Chapter 32
Everyone but Katsuki was back in class Eva was over by Ashido and Jiro.
"Guys! I'm sorry for all the trouble I caused!" Izuku apologized. There was steam coming out of his nose.
"No sweat, Deku," Urakaka said. "Thanks for your hard work."
"All he did was vacuum," Jiro pointed out. "And what's with those steam nostrils?"
"Sort of reminds me of a dragon," Eva said.
"Class Rep! Iida! I'm sorry I disappointed you!" Izuku apologized.
"Right," Iida responded. "Well, I'm glad you learned from your mistakes. Follow the rules from now on!"
"I'll catch up with everything I fell behind on these past three days!" Izuku declared.
"That's fightin' the spirit! Do it, man!" Kirishima encouraged.
"Time to take your seats, everyone," Aizawa ordered, Izuku let out a yelp, and then everyone did as they were told. "Morning. Now that Midoriya is back, we'll go into more detail about what the work studies entail. Go ahead and come in." The door opened revealing three students. "I'll have people who've experienced them firsthand explain. I suggest you listen carefully as they point out how work studies differ from internships. These three are third-years at UA. They rank at the very top of our student body. You may know them as the Big Three."
"The Big Three," Izuku breathed. "And it's him."
"The best of the hero course," Sero said.
"The Big Three," Kirishima said.
"They must have so much to tell us," Eva said as she prepped to take notes.
"Oh, wow!" Ashido cheered.
"Of all the talented students here, they're the ones at the top," Iida said.
"They're on a different level," Yaoyorozu said. "Still in school, but practically pro heroes."
"If they're as good as I hear, then they're the students we should be chasing after," Jiro said.
"They don't look all that special to me," Kaminari said. "Except the girl--she's pretty hot."
"The guy from outside I can't believe it," Izuku said.
"Hey," Eva whispered leaning towards Izuku. "The tall one...isn't."
"Yeah from the Sports festival last year," Izuku confirmed. "The other two didn't take medals home, either."
"We have so much to learn from them," Eva said, Izuku nodded.
"Get to it," Aizawa ordered the Big Three. "Introduce yourselves briefly. "Let's start with Amajiki." An intense look came over Amazjiki, it put the whole class on edge.
"It's no good," Amajiki began to tremble. "You two go. I just can't. Even if I try to imagine them as potatoes, I can see their human bodies. I know that they're still people. No words coming out. My mind's blank and my mouth is dry."
"Uh..." Tsu, Iida, and Urakaka breathed.
"I can't say anything," Amajiki trembled. "I wanna" He faced the wall. "...go home." Ojiro, Kaminari, and Ashido gasped.
"Okay. So, um," Ojiro sweated a little. "Are you really one of UA's top heroes?"
"Come on, Amajiki!" Nejire laughed. "You need to have the heart of a lion, not a kitten. You know, even though you're a human. Get what I mean?" She turned to the class. "This is our kitten, Tamaki Amajiki. And, hi, my name is Nejire Hado. I'm supposed to talk about work studies. Your first years have a really exciting time ahead of you. Hey, wait, hold on." She leaned in front of Shoji. "Why are you wearing a mask? Is it cuz you're feeling sick? Or just...Trying to look cool."
"Uh. Well..." Shoji began as he backed up in his chair.
"Oh, whoa!" Nejire smiled, she became more bubbly as she jumped to the side. "And you must be Todoroki, am I right? Yeah! How'd you get that big burn on your face?"
"That's none of your--" Todoroki began.
"I'm sure you are well aware of the fanfics people have of you and Yuki because of the sports fest," Nejire continued. "Have your wings always been this color?" Nejire touched the edges of Eva's wings. Before Eva could answer, Nejire moved on to another student. "And, Ashido, if your horns break off, you think you'll grow new ones? Ooh, and can you wiggle them?" Aizawa was becoming irritated. "Mineta, are those balls your hair, or what? I don't get it. Oh, oh, Asui, you're a tree frog. Not a gross toad, right? Oh my goodness! There's so much I want to know about every one of you. Let's have a Q and A!"
