Jetpacks and boots
The sounds of the birds chirping and the smell of morning coffee was everything Glynda Goodwitch needed to start the day on a good note as she walked through the hallways of beacon academy, she hummed a peaceful song she remembered from a corner of her mind as she sipped her cup of coffee from time to time. She took the elevator and hit the last floor button all the way up when he encountered the dashing office of the director of the academy. Clockwork all around her with a tick here and a tock there, she didn't mind at all as she was already used to it.
So was the headmaster that shifted his gaze from paperwork on his desk and towards the blonde teacher.
"Good morning, Glynda. You seem to be in a good mood."
The woman smiled brightly. "Thank you, professor. You too are looking good today" she answered. "Yet something tell's me the day is bound to go downhill from here on foward." She sighed as she could no longer hear the birds singing and instead...something else, a roof being...torn apart by what it seemed to be a watermelon?
"My, my..." Ozpin hummed as the watermelon came flying all the way to the window of the office, splattering against it and smearing it's red juicy contents on the glass "Seems we got a food war in our hands"
"I seriously cannot believe these kids, the semester is barely over and I can't-"
"You said it yourself Glynda, they're just kids...with time they'll grow boring and serious just as us adults" He looked at the watch on his wrist, the roar of and engine on the distance was heard and a smile perked up on his lips "Right on schedule" he said.
"I see..." Glynda grinned as well "Well at least the second year is going strong this time."
"And with a little luck their sense of responsability and duty will rub off on the younger ones, missions get challenging and more dificult with each step... let us go and greet them. They must be tired after all"
"They're bound to be, after all it was a tough assigment you gave them" Glynda nodded and joined Ozpin on the elevator.
"For the handsome reward of a week without assignments and a place in the dance this weekend of course, please Glynda, I know how to bargain with kids." The professor chuckled as the elevator doors closed.
Meanwhile in the school grounds the monkey faunus Sun was walking along his best friend, Neptune.
"Seriously dude, you're gonna love these guys, they're so badass even for first years like us." The blonde kid said.
"Yeah, not as much as us tho." Neptune smirked "you sure you're not giving them too much credit just because you like that cat faunus you told me about, no?"
"Wha?!- no!" Sun diverted his gaze away from Neptune who chuckled at the sight of his embarrased friend. "Oh and don't say anything about it, I didn't tell them that I told you so please stay quiet about for now."
"You got it man" The blue-haired boy clicked his finger guns at his best friend. The roar of some engines interrupted their conversation. "Huh? What's going on?"
"Seems another team from other school's here to join us...weird I'd swear I didn't remember seeing other bullheads scheduled for today."
"That is because they're not from another school, they're second year students coming from a mission." Professor Ozpin saluted the two students from Vacuo.
"I'll tend to the...mess in the cafeteria, if you excuse me." Glynda grumbled as she opened both door at the same time, looking clearly upset.
"Sun Wukong, Neptune Vasilias. I'm sure you know me by name already."
"O-of course" both of them said at the unison as they bowed. "Professor Ozpin"
"Now, now. No need to be so formal. Something that you will learn in time is that you just be respectful to other people, were nothing like Atlas nor we need to be. So keep those chins up and as team RWBY and team JNPR come to join us were going to greet one of our most...unique teams today." He spotted from the corner of his eye the two teams exiting the cafeteria and joining the other two boys.
"What's this about professor Ozpin?" Weiss asked with her hand raised.
"So far you've only met a certain portion of the older students...the reason of that is because-"
"Oh, oh, oh!" Ruby was trying as hard as she could to raise her hand. Ozpin chuckled a little in his teeth
"Yes Ruby?"
"Is it because they're on missions?"
"That is correct, Ruby. Please" he motioned for them to follow. "And whilst other teams get sent out for missions and assignments for weeks it is only because they have proven to be responsible, dedicated and passionate about what it means to be a hunstman. What you're going to see once the doors of this bullhead open is the very culmination of what I just said. A strong..." the engines from the bullhead shut down, you could clearly see the exciment in everyones faces and eyes as well, some examplary huntsman. "United..." the man continued as the doors hissed and opened. "And-" as the doors opened and revealed two teenagers arguing a girl and a boy, there was a third one, a girl in the middle trying to stop them for tearing each other off.
