Chapter 33
The morning before class started Eva flew over to Shiozaki's room, scaring the girl when knocking on the window.
"So early," Shiozaki said as she opened the window.
"I am ashamed," Eva admitted as she climbed through the window. "I have been deceptive towards you."
"Is this about the homework?" Shiozaki asked. "There is nothing wrong with accidentally coming out with a wrong answer."
"No," Eva shook her head. "It's something else, Kastuki pointed out."
"That scary angry guy?" Shiozaki asked.
"He's not scary," Eva shook her head. " Anyway, he says I should be more truthful with you. Please don't freak out."
"I promise," Shiozakia said as she clapped her hands together. Eva took off her ring just like she did for Todoroki. She started to glow again.
"I'm sorry!" Eva squeaked as she hid behind her hands. "I feel awful for not telling you."
"Nonsense," Shiozaki said as she took Eva's hands. "Telling anyone takes time, I am happy our gracious friendship is growing." Eva looked up in surprise. "I did not witness deception at all."
"Shiozaki," Monoma said as he knocked at the door. "Time to get going for class."
"I will see you later," Eva said as she slipped the ring back on, it lodged back into her skin. Shiozaki waved, and soon Eva was in class as well.
"The hero work studies are a more serious version of your internships," Aizawa said. "They entail helping pro agencies on the streets and with investigations. Your teachers and the principal discussed them at the faculty meeting. And we all agree. It's too soon. They should really be canceled."
"What?" all the students asked.
"Aw, but we already met about them!" Kirishima groaned.
"I guess, when you think about why we had to move into the dorms, it does make sense," Kaminari said as he played with Ojiro's tail.
"Ha, ha!" Katsuki cheered as he stood up.
"Just because you wouldn't get to do one," Hagakure stated.
"But...some people think we won't be able to raise strong heroes with that sort of protective outlook," Aizawa said. "And with that in mind, the compromise is to be selective about participating agencies. So, choose one with a proven track record. Otherwise, you won't be taking part." Katsuki growled.
"A wise requirement," Iida said.
"Maybe I should contact Selkie," Tsu said as Katsuki lowered his head to the desk.
"Damn it!" Katsuki reached as he stood back up.
"With this all being said," Aizawau began. "Yuki." Eva looked up. "You already have an offer." Everyone looked at her as her eyes went wide. "It is with the Nighteye Agency."
"You should definitely go for it!" Hagakure exclaimed.
"From what I heard, that guy is super awesome!" Kaminari said as he gave a thumbs up.
"Do you accept?" Aizawa asked.
"Yes, sir," Eva nodded.
"Good," Aizawa said. "Make sure to be ready to leave after school today, you will be taken to meet today. I understand you would rather fly, but focus on making a good first impression."
"Yes, sir," Eva nodded. It seemed the end of the school day couldn't have come faster. Eva was now at the front doors of the dorm. She was making sure she had everything before stepping out.
"How late should I expect you to be back?" Iida asked as he stood across her with his arms crossed. "I need to know if you will be home for dinner or not."
"I don't even know that answer, Iida," Eva admitted.
"Then at least text when you get there and text when you are leaving," Iida said.
"Uh, Iida," Kirishima breathed. "I think you are going a bit overboard. We all know our Yuki is more than capable of handling herself. She'll be with Togata, and he's super strong."
"Of course I am!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air. "As Class Representative, I must know the safety of my fellow classmates! And it doesn't matter if she'll be with someone or not, her safety is a priority!"
"Kill their asses!" Bakugo encouraged. "Wreck them! Tear them to shreds!"
"Got it," Eva gave a thumbs up.
"Good luck!" Everyone wished her as she headed out the door. Eva quickly made her way to the front of the campus to find Mirio.
"There you are!" Mirio cheered as he waved his hand super fast. "It's time To-ga-ta-go!"
"I'm ready," Eva nodded as she gave a thumbs up.
"Great!" Mirio cheered as they started down their path. "If you have any questions, just ask!"
"It's run by Sir Nighteye, right?" Eva asked.
"Yep!" Mirio nodded.
"What should I strive for in making a good first impression?"
"That is a great question," Mirio said as he looked at her. "Sir is very strict, but he does enjoy make him laugh!"
"Make him laugh," Eva repeated. Mirio stared at her. "What is it?"
"You know where we are going right?" Mirio asked as he pointed forward.
"Yes," Eva nodded. "My class rep made sure I knew where I was going along with telling him where was it located. Even though you would be with me."
