Chapter 21

Day after the exams, Eva was leaving the Recovery Room she saw that was Katsuki waiting for her.

"How are your arms?" Eva asked as they made their way to class.

"Fine," Katsuki grunted, he seemed to be in a better mood. He held out his arm, she saw they were still bandaged underneath his school shirt, they sticking out by the end of his sleeve. Eva dropped to the ground gently grabbing his arm. 

"I'm sorry," Eva apologized. "If it wasn't for my wings, you wouldn't have had to go beyond your limit."

"The breaking of the gauntlets made me realize I need to work on my quirk," Katsuki said as he looked at his hands. "They were for me to use my quirk at max, without the risk. But I need to be prepared for when something like that happens again."

"I think we are working on quirks at the camp," Eva said. 

"Good," Katsuki grunted. 

"Are you sure you aren't mad about--" Eva began.

"You can't control what's happening to your body," Katsuki cut her off. "Shit timing for it to happen during the exams." Eva looked back at her wings, she woke up in a lot of pain this morning she ended up accidentally pushing Izuku off her bed a bit harshly. "This just means you have to work on your flight and quirk more." He suddenly got behind her, grabbed her wings gently, and then flapped them. Eva started laughing, they walked into class most of them seemed to be in a good mood. Eva went to the group that seemed to be in the worst mood.

"E-Everyone," Ashido cried. "I'm looking forward to hearing all your stories on how fun camp was."

"Maybe they'll end up letting you go!" Izuku hoped. "There might be a last-minute twist or somethin'. 

"Stop, Midoriya," Sero pleaded, grabbing his shoulders. "By saying that out loud, you're just jinxing them. 

"They said whoever failed the exams would have to skip training camp and live in summer school hell," Kaminari said darkly. "We didn't pass the practicals, so we're doomed. Don't you get it Midoriya?!" He jabbed his fingers in Izuku's eye. "Or did All Might knock all the brains outta you?"

"Ease up, Kaminari," Sero said. "I'm not sure I'll get to go either. Our team only passed thanks to Mineta. I got knocked out, and since we don't know how they're scoring stuff, I might have flunked.

"At least bring us back lots of camp souvenirs, please?" Kaminari pleaded with tears in his eyes. 

The door slammed open revealing Aizawa. "Once the bell rings you should be in your seats." Everyone quickly went to their designated spots. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are a few of you who did not pass your final exams. So, when it comes to the training camp in the woods...Everyone is going!

"It's a last-minute twist!" the group that failed, cheered. 

"We really get to go to camp?" Kirishima asked. 

"Seriously?" Ashido asked with tears in her eyes. 

"Yeah," Aizawa confirmed. "The good news is that no one bombed the written exam. Five failed the practical badly. Two teams, of course, then Sero failed as well. 

"Aw!" Sero groaned. "Crap, I knew it." He faced palmed himself. "Mineta made it to the gate, but I didn't do near enough to pass."

"Allow me to explain," Aizawa said. "For the practical battles, the teachers made sure to leave a way for the students to win. Otherwise, you never would have stood a chance. We were interested in observing how each of you worked together and approached the task at hand."

"But didn't you promise that teachers wouldn't be holding back?" Ojiro asked. 

"That was just to get you on edge," Aizawa answered. "Besides, the training camp will focus on building your strength. Those who failed need those lessons the most. We were never going to separate you. That was just a logical deception we used."

"A logical deception?" The group asked. 

"He tricked us all," Iida trembled as the other five cheered. "I should have expected this." He suddenly stood up. "Mr. Aizawa, this is the second time you've lied to us. Aren't you afraid we'll lose faith in you?"

"Uh, a little blunt there, Tenya," Urakaka commented. 

"That's a good pint," Aizawa said. "I'll consider it. But I wasn't lying about everything. Failure is failure." Those five froze. "We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you. frankly, they'll be far tougher than what you'd face at summer school." Soon school came to an end, everyone was getting ready to leave. They were also given training camp guides. 

"This going to be great!" Ojiro cheered. "I'm so glad we're all going together. 

