Chapter 17

It took about ten minutes for Eva to get to the agency. It was placed right before a forest, the building had a rectangle bottom half, but the top was circular, with a large antenna pointing on on the top. She took a big breath, she walked through the doors, so many people were inside. Some asking for help, sidekicks. The walls on the inside were decorated red, and the floor-designed carpet was fake grass, except for a strip of tile that led to the front desk.

"Hello," Eva greeted walking up to the front desk, it was a person with two arms. The person lit up. " I am here from UA for an internship."

"The boss should be on the top floor, she is waiting for you," the lady said. "We are happy to have you a part of the team for a week."

"Thank you for accepting me, it truly is an honor," Eva smiled before going to the staircase. It was a good four flights of stairs, but Eva wasted no time, flying right up to the top. 

"Welcome!" a woman shouted once Eva opened the door to the top floor. The woman had a red shirt with black dots. The shirt had long sleeves, with openings for her shoulders. Her skirt was leather, with tights underneath and combat boots. She had short red hair, that went slightly past her chin, and yellow eyes. She had black antennas and ladybug wings, they were closed at the moment. Along with black gloves with opened palms. It was Snow Bug. "You really wowed us at the sports festival.

"Thank you," Eva breathed as started to follow the boss around the place. The top floor was amazing, she could see everything due to all the windows. They had a sunroof, and vines everywhere. 

"Thought I make this a place more bug and winter-like," Snow Bug. "Tell me, why did you choose this agency?"

"The Snow Drop Agency works with battle and rescue," Eva answered. "I want to work along with heroes in both situations. Also, the flight." Snow Bug laughed clapping her hands together.

"You have your suit, right?" Snow Bug asked. Eva nodded. "Good, go get changed, then meet me by the diving board." She pointed across the circular room, there was indeed a diving board, but no water beneath. Eva nodded, she went to the changing room, opened her case, and saw a note from Hatsume.

'Made a few changes to your costume, you are going to love it!' - Hatsume. She looked to see pilot goggles added to her suitcase. She got dressed, lastly putting the goggles on her head. 

"Nice goggles!" a voice complimented once Eva stepped out. She looked over to see a person with blonde hair, black eyes, bee black stripes on his arms. He wore black baggy pants, tight around the ankles, with combat boots. He had a see-through dark yellow shirt, with a skin-tight skin protector. Around her shoulders were storage back things. He had spikes all around the top of his head, a bee tail, a stinger, and bee wings. "The name is Stinger, my quirk, Sting! I can shoot out stingers to immobilize my opponents."

"So cool," Eva breathed. "What is up with the diving board?"

"To face an issue with our flight," Stinger answered. "Snow Bug is brilliant for this! It helps with those who fly and don't fly!"

"Violet Gust, I am happy to see you have met one of my sidekicks, Stinger," Snow Bug clapped her hands together. "Now we are going to fix an issue I saw in the Sports Festival and a new move." 

"An issue?" Eva asked. "A new move?"

"You never seemed to straight down, always at an angle," Snow Bug answered. "As for the are able to control how the wind comes out, a full blast or a scythe."

"Right," Eva nodded.

"I can make snow come out of any certain part of my body," Snow Bug said as she held up her feet, and snowballs started to form. "Have you ever tried to make the wind come out from the edge of your wings?" Snow Bug touched the outline of her wing.

"I never thought about it," Eva admitted.

"Let's try!" Snow Bug encouraged. "Producing wind from your wings, use every inch of your wings, not just the matter in between." She grabbed Eva and then flew over to the diving board.

'Now I see why Izuku loves having me fly him to school,' Eva thought to herself as she was placed on the end of the diving board. Eva looked down, about thirty feet down was a trampoline.

"I want you to jump off this," Snow Bug ordered. "No flying, gain the feeling of what it's like to just fall from this height." Eva seemed nervous. "Stinger." Eva lifted her head before she could react, her body felt immobilized, and Snow Bug quickly grabbed her.