"It sounds to me like your class rep is super caring," Mirio said. "I bet you feel lucky to know him." Eva nodded. "Since you know where we are going, how you fly us there?" He took out a stopwatch.
"Mr. Aizawa said I needed to make a good first impression," Eva said.
"That's just what we are doing!" Mirio said. "It will be super fun!" He waved his arms up and down super fast.
'He is one of my upperclassmen,' Eva thought to herself. 'He's also doing a work-study at this place, and he is super strong.'
"Okay," Eva gave in.
"Weee!!" Mirio shouted as Eva picked him up, and they went high into the air. Eva then scanned over, till she located the direction they needed to be going. "And go!" Eva took off towards the building Mirio let out shouts of joy. It took about five minutes.
"This place is huge," Eva said once they landed.
"That was super fun!" Mirio shouted as he waved his arms around. "I saw you fly faster in the sports fest! You must take that speed on the way back to campus!"
"Are you sure?" Eva asked as they made their way inside.
"Nothing I can't handle," Miriro said. "It is wonderful, Sir recommended you, it shows that he already knows how to use you."
"I am quite happy he approved of me this far," Eva said. "I want to prove that he won't be making a mistake." She then stopped walking. "My apologies, I have to let Iida know I made it here." She then took out her phone to send the text.
"This meeting should only take about an hour," Mirio said. "So you'll definitely make it home by dinner. Tell him not to worry! You are in safe hands!"
"Thank you," Eva breathed. Soon they reached a door.
"Sir!" Miriro exclaimed as he opened the door. In the room was a man with green hair, and a few strands of yellow. The entire room had All Might items.
"You got here earlier than I thought," Sir Night Eye. "How come?"
"Air traffic wasn't too bad," Eva answered. The man laughed lightly.
"You are off to a great start!" Mirio cheered. "You already made him laugh!"
"What exactly do you wish to accomplish?" Sir Nighteye asked.
"Well, in complete honesty, I'm not aiming to be number one," Eva answered. "Becoming number one is important, but I just wanna be someone people will count on. I wanna be a hero for those who stopped believing in heroes."
"Tell me a bit about yourself," Sir Nighteye said. "Where were you born? Where did you grow up?"
"I was born in the Otherworld" Eva answered. " I grew up here in both realms. That being said my people are a priority."
"Yuki is very thankful for the opportunity you have given her, Sir," Miriro said. "Told me that she wants to be able to prove herself here. Wants you to feel certain you made the right choice."
"Smart girl," Sir Nighteye nodded. "I sent out an offer for the internships, but you declined. What exactly did I lack back then?"
"Wings," Eva answered as she tilted her head. Sir Nighteye laughed a bit more.
"You are doing great Yuki!"Mirio exclaimed as he gave a thumbs-up, his arm was going up and down fast. "With your answer, why did you agree to come here then?"
"I know Sir Nighteye is amazing, but I needed someone who could fly at that time. I wanted to learn how to fly better. Speed is one thing, but maneuvering is another. This brings to Mirio mention you bring people on based on how you can use them." She looked at Sir Nighteye. "You want me to do air surveillance, is that correct?"
"You will roam the streets with Mirio, but if I like you long enough after your graduation...Yes, sky patrol is where I will place you," Sir Nighteye answered. "Tell me what exactly is your Quirk?"
"I can manifest wind out of my wings," Eva answered. "I can have it come out in many forms, a simple blast, a scythe, a ball sort of form."
"I am well aware, fairies have magic, and some have a quirk," Sir Nighteye brought up.
"They can have both," Eva said. "A Quirk can eliminate and limit specific magic abilities. I can't make people fly, and I cannot grant wishes if that is what you are wondering."
"I am aware of the fact that you were there for the Stain incident," Sir Night Eye said. "What made your blood so poisonous?"
"My blood is mainly made of magic," Eva answered. "In other explanations, I don't have iron in my blood, instead it a based on a copper compound. So instead of it coming out red, it will be a white. My blood is poisonous to humans, as for animals, and other supernatural, not so much. Since you want to take me on, I'm sure you've researched fairies."
"There isn't a way for you to come over iron or silver?" Sir Nighteye asked.
"With help, I am currently trying to make my costume iron and silver-proof, as strange as it sounds. But no, not a chance to come over it."
