Chapter 18

All four of them ended up in the hospital, sharing a room. Izuku's arm and leg were wrapped Iida had both arms in slings. Todoroki had his arm patched up, and Eva had her arms and back patched up as well.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked.

"No, not really," Izuku answered. "Eva?"

"No," She denied.

"I figured," Todoroki grunted. "Me neither."

"Thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing," Izuku said.

"Yeah, I agree," Todoroki nodded.

"After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle we're even alive," Izuku said.

"Yeah," Eva agreed.

"With my leg messed up, I was an easy target," Izuku said. "He probably could've killed me if he really wanted to.

"Yeah," Todoroki breathed as he looked at his arm. "Seems to me he let the three of us live on purpose. I'm impressed by you though, Iida. He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall."

"That's not true," Iida denied. He lowered his head. "I was--"

"Oh, so the injured youngins are awake," Grand Torino said as Manual opened the door.

"Gran Torino!" Izuku smiled.

"And Manual, too," Iida said.

"And Snow Bug!" Snow Bug greeted them as she appeared in the room.

"Idiot," Grand Torino growled at Izuku. "I could yell at you for hours right now. "

"Yeah, I'm sorry," Izuku whimpered as Grand Torino marched over to his bed.

"But before he does, all of you got a visitor," Snow Bug formed. They looked over to see another stepping in, they had the dog of a face.

"This is Hosu's chief of police," Grand Torino informed. "Kenji Tsuragamae." Todoroki, Iida, and Eva got to their feet. Izuku turned to face him.

"No, please, stay seated, woof," Tsuragamae ordered. "So, you're the U.A. Students who brought the down the Hero Killer, huh?"

"We are," Todoroki confirmed.

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns of wind and fire, and several broken bones, along with signs of poisoning," Tsuragamae began. "Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof." Izuku breathed warily. "Here's a lesson you should have already learned. When Quirks became the norm, the police force sought to maintain the status quo. They decided we wouldn't use Quirks as weapons. That's when heroes came in. They could do what we couldn't if they were licensed, of course, woof. It would be impossible for the police to condone the use of deadly quirks. After all, we're here to stop such harm from being done. The only reason pros can use their powers now is because of the strict code of ethics that the early heroes chose to abide by. That's why it's against the law for uncertified people to use their Quirks to cause injury. Whether you were up against the Hero Killer or not, none of you had the authority to harm the villain, even you Yuki." Her eyes went wide. "I am well aware of the laws placed on fairies. You are the first fae to attempt to become a hero like this, we are working on laws around that as we speak. That means the four of you and your supervisors--Snow Bug, Endeavor, Manual, and Grand Torino--should receive harsh punishments for this gross abuse of your powers."

"Now wait a minute," Todoroki growled. "If Iida had not stepped in Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero Killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should've just stood by and watched people die?"

"Calm down," Izuku growled putting his hand in front of Todoroki.

"So it's okay to break the law as long as it goes your way?" Tsuguramae asked.

"But, sir, isn't it a hero's job to save people?" Todoroki grunted angrily.

"This is why you're not a full-fledged pro yet," Tsuguramae said. "It's obvious U.A. and Endeavor haven't been teaching you near enough. What a shame."

"You damn mutt," Todoroki growled walking forward.

"Todoroki, listen, he's right!" Iida shouted as Todoroki started to go forward.

"Stop there, kid," Grand Torino ordered as Eva put her wing in front of Todoroki, he stopped walking. "You'll wanna hear him out till the end."

"What I've said is the official stance of the police department," Tsuguramae revealed. "But any punishment would only be necessary if it went public. If it did, you'd probably be applauded by citizens everywhere. But there's no way you could escape from being reprimanded, or be banished from the human realm. On the other hand, we could say Endeavor saved the day. Stain's burns would support this story completely and we could pretend you weren't involved, woof. Thankfully there were very few witnesses. This could be the last you heard of any punishments. It would mean no one would know about you, though. You'd receive no acclaim at all. The choice is yours. Personally, I know where I stand." He gave a thumbs-up, Eva put a hand over her mouth a bit. "I don't wanna damage any promising young careers. Not for a mistake like this."