"Don't worry, you'll gain feeling by my command or in two hours," Stinger said as Snow Bug held Eva up in the air. 

"Now fall," Snow Bug ordered, she dropped Eva she let out a tiny yelp. It was a strange feeling, her stomach turned, and then she hit the trampoline, springing right back up. This went on for about twenty minutes, Stinger gave Eva the ability to move on her own again. "Now, I want you to drop straight down, and change direction at the last minute without hitting the ground, there is a hallway at the bottom, aim for that."

"Difficult," Eva noted.

"There will be situations where we have no choice but to go straight down, an angle might take too long," Snow Bug explained. "We need to be able to change directory when saving someone, so we avoid getting them injured along with ourselves. Understand?" Eva nodded. "Give it a try, nosedive!" Eva stood at the end of the board, leaned over, then went head first, she changed her directory a bit too late and hit the trampoline. She bounced up, landing back on the board, Stinger and Snow Bug were giggling. 

"Harder than I thought," Eva admitted.

"I am happy you didn't get it on the first," Snow Bug admitted as she flew over. "That means there is much more to teach you!" Eva's face lit up." Eva spent the rest of the day training along with Snow Bug's sidekicks. They did fight training as well. She even got to work on the new move. But she was having trouble with the drop, she kept calculating wrong. It was now night.  Eva was sitting on the edge of the balcony on the top floor, she was on the side facing the forest. Everything seemed so peaceful, the forest going on with its night routine; she made a phone call to someone. 

"I chose the wrong one," Katsuki growled as soon as he picked up the call. "Best Jeanist made the offer so he can make me into an exemplary hero by the end of the week, what a load of crap."

"I don't mean to sound like Shiozaki, but that was truly deceptive for him to do that," Eva said. 

"How is your internship, fight any bad guys? Rescue?" Katsuki asked.

"No, and no," Eva denied. "Snow Bug wants me to work on my flying...I need to be able to do nosedive, at any moment, but it's not going to so well."

"Huh?" Katsuki asked. "She thinks your flying is shit?"

"It needs improvement," Eva corrected. "I do agree, back at the festival in the obstacle, I tried to flip to get Todoroki off me, but it didn't go well as we all are good at changing angles quickly in the air."

"Eva, when you turn, are you just turning your just body?" Katsuki asked. "Are you turning the angles of your wings as well?" Eva thought back to all those turns, she let out a small gasp.

"You are brilliant, Katsuki," Eva chimed. 

"Of course I am," Katsuki grunted.

"Tell me more about your internship," requested Eva. "I wanna hear everything." They spent the next ten minutes chatting about the internship and a few other things.  "I am going to let you go. Night Katsuki."

"Night, Eva" Katsuki responded before hanging up the phone. She looked back at the diving board, she knew what she needed to do. Right as she got up, there was a phone call from Izuku.

"Izuku," Eva greeted as she sat back down. "How is your internship?" Izuku then told her all about it, and Eva told him all about her internship.

"Wow, so we both are working on our abilities the first day," Izuku said. 

"Gran Torino sounds amazing," Eva said. "Terrifying as well."

"He is making me realize a lot," Izuku said. "I was about to work on my quirk, before calling you."

"I was about to work on that drop," Eva laughed lightly. "I will let you go."

"Once we are finished, I am excited to see how much you improved," Izuku said. "Good luck."

"Good luck to you," Eva said before the phone call ended. She then went to the diving board to work on the drop. After a few hours, she ended up going to get some sleep. She was placed in a room with other sidekicks, there were hammocks. 

Morning came Eva was now on the diving board again.

"Go!" Stinger shouted Eva dropped she let herself fall, and as she started to flip, she changed the directory of her was successful. 

"This calls for some patrol!" Snow Bug cheered as she spun around, clapping her hands. "First, that move!"