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week," Iida stated. 

"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase," Izuku said.

"Water training," Eva read. "I don't even have a bathing suit."

"Same here!" Kaminari lit up looking at her. "Guess we need to buy some stuff."

"Like night-vision goggles!" Mineta suggested. 

"Guys, since we're all off tomorrow and we finally finished exams, I have the best idea!" Hagakure squealed. "Why doesn't Class 1-A go shopping together!"

"Hey, yeah!" Kaminari lit up. "We've never hung out as a class before. 

"Bakugo, see you there right?" Kirishima asked.

"I can't think of anything more annoying," Katsuki said as he made his way out of the class. 

"Will you come, Todoroki?" Izuku asked. 

"I visit my mom on my days off," Todoroki informed. 

"You party poopers!" Mineta cried. "Don't you ever get so tired of being so serious?"

"For someone as pretty as you, I'm surprised you don't have a bathing suit, Yuki," Tsu said walking up to her.

"Oh, when my wings get wet, I'm not able to use them," Eva answered. "To be honest, I don't know how to swim."

"I have the perfect regimen for you!" Yaoyorozu squealed going up to her and grabbing her hands. "You'll be swimming in no time!"

"Hey, I'm going to need help as well," Kaminari said walking over. "Water doesn't really go well with electricity."


The next day came around, they were at the mall, and the place was huge.

"Oh, man, do I love this place!" Ashido squealed. "It's got a ton of different stores to shop at, and they're all super cool and hip. The Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!"

"They carry designs for all body types, and have a range of gear for everyone from teens to seniors," Izuku muttered as they walked past stores. Shoji was copying a mannequin. "The logistics."

"You're going to scare the children. Stop," Tokoyami ordered. 

"Whoa! Aren't those UA students?!" a guy asked. Everyone looked over at them. 

"No way!"

"I saw 'em on TV!"

"The sports festival was so good!"

"I can't believe they still remember that," Urakaka laughed. 

"I wanna track down a new duffel bag to bring to summer training," Jiro said. 

"Oh, yeah?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Maybe the two of us should browse together."

"Let's see, where can I get a lockpicking kit and a small drill," Mineta said as he looked around. 

"Guess I should probably buy some outdoorsy shoes for this thing," Kaminari said. 

"Oh, that's smart, me, too!" Hagakure exclaimed. 

"The guide said the shoes should already be broken, in though," Iida said as he popped over to them. "But wait, perhaps it's a mistake not to factor utility into the equation."

"I should look for bandages, with my wings coming in, I should be prepared," Eva said.

"Along with the fact you need a suit!" Ashido squealed, as she put her hands together. "I should get more for me as well!"

"So, then, why don't we split up and look around?" Kirishima suggested. "We can meet here again when we're done."

"Great idea!" Ashido exclaimed. 

"Perfect," Kirishima smiled. "Let's say we're all back around three?"

"Sounds good!" they all responded. They started to split up

"Hey, Eva," Kirishima smiled, those two and Mina were shopping together. "The first store we need to get to is at the top, think you can get us there?" 

"This is going to be so much fun!" Mina squealed in delight. 

"Let's do it!" Eva agreed. "Just hold on!"

"Yeah!" Kirishima and Mina cheered, Eva grabbed hold of them, they held on to her and she shot up to the top. Kirishima and Mina let out shouts of joy. Eva had fun shopping with her classmates, it really added to their friendship. She ended up getting two suits from Ashido's suggestion, then a few things for Katsuki. Kirishima was more than happy to help with that part. The shopping trip came closer, due to Shigaraki approaching Izuku in a threatening talk. The heroes and police in the area did a massive sweep, but no sign of the leader of the League of Villains. Later that day, Eva was taken to the police station with Izuku, she waited outside the room as Izuku was questioned. By the time it ended, it was late at night. They walked out of a back door into an alley,

"Young Midoriya! Young Yuki! Tsukauchi!" All Might shouted running towards them. They saw that he was in his weaker form.