"Either way, we'll need to take responsibility for being negligent as supervisors," Manual lowered his head.

Iida walked forward, he lowered his head. "I'm sorry. I should've listened."

"Yeah!" Manual grunted as he hit Iida gently on the head. "You caused us a lot of trouble. Remember that, and don't do it again."

"Sir!" Iida responded.

"I apologize as well," Eva lowered her head.

"I know for sure that you know the fairy laws!" Snow Bug hissed, hitting her head. "But even so, risking being banished from this realm, to save friends and aren't being banished today." Eva looked up happily.

"And...I apologize as well," Izuku said as he lowered his head.

"Me, too," Todoroki grunted, bowing a bit. "We'll leave it to you."

"I know it's not fair," Tsuragamae said. "You won't enjoy any of the fame and praise you probably would've received otherwise. But at least, allow me, as the chief of police, to thank you."

"You know," Todoroki grunted looking to the side. "You could've started with that."

"Be kinder," Eva ordered as she hit him with her wing.

"Eva," Izuku sweated a bit. They ended up leaving, and they all went back to sitting.

"Yuki," Iida breathed. "What are the fairy laws he was talking about?"

"Fairies in this realm, even the ones with quirks are allowed to fight back if their lives or other fairy lives are endangered," Eva answered. "It's due to the fact they tend to get kidnapped or killed more than humans. There used to be no laws till about fifty years ago. Just a few years ago, there was a law allowing us to join hero courses, I am the first of my people to go down this path." Ida gasped lightly in surprise. " Since none of you are fairies, if this got out, due to laws, I would be banished from the human world." She scratched the back of her head, looking to the side. 

"You risked being banished for me?" Iida asked.

"Of course, you are my friend," Eva answered looking at him, tears forming in Iida's eyes. "My siblings aren't heroes, but if they were ever attacked I would have been feeling the same way you did." Iida started to wipe at his eyes.

"You are the class rep," Todoroki.

"Who's allowed to feel emotions!" Eva argued as she hit him with her wing again, this time he landed on his bed.

"Hey, calm down now!" Izuku pleaded. "No need to cause any more injuries!" Soon Izuku went out to take a call with Urakaka, during that Iida and Todoroki found out about the hand burn mark on Eva. She never told Todoroki about it, thought it would be best if he didn't know. While Izuku was out Iida also got his test results.

"Oh, hey, Iida," Izuku greeted as he made his way back into the room. "I just talked to Urakaka."

"Izuku," Eva breathed.

"Iida just got his test results back," Todoroki added. Izuku gasped at how Iida was looking.

"My left hand might have damage that's permanent," Iida revealed.

"What?" Izuku gasped. "Permanent?"

"Both my arms were pretty torn up," Iida said, he lightly touched an arm with his fingers. "But the injury to my left arm was especially severe. The damage was to my brachial plexus. Which just means...I'll have trouble moving my fingers. And my hand might have some numbness. Apparently, there's a chance it could be healed with nerve transplant surgery." He lowered his head. "When I came across the Hero Killer, I stopped thinking rationally. The first thing I should've done was call Manual. But I got lost in my own anger. I hate him so much, but I can't deny he spoke the truth. That's why, until I'm able to call myself a real hero, I'll leave my left hand as it is."

"Are you sure?" Todoroki asked.

"Iida, I feel the same way," Izuku said as he held up his hand with scars. "Let's get stronger. Together."

"I feel kind of bad," Todoroki sweated.

"About what?" Eva asked.

"Whenever I'm involved, a handprint is left or someone's hand gets all messed up," Todoroki said looking at his hand. "Is something wrong with me?" The other three gasped. "Am I cursed?" Izuku, Iida, and Eva started laughing.

