Chapter 34
The next morning came, and Eva was back at Sir Night Eye's agency, it would be her first official day. She was beyond happy that Izuku was to join her at the agency as well. Those two and Mirio were now in her hero costumes.
"Today, we will be doing patrols and surveillance," Nighteye revealed. "We'll split up into two teams. "I'll be with Bubble Girl and Mirio, you're with Yuki and Midoriya."
"Surveillance?" Izuku repeated.
"Nighteye Agency is currently working on a secret investigation," Bubble Girl explained.
"Shie Hassaikai is a small organized crime syndicate," Sir began to explain. "That's Kai Chisaki. As the young head of the group, he's its second-in-command, and he's been behaving strangely lately. That plague mask is his trademark."
"What happened to the old boss?" Eva asked.
"The old boss?" Bubble Girl asked. "Do you know anything?"
"Some fairies teamed up with these groups for extra protection that wanted to be in the human world," Eva answered. "After the Mesplius forest incident, that group offered protection as well as a safe haven to the fairies. Some agreed, and some declined. My dad made a deal with the old boss, he wanted to live the life he wanted but wanted peace as well. They did their best to keep fae/monster hunters away. They would meet up once a month, but that ended about three years back."
"Another thing to add to the list about this man," Sir said. "Thank you for that input."
"Creepy," Izuku commented. "I thought...there wasn't much trouble with organized crime these days since the police know who they are and monitor their movements." He looked at the picture and then showed it to Eva. The man had a steampunk plague mask and purple feathering on the coat.
"It's been that way since the big groups broke up," Bubble Girl explained. "But this Chisaki guy is starting to gather them together again, though we don't know why. The details are unclear, but we do know he made contact with the League of Villains recently."
"The League of Villains?" Eva repeated.
"Unfortunately we don't have solid proof linking him to anything criminal yet," Sir said. "Hassakie operates in a legal gray area that's close to black, but we can't treat them like villains. Our objective is to tail them and find out what they're up to. Be careful not to arouse any suspicion."
"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded. Soon they were all out on the street in their teams.
"Ya' know?" a civilian asked.
"Hey, look! Heroes!" the girl next to her pointed out.
"Those two are from the UA sports festival!"
"This is sorta nerve-racking," Izuku admitted.
"What gives?" Mirio asked. "You went out on patrol during your internship, didn't you? Though, I guess I don't blame you for being shaken after what went down."
"Oh, no," Izuku denied. "It's not that. I just kinda missed out on learning some of the basics, so..."
"Yeah?" Mirio asked. "Huh, that must be strange. Ah, don't you worry. Sir and Bubble are the ones who are actually watching the target today, so I can teach you all about patrol duty. We'll get you up to snuff!" He gave a thumbs-up, then moved his arms super fast. "Just watch and learn, my friend!" As Izuku went into deep thought, Eva observed how carefree Mirio was even as a hero. "Hey, we forgot something! Our hero's names. We should know each other's, right? I already know Violet Gust, so what is yours?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, totally. I'm Deku!" Izuku revealed.
"Deku?" Mirio repeated. "Like deck? That's weird."
"I like it," Izuku said.
" Kay, well, I'm Lemillion," Mirio revealed to Izuku. "For the number of people, I'll save. You know. can't save 'em all. But I can at least shoot for 1,000,000 instead, so that's what I'm doing!" He faced forward. "When we put on our costumes and start hittin' the streets, that's when we become heroes! So don't let your guard down, Deku and Violet Gust!"
"Got it, Lemillion!" Izuku responded. They continued their patrol, and a little girl ran out of an alley, running right into Izuku, Eva caught the little girl with her wing before she could fully hit the ground. The little girl stayed leaning against the wing, she was clearly terrified.
"Whoa, I'm sorry," Izuku apologized as the two knelt next to the little girl. She had snow-white hair, red eyes, horn on her head her limbs were covered in bandages. "You took a tumble."
"Are you alright?" Eva asked as Izuku reached out a hand. She let out a whimper Izuku pulled back.
"Can I help you up?" Izuku asked as he went to pick up the little girl.
"You should be more careful," a man said walking up to them from the shadows. The little girl flinched, they looked up to see it was no other than Chisaki. "We don't wanna cause trouble for the heroes. I hope you'll forgive my daughter, hero. I don't know what to do with her. Always playing rough, bumping into things.
"Whoopsie-daisy looks like that darn mask came off again," Mirio said as he put on Izuku's mask. "You might wanna think about getting it resized, my friend. I'm so sorry about that. It was our fault, too. I know that mask. You must be from the Hassaikai, right? You guys are famous around here."
"Yeah, please don't mind the mask," Chisaki requested. "It keeps out the filth. I don't believe I've seen you two in the area before." He then looked at Eva. "You on the other hand seem familiar."
"Right!" Mirio smiled. "Well, we're still pretty new, but you probably already guessed that." He scratched the back of his head.
"My apologies," Eva said. "You must have me confused with another."
"Now, on your feet, partners," Mirio encouraged. "can't do much hero-ing from down there."
"So what agency do you belong to?" Chisaki asked as Eva stood up, her wing stayed behind the little girl.
