Chapter 31
Not long after Eva fell asleep, she woke up to the sound of her door opening. She could see someone using a flashlight.
"Shoto," Eva groaned as she sat up. "Why are you here?" He closed the door.
"Something's on my mind, so I came to you," Shoto turned to look at her. "What that Inasa said, my father's child."
"Of course you are," Eva said as she rubbed his eyes.
"That's not what I wanted to hear," Todoroki admitted. "May I?" Eva nodded. He got under the sheets, then the two laid back. "I can't escape it."
"Being your father's are still you," Eva said turning on her side to look at him, he did the same. "Your father is Endeavor and your want a different path than what he has planned." Todoroki looked at his hand. "DNA is what makes you two separate people."
"All I'm trying to avoid seems to be catching up to me," Todoroki frowned.
"Then confront it," Eva suggested. "We use distractions all we want, but at some point everything we avoid will add up, becoming one our biggest enemies." She put a hand on his face. "The worst villain you can face is yourself. The more you run, the further you will be at peace with yourself."
"The further I am at peace with myself," Todoroki repeated. "What that is supposed to mean exactly?"
"Heroes need to be strong," Eva said. "Not just in skills but in the heart as well." She put her hand over his heart as well. "Inasa was going off about passion during the exams. You need both passion and strength."
"Where does your strength come from?" Todoroki asked.
"My heart, but also the will of my people," Eva answered. "Especially of the dead. We are striving towards making things better for us, I want to make it better for them, and I want to make it better for people. Even some of the villains." Todoroki's eyes widened. "Shigaraki is trying to mold our society and make us see the cracks we flying over. All these new heroes can help fix problems that the older generations of heroes have caused."
"I think I am understanding," Todoroki said.
"Katsuki told me something that Best Jeanist told him...heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth," Eva informed as Todoroki moved a little closer to her.
"I want to make sure I can get my hero license," Todoroki said. "Can you train with me, help me confront my past."
"I can train with you," Eva said. "But confronting your past is a personal journey, all I can do is provide support like everyone else."
"Thank you," Shoto breathed as he pushed her hair back, he felt her ear. "You must be proud of getting your license."
"Pretty happy," Eva admitted. "How are you feeling though?"
"I understand," Todoroki answered. "Instead of focusing on the task, it got turned into a competition. I have a lot to learn, even more, though it sets me back."
"Not everyone's hero path is going to be similar," Eva said as Todoroki twirled a strand of her hair in his fingers. "Some are obviously going to be more difficult than others. No matter how many setbacks, it's important to not give up. And with these supplementary classes, you and Katsuki will be able to get your license."
"It'll be hard but we can handle it," Todoroki said. "With the support of our friends and hard work, in no time we will be semi-pros as well." He scooted much closer till their chests were touching.
"Shoto," Eva breathed as she felt her heart flutter a little.
"If I'm too close just say so," Todoroki said as he played with her hair a little bit more. His eyes trailed to the tapestry behind Eva.
"It's getting late, and we have classes," Eva pointed out.
"Just a little longer," Shoto whispered. "Tell me what it's like in the Otherworld." Eva looked back at the forest. "Your own personal experience."
"I can't be the only one sharing," Eva said. "I wanna know more about you." She looked back at him, he seemed surprised. "You know quite a lot about me and my people, but I don't know much about you." She gently touched the scar on his face. "I wanna understand you more."
"Very well," Todoroki gave in. The two ended up talking to each other for a few more hours.
Soon it was morning, Eva woke up to the sounds of her alarm going off. She started rubbing her eyes; a hand was holding onto hers.
'What the?' Eva thought to herself, she looked over to see Todoroki next to her on his back, still asleep. "Shoto!" She shoved him off with her wing; he woke up instantly.
"Was that really necessary?" asked Todoroki as he sat up.
"You were supposed to go back to your room, not stay here," Eva glared at him.
"I didn't want to get caught," Todoroki stated. "So I figured it would be best to stay here." He looked over at her. "Nice shirt." Eva looked down, her shirt was a black tank top with a skull in the middle of it, and holes in the back were cut open for her wings. It was one of Katsuki's old shirts that he grew out of, so he just gave it to her.
