Chapter 3
It was a calm morning for most people, but not for the people at the U.A. High School Entrance Exam Location. Eva had arrived at the place with Izuku, the place was huge, and everyone was buzzing with excitement or nervousness.
" We made it just in time," Izuku panted as he came to a stop.
"Would have got here sooner if you didn't take so long," Eva pointed out.
"Sorry about that," Izuku sweated a smile at her. " Let's hurry up and get in."
"Right," Eva agreed. Izuku put a hand over his mouth. "You feel alright?"
" Kind of like I just swallowed a hair," Izuku said.
"Gross," Eva scrunched her nose.
"Stupid Deku," a voice grunted.
" Kacchan!" Izuku gasped. They looked back to see him walking up to them.
"You're running a bit late," Eva noted.
"Get out of my way, now, before I set you on fire," He threatened.
"Oh, hey!" Izuku panicked as he stepped aside. " Good morning! Um, let's just all do our best out there, okay? Good luck!" They looked to see Bakugo angrily marching toward the building.
" I think that's who withstood the sludge villain, His name's Bakugo, right?" a boy asked.
" Yeah, he the real deal," the other said. Izuku sighed in relief.
"Come on," Eva said. "The seats are going to fill up before we get there."
"Right," Izuku shook his head. Eva started going first, and she noticed Izuku wasn't by her side, she then turned to see another girl beside him and he was floating.
"Heh, are you okay?" the girl asked. He began to yelp as he struggled in the air, Eva fluttered over to them.
" Is he flying?" Eva asked as she titled her head. 'Did Izuku finally get a quirk?'
"No," the girl giggled as she put Izuku back on the ground. " I stopped him from falling with my Quirk. I'm sorry I didn't ask first. But...I figured you wouldn't mind me catching you." The two stared at her. " Isn't this all, like way nerve-racking?"
" Uh-I-uh," Izuku began to panic.
" Yeah," Eva nodded.
"Your wings are so pretty!" the girl gushed
"Thanks," Eva blushed a little, she was still quite defensive about strangers coming near them.
" Well, guess I'll see you both inside," the girl said. " Bye!" She headed up to the doors.
" She seems nice," Eva smiled, seconds later Izuku started laughing oddly. " Come on." She grabbed his sleeve and dragged the two into the building. Soon everyone was seated. Izuku sat in between Eva and Bakugo, the room went dark, the edge lights turned on, music started playing and Present Mic started to speak from the stage.
"What's up, UA candidates?" Present Mic asked. " Thanks for tunin' into me, your school DJ. C'mon. And lemme hear ya!" There was complete silence. "Keeping it mellow, huh? That's fine, I'll skip straight to the main show. Let's talk about how this practice exam is gonna go down, okay? Are you ready? Yeah!"
" Oh my goodness, it's the Voice Hero, Present Mic," Izuku began to fanboy. " So cool! I listen to his radio show every day of the week. It's so crazy nuts that all the UA teachers are pro heroes?"
"Will you shut up?" Bakugo grunted.
" Like your application said, today you rockin' boys and girls will be out there conducting ten-minute mock battles in super-hip urban settings. Gird your loins, my friends. After I drop the mic here, you'll head to your specified battle center, sound good?" The screen popped up showing points from A-G. Everyone looked at their cards. Eva got placed at center C. " Okay?"
" They're splitting us up so we can't work with any of our friends," Eva noted.
" Yeah, you're right," Izuku agreed as both boys looked at her card. She looked at the other two, Izuku had B and Bakugo had A. " You're right. Our examinee numbers are one after the other, but we're assigned to different battle centers."
" Get your eyes off my card," Bakugo growled. Izuku whimpered. " Damn. I was really looking forward to crushing you." Upon the screen, a diagram of the battlefield.
" Okay, okay, let's check out your targets. There are three types of faux villains in every battle center. You'll earn points based on their level of difficulty, so better choose wisely. Your goal in this trial is to use your Quirk to raise your score by shredding these faux villains like a mid-song guitar solo. But, check it! Make sure you're keeping things heroic. Attacking other examinees is a UA no-no, ya dig?" Eva glanced at Bakugo.
" Excuse me, sir, but I have a question," a boy said as he raised his hand and stood up. He was tall and had glasses.
" Hit me!" Present Mic encouraged. The light shined on the boy.
