Chapter 19
It was now the middle of the night Eva woke up to the sounds of her phone going off. She looked over to see that Todoroki was calling.
"Todoroki?" Eva grumbled into the phone. "It's the middle of the night."
"Are you able to do all the things fairies do?" Todoroki asked. "I have never seen you shape-shift, any healing, mesmerization."
"Most fairies can," Eva answered rubbing her eyes. "But since I have a quirk, it eliminated certain abilities."
"What can you do then?" Todoroki asked.
"Just asked Izuku, he has noted," Eva said as she tried holding in a yawn.
"I'm talking to you right now," Todoroki grunted. "What can you do?"
"Strength, strong durability, a lot of supernatural knowledge. Some magic, longevity, and oaths," Eva answered. "I have strong knowledge on how to heal, as well as vegetation, magic...Oneirkinesis but that doesn't develop till after 16 if I can do it"
Todoroki grunted. "This is a lot of information, I'm barely halfway through."
"We have school in the morning," Eva grunted hanging up the phone.
They were now at school, and Aizawa had finished teaching for the day.
"All right. That's it for class today," Aizawa wrapped up. "There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical portion to worry about." He made his way out of the classroom. "Good luck." He closed the door.
"I've barely even taken notes this semester!" Ashido and Kaminari panicked. In terms of the midterm, Ashido was 18th, and Kaminari was 21st.
"And with the sports festival and internship, I didn't have time to read the textbook" Kaminari panicked.
"It's true that we haven't had very much free time lately," Tokoyami worried, he was 15th in the class.
"We barely learned anything when we took our midterms," Sato said, he came in 13th, while Koda came in 12th. "So they didn't seem all that hard, but I'm kind of worried about these. We've been through a lot, and they probably won't pull any punches when it comes to testing us."
"As someone ranked in the top ten, I'm not that concerned," Mineta gloated, he came in 10th.
"What?! You were tenth in the midterms?!" Kaminari and Ashio asked in surprise.
"Aw, man, and here I thought you were one of us!" Ashido groaned.
"Don't you know weirdo little creeps like you are only like-able if they're kind of stupid?!" Kaminari growled. "Who's going to love you now?"
"Everyone," Mineta answered. "Trust me."
"Ashido, Kamianri! We've still got time to study!" Izuku reminded them. He came in 4th. "That way, we'll all get to go to the training camp together."
"Just make sure to study and work on your skills," Eva said, she came in 5th.
"Yes!" Iida shouted he came in 2nd. "As class rep, I have high hopes that'll we'll make U.A. proud.
"It's pretty hard to fail if you just pay attention in class, isn't it?" Todoroki asked, he came in 6th.
"Why you gotta cut me down like that?" Kaminari cried as he grabbed his heart.
"Hey, don't worry about it, you two, I can catch you up to speed on the important topics, if you want," Yaoyozoru offered, she came in 1st.
"You're the best, Yao-momo!" Kaminari and Ashido cheered.
"I'm afraid I won't be any help when it comes to the practical, though," Yaoyorozu admitted. Eva couldn't help but notice that the girl had become not so confident with her quirk.
"I've been studying, but...could you help me out, too?" Jiro asked as she walked over. She came in 8th. "I'm having some trouble understanding quadratic functions."
"Really?" Yaoyorozu asked.
"Tutor me, please!" Sero requested putting his hands together. "Classical Japanese is killing me!" He came in 18th.
"Is there room for one more?" Ojiro asked, he came in 9th. "I'm afraid I'm falling behind a little."
"Pretty please," the three requested at once.
"This is wonderful!" Yaoyorozu cheered as she blushed. "Yes, let's do it!" She got to her feet.
"All right!" the group cheered.
"Okay, then. We can hold a study session at my residence over the weekend," Yaoyorozu confirmed.
"Seriously?" Ashido asked. "I can't wait to see your fancy digs!"