"Yay!" Eva cheered along with Stinger. After two hours of working on making the wind come out of her wings like a slice, they were out on sky patrol, it was strange flying in groups, but Eva liked it. 

"We have a hot air balloon situation," a voice came in on the earpiece. "Stuck in a tree, about to rip...civilians."

"How many?" Snow Bug asked.

"About five," Stinger reported. " Two adults, and three small kids. I dropped my location."

"Alright intern, we are about to do a rescue," Snow Bug said looking at Eva. "Let's move!" She picked up the speed and so did Eva. They flew over to where they heard people crying, they were stuck on a branch, fifty feet up, with nothing but the ground beneath. Suddenly, the parachute caught on fire the people screamed more. "You need to remain calm, if you are calm, they will feel safer...what do you think?"

"We need to put out the flames along with rescuing the people," Eva answered. "You would be able to use your snow quirk to put out the fire, but that could mean breaking the strings and sending the people down fifty feet. If you fly in the rescue while the fire is still going, there is a risk of burning your own wings, and you would get trapped as well."

"Nicely observed," Snow Bug complimented. "We are going to with the snow plan." Eva looked at her. "I want you at the bottom to catch the basket with the others. Then use your wind to help safely land the people. Got it?" Eva nodded. "Let's go!" Snow Bug stopped where she was flying,  she put her hands in a circle, and snow started to form in the middle, the wider her hands spread, the bigger the snowball, Eva went down to where had been told to go. Snow Bug threw the giant snowball, putting out the fire. As predicted the lines were cut the people screamed but stopped once the basket was caught by the other fliers. Eva activated her quirk, she had the wind coming out slowly, getting them away from the trees before landing the family.

"Thank you!" the mother cried once they were all out safely. "Thank you, Snow Bug!"

"No need to thank me," Snow Bug denied. "You were in danger, it is our duty to rescue you."

"We can take you to the city," Stinger offered. 

"That would be kind of you," the father said. 

"Stinger carries the father, I will take the mom, Violet Gust.. you take the kids?" Snow Bug asked. 

"Yes," Eva nodded as she turned to the kids, they were staring at her with wonder. 

"A new sidekick?" one of the kids asked.

"An inspiring hero from UA as an intern," Snow Bug answered.

"I recognize you!" one of the kids lit up. "From the Sports Festival!" They were able to carry the family to safety, and back to their car. The kids were smiling big. After that rescue, they went back on patrol."

"A+!" Snow Bug cheered hitting Eva on the bag.

"You are going to make a fantastic pro one day!" Stinger added. "Perhaps be my sidekick!"

"Shall we continue patrol?" Snow Bug asked.

"Yes, ma'am!" Everyone responded. 

"Let's go!" Snow Bug answered. They spent a good amount of the day going around, saving people from issues such as being stuck in the tree. They did litter clean up and greeted fans. Eva loved it. They were now at a beach, it was late afternoon, and they were carrying people to rescue there was a villain who had a personal grudge, Stinger was able to immobilize them, and Eva was allowed to use her quirk to keep the villain at bay with the wind. It was exciting. 

"All right, time to head back to headquarters," Snow Bug said. "We will discuss everyone's performances, Violet Gust, did you pick up anything on these missions?"

"Not all our attacks have to be used to hurt the opponent," Eva answered. "It's better to work in teams than alone, trust in your comrades."

"Excellent," Snow Bug clapped. They slowly made their way back to the agency when Eva's phone lit up. She checked to see a location drop from Izuku in Hosu City. She took off without a second thought, going at her top speed. 

"We are going to Hosu City! Villains have appeared!" Snow Big shouted. "Just like the ones from USJ--Violet Gust?"

"Where did she go?" another asked.

"I think Hosu," Stinger answered. "I saw her check her phone when it buzzed, suddenly she took off."

"Damn," Snow Bug growled.