"Todoroki, I didn't know you had a sense of humor!" Izuku laughed.

"This isn't a joke," Todoroki said in complete seriousness. "I'm like The Hand Crusher or something." they laughed even more.

"The Hand Crusher!" The other three repeated.

"That can be your villain's name," Eva laughed, and the other two started laughing even more.


Iida ended up leaving before the lights went out, he went back home to his parent's house, so his mom could take care of him. That night, Eva was feeling a lot of pain, she couldn't sleep because of it. It wasn't from her injuries, but something else. She sat up, she touched her back, and she was surprised to feel it was wet. She eventually just out of bed, she slowly made her way over to the restroom that was located in the room by the door. She stepped in and closed the door before turning the light on. She removed her shirt, leaving her bra. She turned around in the mirror she saw that in between her bottom and lower wings, the middle ones were starting to come in. They were starting to pierce her skin. It would take weeks before they are fully out. She heard a knock on the door before could respond, she heard the slowly open she looked over to see Todoroki, his eyes went wide. He looked at the ground, before stepping in and closing the door.

"Get out," Eva ordered as she put her arms over her chest. "I will kill you."

"Your hospital bed is stained in blood," Todoroki said. "When I saw the blood trail...I thought something was wrong." He looked into the mirror.

"Nothing wrong," Eva said as she backed up. "Now leave." She raised her wing; pointing it at his chest.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Todoroki asked. Eva looked to see his eyes were locked on where the blood was coming from.

"I'll just leave the hospital, my dad will know what to do," Eva answered. "I appreciate your concern...why are you awake?"

"I couldn't sleep," Todoroki answered looking at her. "When I heard you get up, you made sounds of pain, so I thought one of your injuries from Stain had reopened, you were gone for ten minutes."

"What do you want?" Eva asked as she backed up more.

"I wanna understand fairies more," Todoroki admitted as he looked away with a slight blush. "And their laws."

"Why? You aren't a fairy," Eva brought up.

"Just in case you decide to do something stupid again," Todoroki grunted looking at her. "You knew those laws, but yet you still were willing to put everything on the line!"

"My actions don't concern you," Eva said.

"You are my friend, they concern me as much as they would concern Midoriya and, Bakugo," Todoroki said, Eva's eyes widened. "I know I said I wasn't here to make seems I was wrong." He lifted his hand, he put it on the left side where it was bleeding. He could feel the tip of her wing starting to push through. "Do you think really think those guys would just let you risk it like that? I see the way the two look at you. If both of them are willing to work together to keep you safe, I don't want to know what'd they do if something horrible happens, or if you get banished." Todoroki then turned on the sink, to wash the blood off. "As someone that is quick to jump in to save others, you need to be careful. We can do the fighting, you just focus on rescuing." He then went to leave. "I will go find a nurse or some lemons for those wounds."

"No lemons," Eva insisted as she grabbed his wrist. "Or limes."

"The citrus has some mild antibacterial properties in it," Todoroki said. "They can help."

"No, they can't," Eva said as she let go of him. "Lemons and limes are poisonous to faires...if you really want to know more about fairies, Izuku has a book or the library. Even the internet can help."

"Anything else I should know at this moment?" Todoroki asked looking back at her.

"At 16, I can no longer touch iron," Eva answered. "Silver and Steel will burn me. Izuku his mom, Bakugo, and his parents know all of this." A sharp pain happened in her ears, she grunted, then put her hand over her ears.

"Why is all of this happening? Are you Hero Killer didn't have any effect on you?" Todoroki asked with more concern, he took a cotton ball, freezing it.

"I'm almost 16," Eva said as she lifted her hair. "I can't avoid it, just like how a vampire can't avoid what happens to them at 16." She could see that ears had gotten a bit longer at the top and pointer. "In simple terms, it's growing pains."

"Growing pains," Todoroki repeated, he gently placed the frozen cotton ball by her ear. "At least let me do this for you."