"We're only students!" Mirio informed. "Far too lowly to be claiming association with an agency. We're just using our internships to get some experience. Speaking of which, we need to finish patrolling this division by lunch. C'mon on let's go."
"Right!" Izuku responded.
"Please," the little girl trembled as she clenched onto Izuku's costume. "Please don't go."
"Um, excuse me. I'm sorry, but your daughter seems sacred," Izuku said.
"A reaction to being scolded," Chisaki said.
"Sure!" Mirio responded
"Wait, but...She's got bandages all over," Izuku said. "Those are just from playing rough?" She held onto him even tighter.
"Eri's an exceptionally clumsy girl," Chisaki informed.
"Her whole body's shaking, but she's not making a sound," Izuku said as he put his hand on the back of the girl's head. "Does that seem like it's normal to you?"
"It's dangerous to make assumptions about what's normal for other people," Chisaki warned. "Wouldn't you agree, fairy?"
"Yeah, everybody's different, am I right?" Mirio agreed. From the sound of it, Mirio wanted to go to avoid suspicion, while Izuku wanted to stay to avoid suspicion. Eva bent down behind Izuku, the little girl was looking at her clearly frightened. On a crack in the sidewalk, two plants were starting to grow. Eva reached her hand back, and with a little bit of magic, she helped the plants grow till reached the point of being two blooming blue flowers. She plucked both of the flowers, then she plucked one petal off.
"Tell me," Izuku ordered. "What are you doing to this girl?" Eva gently put the flower in the girl's hair. She was hoping it could get a few messages across.
"You heroes really pick up on the subtlest things, don't you?" Chisaki asked as he held out his hands. "Very well. This situation is embarrassing. So I'd prefer to discuss it where we won't be overheard." Izuku nodded, and they slowly began to follow Chisaki down the alley. "Hard to admit that you can't control your own child, but lately Eri defies me no matter what I try."
"What do you try?" Izuku asked.
"Parenting, man," Mirio said. "Sounds rough. That can't be easy."
"Yes, children are tricky," Chisaki agreed. "So determined to do whatever they want..." Eri let out a gasp as Chisaki started to remove a glove. "That sometimes they just don't listen. " Eri jumped out of Izuku's arms, then ran down the alley till she got next to the man. "Oh, good. Done with your temper tantrum?"
"Uh. Eri, are you sure?" Izuku asked.
"She's always like this," Chisaki said. "Sorry to involve you in our family drama. I'm sure you have better things to be doing. Good luck with your internships." Eva watched Eri take the flower out of her hair.
"Wai--" Izuku began to call out, Eva saw a small blue petal fall onto the ground. "Eri..." Mirio stopped him from going further.
"We're not going after them," Mirio said. "Didn't you notice? He was ready to get violent. That's why she went back. If we keep pushing him, he's gonna be even harder to catch. For now, let's report to Sir." Izuku removed his mask as it began to rain. Soon they met up with the other two.
"Sorry," Mirio apologized, "It was a total oops. I mean, wow, what are the odds of randomly running into a target on the street like that?"
"No, I must accept responsibility," Sir Night Eye said. "I should have used Foresight on you three. It's my fault."
"I'm just glad you guys are okay," Bubble said. "You could've been in danger if he'd suspected something."
"It didn't feel all that scary to me," Izuku said.
"Chisaki and his gang were involved in a recent traffic accident caused by a group of hoodlums," Sir revealed, as he pushed up his glasses. "Which isn't remarkable in and of itself. Except, there were zero casualties. The thieves experienced intense pain and lost consciousness, but they were uninjured and even reported that preexisting ailments like rheumatism and cavities were completely gone. The authorities believed Chisaki's Quirk may have been responsible but with the villains caught and nobody harmed, there was no crime to accuse him of."
"The money that was stolen burned up, so there was nothing left to recover," Bubble added. "The police didn't find any sign of a crime in that regard, either, but the whole thing seemed suspicious, so Nighteye Agency began watching Hassaikai. We haven't figured out what it is yet, but we know they're up to something.
"Oh, I forgot sir," Mirio said as he raised his hand. "We got lucky--at least a little. Our brief encounter yielded some new intel. Chisaki, he has a daughter."
"A daughter?" Sir Nighteye repeated.
"A little girl who he called Eri," Eva added.
Izuku looked at his hand. "Her limps were all wrapped in bandages. I don't know anything else about her, but we were asking for help. There must be something we can do to protect her. "
"I won't let your arrogance interfere with this case," Sir said as he pointed at Izuku.
"But, sir..." Izuku breathed.
"Haste won't help the situation," Sir said. "Take your time pursuing a target. If you rush, they are that much more likely to escape. You're not so special that you can save whoever you want. Whenever you want." Izuku looked down in frustration. "We've asked other agencies to team up with us. We must first predict our opponent's moves and then make preparations to face him. Good intentions alone aren't enough to save the world. The wisest villains hide in the shadows. In order to find them, we must watch and wait. The three of you should head back into the office for today. Bubble Girl, let's go."
"Yes, sir," Bubble responded as she began to follow.
"Wait," Eva said as she caught up to the girl. "The little girl was given a flower just like this from me. She's been dropping petals a bit along the way, I'm not sure if Chisaki noticed, but she is making a trail. I am not sure how long the petals will stay in that alley, depending on how the wind will be for the next few days."