Eva flew as fast as she could, down below in the distance she saw an injured hero up against the wall, Izuku, injured Iida, Todoroki about to show up in the alley, and the hero killer: Stain...Stain was about to kill Iida. Eva dropped straight down, right at the end of the alley, Todoroki blasted fire as Eva flew right blast, activating her quirk, on the edges of her wings. Stain let out a grunt of pain from getting cut a bit by her wind. Eva landed, sliding next to Todoroki.

"Using your fire?" Eva asked.

"New wind move?" Todoroki asked as Stain landed on the far by where Izuku was located. 

"Two more to get in my way," Stain growled as Eva moved the goggles off her eyes. "Today's been full of distractions."

"Midoriya, you need to give more details in a time like this," Todoroki ordered as he held up his phone. "We were almost too late to stop this guy."

"You, too, Todoroki? Yuki?" Iida asked. 

"How'd you both get here?" Izuku asked. "Hold on, you're using your left side?"

"How'd I get here?" Todoroki asked. "Good question. Your message took me a while to figure out." He let his flames go out. "Next time, try to send more than your specific location. But you're not really one to send cryptic messages without a reason, are you?" He sent out ice, Stain dodged it. "So I figured you were in trouble and asking for help." His ice lifted the others to safety. 

"I just flew over the minute I saw your message," Eva answered. "I knew something was wrong." They both started towards Stain. 

"Everything's okay," Todoroki assured as Eva stayed back.  "The pro herpes will be here any minute!" He shot fire, Stain dodged it, and Izuku and the other hero slid down the ice, Eva caught them both, and then placed them on the ground behind Todoroki. "You're just what they said you were. But you won't be taking any more lives, Hero Killer."

"Todoroki! Eva! You can't let that guy get your blood!" Izuku warned. "I-I think he controls his enemy's actions by swallowing it. That's how he got us!"

"He ingests blood to keep people from moving," Todoroki said. "That explains the blades." They both got into a fight position. "All we've gotta do is keep my distance." Suddenly a knife slid past Todoroki, cutting his cheek.

"You have good friends, Ingenium," Stain said as he jumped up to attack Todoroki, ice flew up, blocking him and Eva blasted him back with his wind. 

"Get the sword!" Todoroki shouted Eva flew up grabbing it.

"I don't think so!" Stain shouted jumping up fire blew down beneath, and Eva kicked him away from her, he was able to cut her arm and take the sword back.

"He's strong," Todoroki said as Eva landed.

"And fast," Eva added as Stain cut through the ice. "I'm sorry."

"Let's keep fighting," Todoroki said. "Don't let him get a chance to lick the blood he got from you." They started to attack Stain with fire, and wind, Stain got cut up by Eva's wind attacks.

"I'm more concerned about what happens if he does," Eva admitted. Todoroki looked at her funnily.

"Just stop it," Iida grunted in fear. "Why are you both doing this? His fight is with me! I inherited my brother's name. I'm the one who should stop him. The Hero Killer is mine!"

"You're Ingenium now?" Eva asked as Stain got caught in the middle of her wind and Todoroki's fire. 

"Strange," Todoroki commented as he switched to ice, Stain jumped up. "The Ingenium I knew before never had that look on his face. You've got a dark side. Guess my family isn't the only one." Eva flew up, she shot wind gusts down, slamming Stain back into the ground. 

"Careful, Eva! Todoroki!" Izuku shouted. 

"You blocked your own field of vision against an opponent who's faster than you," Stain said as he cut up Todoroki's ice. "Rookie mistake."

"I will be worried the day you are faster than her!" Todoroki shouted as he lit up his fireside. Stain glanced back  

"I'll take care of her next!" Stain shouted as he threw knives, he hit Eva and Todoroki in the arms, and they both grunted in pain. He went towards the Native Hero. "You both are good! Unlike him!"

"Watch out!" Eva shouted. Midoriya jumped up, dragging Stain away from everyone. He was different, his power was zapping in green around his body. "Izuku!"