"If you are that instant on helping, I could use some help with the bandages," Eva said. Todoroki left the room he quickly came back with a towel, washcloth, and bandages. Eva took the washcloth and ran it under warm water before cleaning the blood around her. He crouched down and dried the areas with the towel, his face was starting to heat up not from his quirk. It could've been a one-person job but Todoroki was insistent on helping. He couldn't help but notice burn scars from their fight, ones that weren't from it, and then a certain scar by her wings caught his eye.

"This isn't a burn scar," Todoroki said as his fingers skimmed over a scar, it was a reminder from the fateful day.

"You recall Izuku telling you about the day my wings were ripped out," Eva brought up. Todoroki let out a small gasp as Eva finished the wrapping.

"Can it see it?" Todoroki asked Eva looked back. "My handprint."

"No, you seem more comfortable using that side now," Eva said as she crouched down to his eye level, facing him. He seemed upset about the answer.

"I can handle it," Todoroki assured as he reached his hand forward. Eva slowly stood up, she removed that bandage, revealing the handprint burn scar. He gently placed his hand on it, fitting the shape perfectly, Eva started to turn red. The door opened they looked back to Izuku, he looked annoyed. He saw the state Eva was in along with all the blood.

"Eva!" Izuku gasped as he smiled. "Your third set of wings is coming in!" She nodded. He looked directly at Todoroki. "In the nicest way possible get out." Eva started to laugh as Todoroki was thrown off by Izuku's harshness.


Eva left three days after being in the hospital, she was able to get out before Todoroki. She received a huge lecture when she got home, along with help with what was going on with her body. Her dad was able to properly give her the medicine and bandages to help with the pain. Her siblings thought it was the greatest thing ever, causing trouble the way she did. She was allowed to return to her internship, and as punishment, she had to clean the whole outside of the building.


It was now the morning they were going back to class since the internships ended. Eva was at her locker when Izuku showed up.

"Eva!" Izuku lit up. "How did the rest of your internship go?"

"I had to clean the whole outside of the building," Eva sweated. "Other than that it went well. You?"

"I got lectured as well," Izuku said as he put his stuff in his locker. "Though I learned a lot! You were able to make the wind come out the edge of your wings."

"And you didn't break any bones," Eva lit up. He nodded happily. She then felt some discomfort in her head, it was a lot of pain when she touched it. Blood started to come out of her head; making Izuku freak out. 

"You got to see Recovery Girl!?" Izuku urged. "This is not good! Let me see!" Eva tilted her head, Izuku pulled close for him to see then let out a yelp of pain, stumbling back.

"You didn't ingest blood did you?" Eva worried as she looked up, to see he was on the ground holding his eye.

"No," Izuku shook his head as he pointed as he took out his phone. He took a picture and then showed it to her. On the left side of her head, one of the antennas had popped out, just above her hair a little.

"Summer is right around the corner," Eva grunted. "Couldn't they wait just a bit longer?" She touched the antenna. It was a round ball, on a strand that would just get longer. "This is so embarrassing."

Izuku laughed. "Let's just get to class, before Mr. Aizawa kills us." Eva nodded in agreement. When they got to class, Eva was completely surprised by how neat Bakugo's hair was.

"Holy crap! What the heck happened, Bakugo?" Kirishima and Sero asked as they laughed.

"It is definitely different," Eva said as she touched it, the other two boys started to laugh even more.

"Stop laughing," Bakugo growled. "My hair's gotten used to this and I can't get it back right away. Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both."

"I'd like to see ya try, pretty boy," Sero teased as Kirishima was losing it.

"What did you call me!?" Bakugo raged as his hair went back to normal.

"Hey, there it goes!" Sero and Kirishima laughed more as Eva made her way over to Iida, Todoroki, and Izuku.

"Awesome!" Ashido exclaimed. "You got to face actual villains? I'm super jealous!"

"Well, I didn't fight," Jiro said. "All I did was help people evacuate and provide logistical support." She was twirling one of her ear jacks.