"Mirio, I am fully convinced I made the right choice taking this girl on," Sir Night Eye said. "You'll work here alongside professionals, from here we will turn you into power just like we did with Mirio." She looked at Mirio, then at her arms. "You have the paperwork for me to stamp?" Eva nodded, and she took it out.
"I never doubted you for a second, Sir!" Mirio said as he gave two thumbs up. "You made an amazing decision!" Sir Nighteye had Mirio step out for a bit so he could talk to Eva more one-on-one. It took about an hour, Sir Nighteye wanted to know all of her weaknesses, strengths, and abilities. Once she stepped out, Mirio stepped in, so he could talk with Sir Nighteye for a couple of minutes. Mirio came out, he was as happy as he normally was.
"Good news!" Mirio said as they made their way out of the building. "Sir Nighteye has agreed to meet the problem child from your class."
"Izuku?" Eva asked. "That's amazing! I hope he is able to get Sir's approval."
"That all depends on if Midoriya can make Sir laugh," Mirio said. "He won't have it as easy as you of course. By the way, I should ask for your hero's name. My name is Lemillion. I can't save them all, but I aspire to save at least one million people." They stepped out of the building.
"Mine is Violet Gust," Eva answered. "I want to save people that have doubt a hero is going to show up."
"Admirable goal," Mirio said as he put his arms out. "Are you ready to jet out of here?"
"Right," Eva said as she took out her phone, she sent a quick text to Iida. Once her phone was away, Eva picked up Mirio. "You said you wanted to go fast, right?" She went higher into the air.
"I am ready to blast!" Mirio exclaimed as he waved around his arms. Eva located the direction of the school and then took off in that direction, it took them about two minutes. She landed right in front of the dorms for the third year. "Amazing!" He was pumping his arms. "I almost forgot to blink!"
"Should I come in tomorrow?" Eva asked.
"No need to worry," Mirio answered. "Tomorrow I am just taking Midoriya to meet Sir. All you need to do is focus on your training. Man, having a fairy at the agency is going to be awesome! What sort of jobs do you have in the Otherworld"
"If we wanna take teeth, we gotta take three exams for it," Eva answered. "Most fairies get their licenses at 12. There are loads of jobs now that I think about...even dragon egg protection. Being an attendant of a deity"
"So cool!" Mirio exclaimed. "I will see you later! You must not keep the class rep waiting!"
"Thank you for your help today," Eva said before leaving. Upon entering her dormitory, she was bombarded with questions.
"So, how did it go?" Urakaka asked.
"Is he as intimidating as they say?" Sero asked.
"Anyone cute catch your eye?" Hagakure asked.
"Let her breathe!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air. "We are all curious, one question at a time!"
"It's alright," Eva assured. "As for the questions, he has two sidekicks, Bubble Girl, and Centipede and that's it, he is very intimidating and it went well."
"So after graduation, you'll become a sidekick for him, right?" Kirishima asked.
"If he likes me that long," Eva answered. "He wants me to do sky patrol."
"No surprise there," Sato said. "Any agency would love to have someone dominant in the air."
"What the hell? I'm dominant in the air!" Katsuki shouted. "Agencies that don't want me are just weak!"
"You are wonderful in the air, Katsuki," Eva assured looking over at him.
"Yuki is just a bit more of a natural in the air," Hagakure said.
"Plus, she's cuter," Mineta wiggled her eyebrows. Eva smacked him with her wing, sending him back.
"As soon as you get your license, I'm sure agencies are going to be swarming to want you," Eva said looking at Katsuki. She wrinkled her nose and looked in the direction of the kitchen. "Is something burning?"
"I completely forgot about dinner!" Kaminari panicked. "Oh man, I am in charge of making something!" A bunch of people rushed over into the kitchen as Eva went and sat next to Katsuki.
"Did you get to kick any ass?" Katsuki asked as he clenched a fist.
"No," Eva denied. "Today was just a meeting. For such a strict guy, Sir Nighteye does like humor, and is a huge All Might fanboy."
"He is All Might's former sidekick," Katsuki said.
"Still," Eva said. "The room is sort of how Izuku has his dorm decorated. There's even a poster of All Might's tenth-anniversary poster that was never on sale." Katsuki started to laugh.
"Eva?" Iida asked as he poked his head over into the room. "Dinner is kind of ruined if we order out, can you go and pick it up?"
"Yeah, sure," Eva agreed as she stood up.
"We just ordered," Ashido answered. "Pick up some meat buns on your way home as well."
"And milk," Kaminari asked.
