstacle course?" Izuku asked.
"Apparently, All Might set a record that nobody's ever beaten," explained Ojiro, Izuku grew pale.
"Eh? I never heard about that!" said Izuku. "You're saying All Might himself ran this course?" Izuku became a bit sad, as Katsuki smiled.
"Bakugo challenged it over and over and over all day, but he still couldn't beat All Might's record," said Kirishima. "Though I bet Yuki could beat it."
"Yeah!" Sero exclaimed. "Just gotta make sure you touch the button and not zoom past it!"
"Nobody asked for the exposition!" said Katsuki, he shoved Kirishima, then turned pointing the pepper at Izuku. "Listen--you're gonna give it a try at next year's festival, so then I can beat All Might's record and yours."
"Great!" Izuku accepted the challenge. "But I won't go down without a fight!"
Iida then leaped in and clapped his hands together. "You both mean to challenge All Might's record? Spectacular! Why don't we all attempt to? That will serve to engender a competitive spirit that motivates us and creates a greater sense of unity within the class! It sounds like this obstacle course could further our education as heroes!"
"Great idea, Iida!" said Kirishima.
"No better motivation than to beat a record," said Sato.
"I in such a challenge," Tokoyami said.
"Athletic Grounds Gamma would be perfect for obstacle course training," suggested Urakaka.
"Sounds like it'll do wonders for my waistline!" said Hagakure.
"Everyone..."Yaoyorozu began. "Planning for next year is all well and good, but why don't we officially bring this year's festival to a close first?"
"Fair enough," Eva agreed.
"I'm ready to eat this fruit," said Tsu, she stared intensely at her fruit. Everyone formed a circle, even Katsuki from the force of Kirishima.
"Ahem, in preparation for today's festival," Iida began. "We all sacrificed days' worth of time, energy, and sleep. However, it feels like only yesterday we struggled to decide what our featured event would be...When we were unable to choose, Aizawa Sensei stepped in, scolded us, and..."
"Skip the flashback man!" exclaimed Kirishima. "Keep it short and sweet!"
"Pardon me," Iida cleared his throat. "Short and sweet, yes...Amazing work, everyone! Cheers!
"Cheers!" echoed the group, they helped to their fruit, then chowed down. After everyone stayed in the common room to mingle for a bit more. There was a knock at the door, Eva flew over and opened it to find Awase and Shiozaki.
"As requested," Awase said as he held up a DVD.
"Thank you!" Eva exclaimed with a big smile. "I will never forget your kindness."
"We had to go through some struggle to get permission to record," Awase said. "But it was worth it."
"Please enjoy, dear friend," Shiozaki said. They then left for the night; Eva went back to the others.
"What was that about?" Kirishima asked. "Monoma wasn't there giving any trouble, was he?" Eva shook her head.
"I asked Class B if they could record their show," Eva answered. "Awase and Shiozaki dropped it off."
"I'll get the tea ready!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed as she shot up.
"I'll get popcorn!" Sato shouted as he got up as well. They then crowded around to watch the performance. Eva was squished between Ashido and Hagakure. Katsuki kept looking over Eva, he was content seeing how comfortable Eva had gotten with their classmates. Even falling asleep if in front of them. It was safe to say it was a pretty good and successful day.
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