"Put it on my desk," Sir Nighteye ordered. "We have a lot to talk about when I get back." Eva nodded. By the time, Sir Nighteye returned with Bubble Girl, it was late and it had stopped raining.
"Mirio, Midoriya," Sir Nighteye began. "You two head out, I wish to talk to Yuki alone." Izuku looked at her with concern.
"Go on, Izuku," Eva said. "I can make it home in seconds, don't worry about me."
"Just text me to let me know when you are leaving," Izuku requested. "I'll make sure Iida doesn't stay up for ya." Eva nodded as the two stepped out.
"What exactly were your intentions with the flower?" Sir Nighteye asked once the door closed.
"The blue of the flower was to provide some hope for Eri," Eva answered. "But the petals itself was to create a trail, provide a backway."
"What gave you this idea to do this?" Sir Nighteye asked.
"I've been abducted a couple of times when I was younger," Eva admitted. "It was a tactic I always used."
"Did heroes ever arrive?" Sir asked.
"No," Eva answered softly as she looked at the ground. "That little girl needs rescuing, I know a plan needs to be set into motion first."
"You are able to see in the dark correct?" Sir Nighteye asked Eva nodded. "You can trace scents and energies as well?" Eva nodded again. "I need you to go back to that alley. See where those petals lead before they have a chance of being blown away. I need pictures or video footage. You must be careful to not get caught so make it quick." Eva nodded. "Is there anything else I should know?"
"Chisaki said he recognized me," Eva said. "But I apologize, I have no recollection of him."
"Yuki," Sir began. "What do you know about the Hassaikai?"
"Their old boss believes in tradition," Eva answered. "He was also very aware of how fairies operated. The fae was given protection if they gave him some of their blood. It was for them to have a higher advantage over their enemies. This was before the blood law, which became a thing when I was 11."
"Do you know why the fairies left?" Sir asked.
"From what I heard, even with the law Chisaki was draining fairies of blood and tears, till there was about nothing left of them, so they left for safety and they didn't exactly see eye to eye either," Eva answered. "We were betrayed by people who promised to look after us. As villains, they were never going to follow the law anyway. After they left completely, I remember hearing of fairies disappearing in cities around this one. So, eventually they all left abandoning the place."
"How many times were you abducted?" Sir asked.
"7," Eva answered softly. "Midoriya and Bakugo rescued me once, and I did manage to escape once, my brothers and family rescued me 4 times, the rest Shie Hassaikai were the ones to rescue me, which is puzzling why I don't remember the second in command." Nighteye did not seem too happy.
"Did you ever give them blood?" Sir Nighteye asked.
"As payment," Eva answered; lowering her head. Sir Nighteye sighed. "I'm sorry sir."
"No," Sir shook his head. "This...this is the hero's fault...Did they ever mention Eri?"
"No, sir," Eva denied. "The old boss was nice to me, always gave me melon bread to take home to cheer me up."
"Are you able to get in contact with fairies that used to be part of Hassaikai?" Sir asked.
"Yes," Eva answered. "But I should probably go alone." Sir nodded. "I will get going on your request. This shouldn't take long." Eva stepped out of the building. She went back over to where they were patrolling. She had to be extra careful, anyone could be watching. She made sure to be quick but silent as she flew through the alley, she had a camera attached to gather footage. Eva saw the blue petals along the way. She stopped on a roof when she heard a few footsteps. She peeked over to see two people with masks dumping what seemed to be a body in a cloth in a dumpster.
"Glad I'm not the next caretaker," one said.
"One wrong move and we're dead," another said. "What was that other thing boss wanted us to check out?"
"The Yuki's," another said. "But I'm not messing with no fairies. Especially not the Yukis, the maiden side leads to the Moonblooms, if we cross them then we are all getting wiped out."
"The boss is going to know we are lying," the other guy said.
"Then we don't come back," the other said. "I am not messing with fairies, they are evil vengeful creatures. Overhaul killed numerous fairies before they deflected. Upon their deflection, those fairies wiped out so many of us, especially after calling in Mears and Yuno."
"And we're next," the other man gulped. Eva took a few steps back, then dashed high into the sky above the clouds, then made her way back to the agency, after that, she was allowed to leave. She arrived back at the dorms to find all the lights out, she must've taken longer than she thought. She walked over to see food out on the table for her.
"Where have you been?" a voice asked as a light flickered on, she looked over at the couch area to find Iida. "When Midoriya said you were going to be late, I thought it wouldn't be that long...not into the night late."
"Sorry, Iida," Eva apologized as she walked over to him. "You didn't have to stay up for me."
"Of course I did!" Iida exclaimed as he chopped at the air. Eva remembered Iida saying that he was worried about all his classmates. "You didn't even text when you coming home!"
"I thought you'd be asleep," Eva answered. "I didn't want to bother waking you or anyone."
"Well, I am happy you are home safe now," Iida said as he stood up. "I can now sleep easier." He put a hand on her shoulder. "You should get some rest as well." She stared up at him, not all humans, but some were extremely kind no matter how strict they seemed.
"Thank you," Eva said as she pulled him into a hug, Iida was surprised. "I'm sorry for making you worry." They exchanged nights before going their separate ways. Eva didn't sleep well that night, she kept thinking about Eri.