"Get out," Eva ordered as she flew over to the door. She opened the door just as Sero was about to knock. His eyes went between the two people in the room. Todoroki and Eva ended up having to plead with Sero not to say anything, especially to Izuku and Katuski. In exchange, Eva is to be training more with Sero about his tape capturing. During the morning, Eva also found out that Izuku and Katsuki were on house arrest after fighting at Ground Beta. She wasn't allowed to speak to them till they were allowed to part of their punishment for some strange reason.
Now they were heading to class.
"Listen up, everyone," Iida ordered as he chopped at the air. "Stay in line and move promptly into position. "I want to see order!"
"Uh. You're the only one who's not in line," Sero pointed out.
"The dilemma of a class rep," Iida trembled.
"I heard a little rumor about Class 1-A," a voice said. They looked over to see Monoma leaning against a wall. "Two people! You had two people fail the licensing exam, you losers!"
"Monoma from Class 1-B," Sero twitched.
"He's just as unhinged as usual," Kaminari twitched.
"Bet you were the only one in your class to fail," Kirishima suspected. "Just like in the final, huh?" Monoma laughed and then turned around. "That wasn't an answer!"
"Ha! Actually--Every one of us passed," Monoma revealed as the rest of his class appeared. "We've pulled ahead of you big shots."
"I'm sorry," Todoroki apologized with his back turned. "It's my fault."
"They're the ones who're turning it into a competition," Kirishima said. "It's not a big deal."
"This is exciting," Eva smiled as she and Shiozaki grabbed hands.
"One step closer to spreading goodness," Shiozaki said. "We must not take this opportunity for granted."
"Accordin' ta teacher Vlad, we'll have classes together this semester," Pony said. "Doesn't that sound like fun? I'm looking forward to it."
"I can't wait to test out my skills!" Kirishima punched his hand.
"Oh hey, isn't that the exchange student?" Kaminari asked as Monoma whispered to Pony.
"Touch me and I'll pummel you till yo mama doesn't know ya!" Pony exclaimed at the two guys. Monoma laughed as everyone else was taken aback.
"Stop filling her mind with crazy!" Kendo scolded before hitting Monoma.
"Hey. We're tryin' to get through back here," Shinso said as made his way through with the rest of his class.
"Our apologies," Iida panicked. "Come on, everyone. Save your chit-chat for later. We're clogging up the hallways."
"I honestly can't believe how uncool you are," Shinso groaned.
"Shinso," Tokoyami breathed.
"Oh right, the guy who fought Midoriya at the sports festival," Jiro recalled.
"You sure that's the same guy?" Sero asked. "Looks like he's bulked up a bit since then."
"It seems everyone has been training hard over the summer," Eva said.
"Yuki," Shinso said as he stopped, he looked back at her. "We need to talk."
"Huh?" Eva asked.
"Later," Shinso said before continuing forward. Soon they were all outside for the beginning of the semester assembly.
"Hi, there!" Principal Nezu greeted happily. "It's the adorable small mammal you all know and love, the principal. You may notice the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality. I haven't been taking care of it. This is something that can happen to humans and fairies, too. Even if you eat a balanced diet full of vitamins and minerals, you won't have a man of luscious locks unless you're getting lots of sleep. That's the secret! Disturbances in your normal resting patterns are terrible for your hair. So if you want to improve your fur's..."
'He's trying to make a point, but what is it?' Eva thought to herself.
"My own sleep cycle has been upset by the incidents that took place over summer vacation, which I'm sure everyone here knows about already," Principal Nezu said. We lost a pillar of hope. The ramifications of which have appeared faster than I could have imagined. And there will likely be even more chaos throughout our world in the near future. In particular, this will be the most apparent to those of you studying in the hero course. You must approach extracurricular activities, like the hero work studies available to second and third years, with a greater sense of caution..."
"Hero work studies?" Ashido repeated.