"But it still sounds so much fun," Ashido said.

"I spent basically the whole time training and cleaning the ship deck," Tsu revealed. "Though there was this one day we caught drug smugglers."

"Okay, that's cool!" Ashido and Jiro said at the same time.

"What about you Ochacho?" Tsu asked. "How was your week?"

Urakaka was engulfed in purple energy, she was glowing. "I'd say that it was very enlightening."

"I think she found her fighting spirit," Tsu said as Urakaka punched the air.

"Yeah, that battle hero must've been something else," Jiro added.

"After one week she's like a totally different person," Kaminari said.

"Different?" Mineta asked. "Don't be fooled, Kaminari. All women are demons at heart. They just hide their true personalities behind pretty faces."

"What the heck did Mr. Lady do to you?" Kaminari asked as he grabbed him. "Everyone at my internship loved me--it was actually kind of great. Now, if you wanna talk about the ones who really changed, it was those four."

"Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!" Sero brought up as Bakugo got a hold of him.

"Glad you guys made it back alive," Kirishima said as he was being held as well. "Seriously."

"I was worried about you too," Yaoyorozu said as some of their classmates walked over to them.

"You were lucky Endeavor showed up and saved you guys," Sato said.

"So cool," Hagakure gushed. "Just what I'd expect from the number two hero!"

"Yeah," Todoroki breathed as he looked at his desk. "That's right. He saved us."

"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer?" Ojiro asked. "Everyone's been saying that he was somehow connected to the League of Villains. Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep been there when they attacked the USJ?"

"He's scary, yeah," Kaminari agreed. "But did you see him in that weird video? It's been all over the internet."

"I didn't even know there was a video of him," Ojiro admitted.

"Yeah," Kaminari confirmed. "Stain's a pretty evil villain, but, like, super tenacious. He's almost kinda cool, doncha guys think?"

"Kaminari!" Eva exclaimed.

"Uh--" He breathed looking at her, then Iida. "Oh! Dude!"

"No, it's okay," Iida assured. "You're fine." He looked at his arm. "It is true that he's quite a tenacious villain. I understand why people might think he was cool. But instead of helping the world, his beliefs led him to cold-blooded murder. No matter his motives, killing cannot be condoned. To keep anyone else from suffering like me, well I promise!" He pointed towards Kaminari with his whole chopping hand. "I will strive to be the perfect hero."

"Yeah, let's do it!" Izuku agreed.

"It's time for class to begin!" Iida shouted. "Everyone, please take your seats!"

"He's back," Tokoyami grunted.

"This is your fault for talking about weird stuff," Jiro scolded Kaminari.

"Sorry," Kaminari apologized. "I'm gonna keep my mouth shut."

"Deku, what's wrong with your eye?" Urakaka asked, everyone looked over, he was starting to get a black eye.

"Did you come across a villain on the way to school?" Iida asked. "You should know to wait for the pros."

"No, nothing like that!" Izuku denied waving his arms. "It was a complete accident, but Eva is the one who gave me this,"

"It's about time you hit that loser!" Katsuki smiled as he looked over at her. 

"I know it is not my place," Iida began. "But this is school...what sort of rumble did you two get into? Your eye is bruising and her head is bleeding!"

"You should really go see Recovery Girl," Tsu suggested. "Ribbit."

"There wasn't a fight," Izuku said as Eva's cheeks began to go red. "One of her antennae popped out."

"Let me see!" Ashido squealed as she rushed over putting Eva in a bit of a headlock. "So cute!"


Soon they were outside in their hero suit, by a training ground; Eva had to get her head wrapped so blood wouldn't spill everywhere. 

"I am here!" All Might shouted. "Hope you're ready to return to our lessons. Today it's Hero Basic Training. Feels like I haven't seen you in a while. Welcome back. Now then. Listen carefully for what's in store. We're going to be conducting a little race. Take everything you've learned from your internships and apply it to this rescue training."