"Aw! She's a total airhead. Even cuter!" Kaminari gushed.
"All those questions make her sound so young," Ashido said.
"Izuku," Eva breathed tapping him as she leaned forward. "What's fanfic?"
"I'll tell you about it later," Izuku answered as he turned a bit red.
"She wants to know everything about my balls!" Mineta said with joy. "I'll spill my secrets! Come get up close and personal."
"Calm down," Sero ordered as he put his phone on Eva's desk. "I'm guessing you don't know what fan art is either." Eva looked down, to see a lot of paintings of her and Todoroki, a lot centering around the kiss and fake scenarios. Eva squeaked a little, she put her hands over her face as she turned red.
"Hey, Ojiro, can you support your entire body weight with that tail of yours?" Nejire asked as she hopped towards him.
"Well, uh, you see--" Ojiro began.
"Come on," Nejire pleaded. " Tell me, I really wanna know."
"This is completely irrational," Aizawa hissed at Mirio as his quirk began to activate.
"Oh, there's no need for you to worry, Eraser Head," Mirio sweated as he put a hand up. His arm began to go up and down, with a thumbs up. "I'm up next, and I'll get the audience refocused. "He cuffed his ear, leaning towards the class. "The future's gonna be...?" The class remained silent, and Eva pulled her hands down.
"Gonna be what?" Kaminari asked.
"Awful!" Mirio smiled. "That's your part, guys! Oh, crap. MY call and response was a total fail."
"Is it just me, or does it seem like each of them is a complete weirdo?" Sato asked. "What's the deal?"
"Their strangeness is palpable," Tokoyami commented.
"Okay, you guys look like you have no idea what's going on," Mirio noted. "I guess we are third-years who just showed up in your classroom to explain a program that's completely voluntary. I can see how you'd be confused by that. Hm. You guys got your provisional licenses as first years, right? Huh! This batch of new students have proven to be pretty darn energetic. So the problem is, you must not have a sense of humor. That's why my joke didn't land." Nejire gasped.
"Don't do it," Amajiki advised as he looked back.
"Heads up, the rad new plan is all you first-years fight me at once!" Mirio announced.
"Huh?! Huh?!" All the students asked.
"You wanna fight us?" Kirishima asked.
"What, like, now?" Sero asked.
"Well, if you want them to experience our experience, this is a pretty rational way of doing it then," Mirio explained to Mr. Aizawa. "Right, Eraser Head? Rational."
"Do whatever you want," Aizawa allowed. All of them got dressed in their fitness clothes and went to Gym Gamma.
"Is he...for real?" Sero asked as they watched Mirio stretch in front of them.
"Oh, yea, totes real," Mirio confirmed.
"Mirio," Amajiki said as he faced the wall. "You're impossible."
"Uh," Mineta breathed.
"It would have been simple enough for us to just tell them," Amajiki said. "This is what it's like, here's what we learned from it. Not everyone has your level of drive. Plus, think about how bad it'll look if some of them can't recover after fighting you. No one wants to spend the next few years in a hospital bed."
"Huh?" Mineta asked.
"I bet he's just trying to psych us out," Kirishima suspected.
"Het, listen up," Nejire ordered as she played with Ashido's horns. "It's storytime. Long ago, a student got frustrated in class and quit being a hero, and it was terrible for everyone. Did you know that? So, Togata, I know our job is tough. But, you better make sure you know what you're doing. Be careful, okay?"
"Please stop touching those," Ashido pleaded.
"Let's think about this," Tokoyami began. "You're obviously much further ahead than us. But we've fought pros before."
"Not to mention, we took down some legitimate villains," Kirishima added.
"We shouldn't underestimate him," Eva said. "He's one of the Big Three for a reason."
"It's our class minus two vs one guy," Kaminari said. "I think we have a pretty good chance."
"Exactly. We are all crazy strong. I don't think you need to worry about hurting us. We're not a buncha wannabes."