"Oh! I must call Mother and have her prepare the great hall for us to set up; it'll be the perfect spot," Yaoyorozu began to plan. Eva looked over at them. "What kind of tea does everyone like? I'll have her make sure we're stocked. In my family, we always drink Harrods or Wedgewood, so if you have any other preferences, let me know! When we're finished, you'll all be model students! I'll make it my personal duty to push you forward."
"About that tea--I'm not so sure about the hairy one," Kaminari said.
"No--It's from Harrods," Yaoyorozu corrected.
"Sounds like I should be studying with her," Kirishima said. He got placed 16th.
"You think I don't know enough?" Bakugo asked angrily. "Maybe I should beat the lessons into your skull!"
"I'm counting on it," Kirishima smirked.
"Hah. Everyone's panicking right now, but it won't do them any good to cram this late in the game," Aoyama said. He got 19th.
"Shouldn't you be more concerned?" Shoji asked, he got 11th. "You didn't do very well in the midterms."
"Are you talking about moi?" Aoyama asked. "I did just fine, thank you."
Soon Eva was sitting with a few friends at lunch.
"I'm kinda scared about the practical," Izuku admitted. "I have no idea what's it gonna be."
"I'm more worried about that than the written portion," Eva admitted.
"Hard to believe they'd give us anything too crazy," Iida said.
"The written exam questions will all be stuff from class so..." Izuku began. "I should at least be able to do those.
"Do you really think it'll be that simple?" Urakaka asked, she came in the 14th. Tsu came in 7th, while Hagakure came in 17th.
"It's driving me nuts," Izuku admitted. "I just wanna know what they'll have us doing.
"It's a comprehensive test of everything we learned this year, Hagakure said.
"Yup, and that's about all we could get Aizawa to tell us," Tsu added.
"Okay, so then it'll cover combat training and rescue training," Urakaka gathered. "Oh, and basic training."
"We can't just study," Eva said. "We have to stay in great physical shape." Izuku yelped a little after getting hit in the head.
"Oh, sorry," Monoma apologized. "Your head's so big, that it's hard to miss."
"You're from Class 1-B," Izuku recalled. "Um...Monoma, right? That really hurt--"
"I heard you guys stumbled across the Hero Killer," Monoma cut him off. There were light gasps at the table. "Just like in the sports festival, Class 1-A isn't happy unless they're the center of attention. But you do realize you're not in the spotlight because people think you're good heroes, right? It's just that you keep getting into so much trouble." He used a toothpick to pick a pear slice from her plate. "Here's food for thought: Someday, the rest of us might get caught up in your mess, and we'll all become unwitting victims as well. What kind of horrible villains will bring down upon us? What demon-- He stopped talking when Monoma hit him.
"That's not funny, Monoma," Kendo scolded as she caught the food trade Monoma fell to his knees. "You heard what happened to Iida! Chill out!"
"Kendo," Iida breathed.
"I apologize for him," Kendo said. "I'm pretty sure there's a hole where his heart should be." Izuku was completely frozen looking at Monoma. "Mm. So I was listening, I know you're all worried about what's going to be on the big final practical. I heard it's gonna be combat against robots, like the entrance exam.
"What? Really?" Izuku asked. "How do you know that?"
"One of my friends who's a few grades up filled me in," Kendo answered. "I know. Cheating. But oh, well."
"No, I don't think so," Izuku denied. "I'm sure gathering information ahead of time is also part of the test. I definitely should've found an upperclassman to ask. Darn it, why didn't I think about it before?"
"What kind of idiot are you, Kendo?" Monoma asked as he came back around. "You just gave away our whole strategic advantage! This was our chance to finally pull ahead of that class full of idiots."
"They're not idiots," Kendo said after hitting him, she dragged him away from the table.
"Eva, what time will you be back Saturday?" Izuku asked. "You are going to the fairy realm right?"
"Yeah, my cousin had a kid," Eva answered. "So Dad and I are going to go to see some family, I should be back around 5 might stay till Sunday."