"If it's rescue training, then shouldn't we be at the USJ instead?" Iida asked.

"Ah, that facility specializes in disasters," All Might explained. "As I said earlier this is a race. So prepare. You're about to step into Field Gamma! Inside, is an area full of factories that form an intricate labyrinth, so good luck finding your way around." Eva looked back at her wings. "You'll be competing in groups of five. Each person starts at a different location on the outskirts of the model city. I'll send a distress signal, and you do what you must rescue me. Whoever finds me first wins! But try to keep the property damage to a bare minimum, please."

"Why're you pointing at me?" Bakugo grunted looking away.

"Young Yuki, due to your head injury, you will be sitting this one out," All Might instructed.

"Understandable," Eva sighed as her wings dropped a bit.

"All right, first group, get to your places," All Might ordered. The first group of Ojiro, Izuku, Iida, Sero, and Mina.

"Iida hasn't completely recovered yet, right?" Kaminari asked.

"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "Man, everyone in this group has really great mobility."

"Huh. I'd say Midoriya is at a heavy disadvantage against those four" Yaoyorozo said.

"That's what I think," Jiro agreed. "Moving around quickly isn't really one of his strong suits, that's for sure."

"And whenever he uses his powers he always gets badly injured," Yaoyorozi added.

"I wouldn't count him out just yet," Eva said looking over at them. "He's definitely improved over the week."

"Who's your pick?" Kirishima asked. "I'm bettin' on Sero."

"Oh, yeah? I got odds on Ojiro," Kaminari said.

"I choose Ashido," Mineta said. "Cause she's got a super athletic body."

"I know Deku will be last," Bakugo said as he went over to Eva. 

"Even if he's still recovering, I think Iida's got this one," Urakaka said.

"Mm!" Tsu agreed.

"Is everyone ready?" All Might asked. "Begin!" He hit a button, horns went off the contestants began immediately.

"Look at him go!" Kirishima exclaimed as they watched Sero swing around with his tape. "In a maze like this, it makes sense to be above everything else."

"So that means Sero's at an advantage because he can take to the sky," Shoji said.

"It was like this course was built with me in mind," Sero said, suddenly Izuku shot past him.

"With my new training, I can win!" Izuku declared everyone gasped.

"Whoa, Midoriya?" Mineta and Kirishima asked.

"Since when can he do that?" Kaminari asked.

"What? No way!" Sero gasped.

"Crazy, those jumps," Urakaka began. "He looks just like..."

"Midoriya? Are you kidding me?" Ashido asked as she was on the wall.

"Shouldn't he be breaking a bunch of bones?" Ojiro asked. Suddenly he slipped, which caused him to lose.

"And it's over!" All Might shouted. "Thanks, hero! And congratulations!"

"All right!" Sero cheered.

"Darn it," Ashido groaned.

"Midoriya, uh, you're okay, right?" Iida asked.

"Young Sero may have come in first, but compared to the start of the year. You all showed some incredible movements," All Might said as Izuku got back to his feet. "Keep working and preparing for your upcoming final exams!"

"Sir!" They all responded.

"Group one leave the field!" All Might ordered. "You're up, Group Two! This time you'll be saving Young Yuki!"

"Huh?" Eva gasped.

"Get on over here, Fairy Princess!" All Might shouted. "Have these inspiring heroes, save a princess!"

"Oh, alright," Eva gave in with a light smile.


After training, they went to their changing rooms, Eva was a bit down she didn't get to do much besides be rescued. They then started to hear Mineta go off on a tangent all the way in the boy's locker room.

"I wanna see Yaoyorozu's curves. Ashido's slender waist. Is Eva's nipples gold like her wings? Hagakure's floating underwear. Urakaka's super-fine body. Asui's unexpectedly soft boobies!" Jiro shot her earphone jack right through a hole and into Mineta's eye.

"Ugh, thanks, Kyoka," Hagakure steamed.