"Mm!" Mirio nodded. "Heard, but you're gonna have to show me that's the truth. Now, who's gonna start this party?"
"I've got this!" Kirishima declared as he hardened his arm.
"No. I'm first," Izuku declared as he stepped up.
"You stole my thunder!" Kirishima cried.
"View this as a learning experience," Aizawa advised as he cupped his hands around his mouth. "It's a good opportunity for you."
"Oh, the problem child!" Mirio smiled at Izuku. "Yes, this is perfect, I've heard you got plenty--a fire in ya." Izuku stretched and then got in a position to fight. Slowly, activating his quirk.
"The close combat team should surround him first thing!" Sato advised.
"Let's do it," Kirishima declared as he hardened back up. "We've got ourselves a new mentor. Everyone got ready to fight. "Thanks for the opportunity, man. The opportunity to kick your butt." Izuku launched forward, and suddenly Mirio's clothes fell completely off. Jiro and Eva's faces turned completely red Eva covered her eyes.
"Why did your clothes just fall off?" Sero demanded.
"Oopsy!" Mirio chimed as he put his pants back on. "My Quirk's kinda tricky. " Up above, Izuku was getting ready to kick Mirio. His foot went right through Mirio's head. "Went for the face huh?" Tape, navel laser, and acid went right through him.
"What's this?" Iida asked. When the smoke disappeared, their opponent was gone. "Where'd he go?"
"I think I'll start by taking out the long-distance fighters," Mirio said as he appeared behind Jiro. They heard her let out a scream.
"He warped?" Shoji asked as everyone looked back.
"His power isn't just slipping through things," Sato said as he ran forward.
"How'd he luck out with such a good Quirk?" Kirishima asked as he ran forward.
"You're wrong," Amajiki denied as they began to try to attack. "Mirio's Quirk isn't what you should be jealous of." As it went out, Mirio was taking Class 1-A out with punches to the stomach. "You should be envying his skills. That's what sets him apart, first years. Mirio did a work-study with a hero, but that didn't stop there. He kept building himself up." Mirio disappeared again, then reappeared behind Eva. Due to her heightened senses, she heard him. She turned back, just as Miro was rising up. Eva let out a squeak, covered her eyes, then shot back and up. Mirio was taken by surprise, but that didn't stop him from taking out her other classmates.
"Power!" Mirio shouted with a huge smile, his pants were back on.
"Mirio Togata," Aizawa said as he stood on the sidelines with Todoroki. "In my opinion, he's the person who's closest to taking the spot of number-one hero. That's including the pros."
"He got more than half of them in an instant," Todoroki said. "A student. But closer to being number one than most heroes."
"You're not gonna fight?" Aizawa asked. "You must be interested in taking the top spot yourself."
"I didn't even get my provisional license, though," Todoroki pointed out.
"Think that's it for the long-distance fighters," Mirio said as he looked at the other students. He turned to the other students. "All that's left are the ones who specialize in close-quarters combat."
"I have no idea how he just did that," Kirishima said.
"It's one thing to be able to phase through stuff, but warping, too?" Urakaka asked.
"He's unrivaled," Ojiro said. "Do we stand a chance?"
"Hold the flattery," Mirio smiled as he got into position to fight.
"There's more to his Quirk than we're seeing," Izuku said. "Whether his true power is slipping through matter, or somehow warping himself through space. Either way, he's still landing his attacks directly. We should be able to counter him, in the moment he's about to make contact. Even if we can't tell what he's doing, we should theorize with what we do know and use that knowledge to find a way to beat him."
"Yeah, you said it," Kirishima smiled. "House arrest didn't put a dent in your fightin' spirit."
"Then see if you can figure out how to win," Mirio said as he ran forward. His pants flew into the air.
"He went under!" Sato announced. Izuku turned back to see Mirio coming up. He went to attack.
"Watch this," Mirio said as his arm went through Izuku's leg. "An ultimate move! Blinder Touch Eyeball Crush!" His arm went rough through's Izuku's head, starting with the eye, He went under, letting his body through the floor, and punched Izuku in the stomach. "I've discovered that most people try to launch a counterattack just like you did. So, naturally, I've trained to work around such moves. Nice try, though!"