"Aaaand they're missing one...?" Yang completed Ozpin's sentence as best as she could.
The boy, short and brown hair with a strand of red hanging out of his left side, tall and a little beefed up was being grabbed by the collar of his shirt by a girl that was at least thirty centimetres down his size but what she didn't had in height or in muscle she clearly compensated with her...attitude. The boy seemed to be on the short end of the stick despite his evident physical superiority. This girl had dark purple hair down to a little below her shoulders, some freckles on her cheeks, her upper nose and shoulders. Her costume was made out of two the upper body of a dress with two thick strands of cloth intertwining with each other on her chest up to her neck, leaving her shoulders and upper arms on the air. She was wearing combat gloves along with some green camo shorts and hardened boots that had...heels? One thing was for sure, she designed it on her own.
The brunnete boy chose a simpler outfit with some black jeans and a grey and red windcutter jacket, some black straps across his back to keep his weapons presumably.
The third one, the girl trying to stop the two apes from murdering each other. She had a sweet silk golden hair and there was no sugar coating this one she was gorgeous. Her hair would stretch out down to her waist just like Yang but a little shorter. an orange single-piece dress with yellow outlines on the ends only that this one didn't end on a skirt like Weiss's but instead it was tied to her left side, she was using light orange shorts and some yellow sneakers...highly unpractical but it seemed to be working just fine for her.
The three of them looked battered up like a giant whale grimm had chewed them up and spit'em out, their outfits were torn here and there...and obviously the part were one of the members was missing.
"I told you three times already Kiri! You cannot blame Riz for everything that goes wrong. Everyones part to blame." The boy yelled out.
"If Riz had listened to me and followed MY orders nothing would've gone wrong. I'm sick AND tired to put up with his bull EVERY TIME we go out on a mission." The girl mad girl called Kiri fumed. "Not only he doesn't listens to me, Trey. He disobeys direct orders and later he has the nerve to look me at the eye and say he's sorry."
The blonde girl holding the purple-haired one down spoke with a cute yet upset voice. "You know how Riz can be sometimes, Kiri, his body just moves on it's own. Please don't be mad at him!" The girl pouted, everyone watching the situation considered her to be cute.
"Ahem..." The profesor coughed trying to get their attention.
"Not now, professor Ozpin. As I was saying, as a leader I have a respon..." The three of them looked at their side, at a seemingly entertained team JNPR, Sun and Neptune, a concerned team RWBY, a slighly upset Profesor Ozpin and an almost furious Profesor Goodwitch who was only holding back because of Ozpin. "Sabilities..." The three students formed up and stood in a line, the so called leader Kiri in the middle. "Kairi Amethyst, leader of team KRTR, reporting in after a succesful mission." Kairi's stiff salute was more...militaristic than anything else.
"Glad to..." Ozpin sighed in his dissapointment "glad to have you back Kairi, Traynor and mind explaining where Rizzer is?"
Kairi's green eyes went wide as she broke formation and exited the Bullhead "R-Riz?!" She jumped and climbed the bullhead "He was here! I swear"
"Here..." Sun said.
"As in..." Blake continued.
"On top of the ship?" Weiss finished, raising an eyebrow.
"W-well yeah! I uh, I punished him for not following orders so he had to stay on top of the bullhead on the way back home." Kairi blushed out of embarrasment.
Weiss leaned on Ruby and whispered at her side "Ruby I take back everything I said about you being the worst leader ever."
"Aww, Thanks Weiss" Ruby beamed a smile.
"She's definetely worse than you"
"Hey! That's not nice" Ruby finished her sentence with a pout.
"So" Ozpin spoke in order to regain attention. "You telling me that Mister Azure fell from on top of the bullhead?" He seemed...upset, Kairi suddenly got more nervous.