"Despicable," Yaoyorzu hissed. "We'll close up this hole immediately.

"That little pervert," Eva huffed as she buttoned up her school shirt. Soon it was time to go home, she was waiting at the front for Izuku, and she sat on the steps staring at leaves getting pushed around by the wind.

"You are still here?" a voice asked, she looked back to see Todoroki.

"I'm waiting for Izuku," Eva said. "We are flying home today, he's just talking to All Might right now." He sat down next to her. "You aren't going home?"

"Do you know how hard it is to have access to fairy laws?" Todoroki asked. "I had to keep promising not to use this information for evil, and if it's not that, it's a fake site."

"I figured that might happen," Eva laughed as she opened her backpack. "Even with Quirks, a good handful of people are in disbelief fairies aren't real." She pulled out pieces of paper bound together with string. "I have these books at home, so I have no trouble accessing them. In-person or online."

"People don't think you are real?" Todoroki asked. "But you are striving to be a hero."

"I currently pass as a human, even the Hero Killer though I was one upon sight," Eva said. "I was able to get the notes we gave to the Midoriya's and Bakugo's when I was younger. It has basic laws you need to know. You can't let this fall into the wrong hands ever. It will also go into more detail about how Stain was powerless against my blood." She got to her feet. "Though you must promise to never use this against me or any other fairies for horrible deeds."

"I promise," Todoroki said getting to his feet.

"Good," Eva said. "Get going, I'm not sure how long they are talking for."

As soon as he left, Shiozaki joined her.

"How did your intern go?" Eva asked as they grabbed hands.

"It was a learning experience," Shiozaki answered. "I got see the good was being spread, even if it was as simple cleaning up parks."

"Wow," Eva breathed as her pupils grew. "Cleaning up the forest or parks is heroic, you eliminate the risk of animals getting a hold of it."

"Goodness!" Shiozaki squeaked happily. "It makes my heart twinkle!"

"Hey!" Tetsutesu shouted running up to them. "Yuki!" He held his hand out Eva looked up at him questionably. "What think you are better than Class 1-B, since the Hero Killer incident?"

"No, not at all!" Eva denied. "It's just your quirk is steel."

"And?" Tetsutesu titled his head.

"I'm getting closer to being sixteen," Eva said. "Steel is an alloy made up of mostly iron."

"Iron is harmful to fairies," Shiozaki informed.

"Then I'll be careful with my quirk around you," Tetsutestu shouted as held up his hand, Eva happily high-fived it.

"So, if were to ever face again," Awase said walking up to her. "What kind of metal should I use?"

"Nothing of steel, iron, iron alloys, silver," Eva answered.

"I'll keep that in mind," Awase said. "I want this to be a fair fight, not kill you."

"Sorry for keeping you waiting, Eva!" Izuku shouted as he walked out of the building.

"See you later!" Eva chimed as she flew over to Izuku.

"See ya!" they all shouted.

"Ready?" Eva asked. "I think you guys are at our house for dinner tonight."

"You can go fast this time!" Izuku assured. Eva picked him up as he pulled out a stopwatch. "Ready..." Eva rose into the air. "Go!" She took off in an instant. "Hey, about what Iida said earlier?"

"We should all follow his words and strive to be the perfect hero," Eva said. "I'm glad he's returning to himself." Izuku nodded in agreement.

"When was our last fight?" Izuku asked.

"A few weeks ago," Eva answered. "We were running late to school because you wanted to see the villain causing trouble that day." Izuku laughed. "Hey, when we get to training, can you go to Gamma with me? I didn't get a chance to do that training."

"Of course!" Izuku lit up. "That is also the perfect place to work on tight maneuvers with your speed!" He took out his notebook. "Man, I am starting to run out of room on your page." Eva laughed. "There's something else I am curious about."

"Hm?" asked Eva looking down at him.

"Gran Torino knows some of your relatives," said Izuku.

Eva nodded. "I am curious about that, they don't specify on the people the encounter, that is if they do.

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