The next day in class, a few of the work-study students were missing Katsuki and Todoroki were both heavily beaten up. Eva was standing in front of Katsuki's desk, she was poking his face in curiosity. Each poke made his hair spikier.
"So, like. What happened to Bakugo?" Ashido asked. "Was he fighting again?"
"He's not the only one busted up," Kamaniari said. "Look at the back of the room."
"His beautiful face!" Ashido cried as they looked back at Todoroki. "Who would do such a thing?"
"The provisional license classes sure sound tough," Kaminari stated.
"Must be great workouts, though!" Ashido exclaimed.
"Stop talking like I'm not here!" Katsuki raged at them. "And stop poking me!"
"She got more in than I thought she would," Sero said. "Surprise he didn't try to bite your finger off Yuki." Katsuki and Eva looked at each other, she then put her whole hand over his face, and his hair spiked up even more.
"Class is starting now," Iida announced as he raised his hand. "Sadly, I must mark Tsu and Urakaka tardy."
"Their absences are excused," Yaoyorozu reminded him.
"Kirishima isn't here either, is he?" Jiro asked.
"Oh, you didn't hear?" Sero asked. "Those three found places to do work studies."
"Whoa, for real?" Jiro asked.
"Hey, how'd your work-study go?" Mineta asked as he tapped Izuku's desk. "Were there lotsa scantily-clad heroines at the agency, huh? Something tells me that Yuki was lying about that part."
"Yeah, sure," Izuku answered softly. Eva looked over, she could tell he was pretty down about yesterday, just like she was.
"I don't wanna hear about you getting ahead of me!" Katsuki raged as put his hands over his ears. Izuku and Eva looked at each other, their eyes were the same. Soon class started, Cementoss smacked Izuku for getting distracted. Eva kept thinking about what Sir wanted her to do. It was like that the whole day, neither could really focus. Soon school ended instead of going inside the dorms, Eva sat on top of the building; staring at the tree tops.
"What is going on?" Katsuki asked. Eva looked to see that he was standing behind her. "You are always near the top, but today you slacked."
"Just a lot on my mind," Eva said as she looked forward. "There are matters to be discussed in the Otherworld, ones my village have not dared to speak of."
"What for?" Katsuki asked as he sat next to her.
Eva turned her attention to the ground below. "It's something that has to do with the agency. We need answers about something." Katsuki put his hand on the top of her head and ruffled her hair, she looked at him.
"I know you can't tell me at this moment, but the truth will eventually come," Katsuki said.
Eva studied him for a second. "Tell me about your supplementary class, what exactly got you so beaten up?" Katsuki grunted. He knew she was changing the subject, and wouldn't be able to get information out of her. So he did as he was asked.
A few days later, Eva was in class, she noticed Izuku was starting to doze off. Eva herself was tired, she was called in the night before, and Sir had her do some air surveillance. She was being treated like a pro which was great. Though it felt weird having to go on her own. She had to do air surveillance over the whole section, keeping an eye out for Hassakai. Due to strict instructions, Eva was not to touch down in the city, only stay above it or on top of buildings. She had to take a video every night, for it to be studied back at the agency.
"Holy crap, Kirishima!" Kaminari exclaimed. "Take a look at this!" On his phone were reports of Kirishima's fight yesterday. "Your hero name's all over the news site today---it's freakin' crazy!"
"Newcomer sidekick Red Riot bursts onto the scene," Eva read. "He rescued innocent civilians and fought a villain on his very first patrol." Katsuki started growling angrily.
"And he's not the only one!" Ashido exclaimed as she showed her phone. "Look, check out Tsu and Urakaka!"
"New sidekicks at Ryukyu Agency," Eva read. "Two there for a work-study."
"That's so cool!" Ashido exclaimed.
"Wow," Urakaka smiled as she took the phone. "I can't believe this is real!"
"When did they even snap that picture?" Tsu asked.
"Oh, hey, you know what?" Ashido asked. "You might already have your own fan club like Mr. Lady does!"
"I'm so jealous!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"And check this!" Jiro announced as Katsuki got even angrier. "What heroes in training! They're cute. They're efficient. But even more importantly, they managed to get the job done."
"You have provisional licenses now, and you're seen as heroes," Iida said with his arms crossed. "I must thank you for your service. But a student's top priority is academics! Hit those books."
"Yeah, let's learn stuff!" Kirishima shouted. "We got this! Right?" Izuku nodded and he grunted in agreement.
"Wait, didn't you tell us you've been having trouble with your assignments lately?" Kaminari brought up.
"The teachers said that they'd set up some extra lessons for me," Kirishima answered.
"Maye I should have checked into those," Sero admitted. "I am totally slipping."
"Remember, we all learn at our own pace," Yaoyorozu brought up as she walked over.
"Yeah, who cares, right?" Kaminari asked.
The next morning, Eva and Midoriya were heading off to their work-study, and they saw Kirishima at the front.
"Uh---Eva! Midoriya!! Good morning," Kirishima greeted. "Are you both headed off to your work-study, too?" They nodded. "Cool, so'm I!"