"A-ah I-I u-uh I can e-explain, Professor Ozpin- S-Sir the thing is that I...I mean w-we..."
The boy Treynor sighed as he took the bags of luggage and equipment and descended the aircraft "Easy, Kiri. I'm pretty sure Riz is fine. Being up there during a flight is like being in heaven for him."
"Damn, damn, damn! Wh-what if he fell asleep and fell?! What if he woke up during the fall and his thrusters malfunctioned!? Or worse! What if he never woke up and he fell to his doom! Oh god, oh god, oh god!" The girl was pacing, panicking. everyone else watching was rather...amused by the situation if not concerned by the state of this "Riz" dude.
"Kairi, You are overreacting. Calm down." The girl in orange spoke with a soft voice as she embraced Kairi in her arms. "Riz is okay, he surely went to spin around a little, he'll be back in no time. Okay?" The Irina girl gazed at Kairi's eyes and the other nodded, feeling a little more reassured.
"Yeah...okay, yeah he's just...around...okay, that's it yeah...woo...I uh...I gotta sit down for a bit, I'm sorry you guys have to see this. I uh..." The second year girl sat down in the ground leaning against the bullhead. "As I uh...said before I'm ah...Kairi Amethyst...I'm the team leader for the team KRTR...I uh...I don't know what else I'm supposed to say here, help me out guys." Kairi looked at his teammates like she was about to shatter into a million pieces, the boy leaned on her friend and spoke.
"You must be the first year students, the profesor mentioned. My name is Treynor Sentinel, and don't worry about a recurring thing on our team...well just like any team we all have our...differences, our discussions and different ways of seeing things and that ultimately leads us to disobey orders from your leader. Just remember that no one is perfect a-"
"Yeah...we noticed" Yang commented.
The boy looked at Yang with a little hostility and coughed "as I was saying...nobody's perfect and that's's okay to be wrong and to make mistakes and better be sure to make them here now so that you don't make them out in the field and get innocent people killed."
The first year students seemed shocked at his usage of the word.
"Treynor!" The blonde girl scolded her teammate.
"What?!" Trey shrugged his shoulders. "Life of a huntsman is not all sunshines and rainbows, people get hurt all the time and if we don't act fast enough people get killed...that's the long and short of it."
The loud coughing of Glynda diverted the topic onto her "Irina, do you have something you'd like to share with the new students?" The profesor made her best effort to smile despite the downfall that this...presentation was taking.
The little girl that was comparable to Ruby in size took a step at the front and cleared her throat "Hmm, well first of all It's a real pleasure to meet you all, my name is Irina Silden and as a second year student I gotta say that...things get really hard, frustrating and kinda boring sometimes. So please do yourselves the favor of enjoying the rest of you first year here" She twirled on the spot and winked as she did a peace sign with both her hands...something that had no effect on the woman but it seemed to trap Sun, Neptune, Jaune and Ren in her charm.
"So...cute" Sun said, his face was flustered.
"How is she..." Ren wondered.
"So cute...?" Jaune finished the sentence.
"Ahem!" Pyrrha coughed loudly "Thank you, Irina. We thank you all for this uh...thing that you are uh...doing here!" The redhead girl cupped her hands together and tried to put up the best smile she could muster to the second years.
Ozpin sighed and massaged the bridge of his nose.
A weird noise could be heard in the distance, like an engine but less...noisy, the sound of a jet more likely.
"Oh god, he's alive, oh thank god." Kairi dropped to her knees with a smile she wiped her tears before they even began to fall.
Ozpin suddenly found another reason to smile as the sound was getting closer and closer.
"What is that? Is that another bullhead?" Weiss asked trying to see at the direction of the sound.
"Not quite" Glynda answered with a frown and a sigh.
The sound suddenly got louder and a single figure descended from the firmament and into the school grounds. "Wooohoohooooo!" It was a person wearing some kind of jet propulsor on his back, with quite the knowledge on how to use it.