"Maybe they're the next level after the internships we already did?" Tsu suspected.
"The air always feels heavy when we talk about gloomy subjects," Principal Nezu said. "But, rest assured, your teachers are working hard to remove this weight from your shoulders. I'd like all of you to learn from their diligence, and remember that hard work will help you develop into capable heroes. Whether hero core, support, business, or general studies. I don't want any of you to forget that you're the ones who will inherit our society."
"Well spoken," Vlad King said. "Thank you, Principal Nezu. Now, we'll hear from the extra-curricular guidance teacher. Please give Mr. Hound Dog your attention. "
Mr. Hound Dog took the mic spot. He was not sounding very happy. "Yesterday...Two students." He was snarling the whole time he spoke. Then finished with a howl.
"All right," Vlad King said as he took the mic again. "As you just heard, there were students fighting last night. I know you're not used to life in the dorms, but let's all be a little more respectful moving forward."
"Does he forget human speech when he gets angry?" Mineta asked. "There's still so much weird stuff at UA I don't know about."
"Midoriya and Bakugo were doing well, but now they're being treated like problem children," Yaoyorozu said as she touched the side of her head.
"Yuki, did you know that they were going to do that last night?" Jiro asked. "You are close with them."
"No," Eva answered as gripped her skirt a little. "Neither said a word to me about them going out. This is news to me just as it is to the rest of you."
"Back to the classrooms starting with the third years," Vlad King ordered.
"Okay," Aizawa began once they were back in their classroom. "Starting today we'll resume our regular classes and training schedule. I know a lot has happened recently, however, you need to switch gears and focus on your school duties. We're lecturing today, but this semester you'll have even harsher training than before."
"He can't mean that, right?" Ashido asked Tsu.
"Like to share, Ashido?" Aizawa asked as he activated his quirk.
"His icy stare is back!" Ashido whimpered.
"Excuse me, sir. May I ask a question?" Tsu asked as she raised her hand. "What were those things the principal was talking about during the opening ceremonies? I've never heard the term hero work studies before.
"I know right?" Sero agreed. "That had me pretty confused, too."
"I also have concerns," Tokoyami agreed.
"He said they're something the upperclassmen participate in, correct?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"Are they similar to an internship?" Eva asked.
Aizawa touched the back of his head. "I was planning to talk more about those at a later date, but I guess telling you now is more logical. To put it simply, it's work outside of class. Like the internships, you did at pro hero agencies before. Only closer to the real thing."
"Wait, then why did we work so hard at the sports fest?" Urakaka exploded as she stood up.
"She has a point," Iida agreed. "If we have work studies, those who weren't scouted at the sports festival still have career paths."
"You gotta calm down," Sato advised. "You're acting kinda nutso."
"You are sort of sounding like Katsuki," Eva answered. "I expect him to explode like that, but not you."
"This doesn't make any sense," Urakaka cried.
"You'll be using your connections from the festival to secure a work-study," Aizawa explained. "It's basic networking. This isn't part of your normal classwork. It's discretionary for each student. That means those who weren't scouted at the sports festival will have a hard time lining up one I'm afraid. Originally, individual agencies recruited on their own. But there was lots of competition as people tried to recruit UA students. So this is how things ended up. Good enough, Ochaco?"
"I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions, sir," Urakaka apologized as she lowered her head. She then sat back down.
"Now that you have your provisional licenses, you can assist in real ways for longer periods of time," Aizawa continued. "Until now, there haven't been many first-years who've received their licenses. With the increased activity of villains, we're currently exploring the idea that you can participate in work studies as well. We'll explain more about the work-study positions and what that program entails at a later date, but now...We've got other things to worry about. That's all. Sorry to keep you waiting, Mic."
Present Mic happily opened the door, the teachers switched places. "First period is English! In other words, it's jam time! Been an age since I stood on this stage. Ya miss me? We've got a lot to cover today! Let's get rollin' with it. Ya dig?"
Soon classes were over, they were back at the dorms. Eva was sitting on the couch sipping away on cranberry nectar, next to Kirishima. They covered a lot of material that day.