"Yeah, I finally got called in again," Izuku smiled. "Eva has been called in quite a few times. But for me it feels like it's been forever."
"I wonder why they said not to wear our costumes, though," Eva said.
"Oh! Good morning, guys!" Urakaka greeted. They looked back to see Tsu and Urakaka joining them. "You going in today?"
"Yeah," Izuku nodded.
"Huh, so are we," Tsu said. "That's kind of weird." They then made their way to the station, then were stopped by two heroes.
"Hey. Us, too!" A hero said. "Wanna walk to the station together?"
"Ooh! Please!" Urakaka agreed. "I mean if you don't mind.
"We appreciate it!" Izuku exclaimed.
"What's with all the heroes?" Kirishima asked. Soon they were at the station.
"Wait, we're going the same way?" Eva asked. "I thought you were working in Kansai."
"Usually, yeah, but I guess we're meeting someplace different today," Kirishima answered.
"What coincidence," Tsu said. "Us, too." It started to get stranger and stranger. They got on the same train, the same station.
"This is kinda weird," Izuku said. They then proceeded in the same direction, turning at the same corners.
"Heyo!" Mirio greeted them when they approached the building, Hado, and Amajiki were there as well. When they walked into a certain room, they saw numerous heroes all over the place, including their own teacher.
"Hey, what's the scoop? What's going on?" Hado asked as she ran over to Ryukyu. "Talk to me, Ryukyu!" She draped herself over the hero. "I mean, I know you said there's a meeting, but what's it about?"
"Patience, Nejire," Ryukyu smiled.
"You, too, Mr. Aizawa?" Urakaka asked and Tsu walked up to him.
"I'm confused. Why are you here?" Tsu asked.
"I was called in last minute," Aizawa answered. "I think I've got a rough idea of what it's about."
"You should too," Ryukyu said. "Remember what I told you, girls?" The two girls looked at each other. "We're all here, Nighteye. Let's get started."
"Thanks to the information provided by all of you, our investigation has progressed substantially," Sir began. "We've invited you all here for a joint conference to share the intel we've acquired. Regarding the Yakuza group Shie Hassaikai and what we believe they might be planning."
"Hold on, I feel like I'm missin' something really important here," Kirishima admitted. "Shie H'what now?"
"Some bad guys're planning to do some bad things," Fat Gum explained. "And they've called a meeting so we can talk it all out. Trust me. You two are very much involved." Amajiki looked down at the bandages on his arm. Soon they all sat at tables, made so they would face each other. Eva sat in between Mirio and Izuku.
"All right, let's begin at the beginning," Bubble Girl announced. "For the past couple of weeks now, those of us at Nighteye Agency have been conducting an investigation into Shie Hassikai. A small but organized group of criminals."
"What prompted this?" Kesagiri asked.
"An accident involving a gang of thieves called the Reservoir Dogs," Bubble Girl answered.
"Yeah, I heard about that," Mr. Brave said.
"The police thought the whole thing was an accident, but there were a number of details that didn't add up, so we began tailing them," Bubble Girl explained.
"In my capacity as Nighteye Agency sidekick, I began following leads to see what I could uncover," Centipeder began. " I found that, in the past year, the members of Shie Hassaikai have had increased contact with those outside their organization, including other groups whose business dealings are less than reputable. Their aim seemed to be expanding their organization and enriching its coffers. Shortly, after our investigation began, they made contact with a member of the League of Villains." A picture on the screen showed Chisaki and Twice. "Jin Bubaigawara villain name: Twice. They were wary of being tailed, so I was unable to follow them, but with the help of the police, I confirmed that an altercation had occurred between the two groups." There was a new photo of a destroyed building.
"That'd be about when they decided to reach out to Tsukauchi and me," Gran Torino said. "Figured we'd be able to assist, given the League's involvement."
"Where is Tsukauchi?" Kesagiri asked.
"Follow-ups with some other eyewitnesses," Gran Torino answered. "Y'know. Cop stuff. Sorry, kid." Izuku gasped. "I didn't see something like this coming. I've got a bad feeling that things are about to get ugly."
"I don't care if they do," Izuku said. "I wanna help."
"Hold up, you know him?" Mirio asked.
"Oh, Grand Torino? I did my internship with him," Izuku answered.
"Go on, Bubble Girl," Sir ordered.
"So, after all, that went down, we posted a notice on the HN requestion assistance," Bubble Girl continued.
"I think we can skip that part," Centipede said.
"Sorry!" Bubble Girl apologized.
"What's the HN?" Urakaka asked.
"Stands for Hero Network," Hado answered. "It's an online service that can only be accessed by pros. You can see what all the heroes in the country are up to, and you can ask for help from people whose Quirks might come in handy."
"Does anybody wanna tell me why a buncha high school kids and a fairy were invited to this conference?" Rock Lock asked. "I don't care if they are from UA. If we have to keep stopping to explain this stuff, we'll never get to the actual plan and fairies aren't particularly trustworthy, almost like working with the devil. How can I be so sure she's just not infiltrating?" KirishimaTsu, and Urakaka, were all surprise at the harshness being thrown Eva's away; by the looks of it she was used to it.
"Don't say that!" Fat Gum shouted as he stood up. "These two have important information to pass along."
"Uh, we do?" Kirishima asked.