"She's not a delivery girl!" Katsuki shouted. "Get it yourselves! Or did you forget you have legs!"
"It's alright," Eva assured as tapped him multiple times. "Though I could use some help."
"I'll come with you!" Yaoyorozu volunteered. "We actually need quite a few things from the store. Drop me off at the store while you get dinner."
"All right," Eva agreed.
"Count me in as well," Ojiro volunteered. "To make it easier on you."
"While those three are gone, everyone helps clean up the kitchen!" Iida ordered.
"Don't tell me what to do, four-eyes!" Katsuki shouted.
"Hold up," Eva breathed. "Where's Izuku?"
"Deku has been in his room studying," Urakaka answered. "He's doing his muttering thing, it was pretty hard getting down the hall."
"I'll have him come as well," Eva said. "He's going to need a break. I'll meet you both in front in five minutes." Those two nodded as they went to grab shoes, Eva went outside and then flew to Izuku's room. She tapped on the window.
"Eva!" Izuku exclaimed as he fell off his chair. He scrambled and opened the door. "How did it go?"
"Very well," Eva answered. "I hope it goes well for you tomorrow, Mirio spoke to Sir about you."
"What did he say?" Izuku asked as he got excited.
"Not sure, I had to step out into the hall," Eva answered. "Are you able to take a break? Yaoyorozu, Ojiro, and I are heading out. We are picking up dinner and heading to the store, thought you would want to come along." Izuku looked back at his desk. "Urakaka mentioned something about your muttering flooding the halls." Izuku let out a small yelp as he covered his mouth.
"Taking a break will do me some good," Izuku said as he lowered his head. With those words, the four went to grab dinner as well as pick up some groceries. They even picked up some baking supplies for Sato.
"Oh, wow," Yayorozu breathed as she looked down, Eva was flying everyone over to where they would be picking up dinner, luckily there was a grocery store nearby. "This really is amazing." They soon touched down in front of the store.
"With the four of us, we should be able to get items on the list quickly and get the food," Izuku said. "Let's say ten minutes, then meet at the front of the store."
"Deal," Ojiro nodded as they walked in. After a quick discussion of what to receive, they split up.
Eva: Breakfast items, bread, fruits, and vegetables
Ojiro: meat buns, and a fish fun, meats and fish
Yaoyorozu: Tea, soups, condiments, rice
Izuku: Dairy and baking ingredients for Sato
It didn't take them long to get the stuff, and then grab dinner. Eva had to fly a bit more gently.
"You are back!" Hagakure cheered as she jumped up and down. "Did you grab everything?"
"Did you grab the honey?" Sato asked.
"Between you and Eva, people will think we are tending to our own personal bees," Tsu said as they quickly helped unpack.
"Sorry," Eva and Sato apologized putting their hands on the back of their head.
"Was there any trouble?" Sero asked as they got dishes out for dinner.
"Not at all," Ojiro answered. "Even flying back, I was worried things would get a bit messy, but Yuki made sure to fly a bit more gently." The rest of the night flew by Eva was now in her room putting some milk into her fridge and honey into a drawer.
"Are you awake?" A voice asked as there was a knock at the door, it was Sato.
"Yeah, you can come in," Eva said.
"Sorry for bothering you," Sato said as he walked in. He was scratching the side of your face. "I'm just curious about why you like honey so much. I know I use it for baking, which helps with my quirk."
"Milk and honey are vital to fairy magic," Eva answered as she closed her drawer. "Especially if it's consumed in its natural form."
"Let's make a deal," Sato said. Eva looked over at him. "If I make you sweets with honey and saffron in them, then can you make that cranberry nectar juice thing for me..."
"You wanna go flying as well, right?" Eva asked. Sato turned red as he looked away. "You have a deal."
"Really?" Sato asked as he looked at her. "That easy."
"I know Mr. Aizawa said we shouldn't be here to make friends," Eva said. "But I think it's vital to have friends when you are a hero. "Friends should help friends no matter what, and you are my friend."
"Friends!" Sato cheered as he pumped a fist into the air.
Morning came around, Eva was up early she wanted to get her chores done early. She had to clean the highest windows.
"A whole day off, huh?" Kaminari asked as he brushed his teeth in the common room with Mineta. Kirishima and Tokoyami sat at a table.
"Yeah, after all the exams and special training, we can finally take it easy for once," Mineta said as he brushed his teeth as well.
"Moring!" Izuku shouted as he sped past everyone.
"Morning," Eva greeted as he ran out the door.