"Midoriya!" Iida shouted.
"Damn!" Kirishima grunted as Iida got taken out. He then took out the other classmates.
"Power!" Mirio shouted once more, he then looked up at Eva. "Don't make me come up there Winged Human!"
"Human?" Eva repeated as she peeked through her hands, Mirio was getting ready to jump. "I'm a fairy."
"My explanation is now over!" Mirio shouted with a thumbs up as he looked over at Aizawa. "It is against my personal morals to never lay harm upon a fairy."
"Very well," Aizawa said. "You can come down now, Yuki." Eva did as she was told.
"Hey, check out Togata, huh--" Nejire began as she went over to Amajiki. "He's gotten super powerful lately. Can you believe we are in the same room as a fairy? Are you even watching?"
"Mirio's been strong ever since we were little kids," Amajiki said. "Problem is...He needs to learn how to hold back." Soon the students were able to slowly get back to their feet as Mirio put his clothes fully back on.
"I tried to make it so you wouldn't see my willy," Mirio said. "Sorry if you got a peak. But, anyway. That's a taste of what it's like to fight me.
"We all just got punched in the stomach without ever knowing what was going on," Izuku trembled with the rest of his class.
"Lucky fairy," Sato grunted.
"Right, so, whaddaya think?" Mirio asked. "Isn't my Quirk strong?"
"Yeah, it's too strong!" Sero shouted.
"That's not fair!" Hagakure shouted. "Mine's nothing in comparison."
"How can you slip through things and warp?" Ashido asked. "Do you have two powers like Todoroki does?"
"Nope," Mirio denied. "Just the one."
"Just one," Eva said softly.
"Ooh, I know!" Nejire chimed as she stood in front of Miro. "I'll tell you what his Quirk is." She looked back. "Hey, hey, can I say it? Permeation!" She smiled hugely. "Cool, right?"
"Hado. Let Mirio explain his own power," Amajiki ordered.
"Yup!" Mirio smiled. "I've got a sweet Quirk that's called Permeation. What you guys thought as a warp was you guessed it, simply an alternative application of that power. " Nejire tugged on his shirt. "Oh, sorry, Hado."
"So, how exactly do you warp, huh?" Izuku asked as he took air notes.
"I activate my Quirk in my entire body. Then, I can pass through anything I want, no sweat," Mirio explained. "Everything! That includes solid ground. " He tapped it.
"So, that was you falling through the floor of the gym?" Urakaka asked.
"That's right," Mirio confirmed. "I went deep underground. And then, whenever I release my Quirk while I'm falling, something super strange happens. Apparently, things with mass can't overlap. That's called physics. So, I get repelled upward! Think of it this way. The ground spits me out, and I fly up into the air. That's how my warp works. By adjusting the direction I'm facing or the pose I'm holding, I can change the angle I come out at, so I can aim at different spots."
"That sounds like a buggy video game," Ashido grumbled.
"Hey, that's pretty funny!" Mirio laughed.
"You're able to avoid any attacks," Tsu said. "And you can move where you want in an instant. Awe! You were born with a really strong Quirk."
"Not true," Mirio denied. "My power's only strong because I made it that way. While my Quirk is activated, my lungs can't take in oxygen. Even if I breathe in, the air'll just pass through. In the same way, my eardrums don't work. And light can't go through my retinas. I can pass through everything. But that means I can't feel anything when I'm in that state. Even though I have a body, I can't stop falling. I could probably keep going down forever. Does that make sense? That's why if I wanna go through something like, say a wall. I have to concentrate really hard. I'll activate everything except one leg. Then I release the other leg and land on it. And then the first leg is the last one to go through. Even for a simple action like that, there are a bunch of little steps involved."
"Oh, man, if I were in a hurry, I would mess that up every single time," Kaminari said as he looked back at Mineta.
