Part One

Louis isn't really a fan of early mornings, he likes his sleep and taking the morning slowly, the cold weather also always makes it hard to get out of bed. Thankfully, Tuesdays are the only day Louis has early classes, so like always he sucks it up. The weather is nice today, the sun out for once.

Louis is in his last year of University, he's studying English literature and only has a few more months of classes to go before he graduates and starts work full time at the little bookstore in town, which he absolutely loves. Louis currently lives with his two roommates Noah and Jake and has for three years, they live off campus in a really nice house.

Louis doesn't have any family, his parents dying when he was young, he's grown up with nothing and put himself through school and university, working three jobs as soon as he was old enough. He lived in an orphanage and saved his money up until he was able to leave for university.

Louis is thankful for his life and everything he has built himself, he's worked hard to get to where he is today and he's proud of himself, he thinks his parents might be too, if they were still around.

Louis owns a run down old Toyota that he saved  a whole year for, he loves his little car and it gets him from point A to point B. The heating is shot and the radio only plays one station, but it's his and he's happy.

Louis makes his way to his car, skinny black jeans, adidas hoodie and his vans, his usual attire. He has his hot tea in his thermos and his backpack on his shoulder. The signature smell of the town, maple leaves and cinnamon hits his nose as he manoeuvres his way into his car. He  puts his backpack in the back seat and his tea in the cup holder. The morning is crisp but not to cold and he's thankful, he puts his car into gear and leaves for his classes. The time is 6:05am and his class starts at 6:25

Louis notices how quiet the roads are at this time of the morning, there's hardly anyone out and about, which isn't unusual for a small town.  Growing up in the middle of London in the orphanage, Louis despised the hustle and bustle of the city, so once he was able to, he left for the quiet town he once called home, 'Windsor Peaks'

Louis, his mum and dad lived in the town before they passed, he has nothing but good memories about the place and wanted to be closer to his parents again. If he ever settles down and has kids he wants to raise them here, in simplicity.
The town itself is beautiful, especially in the winter, but that's also when the tourists come. Not that he minds much as he and his friends tend to keep to themselves.

When Louis realised the house he used to live in with his parents was up for sale, he quickly snapped it up, his parents leaving him money he didn't know about and couldn't access until he turned 18. Jake and Noah decided to move in too, the three of them preferring to stick together while they got themselves through uni.

Noah and Jake will be moving out in two months, just before graduation. Noah is moving back on campus while he delves into another degree that needs him on-site and Jake is moving to London for work. It will be bitter sweet, being alone once again and leaving behind his uni days. Louis is planning to own the bookstore he works in and make his home in Windsor Peaks for good, somewhere he hopes to be able to raise his family. Louis is openly gay and although the town is small, he's certain he will find someone and settle down with them, happily.

Louis pulls up to the traffic light and waits patiently for the light to turn green. He takes a sip of his tea and is just putting it back in the cup holder when out of nowhere a car comes speeding up behind him. Louis has no time to react before he's slammed into and propelled into the middle of the intersection. A car coming from his left then slams into the side of his car spinning him. The sound of broken glass, horns blaring, tires screeching is deafening, Louis hits his head on his window, he sees the car that slammed into the side of him flip. He has a rushing in his ears before everything goes eerily quiet, before it all turns black and Louis passes out.

Louis comes too, still inside the car, he's not sure how long he's been out, but he sees two fire fighters beside him trying to pry his door open.

"Louis, kid, just relax we're working on getting you out" one of them says

"Drew?" Louis asks a little drowsy

"Yeah kid, it's me, try to stay awake okay. Amy and Sammy are just behind us. Once you're free we will get you looked at okay" Drew tells him

Louis nods in understanding

Living in a small town everyone knows each other. Drew is chief of the firehouse and he and Louis met at a club one time, Drew tried to pick Louis up and they hit it off, but just as friends. Nothing romantic ever developed and when Drew found out Louis was 8 years his junior, he adopted him as his surrogate little brother.

Drew introduced Louis to his friends Edward, Andy, Sammy and Amy who are also Drew's age. They all welcomed Louis into their circle and are fiercely protective of him. They have dinner once a month together and watch out for him, have his back and it means the world to Louis. Edward and Drew are firefighters, Andy is the main doctor at the town hospital and Sammy and Amy work the ambulance.