"Okay, what's up with him?" Mineta asked.
"Oh, hey, lookie there," Kaminari said as they looked out the window. "They've got provisional license training on weekends." They saw Todoroki and Katsuki out front, along with the fact that Izuku had already run past them.
"I told you to shut your damn face!" They heard Katsuki shout. "And walk behind me, idiot!"
"We're having a study session with Yaoyorozu later," Kaminari brought up. "You guys wanna come along?"
"Sorry, man," Kirishima apologized. "We're busy today."
"I'll be studying some websites," Mineta said.
"To each their own, I guess," Kaminari said. "Have fun." He looked over at the windows. "Yuki?"
"My day is pretty busy, but I will be coming to the study session," Eva said as she moved onto a window.
**** First thing of the day: Training with Shinso
Eva was now at Ground Omega with Mr. Aizawa and Shinso. Eva saw that Shinso was trapped in the same kind of scarf that Aizawa had.
"Shinso, if you wanna capture me, perhaps you should focus on not capturing yourself," Eva suggested.
"This isn't as easy as it looks!" Shinso shouted at her.
"Now that we are here," Aizawa began. "Yuki, as your teacher, I need to be aware of all of your abilities."
"Everyone is super interested in them lately, even Katsuki," Eva said. "They aren't all that useful."
"It is only useless if you deem it useless," Aizawa said. "People like me and Shinso have to fend for ourselves with our Quirks."
"You have the time," Shinso said as he started to get himself untangled.
"Maybe you should start with stationary objects first," Eva suggested.
"Go on Yuki," Aizawa ordered.
"Well, like most fairies I do have magic, which is energy, more specifically nature energy," Eva answered. "As you already know my senses are enhanced, super strength, super durability. Limited in photokinesis, I can project light off my body. Chlorokinesis to an extent. I do have knowledge of healing. Longevity is not really an ability, I'm not immortal, but I will much longer than most other creatures, especially humans. I do know a lot of what you would call magic tricks and I can make an oath."
"What does an oath do?" Shinso asked.
"A fairy and the other person must touch fingers and photokinetic light with come through the promiser's arm. If the oath is broken the promiser may die," Eva explained.
"How can you answer that so calmly," Shinso said. "It doesn't phase you."
"You have been holding back," Aizawa said. "How come?"
"Safety reasons," Eva answered. "Though Katsuki said I should trust people around here." Shinso finally got out of his scarf, he went to throw it. He then captured himself again and fell over. "Laws too."
"Can anything make these abilities weaken?" Shinso asked.
"If I don't consume enough milk and honey, iron, and silver," Eva answered, as she took out a vital, they had her tears. She uncapped it, and then flew over to Shinso, he stopped fighting the scarf when she was right above him. "Fairy tears." Eva dripped a little bit on a cut, it healed up instantly. "When you a get more hang of the scarf, come get me."
"It won't take long," Shinso assured her.
"See you in class, " Mr. Aizawa said before Eva took off.
****Next thing to do, training with Sero*****
Eva was now at Ground Gamma with Sero, he had to try capturing her as they maneuvered through the city, it also held Eva get more of a hang of tight spaces. Mr. Cementoss was with them. Sero was up in the air, tape wrapped around Eva's stomach, he pulled before landing. Eva ended up crashing harshly into Sero, sending them to the roof below.
"Sorry," Sero apologized.
"I should apologize," Eva said as she got off of him. "You did capture me, so that's good."
"That landing totally sucked," Sero said. "Next time will be better."
"May I suggest you actually go through the tight spaces, Yuki?" Cementoss asked. "Capturing someone in open space is easy, but it can be difficult when the space is limited.
"It's up to you Sero," Eva said looking at him.
"Let's do it!" Sero smiled. The two of them high-fived.
****Next part of the day, swimming with Yaoyorozu and Iida.
Eva was now clung to a pole.
"You won't get any practice in if you stay on here!" Yaoyorozu shouted as she pulled on Eva's leg to try and get her off.
"Is it really necessary to go fully under?" Eva asked.
"We aren't going to let you drown!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air as he was already in the water. "Just get in the water already!" Yaoyorozu eventually got Eva into the water, today they were working on kicking. Eva was happy to be given a kickboard for it. After that practice, they were walking back to the dorms. They were walking quite slowly due to Eva.
"We should really pick up the pace," Yaoyorozu said as she looked back at Eva. "Our study session is starting soon."