"I'm not sure why, but I'm able to move now!" Izuku explained. 

"So he has a time limit," Todoroki gathered. 

"No," Native denied. "That kid shoulda been the last one to be freed. I still can't move a muscle." He hit Izuku, making him let go. Eva caught him, then got out of the way for Todoroki to strike with ice, Stain dodged it. 

"He swallows a person's blood to freeze them, but I was the one freed first," Izuku said as Eva put him on the ground. "I've got three different guesses why. His Quirk could be less effective the more people he uses it on. The amount ingested could play into how long it works. Or there could even be a difference based on a person's blood type."

"If it's the last one, my blood type is B," Native revealed.  

"I'm A," Tenya whimpered.

"So you figured it out," Stain smirked. "Bravo very impressive."

"It really doesn't help us to know how his Quirk works, though," Izuku said. 

"I thought we could hurry and carry those two out of here, but it's no good," Todoroki groaned as he glanced at Eva, he saw the blood dripping down her arm. It's something he noticed at the sports festival, her blood wasn't was white. Izuku wasn't bothered since he'd seen her blood before. "He's too fast. He can dodge ice, and fire, and withstand her wind. I'd have to leave myself unguarded. Our best option is to hold until the pros arrive and avoid close combat."

"No, you know you've already lost way too much blood," Eva said. "I'll distract him while you both support me from behind. Sound like a plan?"

"Eva," Izuku breathed. "Are you sure?--" He stopped at the sight of her blood dripping. The hero killer got excited. 

"You want us to take a pretty big risk," Todoroki said as he stayed focused on the hero killer. "Okay!" Izuku got to his feet. "We can protect him." 

"Three against one, huh?" Stain asked. "This won't be easy." Eva shot towards him, Izuku was right behind, and Todoroki shot ice forward. Stain continuously dodged the ice, fire, wind, and Izuku's hits. At one point he managed to cut both Izuku he hit the ground, and the killer's fighting style changed.

"Midoriya!" Todoroki shouted as he shot fire, and Eva landed next to Izuku.

"You have to run!" Tenya insisted. "I can't watch this."

"You want to make your brother proud!?" Todoroki asked as Eva went head to head with Stain, all while trying to not get hit by Todoroki's fire. Eva dodged the sword, Stain took one of the knives out of her arm, she dodged his sword. "Then stand up and be Ingenium!" He activated his fire. "Become the hero he wanted you to be!" Eva landed next to Izuku, he was holding his leg, and it was bleeding badly. 

"Your blood is on that knife," Izuku grunted.

"If he ingests it voluntarily, technically I'm not breaking any laws," Eva said. 

"I forget that sort of stuff isn't second nature knowledge for everyone," Izuku said. "And if you have to leave the school?"

"A friend's life is on the line, I will risk it," Eva answered, this made Izuku gasped. He pushed her hair back, he could see that the tip of her ears had been pointier since the last time he looked two nights ago. Todoroki was doing everything to make sure he didn't ingest Eva's blood as well as attack the others.

"Ice, and fire," the villain smirked as he dodged their attacks more. 

"Hasn't anyone told you that you rely on your quirk too much?" Stain asked as he charged toward Todoroki. "Makes you a careless fighter." He went to go cut at Todoroki. Eva swooped over to grab Todoroki, ready to take the sword to her back if needed. 

"Todorokoi! Eva!" Izuku shouted.

"Recipro burst!" Iida shouted from behind getting Stain away from the two. 

"He's fast," Stain growled as he was kicked back by Iida. 

"What were you thinking!?!" Todoroki hissed back at her. "You got cut again!" She looked back to see there was a small cut on her shoulder, and she shrugged. 

"Iida!" Izuku exclaimed happily.

"You're free too?" Todoroki asked as Eva put him back on the ground. "Guess his Quirk isn't as great as I thought."

"Todoroki...Midoriya...Yuki," Iida panted. "This has nothing to do with you. I apologize."