"All Might? But how?" Izuku asked. 

"I needed to talk to him anyway," Tsukauchi said. 

"What a relief," All Might said as he put his hands on both of the kid's heads. "I'm glad you both are okay. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you and the others.

"It's fine," Izuku said.

"You can't be everywhere at once," Eva added. 

"Um, All Might," Izuku began after All Might removed his hand from their heads. 

"Yeah, what is it?" All Might asked. 

"Do you ever have times when you can't save all the people you want to?" Izuku asked. 

"Yes, I do," All Might said lowly. "And often." He looked up at the sky. "Someone could be injured and calling out from anywhere in the world right now, and I would never know about it. I know it's frustrating, but we're only human, there are always going to be people beyond our reach that we can't protect. But that's all the more reason to stand tall and smile. So that the Symbol of Justice is always there. Even when I can't be, a flicker in people's hearts, whether they be a hero or a villain."

"The kid's worried about what Shigaraki said," Tsukauchi revealed. "But that was likely the villain's resentment talking. All Might here has never failed to save someone after arriving at an emergency. Think we got everything we need. So you're good. We're all done here."

"Izuku?" a voice asked, they looked over to see his mom, with Sansa. 

"Mom?" Izuku asked, his mom ran forward. 

"Izuku! My baby!" His mom cried, she grabbed his arm, tears were in her eyes. "I can't do this anymore. I don't think my heart can handle another scare."

"I'm sorry," Izuku apologized. "Everything's fine. I'm okay, Mom. There's no need to cry. The heroes and the police have been taking really good care of me all night. Eva as well."

"Sansa, make sure they get home safe," Tsukachi ordered.

"Sir," Sansa responded. They got in the car Sansa drove them home, it was a silent ride. 

"Ms. Midoriya," Eva breathed, she looked over. "Where's my dad?"

"He had to go back to the fairy realm, your brothers are there as well," Inko answered. "Everything is okay, you are going to be staying with us until one of them gets back, is that okay?" Eva nodded. They continued with the days, they had the end-of-the-semester assembly, and the first semester was over. 


It was now a hot summer day, Eva was in the Midoriya's kitchen helping with the dishes. Her dad hadn't come back yet, it must've been something serious, she wished she could have gone with him. The doorbell rang, and she went over to the door as Izuku stepped out of his room. They opened the door to find Kaminari and Mineta. 

"Mineta. Kaminari. Hey!" Izuku greeted. 

"Heyo, Midoriya!" Kaminari greeted. "Yuki!" 

"Come to the pool with us!" Mineta encouraged. 

"The pool?" Eva asked.

"Yeah. Some fun before the training camp," Kaminari answered. 

"We'll get in some solid laps," Mineta said giving a thumbs up. They both seemed surprised.

"Come on Yuki, you can finally learn how to swim," Kaminari encouraged. "Break into the regimen that Yaoyorozu made for you."

"Alright," Eva agreed. "You do have a point. The girls did what me to come up today anyways." Mineta and Kaminari looked at each other with success in their eyes. They quickly grabbed a bag of things they needed to swim. Eva stepped out of her place to see them waiting. "Ready?" They nodded. "Make sure not to drop Mineta."

"Huh?" Kaminari asked. He and Izuku grabbed hold of Mineta. Eva grabbed both Kaminari and Izuku and then took off to the school. 

"Carrying three people at once," Izuku noted as he took out his notebook and a pencil. Mineta was in complete fear as he stared at the ground below Kaminari enjoyed every minute of it. Once they got to the school, they went to go see if the forum was cleared Eva went to the girl's locker room.

"You came!" Hagakure cheered grabbing onto her arm. "I was starting to think you weren't going to show up!"

"I had to do the dishes first," Eva answered as she began to get changed. "Sorry about that."

"I think it's because you are just scared of the water," Jiro teased putting a hand over her mouth.

"That too," Eva answered with a light laugh.