" On the printout, you've listed four types of villains. Not three. With all respect, if this is an error on official UA materials, it is shameful." Bakugo and Eva exchanged glances before looking back at the boy. " We are exemplary students. We expect the best from Japan's most notable school. A mistake such as this won't do." He turned and pointed at Izuku. " Additionally, you with the unkempt hair."
" Huh?" Izuku asked as he pointed at himself.
"You've been muttering this entire time," the boy brought up. " Stop that. If you can't bother to take this seriously, leave. You're distracting the rest of us."
"Sorry," Izuku apologized as he put his hands over his mouth.
" All right, all right," Present Mic said over the small laughter. " Examinee number 7-1-1-1. Thanks for calling in with your request. The fourth villain type is worth zero points. That guy's just an obstacle we'll be throwing in your way. There's one in every battle center. Think of it as a hurdle you should try to avoid. It's not that it can't be beaten, but there's...kind of no point. I recommend my listeners try it ignore it and focus on the ones toppin' the charts."
"Thank you very much," the boy bowed. " Please, continue." The light shut off as he sat down.
"Oh, I get it," a boy said. " So they're kinda like traps you have to get by in games."
"The whole thing's like a video game, huh?" the guy next to him asked.
" That's all I got for you today," Present Mic announced. " I'll sign you off with a little present. A sample of our school motto! As General Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down. ' A true hero is one who overcomes life's misfortunes' Mm-hm. Now that's a tasty soundbite. You ready to go beyond? Let's hear a Plus Ultra!" A Plus Ultra popped onto the screen. " Good luck! Hope you practiced hitting more than just books." Quickly after, they headed on to assigned buses and waited outside the designated entrance. She got a bit motion sick on the way over to the exam place. Eva fluttered all alone at C when they arrived, not knowing a single person.
"This place is wicked!" a boy laughed.
"It's like a whole city," a girl added.
" This is going to be so much fun!" a pink alien girl cheered. " What do you think?" She looked over at Eva.
"I agree," Eva nodded.
" Right, let's start!" Present Mic shouted from up above. " Get moving! There are no countdowns in real battles. Run, run, run, listeners! You're wasting airtime here." As soon as he finished yelling everyone was charging through the gates, taking down as many bots as possible. Eva flew and sent out a couple of wind blasts, hitting multiple bots at once. It got her up to forty points.
"That one's mine!" a guy with yellow hair and a black bolt shouted. He placed his hands on a robot and electrocuted it.
"Woah," Eva breathed as she flew down, she hit any robot she could come across that hadn't been taken out yet. Suddenly the ground started to rumble.
"This place is insane!" the lightning dude yelped, they looked up to see a giant robot, bigger than the buildings.
" It's a bit extreme," Eva trembled a little.
" Less than two minutes remaining!" Present Mic shouted as the giant robot slammed his fist down, it caused a wave of chaos among the examinees. "Just one minute left!... And that's it. Time's up!" Alarm sounds went off signifying the exam was over.
The exams soon ended, it was a week later. Eva told her dad and siblings all about the exam while weaving a basket. Her dad happily listened in as he watered the plants while her Kozu and Gino played Shogi with each other. Dios making tea for all of them. At the current moment, Eva's family sat at the Midoriya's place for dinner. They did this a couple of times a week. The adults sat on one side as the kids sat on the other. Eva had grown close with Inko Midoriya; she was a mother figure for her. Eva looked over to her brothers, they had grown up a lot. Her brother Kozu was now 23, he was very muscular, and his hair had grown down to his back, but he normally wore it tied back in a low ponytail. He now had a large scar over his right eye. He wore pale blue leaves that were cut open in the middle and dark blue levels as pants that went down to his feet. He wore a dark blush sash around his waist, he used vines to keep the top part of his shirt closed. Next was Dios (20), his hair was the same length, but now it was more wavy and partially covered the front of his face. He wore a yellow short sleeve shirt that went past his butt and long brown pants underneath. He wore a brown leafy vest that stopped around his waist where a brown sash sat. Lastly, Gino, who kept his hair short, was dressed in a dark brown shawl, with a dark green tank top underneath, and dark brown pants, complimented by a dark green sash on his waist.
"Izuku?" His mom asked. He had been staring at the fish for a long time. " Snap out of it.
" Izuku?" Eva asked.
" Uh-!" He gasped as he looked up.
" Why are you smiling at that fish?" His mom asked.