"Come on, not this again," Izuku groaned, Eva looked back, she could see the hero killer smiling at them.

"I'm okay," Iida assured as he stood up fully. "But I won't the three of you shed any more blood for me!"

"It's no use trying to pretend you're a hero now," Stain growled as half his sword landed away from them, it was broken in half. "A person's true nature doesn't change in just a few minutes. You'll never be anything but a fraud who prioritizes his own desires. You're the sickness that infected society and ruined the name hero. Someone must teach you a lesson, and I think it's time for me to taste your blood girly." He smiled wickedly holding up the knife. 

"You're a fundamentalist lunatic," Todoroki growled putting up his fire hand, Eva put her arm in front of him. Stain licked the knife, nothing happened to Eva, but Stain dropped to his knees in complete agony. Blood violently shot out of his eyes and ears. 

"What is this!?" Stain demanded as the blood stopped. He kneeled forward incompletely as the others stared at Eva. "Your blood burns! It hurts!" Izuku's hand went over his mouth as blood violently shot out of Stain's nose. 

"Why aren't you immobilized?" Native asked. "He ingested your blood."

"How are you able to fight it off?" Iida asked.

"I'm not human," Eva answered. Stain's eyes went wide as he looked at Eva angrily. "My blood is poisonous for humans."

"If I knew you were a fairy," Stain growled as he got to his feet. 

"The color of it should've been a clue for you," said Eva, she turned to the others. "This can last up to ten minutes, with other side effects, but with his strength, he's going to fight through it. About what Stain said earlier to you."

 "Iida, don't listen to this murderer's nonsense to him," Todoroki grunted as he looked at their opponent, even in complete pain he was able to move, even if it was choppy. 

"No, he's completely correct," Iida agreed with Stain. "I have no right to call myself a hero. " They gasped at the blood dripping down his arms. "Even so...There's no way I can back down. If I give up now, then the name Ingenium will die!"

"Pathetic," Stain growled, he charged, Eva and Todoroki stepped forward, wind and fire at the same time. 

"Idiots!" Native shouted. "The hero killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor. Stop fighting back, and just get out of here!"

"I don't think he'd let us run even if we wanted to," Todoroki said. "Something's completely changed in him, he's rattled." Eva and Todoroki did everything they could to make sure Stain didn't get to Iida or Native. 

"Hey, Todoroki!" Iida shouted. "Can you regulate your temperatures?"

"Not well with my left, but yes I can," Todoroki answered.

"You gotta freeze my leg for me," Iida urged. "Without plugging the exhaust."

"You're in the way!" Stain growled as he threw a knife Iida took the hit.

"No, Iida!" Izuku cried out.

"Why won't you stay down?" Stain asked as he coughed up blood. 

"Iida!" Todoroki began as he took another knife to the arm. His fire went out.

"Just do it, hurry!" Iida shouted. "Eva!"

"Right!" Eva exclaimed as she opened her wings more, wind-blasted out heavily, keeping Stain back, he looked directly at Eva, the red in her eyes glowed, the pupils changed shape.

'Fae,' Stain thought to himself. 'A fae would never be my target, I know my strengths, and it humbles when it comes to them...she is no exception.' He smiled a bit. 'She does her people proud, even if she does hold back.'

He was back on his knees, coughing up more blood. Her wind eventually picked him up in the air, it was cutting him up, he was trying to fight through it. 

"It's done," Todoroki said as he went to help Eva.

"Thank you, Todoroki," Iida grunted grabbing the knife with his mouth. He ripped his out of his arm, getting up to his feet. "Recipro...Extend!" Iida shot up at Stain, with blue engine flames.

"One For All Full Cowling!" Izuku shouted as he shot towards Stain. 

"Go guys," Todoroki smiled as they looked up at their friends. Izuku slammed his hand into Stain as Iida did the same with his leg. "How much wind you got?"