"I wanna go home," Amajiki whimpered.
"Don't judge based on what you think you know," Aizawa said. "I'm sure many fairies think humans are villains as well, even us heroes. You have my word, that Yuki is trustworthy." Rock Lock grunted, he looked away from Eva.
"Anyway, I see a lot of new faces, so let me introduce myself," Fat Gum began. "Nice to meetcha. I'm Fatgum."
"He's so cute and squishy," Urakaka, Tsu, and Eva said.
"Hah! Who wants candy?" Fatgum asked as he showed a few pieces.
"Hassaikai's movements are hard to trace, but we suspect one of their main sources of income is illegal drug sales," Sir continued. "So I requested help from heroes who have some expertise in that area."
"Yup, I brought in my fair share of drug dealers back, and at Red Riot's debut fight, he proved he could, too!" Fat Gum said as he squeezed his fist. "Tamaki was shot, and the bullet contained some kind of drug I've never heard of before." He crushed the candy. "One that destroys Quirks."
"Destroys Quirks?" Kesagiri repeated.
"Whoa, what?" Mirio asked as he got up. "Tamaki, you're okay, right?"
"Yeah, the stuff wore off while I slept," Tamaki answered. "Here look." He held up his hand. "I've got this cow hoof and everything."
"Guess we know what you had for breakfast!" Mirio smiled.
"I'm glad to know the effects aren't permanent at least," Rock Lock said. "So this stuff doesn't zap a Quirk for good."
"No," Sir said. "But Eraser Head has some further insight."
"It doesn't seem to function exactly like my Erasure does," Aizawa explained. "Since I'm not actually attacking the Quirk directly. What we call a Quirk is an extraordinary addition to an ordinary human body. Those additions are collectively referred to as Quirk genes. I can shield those genes and temporarily block their expression, but I don't actually damage them."
"But after Tamaki was shot, we brought him to the hospital and they found that his Quirk genes had sustained damage," Fat Gum explained. "Fortunately, they seemed to have healed on their own, and he's back to normal now."
"What do we know about the substance he was shot with?" Sir asked.
"Whatever it was didn't harm the rest of his body," Fat Gum answered. "Nothing but his Quirk was impaired in any way. The guy who shot him clammed up. He won't say a word. And the round that his Tamakai was totally spent. However, Kirishima bravely defended Tamaki from a bullet, which bounced off his own body and should now provide us with a viable sample."
"Whoa, I did that?" Kirishima asked. "Really? That's crazy!"
"Wow, awesome job, Kirishima!" Urakaka complimented.
"That's so cool!" Tsu complimented.
"Oh, yeah. His Quirk. It's hardening, right?" Hado recalled.
"And when we analyzed the substance from the bullet, we discovered something that made me sick to my stomach," Fatgum continued. "It contained human blood and cells." Eva froze as her eyes went wide.
"Sounds like something out of a scary movie," Tsu said.
"In other words, that effect came from a person. From someone's power. A Quirk that can destroy Quirks," Ryukyu said.
"I'm not connecting the dots, here," a hero admitted. "How is all this related to Hassaikai?"
"The man who shot Tamaki used an illegal drug to boost his Quirk during his fight with Kirishima," Fat Gum explained. "The distribution channels for stuff like that are complex. Although things've shrunk since the old days, drugs still pass through various people and organizations before they finally reach the end user. There's no concrete evidence that Hassaikai handled the drug, but we know for a fact that they interacted with one of the middlemen responsible for moving it. "
"That's all?" the hero asked.
"The other day, Ryukyu's team broke up a fight between two villain groups," Sir revealed. "One of those groups was controlled by the intermediary organization that Fatgum just mentioned."
"One of the two giants had been given an inferior drug that didn't last long," Ryukyu explained.
"There have been a rash of gang-related crimes recently, and most could be connected to the Hassaikai if you tried hard enough," Kesagiri explained.
"Which is what it seems like you're doing: trying to make them guilty," a man said. "Don't you have anything that implicates them more clearly?" The screen changed to Chisaki, and Nighteye's work-study students gasped.
"Their young head, Chisaki: Quirk, Overhaul," Sir answered. "With this power, he can disassemble things and then reassemble them. A Quirk that allows him to completely break down matter. And a bullet that can break down Quirks." The three students gasped in horror as their minds went back to Eri. "Chisaki has a daughter named Eri. There are no records or details about her birth. But when Mirio, Midoriya, and Yuki encountered her, they noticed there were bandages wrapped around her arms and legs."
"Could he really do something so horrific?" Ryukyu asked.
"Unfortunately, yes," Grand Torino answered. "In a world of superhumans, if you can dream it, you can do it. It was not long ago, they were using fae blood, isn't that right?"
"According to Violet, that's when the fae completely abandoned this area due to increased abductions, and her people going missing," said Sir. 'I have no doubt they abducted her too, why she does not remember.'
"Hold on, what are they talking about?" Kirishima asked.
"Once again, why do we have children in this meeting?" Rock Lock asked. "I'll say this one time. We're wondering if this Chisaki bastard is turning his daughter's body into bullets and selling them on the black market."
"No, Kirishima trembled.
"Oh, don't tell me..." Urakaka trembled.
