Part Two

"What they hell are the London detective Squad doing here?" Dan mutters as the whole street stops and stares and the black expensive car that just pulled up to scene.

"They better not be investigating Louis" Drew says protectively

"I'll go see what they want, Louis has all of us behind him, hopefully they won't poke around for too long" Dan tells Drew

Dan walks over as the two detectives get out of the car.

"Deputy Masters?" One of the detectives asks

"That would be me" Dan says as he reaches his hand out to shake both mens hands.

"I'm detective Harry Styles and this is detective Scott Wolf" Harry says as he shakes Dan's hand

"To what do we owe this pleasure?" Dan asks warily

"We've been sent from London, our squad has been investigating a string of murders the past few months. We've reason to belive our suspect has links to Windsor Peaks. We were on our way this morning to follow up on some leads" Scott says full of authority

"Okay, well we can meet back at the station after I'm done here" Dan says

"Actually, we have reason to believe this accident is related" Harry says 

Dan looks confused

"What exactly happened here?" Scott asks

"We are still piecing it together but a university student, is lucky to be alive" Dan says

"Name?" Scott asks

"Louis Tomlinson" Dan says as he looks towards the ambulance. Harry and Scott follow his eye line and when they land on the boy in the back of the ambulance they both simultaneously lose their breath.

The boy is stunning, beautiful, innocent and cute and they haven't even seen him up close yet.

"Who's fault was the accident?" Scott then asks, looking back to Dan.

"We don't know yet, we haven't had a chance to talk to Louis, he was trapped in the car. Two cars involved and it appears Louis ran the red light but nothing is conclusive" Dan says

"We will need to talk to him then" Harry says with authority

"Look, Louis is a good kid, he's been through a lot, go easy on him" Dan says

Both boys look to Dan but ignore his statement and head to speak to Louis.


It's an hour later when they are both on their  way to the hospital after they have finished on scene.

"Maybe he was on his phone and ran the light?" Scott says

"Hopefully not as he would be up for manslaughter" Harry says

"He killed a murderer" Scott says back

"Doesn't mean he won't be charged for it, we're not going easy on him" Harry says sternly

"He seems like a nice kid" Scott says

"What is wrong with you, doesn't excuse that he's killed someone, even if it was an accident" Harry says

"I'm not saying that, but it's case closed for us and we don't know if it was even his fault, we need to wait to speak to him and forensics to get back to us with their findings, road crash as well, and the street cameras will show what happened" Scott says a hint of defence in his voice.

Harry sighs

"Jesus Scott" Harry says  in realisation, as he shakes his head

"What?" Scott spits back defensively

"You've spoken to him for two seconds and you already have a soft spot for him" Harry says angrily

"Don't tell me you don't, we've been together nine years Harry, I know you" Scott says back

"Well I won't let it cloud my judgment or the evidence" Harry says his cranky eyebrows showing.

Scott sighs and remains quiet the rest of the drive to the hospital.

The hospital is easy enough to find, it's a small town so there's only one. It's small, but looks relatively new and clean.

The boys make their way in, full of authority. They flash their badges and get led to Louis Room in emergency straight away.

When they enter Louis is sitting on the bed, his arm in a sling and the gash on the top of his head stitched up. He's still in his jeans and hoodie and looks like he just wants to leave.

Louis looks up and instantly stills when he sees Harry and Scott enter the room. They shut the door and turn towards Louis.

"The doctor said you were okay to answer some of our questions" Harry says.

Louis just nods, he's scared, and like usual has to navigate this alone

Louis can't deny the small warmth in his belly when Scott and Harry talk to him, he's never felt it like this before and he tries to block it out.

Harry and Scott walk towards the two chairs on the right side of the bed, they sit down and Harry pulls out a notepad and pen

"We will make this as quick as possible, can you tell us what happened in your own words" Scott asks, his tone softening ever so slightly.

"Um, yeah, I..... Tuesdays I have an early university class so I leave home just after six. I was waiting at the traffic light when out of nowhere this car comes flying up behind me and crashes straight into me, I was pushed into the intersection and hit by another car on the left side of my car. I remember seeing the car flip but that's it" Louis says, his voice a little scratchy

Harry and Scott look to each other confused

"So there was another car involved?" Scott asks

"What do you mean?" Louis asks confused

"There were two cars on scene, yours and the one of the deceased" Harry says sternly

Louis shakes his head

", there were three. My car was hit from behind" Louis says worriedly

"There is no evidence from what we can see on scene, of another car being involved" Scott says

"Are you sure you're not making it up because you were on your phone and don't want to get into trouble?" Harry asks his voice full of authority

"What?....nooo, I don't even have my phone when I'm driving, it was in my backpack...." Louis says scared

"We will be sure to check that" Harry says

"Am I in trouble?" Louis asks and his eyes are wide, so innocent and worried

"If you're found to be at fault you could be up for manslaughter, a man was killed today" Harry says, his voice stern

"I didn't....I swear....I'm not lying" Louis says upset

"We have a lot to look over, we need to determine what happened and unfortunately only one of you can tell us their side of the story, we need to make sure the evidence matches your words" Harry says as he and Scott go to stand up.

Louis head is spinning, he wants to cry, he didn't do anything, this wasn't his fault.

"The doctor told us you have two cracked ribs, a bruised collarbone and cuts and bruises. You're lucky that's all you suffered" Scott says and it's slightly accusing, slightly insinuating that Louis was at fault

"We will be in touch when we review our findings. We have other business here in Windsor Peaks and will be staying at the motel just off Main Street. Get used to seeing our faces" Harry says intimidatingly.

"See you soon, Louis" Scott says and they both leave the room.

Louis is left absolutely reeling, they both think he's guilty of murder, even if it's accidental, it's still murder. Louis tries to control his breathing, this can't be happening right now.

He doesn't bother trying to find Andy, he leaves the hospital room and heads to the front, he has no car. His friends are working or in class and he realises he will have to walk home, alone, with the worst feeling he's ever had in his gut.

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