"Baby Fairy!" Urakaka squealed. "How cute!"
"Just make sure if you know anyone with a baby, they put iron around them," Eva instructed. "Fairies are still in the habit of switching their babies with human ones. Since some of my extended family lives in the realm, they may or may not try it."
"That is vile!" Iida gasped. "Why would you do such a horrible thing?!"
"Changlings," Izuku began. "They were fairies who had been left in place of a human child or baby who had been stolen by the fairies. The child was taken for one of three reasons: Servent, fairies to receive the love of a human child or malice, so revenge."
"I thought fairies were supposed to be nice," Hagakure brought up.
"Not really," Eva said. "Sure they are nice, but they can be quite malicious when they want to. The ones in this realm have to follow certain guidelines, changelings are forbidden, but if someone is from the fairy realm, they are allowed since the laws don't affect them...which reminds me...Izuku we need garlic from your house."
"Of course," Izuku nodded.
"The garlic keeps vampires off you right?" Todoroki asked Eva nodded.
"Text me as soon as you get back!" Urakaka urged grabbing onto Eva. "That way I know you are okay!" Soon they were back in class, they delivered the information that Kendo shared with them.
"All right!" Kaminari and Ashido cheered.
"This'll be super easy if it's just robots!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"Such awesome news!" Ashido cheered.
"Why do you sound so happy?" Shoji asked. "You both have a hard time controlling your quirks."
"Yeah! But I can let loose with robots!" Kaminari exclaimed.
"And melting them'll be a cinch for me!" Ashido exclaimed.
"Now you just need Yaoyorozu to help you study and you'll be set for the finals," Sero declared.
"We'll definitely be able to go to the training camp now!" the two cheered.
"It shouldn't matter if it's robots or actual people," Kastuki said. "Why are you morons so excited?"
"Hey, who are you calling a moron!?" Kaminari demanded as Ashido groaned.
"Shut up!" Bakugo raged. "You need to learn how to control your Quirk!" The other two froze. "Ya got it?! Hey! Deku!" Izuku gasped. " I don't know what's goin' on with your power, but I saw the way you're using it and I want you to know. It's seriously pissing me off.
"Uh-oh," Urakaka whimpered as she walked over. "He must mean how Deku was flying around like him the other day."
"Oh, yeah totally," Ashido agreed.
"I won't have another half-assed win like the festival," Katsuki growled. "We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals--New rankings. So we'll all know exactly where we're standing. I'll show you how much better I am. And Todoroki? I'll kill you, too." He stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut.
"It's been a while since I've seen him that worked up," Kirishima stated.
"Think it's impatience? Or hatred?" Tokoyami asked.
"He's been irritated ever since the internships ended, " Eva said as she got up. "There's a chance it is both and something else."
"Just let him cool off," Hagakure insisted as she had Eva sit back down. "Then go check on him."
It was now after school Eva was at home getting ready to leave for the other realm. She was putting on her other realm clothing, something not so...human. She had on a dark green tulle mesh layered skirt made out of willow leaves. She had on a light green cold shoulder hollow-out tunic, blouse style made out of aspen leaves. On top of it, tree bark brown laced up bines bustier with garters made out of bark. Her usual fairy shoes. She wore her hair in a twist braid, woodland headpiece.
"Ready?" Her dad asked knocking on the door.
"You're taking too long!" added Kozu as he pounded on the door. "Let's go already!"
"Yeah I'm ready," Eva answered opening the door, her dad was dressed similarly. He had dark green lilypad pants that went down just below his knees; besides a shawl scarf made of lilypad, he was shirtless with his tattoo markings showing along his body and arms. Kozu had his hair tied up in a top knot, he wore a brown leafy vest and a yellow petal skirt. Next to him was Dios, he wore these black pants that went down to his feet and this black shawl that just covered his chest. Gino was dressed similar as Kozu. All three boys had tattoo markings like their dad.