"Iida," Eva breathed looking at them. "My wings are still wet, so it's up to you."
"When the wings are down, you can rely on the engines!" Iida shouted with a laugh as he chopped at the air. He grabbed the two girls and then sped off toward their dorms.
Soon after studying, they were all in the common room, Izuku was telling them how he found a work-study.
"You found an agency for your work-study?" Urakaka asked. "Congratulations, Deku!"
"That's awesome!" Ashido complimented.
"Indeed," Iida said. "Well done, Midoriya."
"Thanks, guys," Izuku said as he shook Iida's hand.
"Thank you," Iida said. "You and Yuki are an example to us all."
"I dunno how the rest of us are supposed to compete, though," Kaminari said as others walked over.
"Yeah, you'll both be working at Sir Nighteye's agency," Sero added. "That's seriously amazing."
"And I hear Togata recommended you," Kirishima added.
"Pretty impressive, man!" Sato commented.
"Um. Yeah, I guess," Izuku responded.
"The distance between us just keeps getting wider," Todoroki said as he stood against a wall with Katuski. "We've got to catch up and soon."
"Huh," Katsuki grunted.
"I wish I had a place picked out," Urakaka dreamed. "The school said Gunhead hasn't had enough interns, so his agency is a no-go."
"I know what you mean," Tsu agreed as Kirishima leaned on the couch, in the space between Tsu and Eva. "I wanted to go to Selkie's, but that's out too." Sato sat on the arm of the couch, on Eva's side. He handed her some mango juice.
"Yeah, so is Fourth Kind," Kirishima groaned. "He doesn't even accept students for work studies."
"The teachers sure aren't making it easy for us, are they?" Sero asked.
"Thanks to all these requirements, a ton of agencies are ruled out right off the bat," Kaminari said.
"We can't really blame them," Ojiro said. "Unlike the internships, we'll be directly involved. So if anything were to go wrong, then..."
"Then the pros have to take responsibility for whatever happened," Aizawa cut him off.
"Oh, hey, Mr. Aizawa!" Kaminari greeted him as they looked over at their teacher.
"Only pros who're the real deal will take on rookies like you guys, knowing the risks involved," Aizawa explained more. "Tokoyami looks like you've got an offer from one of them. Hawks has invited you to work with him in Kyushu."
"No way!" Kaminari gasped as everyone looked over.
"Dude, he's the Number Three hero!" Sero added. "That's awesome!"
"Whoa! Good job!" Sato complimented.
"Well, what d'ya say?" Aizawa asked.
"I respectfully accept," Tokoyami agreed.
"All right then," Aizawa said. "I'll make sure you get the relevant paperwork later. Just let me know when you're expected in Kyushu. I can sign off on your absences."
"Congrats, Tokoyami," Shoji said. "You psyched?"
"I am grateful, of course," Tokoyami answered.
"We've really gotta catch up," Todoroki said as he lowered his head.
"Would you stop saying that?" Katsuki demanded.
"Also, Kirishima. Apparently, Amajiki from the Big Three wants to talk to you about something," Aizawa revealed.
"He wants to talk to me?" Kirishima asked as everyone looked at him.
"Urakaka and Asui you've got your own Big Three summons from Hado," Aizawa added. "You can track 'em down sometime tomorrow or whatever. That's all for now." He then made his way out.
"Amajiki?" Kirishima asked. "That's crazy. I wonder what he wants."
"Considering the timing, it could be about the work-study program," Tsu answered.
"No way!" Urakaka gasped. "That'd be too good to be true, right?"
"I have to wait until tomorrow?" Kirishima grunted. He stood up fully. "Nope! I'm going over to the third-year's dorm right now!"
"I don't think I can wait, either," Tsu admitted. "Let's go with him." She got to her feet.
"Yeah!" Urakaka agreed as she got to her feet. They both headed off.
"We've really, really gotta--" Todoroki began.
"Just shut up!" Katsuki raged at him.
"Aw, man, I'm so jealous of those guys," Kaminari said.
"We'll just have to work harder," Sero said.
"Heh. Who cares about work studies anyway?" Mineta asked as he stared at Mina's boobs. "First-years like us'll just get stuck running errands and doing paperwork all day."
"Oh yeah, that's what happened at your internship, huh?" Kaminari recalled.
"Don't remind me of disgraceful past!" Mineta cried in horror. All the students started laughing.
"All right guys, time to get started on making dinner!" Yaoyorozu announced. "Let's not burn this time!"
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