"Seriously, if you can't feel anything, how are you supposed to move?" Mineta asked.
"Growing up. I was always behind as you might expect. In no time, I'd dropped to dead last. I dropped my pants a lot, too," Mirio explained more. "In order to get to the top with this Quirk, I couldn't just hope things would get better." He tapped his forehead a lot. "I had to think! I learned to make combat decisions! And picked up a few new tricks. But above all, I learned to predict what would happen next. And what made those predictions possible in the first place was experience. I based my predictions on what I'd learned. This was kind of a roundabout way to get the point across, but that's why I wanted to fight. To show you through experience rather than words. In our work studies, we're not treated as guests like as in our internships. We're regarded as one of the sidekicks, or even as a pro! That can be super scary. Pros can get hurt. And sometimes they end up watching people die. But every scary and painful thing you go through is an important experience that you can't get inside a classroom, even at UA. I transformed the experience I got in my work-study into power. That's how I got the top spot!'s why I think they're worth it, even if you're scared. Y'with me, first years?"
"He even gives pep talks like a pro," Ojiro said as they clapped.
"I can't believe he went through all this for us, even though he could've just explained it," Yaoyorozu gleamed.
"So, these really are different," Kaminari said. "I did kinda feel like I missed out on stuff in my internship."
"Yeah, they tried to not let us do anything too dangerous," Jiro added.
"Guess it won't be that way during work studies," Sero said.
"Now that we've got our licenses, we'll be treated like pros once we're on the scene," Iida said.
"We gotta prepare ourselves for that," Sato said.
"It's just what I wanted," Kirishima said as he punched his fists.
"Yeah, this is great!" Hagakure agreed. "All of us came to UA because we wanna be pro heroes, right?"
"That's true," Shoji confirmed.
"C'est la vie!" Aoyama responded.
"We have to keep climbing," Tokoyami said.
"And be Plus Ultra!" Koda cheered.
"Let's get back to class now," Aizawa ordered. "Say Thank You."
"Thank you very much!" Everyone said as they headed back to class.
"You've learned what a work-study is from the Big Three," Mr. Aizawa said. "But it hasn't been decided yet whether or not you'll be allowed to do one. That won't be talked about until the faculty meeting. And if we're going to approve this, we'll have to think of how we'll handle the media. That's all I can tell you for now." Once school was over, everyone was back at the dorms Eva was in the sitting area with the girls.
"Hey!" Katsuki raged. "If you've got trash, then bring it over here, right now!"
"Bakugo, thanks!" Kirishima shouted running over.
"Sure!" Katsuki shouted.
"I have some as well," Tokoyami said as he headed over.
"Hand it over!" Katsuki shouted.
"Mine, too!" Kaminari smiled as he headed over.
"And mine," Sero said.
"This is heavy," Mineta said as he carried a big bag.
"Thanks, man," Sato said.
"Merci!" Aoyama shouted.
"Yeah, thank you," Ojiro said.
"You bastards, it's like you've been hoarding this for weeks!" Katsuki raged.
"Togata's story of how he went from last place to the top was so killer, wasn't it?" Ashido gushed.
"Yeah!" Hagakure agreed.
"I'm really looking forward to getting into a work-study now," Tsu said.
"I hope we get the chance," Urakaka wished. "I think they're still figuring out what to do with us first years."
"I think they're having a staff meeting on it soon," Eva said.
"I suppose there's nothing we can do until Mr. Aizawa gives us the go-ahead," Yaoyorozu said as she took her hair out of the ponytail as Eva's phone lit up.
"Is that Shinso?" Hagakure asked as she squished up against Eva.
"Shiozaki," Eva answered. "She wants to study together." Eva then stood up. "Mr. Ectoplasm's lesson was a bit confusing today."
"I don't even want to think about it," Urakaka groaned as she grabbed her head. Eva then went to a clipboard on the wall, tomorrow she was on dinner duty, but today she was just on clean-up after dinner.
"I'll be back before dinner," Eva said.
"You said that last time," Iida said getting up to her, he was chopping at the air.