"To be clear we can't be certain that he's actually selling the bullets," Sir said. "At this point, their efficiency appears to be questionable. It's possible that they're still in the testing phase, and he's giving them out as samples to rally more people to his cause. This isn't the first time he's done something like this. We have no hard evidence, but we do know he's gathering allies and funds from across the nation. If the completed drug allows him to annihilate someone's Quirk entirely, imagine the devastation he could cause."
"Just talking about it's enough to make my blood boil. Let's go get this monster!" Fatgum declared as he clenched his fist. "Let's go get this monster!"
"Tch," Rock Lock grunted. "Woulda saved us a lot of trouble if these three amateurs had just gotten the girl away from him."
"And aren't fairies known for abducting children?" Another hero asked. " If given into your true villainous form, it would have saved us so much trouble."
"I take full responsibility," Sir said. "The blame should not fall on them. Even without knowing the whole story, they acted to save the child each in their own way. Midoriya was willing to bear the risk of taking her then, while Mirio chose to wait for another opportunity when success would be more likely. Yuki, gave the girl a flower, and with the flower, Eri created a bread trail leading to a secret entrance, that I had her follow up for a few nights. I assure you no one is more frustrated than they are." The three of them stood up.
"We'll get Eri away from him next time," Izuku declared.
"And we'll protect her!" the three promised.
"Indeed," Sir said. "That's precisely what we've come here to discuss."
"Huh," Rock Lock grunted. "You kids wanna talk big, that's fine. But if what Nighteye is saying is real, that little girl is at the center of Hassaikai's entire underground drug operation. She may have managed to get away from Overhaul for a few minutes, but she got herself seen by a couple of heroes. You think he's still gonna keep her at home after that? Hell, I know I sure wouldn't. And if we go bustin' into their headquarters and she's not there, they're gonna know we're onto them. We gotta be sure where he's hidin' her."
"He has a point," Ryukyu agreed. "Do you have a plan for that Night eye?"
"That's our conundrum," Sir answered. "Since we don't currently know how far, they've taken their plans, the success of our initial strike is crucial. To that end, we've made a thorough list of groups with connections to Hassaikai, as well as properties owned by the organization. I will also have Yuki go into the Otherworld since some of the faes used to be part of their group. It was a safe haven for them after what happened in Mesplius, but they left a few years ago, they abandoned the city and mankind. I'm suspecting it was when Chisaki took over. This is our starting point. I would like you all to investigate each coordinate on this map. It is the most logical way to narrow down our targets. If you think you see anything, I want you to contact Violet Gust for confirmation since fae can track scents and energies. I know many of you do not trust fae, but we have one on our side, let's take advantage of this factor."
"So that's why you asked minor heroes like us to join you," Mr. Brave said.
"What do you mean?" a hero asked.
"Go on. Look," Mr. Brave instructed. "The heroes in this room all operate in one of those locales. We know the areas better than most."
"Didn't expect someone who worked with All Might for so long to be such a careful planner," Fatgum admitted. "Let's just fo bring 'em down! While we're takin' our sweet time, that abused girl's out there crying somewhere."
"We can't do this like All Might would," Sir said. "That's why we must be meticulous about our strategies and predictions from the outset. So we have the highest chance of saving her."
"He's right," Gran Torino said. "We shouldn't rush. If we show our hand and then don't end up rescuing her, then we'd just be throwing gas on a fire. Like how Stain's capture was a beacon that led criminals to seek out and join the League. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they handed out Quirk-destroying weapons to those hoodlums in order to increase recruitment."
"You're thinkin' too dang much," Fatgum argued. "If we keep sitting here yappin' about it, we're never gonna get anything done!"
"Excuse me. I've got a question," Aizawa said as he raised her hand. Sir nodded. "I don't know the specifics of your Quirk, Nighteye. Feel free to correct. But from what I've heard of it, your Quirk, Foresight allows you to see into the future. So why not use it on us? That's logical, right?"
"I'm sorry," Sir apologized. "But I cannot. My Foresight has some limitations. I need a full 24 hours between activations. That means I get one person, and then I'm spent for the rest of the day. Additionally, the future is played in my mind like a flashback. Think of it like viewing a film strip. For one hour, I have the power to watch a person's life as a movie. The issue is, everything I see is from a tight perspective on the person in question. This severely limits my capacity to interpret context."
"That should still provide more than enough information to be useful, don't you think?" Aizawa asked. "And it doesn't explain why you can't do it."
"What if I saw imminent death in your near future? Worse...What if it were a cruel merciless demise?" Nighteye asked. "My Quirk should be employed only after we've confirmed the highest likelihood of success. Then it can help ensure our victory. It shouldn't be relied upon when there are still too many uncertainties."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up," Rock Lock said. "Death is still information. If we know what's comin', we can figure out how to survive."
"You don't understand," Nighteye argued. "It's possible what I see is unavoidable."
"Bro, that's the only excuse you have, for real?" Rock Lock asked. "Oh, hell no, just use it on me now! I'll show you I can beat death."
"I can't," Nighteye said as he looked at the table. Everyone was silent.
"Yeah, all right," Rock Lock said.
"We should get started," Ryukyu sighed after some silence. "There's a child in trouble. That's what's important here." Sir Nighteye stood up.