"There is nothing to be afraid of!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed. "Today we are just goofing around, no swimming." Soon they were all changed, they were on the far side of the pool stretching together. They all wore the same one-piece suit. Eva stared at the water with complete questions as she stretched. She saw some of the guys also show up, but they seemed to have something else in mind. 

"There you are slowpokes," Iida greeted as Kaminari and Mineta ran out the door.

"No, no, no," Mineta groaned as they saw the rest of the guys from their class. "What the heck are you guys doing here?"

"Since we're doing endurance training at the pool, I messaged everyone to see if they wanted to come with us," Izuku explained. 

"You did what?" Kaminari demanded. "Now all our plans are ruined."

"Don't lose hope yet," Mineta whispered to him. "There will definitely still be girls splashing around the water." They looked over at them.

"Oh, hey. Hi, Mineta," Tsu greeted. 

"I didn't know you guys would be here," Jiro added. 

"Kaminari. Mineta. Nice work," Iida said walking over to them. "I'm proud of you for suggesting more training. you're an asset to our class. Let me thank you." They both whimpered. "Now. Don't just sit there. It's time to come sweat with us."

"You're choking me!" Kaminari grunted as Iida carried them over to the other guys' laughing.

"No, wait. Not cool!" Mineta cried out. 

"This wasn't the plan!" the two shouted. 

Soon they were going in the water, Eva sat on the edge she slowly put her leg in. 

"No need to be scared!" Ashido exclaimed grabbing Eva and guiding her into the water. "We won't let you drown!" Eva hung on to Ashido, she looked back at her wings, they were floating on top of the water now, slowly sinking. 

"You are doing great!" Hagakure encouraged as Ashido squealed in delight. They went to the shallow end to play with a beach ball. 

"Get ready for it!" Urakaka shouted. "Serve!"

"Mine!" Ashido shouted. 

"Over here!" Eva shouted as she received the ball. 

"Ribbit!" Tsu shouted. Jiro grunted as she got the ball. 

"Got it!" Hagarkure shouted. 

"Set!" Yaoyorozu exclaimed. 

As the boys trained, the girls played around in the water, it was pretty fun. They stopped the moment, they heard Katsuki's voice appear.

"You'd better!" Katsuki shouted as the girls got out of the water, they had to help Eva a bit. They saw Katsuki marching over to Izuku in rage. "The next time I beat you, I want you to be at your strongest, you damn nerd. 

"Kacchan!" Izuku yelped. 

"Hey, I got your message!" Kirishima said as he put his arm in front of Katsuki. "Sorry, I'm late. Took a while to convince Bakugo to come out."

"So Deku," Katsuki grunted, Izuku whimpered. "You wanna settle who's the best between us right now? Huh?"

"No, that's not it," Izuku denied as he backed up. 

"Actually, you know what? We could make this training a contest," Iida suggested. "Hey, everyone! I propose that we see which of the boys can swim 50 meters the fastest. A friendly race."

"Yeah!" Kaminari agreed. 

"That sounds fun!" Sero agreed. 

"Let's do it!" Sato agreed. 

"Iida!" Yaoyorozu called out. "Why don't you let us help you out?" They were the boys, Eva stayed back, she was waving her right top wing up and down with her hands, trying to get them to dry. 

"Yes, please," Iida agreed. 

"And, Quirks. Can we use them?" Ojiro asked. 

"We're at school, so there shouldn't be a problem with that," Iida said. "However! You cannot cause damage to your classmates or the building." 

"I'm gonna annihilate you, Deku," Katsuki declared. "And you, too, Icy Hot. You bastard!" They started to split up the three heats.

"Yuki," Todoroki said walking over to her. "I can help." He lit up some fire in his hand, staring at her wings.

"Oh no," Eva denied. "That's alright, I can rely on the sun for help." He didn't seem too happy about that answer. The first heat got into position. 

"All right, now, everyone, on your marks!" Yaoyorozu shouted. "Get set." The first group was Mineta, Koda, Tokoyami, Kaminari and Katsuki . Momo blew the whistle they all took off, Katsuki used his explosions to fly right across the water. 