"I just lost track of time," Eva said. "Plus, this time we are just studying."
"Just studying," Kaminari snickered. "Sure you are."
"Studying is probably just a cover-up for being Triple X with each other," Mineta snickered, Tsu smacked Mineta with her tongue as Jiro attacked Kaminari with her earphone jack.
"I want you back five minutes before dinner," Iida said.
"Just text me," Eva said as she went out the front door. "It won't take me long to get over here anyway." She then went up to her room, grabbed her stuff, then went to Class 1-B.
"Dearest friend," Shiozaki began as they sat in her room. Shiozaki's room had plants all over the room, and she had a message on the wall about spreading goodness. "Where should we start?"
"We do have a quiz coming up," Eva brought up. "Let's start with that material and make our way through."
"Or we can tackle what caused us the most sinful grief," Shiozaki suggested.
"That's a better idea," Eva nodded her head. The girls spent the next hour or so studying, till Eva received the time for dinner text from Iida.
Night soon came, Eva was up in her room studying, it was about one in the morning. She had taken off her ring for the first time in a long time in the human realm. Her natural fairy light was making the room light up. Yaoyorozu and Tsu were on the same floor, but Eva wasn't worried since their rooms were on the same side. To anyone on a night jog, it would look like she just had a lamp on. Her door opened and Eva threw the blanket over her quickly.
"It's just me," Katsuki grunted as the door shut. Eva peaked around the blanket just as Katsuki looked over. He stared at her, and then a small smile formed. "I tend to forget you can do that." He then locked the door. "You should stop hiding the magic you have. You want to be able to trust them, but they need to know if they can trust you as well."
"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Eva asked as she removed the blanket.
"Shut up," Katsuki grunted as he got in the hammock. "Deku talked to you right?"
"About the fight," Eva said as she went back to her studies. "He said you should be the one to tell me why you started the fight."
"It dealt with the issue of his power," Katsuki answered as he stared at the ceiling. "The League of Bastards, All Might losing his power." Eva looked over, from the way he was sounding, Katsuki was about to pour his heart out. Eva fluttered over to the hammock with the blanket, and Katsuki sat up to make room for her. Katsuki told her everything, he looked away when the tears built up in his eyes. Eva then pulled him into a hug, when the first tear slipped, he didn't try to fight it.
"It's not your fault," Eva said. "Don't ever think it was your fault." Katsuki ended up staying in Eva's room for the night, at his request, she was not to put out her light that night.
Classes were now back to normal since Katsuki got to rejoin, Eva noticed that he was working harder than ever. He even did some studying with her, whenever she had free time. Even if it was during dinner duty. One morning they were brought notice about a newspaper.
"A newspaper?" the students repeated.
"Yeah," Aizawa confirmed. "They wanna do a feature on your class for some reason."
"Isn't that amazing, Deku?" Urakaka asked getting close to him.
"Mhm-hm," Izuku nodded as he blushed.
"That's kinda surprising, huh?" Kaminari asked.
"Uh, not really," Kirishima answered as Koda nodded his head.
"Yeah, I mean, the sports festival was on TV," Ojiro added.
"We've gotta look super cute in case they wanna take our picture," Hagakure urged as she jumped up and down.
"For sure!" Ashido agreed.
"I think you'll be just fine, Hagakure," Jiro said.
"We should make your wings shinier," Yaoyorozu suggested. "They've been a bit dull."
"They have?" Eva asked as she looked back at them.
"That's enough," Aizawa hissed at them.
"Yes, sir," the students responded as they looked at him.
"It's nothing too exciting," Aizawa said. "The article's about how you're settling in, adjusting to dorm life, that kinda thing. Principal Nezu thought it would be a great idea. This'll show your parents and guardians that you're happy here. Maybe set a few minds at rest..."
"Newscasters are usually hot," Mineta said to Sero. "This is awesome, right?"
"He said it was for a paper," Sero pointed out.