"Let's do it," Eva said as she landed on the ground. Stain grabbed his sword, he managed to cut off Iida's hair a bit.

"I will defeat you Stain, " Iida declared. "Because you are a criminal. 

"Don't let him get away!" Todoroki shouted as he threw fire, Eva sent out a big wind blast.

"And I am a hero!" Iida shouted as he kicked Stain again. Todoroki's flames and Eva's wind engulfed Stain as Iida got away from the attacks. Todoroki caught Izuku and Iida with his ice. They both yelped sliding down it, hitting their heads on a wall of ice. 

"Stand up! Keep fighting!" Todoroki ordered. They saw that Stain was on an ice mound, not moving a bit. 

"He's gotta be knocked out after all that..." Izuku said as he got back to his feet. "Right?"

"Then, let's restrain him and get him to the street," Eva ordered. "Maybe we can find some rope."

"Yeah, "Izuku agreed. "And we should probably take all his weapons, too."

"Good idea," Todoroki agreed. They quickly got to work on finding rope and dealing with Stain.

"Fairy blood," Todoroki began as they tied up Stain. "If you knew all along, why didn't you make him drink it?"

"Against the laws," Eva answered. "But if a human voluntarily ingests, then that is their problem." Todoroki and Iida looked at her alarm. "If someone takes my blood without my permission and uses it for evil, I won't get in trouble either." They became even more alarmed. 

"Native, can you move?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah, I think I'm good as new," Native answered. 

"You sure?" Izuku asked as Native put him on his back. 

"I saw you hurt your leg back there," Native said. "At least let me do this for you."

"Thank you very much," Izuku said gratefully. 

"I should be thanking you," Native smiled as he went down the alley.

"We're lucky someone threw this in the dumpster," Todoroki said as they stood up. 

"Todoroki, I can drag him from here," Iida insisted. 

"Are you forgetting that your arms are messed up?" Todoroki asked, they made their way out of the alley. 

"I have to apologize," Native began. "I'm supposed to be a pro, but I was useless back there."

"No, I don't think anyone human could take the Hero Killer on," Izuku said. "Not with that weird quirk of his. He's too strong."

"The four of us barely won against him, and even then, it was because of his own mistakes and Yuki's blood," Todoroki added. "He was getting riled up and desperate and forgot all about Midoriya's quick recovery time."

"He was starting to go mad," Eva said.

"Then he wasn't able to block Iida's last Reciproburst or Midoriya's assault."

"Right, let's get him to the police as fast as we can," Native took more charge.

They heard a gasp. "What are you doing here, boy?" Izuku looked up, they saw a small old man. 

"Grand Torino!" Izuku gasped. Grand Torino jumped up. "I was only--"

"I thought I told you to stay on the bullet train!" Grand Torino yelled as he slammed his foot into Izuku's face. 

"Who's this?" Native asked.

"Grand Torino," Izuku answered. "The hero I'm interning with. I don't get it. How'd you find us?"

"I was told to come here by someone else," Grand Torino steamed. "I have no idea what's going on, but I'm glad you're not dead, at least."

"Me, too. And, I'm sorry," Izuku apologized. 

Gran Torino looked at Eva. "You are Vivi's Great Granddaughter."

"Sir," Eva confirmed in surprise, Grand Torino lowered his head in respect and Eva lowered her head back with a polite smile, the others were confused.

"What is going on here?" Izuku asked.

"You are not the only who's close with a fae or two," Grand Torino said looking at him with a smile. "How is your Uncle Drago?" 

"Quite well," said Eva.

"And your Great Uncle Rio?"

"He is getting better," answered Eva.

"Around the corner!" a voice shouted, Eva froze, it was Snow Bug's voice. 

"Who's that?" Izuku asked.

"Snow Bug," Eva said. "The person I'm interning with."

"Endeavor told us that there was a request for help here, but--" A hero began.

"Children," another said. 