" It's kind of creeping us all out," Eva's dad added. The Yukis were vegetarians; so they tended to bring their own main dish and share the sides.
"You have been acting so strange as late," said Kozu. "Are you sleeping enough at night?"
"Eating right?" asked Gino.
"Maybe, we should get Granny Miyuki to look at you," suggested Dios crossing his arms.
"No," Izuku immediately shook his head. "I am alright." Ms. Midoriya was not satisfied with that answer.
" Should we be worried about you, honey?" His mom asked.
" Oh, sorry, no," Izuku answered. " I just spaced out for a minute."
" Mm-hm," Ms. Midoriya whimpered as Izuku continued eating, she then looked at Dios. "What did I say about weapons at the dinner table?"
"Sorry," apologized Dios removing an arrow that sat next to his plate.
" Are you sure you are alright?" Eva asked as the adults went into the kitchen to clean up and they sat on the couch. Izuku was squeezing some workout tool constantly. Her brothers sat together on the floor playing a card game.
"Based on my own estimates, I barely passed the written part of the exam," Izuku began. " Not that it really matters since I ended up with a big, fat zero in the mock battle. Not a single point." He sighed.
" We know, waiting for the results is terrible," Mr. Yuki said from the sink.
" I guess," Izuku sighed.
" No matter what, we just want to know we're proud of you both," Izuku's mom said. " I think you're really cool, sweetie."
"Sure," Izuku breathed. She put her shoes on and headed out.
"I think you're being too hard on yourself," Eva said as he picked up weights and began to bicep curls. He remained silent.
" I didn't get a single point," Izuku said bluntly.
"But you did save someone," Eva reminded him. He remained silent again. " That has to account for something." Suddenly the door busted open, and Ms. Midoriya was on the ground scrambling.
" A letter, Izuku. They came, Izuku. Look!" She scrambled. " You got a letter!" She held out the envelope. " I'm sure yours came to Eva, they're here! Your test results from UA!" They stared at it.
"Come find me after you open yours," Eva said as she got up, she hurried to get her letter before heading into her room. Eva stared at the envelope nervously for ten minutes before ripping it open. Out popped a small disc and a hologram appeared.
" Booya! I am here as a projection now!" All Might shouted as he appeared on the screen. Eva jumped at the sudden appearance.
" All Might?" Eva asked. "I thought it came from UA."
" I know it's been a while, but with great power, comes a great amount of paperwork," All Might said as he stepped back. He wore a monkey suit. He coughed. " My apologies, young lady. The truth is I didn't just come to this city to fight villains. You're looking at the newest UA faculty member." Her eyes went wide. " You have passed the written exam with flying colors and got 67 points from your practical exam!" He held out a hand. " Welcome, Eva. You have made it. You're now part of the hero academia." Happy tears streamed out of her eyes. Eva jumped up and down happily as the projection turned off. She opened the door and jumped into her dad's arms, her brothers joined in.
" I made it!" Eva cheered as she fluttered her wings happily.
" I knew you would!" Her dad laughed. Minutes later there was a knock on the door, it immediately opened and someone came bolting down the hall. They saw Izuku around the corner with tears in his eyes, they were happy tears.
"Did you get in?" Eva asked.
"YES!" Izuku exclaimed happily. Eva broke away from her dad and engulfed Izuku in a hug as his mom rounded the corner panting. Eva happily fluttered her wings, spinning the two in a circle as they both cried happy tears. Hours later after they calmed down, Eva laid on her stomach on her bed, waiting for Katuski to pick up the phone.
" Do you have any idea what time it is?" Katsuki growled as he finally picked up the phone.
"Oh hush up, I know it's past your bedtime, but it's important," Eva said as she kicked her legs back and forth. "Did you get in?"
"What do you think?" Katuski groaned. " Of course I did! U.A. should be honored to have me in their PRESENCE!" He was now shouting more. Eva held the phone away from her ear as he shouted more.
" I got in too," Eva revealed. "Hopefully we get put in the same class!"
"SHUT UP!" Eva heard his mom roar from the other side.
"SHUT UP YOU OLD HAG!" Katsuki yelled.
"Tell your mom I say hello," requested Eva.
Katsuki grumbled. "Eva says hello."
Eva stayed on the phone with Katuski a bit longer; before he turned in for bed. She then happily hugged her pillow, she was going to be able to sleep well that night knowing both her best friends got into U.A. High with her.
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