Part Five
"He didn't do this, we need to find that third car and probably put some police presence around his house" Harry says as he and Scott make their way into the office again.
"What changed your mind?" Scott asks as he sits down behind the desk
Harry sighs
"I don't know, my gut really, we have a few more things to follow up" Harry says as he looks towards the white board.
"We need to figure out if the third car planned the whole thing, my gut is telling me it's a setup and the real killer had been framing Stanley Green this whole time" Harry says
"I'm leaning that way too, just why? And why start his killings in London and move to Windsor Peaks?" Scott says curiously
"There hasn't been a murder like London here though, maybe the killer knew we were honing in on Stanley and realised he didn't like it, wanted to take the credit for it all. His psychosis wouldn't allow him to let someone else take the credit for his handy work" Harry says deep in thought.
"Let's go over our victims" Scott says
"Jeremy Vent, Male, 22, grew up in London, lived in Ardent Orphanage from age 8, until he was adopted age 10, went on to go to university in London"
"Joshua Lindt, Male, 24, also lived in Ardent Orphanage, left at age 18 and worked at the coffee shop on Morph Street London, until his death"
"George Gone, Male, 22, also lived in Ardent Orphanage until age 18, before heading to university to do teaching"
"And lastly Rhys Holmes, 23, also attended the orphanage but was also adopted age 11"
"Well we know they all lived in the orphanage and that's our link, now though, we throw Louis into the mix, these boys would have all lived in the orphanage at the same time" Scott says
"So this is something to do with Louis, he's either the killer and working his way through the orphanage or.....he's the next target" Harry says
"Maybe the killer was in the orphanage as well, maybe he has some vendetta against the boys" Scott says
"Well, George, Joshua and Louis, weren't adopted out, so we can rule that out as motive" Harry says
"The list of names from the time Louis attended until he left is extensive, let's start there, track down as many boys as we can and get whereabouts on them all" Scott says
Harry nods and they get to work, trying to figure this out before there's another victim.
Louis manages to calm himself down and turns the TV on to distract himself. He gets a call from Drew on the landline phone about half an hour later.
"Hey Kiddo, how you holding up?" Drew asks sincerely
"I'm okay" Louis sighs out.
"We're taking you to Nick's tonight, I'll pick you up at 6" Drew says
"I don't really feel like going out D" Louis says sadly
"We know and that's why we're taking you out, Noah said you have hardly eaten in three days. Be ready by 6, see you then" Drew says and Louis can hear the smirk in his voice.
Drew doesn't give Louis time to reply before he hangs up. Louis supposes it wouldn't be so bad to go out for a little while.
Louis dresses in black skinny jeans and a pastel yellow sweater, both are to big and his sweater falls off his collarbones nicely.
Drew turns up and hugs Louis close
"Everything is going to be okay, I promise" Drew tells Louis
"I wish I could believe you" Louis says quietly.
Drew ruffles Louis hair as he leads him to the car.
Drew is about six foot, he's gorgeous with browny blonde hair and muscles. He's everything you'd expect a firefighter to be, but Drew is the kindest human you'll ever meet and Louis considers himself so lucky to know him.
When they turn up to Nick's they head to their usual booth to the side of the bar. Noah, Jake and Edward are already there and greet Louis with the biggest hugs
"Alright, first round is on me" Edward says as he and Noah go to get drinks sorted
"Did you eat today?" Jake asks Louis.
"Does tea count?" Louis smirks
The boys chuckle
"Let's order pizza then hey!" Drew says as he messages Edward to order at the bar.
By the time their pizza comes Louis is two drinks in and relaxing a little. It's his turn for the next round so he gets up
"My turn, I'll be back" He says smiling slightly.
"I'll be over to help in a sec" Drew says and Louis nods
Louis makes it to the bar and orders the five drinks, Nick is just finishing placing them on the bar when he hears the unmistakable drawl of detective Styles.
"Drowning our sorrows are we" He asks with a slight smirk in his voice
Louis looks up at both Harry and Scott in surprise, his breath catching in his throat. They both look amazing, shirts untucked and rolled to their elbows, jackets discarded. Both men have tattoos on display and Louis feels warmth in the pit of his stomach once again.
"I....something like that" Louis shrugs
"Well go easy, you probably shouldn't mix your pain relief with alcohol" Scott says
Louis is confused why they would care
"Don't worry I'm not driving, won't kill anyone else" he says bitterly
"Alright Lou?" Drew asks as he slides up next to Louis, his hand protective on Louis side. Harry and Scott both track the movement and Drew doesn't miss it.
"Yep, I'm not being arrested just yet" Louis says as he grabs two of the drinks and walks away, Harry and Scott watching him go.
"He's a good kid you know" Drew says
"So we've been told" Harry says back
"Louis said he was single" Scott says as he looks Drew up and down
Drew chuckles knowingly
"He is, he's like a little brother to me and the boys. We have his back, will always have his back. Maybe you should spend some time with him to realise what an amazing person he actually is" Drew says challengingly
Harry and Scott asses Drew, trying to work out why everyone seems to love Louis. They glance to each other quickly before they reply.
"Well, no time like the present" Scott says.
Drew smiles
"You question him, say one rude comment or anything and I'll deck you, we all will. We're open to newcomers and we don't judge, but when one of our own is threatened we don't back down" Drew tells them
Harry and Scott nod in understanding, they order a drink each and Drew leads them over to the booth
"What the hell, why is he bringing them over?" Louis asks the boys worriedly.