"Those injuries look bad," another said. "I'll call an ambulance right away."

"Hey, look," another hero gasped. 

"Is that the Hero Killer?" the blonde girl gasped. 

"What?" Grand Torino asked.

"I'll get the police on the line," a hero said. As he called the hero check on the kids.

"Can you walk?"

"If you prop me up, then I think so," Izuku answered. 

"Okay, and you?"

"I'll be fine," Eva assured.

"Okay, and you?"

"Only minor injuries," Todoroki answered. "But, Iida..."

"You're bleeding badly," a hero said as Iida walked over to his classmates. "The ambulance will be here soon, but until then..."

"You guys," Iida breathed. They looked at him, and he bowed. "You three were hurt because of me. I'm truly sorry. " There were tears in his eyes. "I was just so angry. I couldn't see anything else."

"I'm sorry, too, Iida," Eva apologized putting her hands on his shoulders.

"You were going through so much by yourself," Izuku said. "But I couldn't tell if anything was wrong. Even though I'm your friend."

"Hey, pull yourself together," Todoroki ordered. "You're the class rep."

"Be kinder!" Eva ordered hitting him with her wing.

"No, he's right," Iida sniffed as he stood back up. 

"Get down!" Grand Torino shouted, and everyone gasped.

"Oh no!" a woman shouted. Eva looked up to see a flying Nomu coming towards them. It happened so fast, it grabbed Izuku.

"Hey, let go!" Izuku shouted.

"Izuku!" Eva shouted taking off in an instant.

"Midoriya," Iida and Todoroki said.

"It's bleeding," Snow Bug noted. "It must be trying to escape!" Eva shot a wind scythe at the bird's ankle, it let out a scream of pain, letting go of Izuku, she flew fast, catching him.  The Nomu started to go down toward the two, Eva was losing flight due to using her quirk so much. Izuku let out a nervous sound, she looked back to see Stain up on his feet.

"The word hero has lost all meaning in this society," Stain said as he ran, getting free of the rope. "The world is overrun by fakes and criminals like you who chase petty dreams." He grabbed the Nomu, and Eva who was holding on to Izuku slammed to the ground.  "You must all be purged." They all gasped. 

"Eva," Izuku whimpered, she used her body as a shield.

"Everything I do..." Stain began, he ripped the brain apart of the Nomu. "Is to create a stronger society. 

"Did he just save those kids?"

"He took them hostage, idiot."

"He killed that guy with no hesitation."

"Everyone be on your guard, we got a fight on your hands!"

"Why are you all standing like fools?" Endeavor asked. "The villain must have flown this way, right?" Eva glanced to see that he had arrived at the scene. 

"You took care of the rest?"

"Mostly, things got a little rough at the end," Endeavor answered. "Hold on. Don't tell me that man is--."

"Endeavor," Stain growled looking at him. His mask started to fall off, Endeavor lit up in fire.

"Hero Killer!" Endeavor exclaimed. 

"Wait, Todoroki!" Grand Torino and Snow Bug exclaimed. Stain let go of the kids and faced the others.

"You okay?" Eva asked.

"I think so," Izuku said.  

"You false hero," Stain growled, they looked, his face was full of terror. Everyone became frozen with fear. Eva got to see that he was starting to go even mad, blood shot out of his left ear. "I'll make this right. These streets must run with the blood of hypocrites. hero! I will reclaim that word! Come on! Just try and stop me, you fakes! There is only one man I'll let kill me. He is a true hero. All Might is worthy!" Before he could go any further, Stain went out cold, his knife dropping to the ground. 

"I think," Endeavor gasped. "He's out cold." Todoroki and Iida fell to the ground in shock and relief. 

It wouldn't be until later, that they learned that Stain's rib punctured a lung, and the fairy blood became too much. Knocking him out. Eva had to give them an antidote she always carries. Though at that moment, none of them could bring themselves to fight him. 

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