"We are leaving in five," Her dad informed her.
"This would be a lot easier if you would just learn the tactic from crossing between two," said Dios. "Then you can come and go rather than wait for one of us to take you."
"I'll talk to Great Pa Go about it," assured Eva. "I am paying him a visit."
"Good," smirked Kozu. "He won't be hounding us about when you're coming next."
"It'd be easier for you to get to your lessons this way too," added Gino. " Gospodin Vlad hounds me about it through the mirror on your tardiness all the time."
"I'll definitely speak with Great Pa Go," said Eva stepping out of her room, she saw the Midoriya's in the living room.
"You look beautiful as always," Ms. Midoriya gushed clapping her hands together.
"Thank you," Eva smiled.
"You can really see your ears!" Izuku exclaimed as he got to his feet. "You really are getting closer to sixteen!"
"Cut it out," Eva groaned as she pushed him back a bit. There was a knock at the door.
Her dad opened the door. "Hey, Katsuki! You must be Kirishima! Great job at the sports festival!"
"Thanks!" Kirishima said as they were allowed inside. "I'm going farther next year!"
"I am still going to get first," Katsuki grunted. They looked over at Izuku, his mom, Eva's brothers and Eva.
"Whoa, Eva," Kirishima breathed as his eyes went wide. "New hero suit?"
"No," Eva denied with a small smile. "I am just going to my home realm."
"You look amazing," Kirishima complimented, Eva's cheeks grew red. "Bakugo said we had to do something before we go study." He looked at the other three. "Uh--"
"Oh!" chimed Eva. "Kirishima this is my brothers Kozu, Dios, and Gino, brothers this is my classmate Kirishima!"
"Yeah we watched your fight," said Kozu crossing his arms. "Tough guy." Kirishima pounded his hand with a big smile. "I respect the way you stuck your hand out to your opponent, it was--"
"Manly!" yelped Kirishima as he formed a fist
"Manly," repeated Dios.
"I found you wicked tough being able to take his blasts," said Gino pointing his thumb to Katsuki. "You got a solid future based from that." Kirishima smiled at him.
"Text me when you get back," Bakugo grunted as he looked away, Eva fluttered over to the two.
"It'll just be a day or two," Eva said. "But thank you for coming by." It became a tradition for Katsuki to visit before the Yukis left for the other realm all together for a long time. Eva goes about every other weekend or so; if there is a long break coming up; she is in the Otherworld for half of it.
"What about finals?" Kirishima asked. "I know you are smart, but still."
"Izuku is going to drill me with material when I get back," Eva said as she touched the back of her head.
"We'll make sure she does not skip out on studying there as well," said Dios.
"Inko," Her dad said as he held out a key.
"I know, lock up," Inko said taking the key. "Water the plants, feed the bird, the squirrels, no vampires to enter."
"Feed your fish," Izuku added. "Get the mail."
"Blast any villains," Katsuki smirked.
"Rocks!" Kirishima exclaimed. "I'll pick out rocks for you."
"Thank you," Eva smiled. With a round of byes, Eva, her dad, and brothers were off to the fairy world. It took them about thirty minutes to get there. There was a designated tree with a door. Once they got to a family member's house, they were instantly bombarded.
"You smell like humans."
"Did really kiss a human?"
"Was it slimy?"
"How's the journey to becoming a hero?"
"That fight in the sport's festival was wicked."
"We used the waterfall to watch most of it"
"No, we won't do any changing business."
"Your wings are coming in, which means time for another talk."
"More and more like your mother."
Eva loved being in the fairy realm. She got to be with her family along with losing human scents that lingered on her. She was born in the fairy realm, at her mother's request. They stayed in the fairy realm; with once in a while visits to the human world. After the incident; Eva and her dad's main residency was in the human world; though they still went to the Otherworld a lot. At the current moment, Eva stood in front of a giant tree, at the bottom was a small tiny door. She knocked on the door in a particular tune; the door opened revealing a tall man with long spikey black hair and red eyes. He wore a long-sleeved black shirt and black pants; the man had an intense look; but it quickly softened.