"Excuse me," Mineta said as he swiped up dust from the window seal. "Excuse me, but what is with this dust, Bakugo?"
"Deku was s'posed to do that! Shut up!" Katsuki raged. He looked at Izuku. "Hey, can't you even clean something right, you idiot?"
"Right! Sorry! "Izuku apologized as he put together trash.
"Man, I'm so beat," Sato groaned as he walked down the hall with Ashido.
"Hey, guys," Izuku greeted. "If you put your trash in the halls, I'll take everything down in a second."
"So, Present Mic's class today," Sato said as he and Ashido leaned on the couch.
"You as lost as I was?" Kirishima asked.
"Were we supposed to know all the grammar he was going over?" Sato asked.
"Oh, yeah, that!" Ashido chimed. "Right? I was like is this even English?"
"I think I studied the wrong chapters!" Kirishima admitted.
"I got stuck at the beginning and then I couldn't figure anything after that," Sato said.
"The middle is where I really started to get confused," Eva said.
"If you were confused, I fear there's no hope for me," Ashido groaned as she took Eva's cup, and then sipped on the pink silicone straw. "Mmm."
"About those work studies. I wasn't scouted, so I wonder if I'll get to participate in one," Jiro said.
"Maybe we can go to the places we did our internships," Hagakure hoped. "I'd be totally down for that."
"I hope I get to do one," Ojiro said.
"In just one day, I've been completely left behind!" Iida said in a high-pitched voice. Eva looked over to see Izuku looking completely lost. "That's what you're thinking, right, House Arrest?"
"Hey, don't call me that, it's mean!" Izuku exclaimed. "Um, Iida. What's a work-study?"
"Something I can't tell you about," Iida answered. "The teachers have forbidden us from giving you any details about our classes. Sorry, but you'll just have to experience the same shock and surprise we went through. Did you catch that? Bakugo?"
"Shut your mouth!" Katsuki raged. "I heard you, four eyes!"
"And don't even think about getting anything out of Yuki," Iida stated. "We know the two of you, are not allowed to talk to her or be alone with her, so don't even think about sneaking off to her dorm room."
"They really took the extra steps, huh?" Izuku sweated as he lowered his head.
"Ribbit," Tsu said walking up. "Yuki, Shinso is here for you."
'That's right,' Eva recalled to herself. 'He wanted to talk to me.'
"I bet it's a date," Jiro teased; Eva could feel intense energy coming from Katsuki and Izuku; she was doing her best to not make eye contact with either of them.
"It's not a date," Eva shook her head as she got up.
"He brought flowers thought," Tsu said. "Ribbit."
"Huh?" Eva asked in surprise.
"Including those poisonous ones you have in your room," Urakaka added as she put her hands together.
"What the hell?" Katsuki asked, he turned around engulfing his demon side. "What does that bastard want?"
"He wants to talk to her," Jiro said.
"It's a date," Ashido sang as she bounced around.
"He's probably just being nice," Eva said as she shook her head more. She grabbed her shoes, and then out the front door. She saw Shinso waiting for her with a bundle of flowers. There were foxgloves, bluebells, and roses. "Two out of three of those are poisonous to humans, you know that right?" Shinso looked forward.
"Gifts are the best way to build trust with fairies," Shinso said. "Take them."
"Thank you," Eva smiled as did as she was told. "But really, you shouldn't have had to grow through that trouble, especially since two of these can kill you." She looked up to see Shinso down the steps. 'A private conversation.' She flew down to him. "What exactly do you need, Shinso?"
"A training partner," Shinso answered. "Mr. Aizawa is helping me with my training with the capturing scarf, with it I can possibly transfer into the hero course next semester or next year."
"And you need someone to practice capturing," Eva said. Shinso looked away slightly embarrassed.
"I know you've been helping the tape guy, so I figured you could help me," Shinso admitted as he put a fist over his mouth. "Mr. Aizawa said it would be best to ask you as well."
"I can help," Eva agreed, Shinso looked at her. "You went through the trouble to bring me these, I will do my part and help you."