"If she wants to write an article about my sticky balls, I'll give her an all-access pass," Mineta began to go on his pervy rampage. "I'll let her--"
Aizawa trapped him in his scarf. "I expect you all to be on your best behavior today.
"Don't worry on my account, Mr. Aizawa," a man said as he walked in. He looked over at the man. "I wanna get a feel for what dorm life is really like, so there's no need for them to act any differently than normal."
"I didn't say you could come in yet," Aizawa said.
"I was told I had from 8 AM till 6 PM," Tokuda said as he pointed at his watch. "So, unless my watch is wrong..." Aizawa eased up on his scarf as the reporter faced the class. "Hello, everyone, my name is Taneo Tokuda. I'm looking forward to learning more about you all."
"Nice to meet you," Everyone said.
"Now, as I said, you don't need to do anything special," Tokuda said. "Just go about your day exactly as you normally would. The camera will do most of the work. I might ask an occasional question or two, and I hope you'll answer." He gave a smile.
"He's got such a nice smile!" Ashido gasped.
"That is so not a woman," Mineta groaned as he leaned against the window.
"What to do?" Aoyama sighed as he touched his forehead. "My sparkling personality will undoubtedly draw the camera like a moth to a flame."
"Yeah. Undoubtedly," Sato commented.
"Principal Nezu has probably already spoken to you about this, but I wanna make sure you don't interfere in any way," Tokuda said to Aizawa. "No offense."
"I understand," Aizawa said as he lifted a hand. "If you need anything, just let me know. "
"I'm sure I'm in very capable hands," Tokuda said. "This is Class 1-A, after all. Every student here is a promising hero candidate."
"Iida, if there's a problem, let me know immediately. Got it?" Aizawa ordered.
"Of course, sir!" Iida snapped to his formal presence. "As class representative, I will carry out my duty to ensure the safety of all my fellow students, no matter wh-"
"That's great, thanks," Tokuda cut him off. "So, what would you normally be doing this time of day?"
"Having breakfast!" Iida answered as he put his feet together.
"No need to be so formal," Tokuda assured. "Just pretend that I'm not here..." Soon they started their day, Tokuda took pictures of them from the beginning. Eva had her picture taken when she was sitting at a table with Tsu and Urakaka, it was a group photo. It didn't go so well, when Tokuda tried to get a picture of Katsuki, it made everyone else in the class laugh lightly. The photos continued as they headed to campus and into class. As classes came it an end, it appeared to be raining outside. In times like this, Eva was glad she kept a poncho in her locker.
"You are going to catch a cold," Shoji said as he stood next to her as they stepped out of the building. His umbrella was big enough to cover them both.
"Thanks, Shoji," Eva smiled up at him as she grabbed onto one of his arms. Soon they were getting ready for dinner, Eva was helping with dinner that night. Sato was helping her, along with Hagakure, Yaoyorozu, and Koda.
"Ms. Midnight's lesson seemed easy today," Hagakure said. "What do you think?"
"Yeah," Sato answered. "It especially helps when she agrees to explain something, we don't understand."
"Agreed," Eva nodded.
"Mr. Cementoss's class, on the other hand, I got a bit confused," Hagakure admitted. Koda nodded in agreement.
"As long as you pay close attention, it should become easier," Yaoyozoru said. "Perhaps we should have another study session." Soon it was time to eat, Yaoyorozu went to the other classmates. "Hey, everyone. Dinner's ready. It's time to eat."
"Gather together quickly," Iida ordered.
"C'mon, Ochaco," Tsu encouraged as she stood up.
"I'll go see if Deku is still waiting outside training," Urakaka said as she got up.
"Eva! Did you make any of that cranberry nectar?" Ashido asked as she skipped over to the tables. "It was super yummy!"
"You should not be only drinking juice!" Iida scolded as he chopped out of the air. "You need milk to help keep your bones strong! This goes for you as well Eva!"
"He makes a point," Eva sighed. "I should be drinking more milk."
"Oh, come on!" Ashido groaned. "Just drink some tomorrow!"
"Ashido makes a point," Eva agreed.
"You can't just change your mind like that!" Iida shouted.