"Great Pa Go," Eva greeted.
"Evalina," Great Pa greeted in a deep voice; he was her mom's great-grandpa. He looked 30; when in reality he was closer to 250 years old. "Come in; I was just about to set up a training regimen for your cousins." He let her in; inside it was a giant circle room; and stairs that led up to rooms built in the tree. "Care to join?"
"I wanna talk to you about something that happened in the human world," admitted Eva. "Though that is not the only reason I came to see you."
"Very well, I will put on a cup of tea," said Great Pa. "Then you will train with your cousins Hideo and Yuri. I don't want you to fall behind any more than you are already. Your cousins will be here in a few hours." Eva nodded; a few minutes later; Eva sat in the back; which was just the other side of the tree; and where a training area was located. She was sitting on a rocking bench with the old man; they shared tea as Eva told him about Stain and a few others.
"Your cracks in society are nothing but the selfish intent to want to maintain peace," said Great Pa. "Hatred is born to protect love." Eva looked at him. "Keep in mind no matter what you do; there is always a concept of victors and vanquished. This world is not black and white and you must remember to see beyond that. A hero is capable of becoming a villain and a villain is capable of being a hero."
Eva furrowed her eyebrows. " Ka Suki's mentor Best Jeanist said something like that. How heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth."
Great Pa nodded. "Which means we all potential to be both. You wish to be a hero, right?"
"I know it's silly," said Eva looking forward. "But it is currently that path I am on...I'm just worried if it changes."
"Evalina," Great Pa laughed putting a hand on her back. "A path is not a single straight line; they are curves and mountains and valleys, the scenery is always changing; what matters is that you keep tabs on who you are. You must be willing to take risks on your path of life."
"I wanna change the hero society too," admitted Eva. "Not in the Stain was going about it."
"Then you shall," said Great Pa. "Do not be in a rush to carry it all out on your own. And if you do not carry it out while you are alive that is okay; there will be others after you to carry it on." He ruffled the top of her head. "Now, let's get ready for our training session." Eva then hugged him tightly.
"I've missed you greatly," said Eva, Great Pa Go simply patted her head his way of saying he missed her as well. "Great Pa Go." She pulled back. "I also want to ask you about crossing the two different dimensions, I am old enough to be able to do it on my own."
"You skipped out on that lesson when you 5," recalled Great Pa Go causing Eva to look away twiddling her thumbs. "Though may I suggest you speak with Grandpa Duckie or Grandma Lia about it? I have no doubt they would like to see you as well."
"Of course," nodded Eva with a smile. "One more thing."
"I am all ears," said Great Pa Go as Eva looked back at him.
"A hero named Grand Torino," began Eva.
"I recall my son's grandson speaking of that name," said Great Pa Go.
"He said he knew Uncle Drago and Great Grandma Vivi, but they never really speak of it," said Eva. "How come?"
"Yes, I do recall my daughter speaking of that name as well," said Great Pa Go. "You don't know these things, because you do not ask." Eva tilted her head. "Though, they both got betrayed by mankind which makes them shut good times with ones they spent with." He put a hand on her head. "The gods say mankind is built to always betray us, but I think you believe there are some that will not." Eva nodded. "Good." His smile dropped. "I should not be one to tell you, but your mother did get betrayed by mankind, someone who she was close with."
"That explains why we rarely went to the human world, only a few times a year, never saw human town until 8," said Eva looking away. "What happened?"
"She was in love with this human boy," recalled Great Pa Go, this made Eva gasp in surprise. "Of course, your grandparents Duckie and Lia were not fond of this factor. Eventually things went their way, when the boy started to change and betrayed your mother with what he had asked of her, breaking her heart badly."
Soon it was time for them to go back, of course. She didn't have time to change before Izuku pulled her over to his room to study together for the finals.
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