"It's okay Lou, we won't let them do anything" Edward says
"What if they arrest me?" Louis asks, his eyes wide.
"They are off the clock by the looks of it, don't worry okay, we're here" Noah says
Louis nods, his stomach in knots as Drew returns to the booth.
"Guys, this is Harry and Scott. Scott and Harry this is Edward, Noah, Jake and Louis" Drew says
Everyone is so thankful for Drew, introducing them as people and not detectives makes it a lot more relaxed and also let's Harry and Scott know there's no business tonight.
"Nice to meet you all" Harry says with a slight smile as he and Scott shake hands with everyone.
When they get to Louis who is standing up at they end of the booth they smile
"It's nice to meet you Louis" Scott says holding his hand out to shake
Louis blushes
"You too" he says shyly yet with a hint of sass
He shakes Harry's hand too. Scott sits in the booth on the end next to Drew and Harry stays standing up next to Louis.
"So we hear Nick's is the place to hang out" Scott says smiling
"It's the best bar in town" Jake says smiling
"It's Louis favourite place, the food is awesome" Edward says
"Is that so?" Harry smirks looking towards Louis
"Yeah, the pepperoni pizza is the best" Louis says relaxing a little.
Harry and Scott share a look and smirk at Louis cuteness.
The chatter goes on around the table, the boys include Harry and Scott really easily. Off the clock they are actually decent guys, Louis is still wary though and has a bit of his guard up.
"Do you come here a lot Louis?" Harry then asks when everyone else is occupied, chatting to one another
"Oh, once a week maybe, sometimes twice if I'm working late at the bookstore, I stop in and grab my dinner" Louis says
"What days do you usually work?" Scott then asks
"Just depends on classes really, but I'm hoping to take it over full time when I finish my degree. Mr Glass is retiring so is selling me the store" Louis says, a smile on his face
Harry and Scott love Louis smile and seeing it and him talking about something he obviously cares about a lot causes them to smile too.
"That's great, so planning to stick around Windsor Peaks for good then?" Harry asks
"Yeah, I didn't like the busyness of London and I love it here" Louis says happily
"Well I'm sure you'll have the best bookstore in town" Scott says smiling
Louis emits a small laugh
"It's the only bookstore" He says, his eyes gleaming
Harry and Scott are besotted
"Even better then" Harry says as he smiles and drinks his drink.
"So you both live in London?" Louis asks, he may as well get to know Harry and Scott.
"We do, in a penthouse overlooking the city. It's nice at night but you're right, the busyness of London can get a bit much" Scott says
"I suppose your jobs keep you pretty busy, especially in London. What type of cases do you normally work?" Louis asks, actually interested.
Scott and Harry share a look with each other before they answer Louis.
"We head the bureau's homicide squad actually" Harry says with a cough.
"Oh?" Louis says surprised
Louis thought they were investigating the accident, he's so confused now.
"So is the accident a homicide investigation?" Louis asks confusion showing on his face.
"Yes, but not for the reasons you're thinking" Scott says
"Look....please just tell me if I'm going to jail so I can eat something, I'm not joking, I'm really scared" Louis says upset and Harry and Scott's hearts ache at Louis confession, the poor kid, they usually don't have any sympathy or emotions towards their cases, but Louis has gotten under their skin, for more than one reason.
Harry stares at Louis before he takes a deep breath in thought and sighs.
"No Louis, you're not going to jail. We believe you about the third car, we are just trying to piece it together and gather evidence. We're used to the London way of doing things, we want to apologise, for the way we've been treating you" Harry says sincerely
Scott looks to Harry a slight smirk of surprise on his face.
"Harry's right, we're here for a few reasons and your accident just happened in the middle of it all" Scott says in explanation.
"'ve been arseholes because that's how you work in London, and not because you think I'm guilty and a horrible person?" Louis asks making sure.
"We don't think you're a horrible person, we don't even usually know any of the people we investigate, and to be fair, we didn't know you weren't guilty at first" Harry says
Louis sighs
"Okay, I can live with that, I appreciate your apology, I....yeah....thanks" Louis says and he swallows thickly. He's so relieved and can't even begin on how thankful he is right now.
Harry and Scott watch Louis, he's absolutely beautiful and the yellow sweater he's wearing shows his collarbones off beautifully and makes his gorgeous blue eyes pop, Louis is really something else. His small, toned little body and his sharp cheekbones are to die for and Harry and Scott can't hide their attraction anymore.
Another drink in, everyone decides to call it a night
"You have a lift home?" Scott asks Louis
"Um, yeah, Noah and Jake, thank you though" Louis says
Scott nods
"Here Louis, if you need to call us about anything here's our numbers. It will go straight to our direct mobiles" Harry says as he hands Louis a card over.
"Oh, do you think I'll need to call you? Like is there something I need to call about?" He asks innocently
"No, just, if you need us" Scott says
Louis looks at them shyly and nods
"We might need your number case something comes up with the case" Harry says, his voice strong
"Oh... I lost my mobile in the car accident, I haven't been able to get a new one yet" Louis says sheepishly
Harry and Scott don't like that at all and are about to say something about it before Louis cuts in
"I'll call you from my home phone though, if I need you" he says with a slight cheeky smirk that nearly has Harry and Scott on the floor.
They both nod and say their goodbyes before they are watching Louis walk away with the group and into Noah and Jakes car.
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