"Thank you," Shinso said as he looked away, scratching the back of his head.
"Do you have a time that is best for you?" Eva asked.
"No, since I'm asking for help, I should be going by your schedule," Shinso explained. "And you are probably going to want to do work-study if you get the chance. There's only so much time in a day and week."
"I'm not sure if it's ideal," Eva began. "But there is a certain section of the fairy realm, where 3 days will only be about six hours here." Shinso looked at her, Eva was now looking at the ground. She started to mutter the same way Izuku mutters. "Bringing a human to the fae world is risky, but if he's with me. He should be fine. Izuku went once when I was younger, so it should be fine having Shinso come."
"Hey," Shinso said, Eva looked up. "You are starting to sound like Midoriya."
"Sorry," Eva apologized. "We will work something out, it is only the first day of the semester."
"Thank you," Shino said with a smile. "See you later."
"See you later," Eva responded as Shinso walked away. "And thank you for the flowers!" She flew up and around to her window, to find the girls already in her room. Hagakure was on the chair outside, Momo sat at her desk. Mina and Jiro were in the hammock, and the rest sat on the bed.
"We knew you'd pull something like that," Urakaka said. "So we came up here to get the scoop."
"What did you talk about?" Hagakure asked.
"Was he asking you out?" Momo asked.
"Did you say yes?" Jiro asked.
"Was this Katsuki's idea?" Eva asked. "Or Izuku's?" She went to her closet to grab a vase.
"They want to know what he wanted," Ashido answered as Eva put the vase of flowers on her dresser. "We want the juicy details."
"He just asked me to train with him, that's all," Eva answered. "You know how much he wants to get into the hero course, the flowers were to build trust."
"It sounds to me like he wants one-on-one time with you," Tsu said. "Ribbit."
"Trust is the building foundation of a relationship," Yaoyorozu pointed out.
"But doesn't that apply the same with friendships?" Eva asked.
"But he specially came to you with flowers!" Hagakure exclaimed. "Flowers are used to build trust with fairies! He did research! They did give us the packet of Fairy 101."
"Fairy 101?" Eva repeated.
"We received a packet about fairies for coming to the dorms," Yaoyorozu answered. "It gives details about basic fairy laws, and what is harmful to them."
"Toru is right," Tsu said. "We got the easy way by being in the same class."
"So did he ask you out," Jiro said as she began to play music.
"No, he didn't," Eva answered as she turned a bit red. "Enough about me, what's up with you and Kaminari?"
"Huh?" Jiro asked as she turned completely red. The girls stayed in her room a bit longer, they lightly talked about love, before moving on to work studies.
Three days passed, and Eva was stepping out of the tapestry in her fae clothes; she saw Izuku sitting at her desk.
"Izuku?" asked Eva. He looked over at her; he watched the tapestry transfer back into just a picture. "You want me to tell you about work studies, right?"
"No," Izuku answered. "I can wait for class...this is to stay between you, me, and a few others." Eva looked at him as he got in the hammock; Eva joined him not bothering to get out of her fae clothes. "It's about my Quirk...I'm not really supposed to tell many people...but Kacchan insisted that I have to be honest with you about it." Then Izuku told Eva the full truth about his Quirk. "Just don't tell anybody."
"Your secret is safe with me," Eva assured. "I understand why you kept it a secret, it's one that must be protected as much as a dragon egg should be protected."
"Thank you," Izuku breathed, Eva then folded her arms. "What is that look for?"
"You two really had to go and fight?" Eva asked. "Right after you got your provisional license? Why--"
"Kacchan didn't want to get you involved," Izuku cut her off as he observed her headpiece. "Once he's out of house arrest, he can tell you why he chose to pick a fight with me."
"Alright," Eva breathed. His stomach then rumbled. "I have some food if you are hungry."
"Thank you," Izuku lit up. Eva started to get up. "I'll get it, you seem like you had a long day." He started to get out of the hammock. "How was the Otherworld?" They stayed up a bit more eating some food and talking before going to sleep.
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