"Just have some milk," Jiro said as they all began to fix their plates. "Drink the juice later, there's always room for both."
"Great thinking, Jiro!" Ashido gleamed as she clapped her hands together.
"You guys!" Urakaka shouted as she walked in with Izuku. "All Might got us a yummy surprise!"
"Awesome!" Everyone cheered. They all got meat buns, and one veggie bun for Eva. She was super happy that All Might remembered that she doesn't eat meat or fish.
Soon everyone was in the dorms, they were on their night routine before going to bed. Eva was thinking about what Katsuki said to her the other night. She then stepped out of her window, then flew around to Todoroki's room. She knocked on the window it didn't take long for it to open. "Eva?" Todoroki asked as he opened the door. "We have school, I'm sure this can wait till tomorrow."
"You are right," Eva agreed as she lowered her head. "Katsuki just made me realize how selfish I've been about trust lately." She looked up to see Todoroki's face was close to hers.
"Just make it quick," Todoroki said as he stepped back.
"Just make sure your blinds are closed," Eva said as she flew in, she sat on the floor. "And don't freak out."
"Is it really that big of a secret?" Todoroki asked as he closed the windows. "You seem to have forgotten how close we've gotten physically before." He looked back, to see Eva staring at the ring on her right hand.
"This may seem like another's just magic," Eva said softly. "Just don't freak out, it's kind of embarrassing." Eva tapped the ring on her finger three times. "You wanted to know about my fairy abilities right?" She slowly took off her ring, Todoroki's eyes widened as a glow came over Eva, he sat in his chair. "This is embarrassing." She put the ring back on her finger, the glow went away.
"Eva," Todoroki said as he crawled over to her. "Don't hide, what you want to show me." He took her hand, taking off her ring and the glowing appeared again. "Have you always been able to glow like this?"
"Yes," Eva answered as she finally looked at him, she saw that his pupils were large.
"Blending in purposes?" Todoroki asked; Eva nodded. "How does this not fall off your finger?"
"It's been designed to stay attached to my finger, sort of like a tattoo" Eva answered. "Only by my touch, it comes off."
"Is there anything else I should know about?" Todoroki asked.
"Bring the plant over here," Eva answered. "It's looking dead." Todoroki did as he was told, then sat next to her. He watched her take a deep breath; the creases in her hand glowed green; she gently touched the plant; and it started to look healthier.
"And your quirk limits those other abilities," Todoroki said as he looked at the plant in amazement.
"Or eliminates," Eva answered. "Honestly, I always feel inferior when I'm in the Otherworld."
"I'm happy you are here," Todoroki said as he put the plant back. "If you had full control of those abilities..."
"I would be living there," Eva confirmed as he sat next to her.
"Everyone here is happy that you are living here," Todoroki said as he took her hand. "Myself included." He saw how dull his hand was compared to hers. "No more secrets between us."
"You don't think it's weird?" Eva asked as he looked at him.
"Not at all," Todoroki said as he placed his hand on the side of her face, and pushed her hair back. "You are safe here with all of us, there's no need for you to hide like this." Eva gasped, her eyes widened. "Human or not, you are one of us." A single tear slipped out, it fell onto a cut Todoroki got from supplementary classes. Todoroki watched it heal up. "No more secrets, I want to know all about your magic...people think our quirks are magic...but this is something else."
"Shoto," Eva breathed.
"You need to accept yourself, as much as I need to accept my past," Todoroki said. He gently kissed her forehead. "Your magic isn't embarrassing." Eva pulled back, his eyes locked on hers.
"Thank you," Eva breathed lightly as she picked up her ring. "I will see you tomorrow, it is late." She put her ring back on, and the glowing went away, making the room dark. She flew over to the window.
"Eva," Todoroki said as he grabbed her hand right before she took off. "Thank you for telling me." She looked back at him. "I can guarantee you, trust between us has grown stronger." Eva smiled back at him. "See you tomorrow." Once he let go of her hand, Eva went to her room to get some rest.
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