"Burst Speed! Turbo!" He shouted happily. Once he stopped on the other he looked back at everyone else, pointing. "How was that, you sidekicks?"

"What do you think you're doing?" Sero demanded. 

"You didn't even touch the water! Kirishima shouted. 

"It's called freestyle swimming!" Katsuki shouted back.  Up next were Sero, Aoyama, Todoroki, Sato, and Kirishima. 

"Everyone on your marks. Get set!" Yaoyorozu shouted. She blew the whistle, Sero used his tape to get across, Aoyama his navel laser, and Todoroki his ice. 

"You're supposed to be swimming!" Kaminari and Denki shouted once Todoroki got to the other side. 

"The last group, on your marks. Get set!" Yaoyorozu shouted. It was Iida, Izuku, Ojiro, and Shoji. They jumped in the minute the whistle went off. 

"You, too, Iida?" Kaminari asked as Iida went across the pool line. It ended up being a close race between the two of them. Midoriya ended up winning. 

"Nice one, Midoriya!" Sero shouted as everyone cheered. 

"Iida was so close!" Ashido shouted. 

"You beat me," Iida said Izuku helped him out of the water. "Good work."

"You were amazing out there, too, Iida!" Izuku complimented. After Eva managed to dry one wing completely, she looked over to see Todoroki, Iida, and Izuku looking at her. All recalling hero Killer. 

"It's time for the final race," Eva said as she started to work on another wing. "Katsuki, Todoroki, and Izuku."

"As winners of each heat, you'll fight for first place," Iida instructed. "Understand?"

"Got it," Izuku said.

"Yes," Todoroki said. 

"Listen up, Scarface," Katsuki ordered. "Don't you dare hold back like you did at the sports festival. Bring everything you've got!"

"I will," Todoroki declared. 

"You too," Katsuki raged at Izuku. "Fight to win."

"Yeah! I will. I promise," Izuku said. the three of them got on the starting blocks.

"Then the 50-meter freestyle final race will now begin!" Iida announced. 

"Now blast 'em away, Bakugo!" Kirishima encouraged. 

"Don't kill the other swimmers!" Kaminari shouted. 

"You got this, Todoroki!" Sero shouted. 

"You can do it, Deku!" Urakaka shouted.

"Do your best, everyone!" Yaoyorozu encouraged. 

"Now, on your marks," Iida ordered, he put his arm up, reading the whistle. All three of them activated their quirks. "Get set!" The whistle blew all three of them fell into the water. 

"What happened?" Kaminari asked. 

"Why aren't they using their quirks?" Sero asked. 

"It's 5 pm," Aizawa answered walking in. His quirk was activated. "Your authorized pool time is officially over. Hurry up and go home."

"Come on just one second!" Kaminari pleaded.

"We were finally getting to the good part!" Sero added. 

"Are you questioning me?" Aizawa asked his eyes growing even redder. 

"Not at all, Mr. Aizawa!" Everyone responded. They quickly got out and changed, Eva was waiting at the school doors for Izuku, her wings still not completely dry. She was fluttering them as fast as she could. 

"Let me help," Todoroki said as walked out the door. "You plan on flying home, right?"

"Yeah," Eva nodded. "I know we are at school, but should you really be using your quirk?"

"It's not for fighting," Todoroki said as he lit up his hand. "Mr. Aizawa did say to hurry up."

"I'm waiting for Izuku," Eva said.

"All the more to dry your wings faster," Todoroki said Eva lifted the last wing she carefully put it near his fire. "Oh, and Yuki." She looked at him. "You can call me Shoto."

"Shoto," Eva repeated slowly; he looked away to hide the blush on his cheeks. "Call me Eva."

That night, Eva got home to see her family wasn't back yet. So she continued to be at the Midoriya's place.

"Do you know when my dad will be back?" Eva asked.

"He said there was a very important meeting and things to come after that," Inko said. "As soon as that is taken care of, he will be home. You don't need to worry." Eva nodded. "When you go to camp...Please look after my baby, please."

"Of course," Eva nodded. 

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