"We must confirm the girl's location and take her into our protection as quickly as possible using the most accurate data," Sir explained. "I'm counting on your help. All of you." The meeting continued. Everyone in that room learned of the past that Eva had with Hassakai, Soon all the kids sat at a table outside the office.
"If only I had rescued her then, even if I had to use force," Izuku said with his head forward. "At least she'd be safe."
"Aw, man," Kirishima breathed. "So that's what happened that day? So frustrating!"
"We know you tried, Deku," Urakaka said. Soon the elevator doors opened, and they looked over to see Mr. Aizawa walking over to them.
"Is this a funeral or something?" Aizawa asked.
"Mr. Aizawa, hello, sir," Tsu greeted.
"Ah. Call me Eraser Head outside of school," Aizawa instructed. "You know, it's just my luck. Before you got involved in this, I was going to recommend that your work studies be suspended."
"What?" Kirishima asked as they gasped. "Why would you do that?"
"You were listening when he said the League of Villains is involved, right?" Aizawa brought up. "That changes things." He looked at Izuku and sighed putting his hand behind his hand. "Here's the deal. Midoriya...You still haven't proven I can trust you again." Izuku gasped looking up at their teacher. Unfortunately, I'm positive that if I try to stop you now, you'll do something reckless and attempt to take things into your own hands." He knelt down to get eye level. "So, I'll watch you. If you're going to see this through, you gotta do it the right away. Use your head." He put a fist into Izuku gently. "Ya hear me? Problem child?" Izuku nodded as he held back his tears. "Yuki." Aizawa stood up, she looked over at him. "Some of the heroes in there don't trust you due to the fact you are not human."
"That's ridiculous!" Kirishima shouted as he got to his feet. "Eva had every right to be a part of this as any human does! It's not her fault her blood got used as bullets before! She was a little kid! The fae should have never had to turn to that in the first place!"
"It's alright, Kirishima," Eva said softly. "I'm aware of the feelings that are presented." He looked at her. "I had ill feelings toward heroes in the past, it is only fair they have ill feelings toward me, no matter how harsh."
"Yuki," breathed Kirishima
"That being said, I will be going with you to your realm," Aizawa said. A couple of them gasped.
"Huh?" Eva asked. "But it's so dangerous for a human to come to the Otherworld, time moves differently and everything wants to kill you, other fairies included."
"You mentioned to Shinso, that there is a certain section in the fairy realm, where 3 days will only be six hours here," Aizawa said. "He told me about it, have the fairy we are meeting with, meet us there."
"All right," Eva nodded. "But you are going to have to follow my instructions strictly." Aizawa nodded.
"Mirio, please will you try to smile?" Amajiki asked.
"Hey! Hey! I know what'll help you!" Hado said as she reached across the table. "Just remember! Regretting something and getting frowny doesn't change things. You know it?"
"Yeah," Mirio sniffed.
"I'll only say this once in case it gives you a little peace of mind," Aizawa said. "Just because you didn't hold onto her this time, doesn't mean you didn't give Eri hope. So keep looking forward."
"Right!" Izuku responded.
"Mr. Aizawa!" Urakaka cried.
" I said I'm Eraser here," Aizawa reminded her.
"I'm your man for the rest of my life, Eraser!" Kirishima announced.
"Ugh, not interested," Aizawa groaned.
"Sorry!" Kirishima quickly apologized.
"Take it down a notch, Kirishima," Urakaka scolded.
"Mirio?" Amajiki asked looking at him.
"Yeah, I know," Mirio said as he got back to his feet. "Hey, Midoriya. Yuki. Next time we'll definitely save her."
"Right!" Izuku nodded.
"No matter what!" Eva added.
"Don't get too worked up about this," Aizawa warned. "The Big Three are one thing. They're strong enough to hold their own out there with the pros. Due to Yuki's past with Hassaikai, she will be playing a big part as well. She's a fae, so I have no doubt she can hold her own as well especially since shes part of the Yuki and Moonbloom. But the rest of you will be minimally involved. Asui, Urakaka, Kirishima. You didn't volunteer for this, and you're not obligated to participate. It's your call."
"Mr---" Urakaka began as she got to her feet. "I mean, Eraser Head! After everything that we just heard. I can't imagine not helping out, sir."
"Yeah, if you're gonna let us be part of this, I'd like to pitch in however I can," Tsu said.
"The heroes asked you to be in that meeting," Amajiki brought up. "I don't think they would've wanted you guys to be there if they didn't recognize your abilities. I mean, I've seen for myself that a first-year can shine brighter than me."
"You're gonna have to let that go at some point, ya know," Hado advised, leaning towards him.
Kirishima punched his fists together. "If I can use my power to help that girl even a little bit, then count me in, Eraser Head!"
"As long as you understand," Aizawa nodded. "Our scope here is limited. For now, our only goal is to rescue Eri. We won't step in further than that. Given the recent altercation, neither the police nor Nighteye believes that the League of Villains and the Shie Hassaikai have formed a partnership. So the chances are relatively low that the League will be involved in this raid. But if it turns out they're mistaken about that, and the League does end up putting in an appearance. you guys are out. "
"Understood, sir!" The first-years responded.
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