"Keep your eyes open Lou" Edward tells him from beside Drew.

Louis opens his eyes, he didn't realise he'd shut them, he lifts his head and looks around the car, his eyes focus on his windshield though and the dead mangled body on top of his car, his arm through Louis windscreen.

"Don't look kiddo, it's okay, calm your breathing, look and focus on Edward and I" Drew says as he orders Louis to look at them

Louis looks Drew in the eyes and Drew can see the fear, Drew tries to calm him as best he can. Louis tries to slow his breathing, he closes his eyes tightly hoping this is all a dream.

He finally hears a huge crack and the car door is lifted off the car. Louis doesn't want to wait to get out, he doesn't want that image of the body in his head anymore, he rushes out of the car as best he can.

"Go slow Lou, relax, we're here" Drew comforts him

"Let's get you to Amy and Sammy, you've got a nasty gash on your head" Edward says.

Louis let's himself be led to Amy and Sammy, he's in shock and looks around at the street. There's people all over the place and the police are cordoning off the scene.

"Hop up in the back bud and we will look you over" Amy says kindly as they make it to the ambulance

Louis looks back at Drew and Edward, a little distraught

"We're going to finish up on scene, we won't leave just yet okay" Drew says gently

As much as he and Edward want to stay and make sure Louis is okay, they need to get back to work and finish up. When they saw Louis car when they arrived on scene their hearts were in their throats, they were so worried, until they realised he was okay. They love Louis to pieces and if anything happened to him they would be absolutely devastated.

Louis nods slightly, he's shaking as they help him into the back of the ambulance, he sits down on the bed and Amy and Sammy get to checking his vitals.

"You'll need stitches bud, that gash is really deep" Sammy tells him as she puts some gauze on it to stop the bleeding.

"Where else are you hurt Lou" Amy asks as she gets him to lie down and assesses him.

"Um my ribs and shoulder really" Louis says

"We're going to take you to Andy okay, let him check you over before we let you go" Sammy says

Louis nods still in a daze, he sits up again trying to clear his fuzzy head.

They then see a car pull up a few meters away from the ambulance. It's an expensive black Rover, one Louis has never seen before. Out of the car step two men, Louis, although still in shock, can't believe how good looking the two are. They are both in crisp tailored navy blue suits, they scream power and money.

One has slightly brown curly hair, parted in the middle, he's muscly and even has tattoos, he must be six three at least. The second is the same height, and pretty much the same build, he has shorter hair though, and striking grey eyes. They shake hands with the lead police officer of the town, Daniel Masters.

"Detectives" Amy says warily, Louis realises he isn't the only one staring

"Must be from London, wonder what they're snooping around here for" Sammy says

Louis looks to them both scared, he doesn't want to be in trouble, he fidgets with his fingers.

He looks back out of the ambulance and sees both detectives staring straight at him. They make their way over, their steps dominant and meaningful, the power they both exude is intimidating to watch. 

"Louis Tomlinson?" The one with grey eyes drawls, he's insanely gorgeous and his eyes hold Louis.

"Yes" Louis swallows

"I'm detective Scott Wolf and this is detective Harry Styles, we need to ask you a few questions" He says and his eyes don't leave Louis

Louis is about to reply when the girls step in protectively

"You'll have to meet him at the hospital, he needs medical attention" Sammy says sternly

Detective Wolf's eyes leave Louis and meet Sammy's

"Injuries?" He asks pointedly

"Like we said, you'll have to head to the hospital and speak to the doctors" Amy cuts in.

"We will be sure to do that once we finish on scene" Detective Styles slow drawl emits

They both then turn there stern gaze back to Louis.

"We ask you not to leave the hospital until we speak to you, understand" Detective Wolf says with slight force

Louis just nods, Sammy then jumps down from the back of the ambulance to head to the drivers seat, she closes the doors on both detectives, giving them both a warning stare.

"They seem nice" Amy says sarcastically with a slight smirk as they begin driving off

Louis chuckles

"Hot though" Louis says before he stops himself, he blushes

Amy laughs

"Good to know you're okay enough to appreciate them Lou" she teases and Louis blushes with a small smile.

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