On his back there were three propulsors, the main one on the center facing down and the other two facing each way separately for maneuvering. He twirled in the air for a bit, putting up a show that dazed the students.
Blake decided to look down on the second years that seemed to be returning back to normal at the sight of whoever was doing this twists and turns in the air. She focused on Kairi who was smiling as she spoke something really low just to herself but with her cat ear Blake was able to hear. "Damn you, Riz...always here to save us..."
The figure slowly descended from the air and into the ground with grace. He didn't land as his jets were still active making him hover just above the ground right beside the leader of team KRTR. "Hello everybody. You must be the first year students that Ozpin told us about. Sorry I'm late tho." He was carrying four six packs of soda cans, two in each arm. "Since I was stuck in the fuselage of the ship I figured it'd be best if I bought something for everybody." He beamed a bright smile. He was wearing a jumpsuit red with black outlines at the sides and a darker red outline on the center of the suit, it had black straps crossing his torso, a sheated knife on his right upper chest and a standardized pistol on strapped to the belt in his waist with a carmine helmet that had a black visor for wind protection presumably, the only visible thing was his mouth. There was a mask latched onto the neck of his suit, he would use it to preserve oxigen when flying on higher altitudes. He handed out a can of soda to everyone "be careful though, I may have shake them a little with my stunts." He handed a can to Kairi. "Hey gorgeous...come here often?"
"Wooow..." Sun said, really impressed by the amounts of cool he was witnessing.
"That's cool...really cool..." Jaune said, grabbing a drink for himself.
"Gotta hand it to the guy...he knows how to lighten up the mood." Nora said with an aproving nod.
The girl looked like she was about to cry as she grabbed the soda and punched his teammate on the thigh.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"For being late, and for not staying put...and for scaring me." She pouted as she carefully opened the drink and sipped. "Thank you, though." She said in a low tone, everyone present smiled at that.
"Oh, don't give me that." The flying huntsman removed his helmet revealing his ruffled grey hair triming down to his shoulders. His blue colored eyes and a visible scar on his left cheek, the guy was nice, maybe a little too nice as Weiss and Blake flustered when he flashed a grin at them, gesturing a "cheers" with his own can of soda, his can being a sugar-free one, Yang only stared. Pyrrha just coughed, thinking he was somewhat cute. Nora was trying not to be all over him, as she was being held back by Ren.
"Nora, behave" Ren commanded.
"B-but I, I...oh man" Nora pouted and kicked the air.
The boy laughed and opened his jumpsuit just a little, revealing a black t-shirt. "It's okay, I know you don't see flying huntsmen everyday. It's okay to be confused."
"Oh I'm more than confused, flying boy" Yang said with a provocative tone.
"Ah?" The dude said, confused he leaned his head to his side.
"Yang! You too?" Ruby looked at Yang who only said "sorry" as she stuck her tongue out.
Kairi seemed to growl softly at the blonde girl.
"Anyways, My name is Rizzer Azure, I'm the flying ace in team KRTR. And currently one of the very few flying huntsman across all remnant." He beamed a smile at the students.
Weiss lifted her hand "I have a question for you, Uhh..."
"Please, call me Riz"
"Riz...what is your...role in the team?"
The other three members in team KRTR looked at each other, puzzled.
Ruby actually looked curious just like Pyrrha and Ren.
Nora, Jaune and Yang were still...dazzled but Jaune was more intrigued by his ability to fly than the looks of the guy.
"We can guess everybody's role on the team, Kairi looks like the leader, Traynor is clearly the brawler and Irina I think she takes a more...supportive role...but what how exactly does flying, a very unilateral advantage, helps your team as a whole?"
Rizzer looked at Weiss for a moment, recalculating. "That is...a really good question, actually. You must be really smart."
"Hmpf. Thank you, I did receive one of the bests of educations after all." Weiss bowed at the compliment were the rest of her team growled in annoyance.
"Please don't indulge her" Blake begged.
"I'll make it simple for everyone. Being able to fly by itself it's like having any kind of neat semblance, like run superfast, or jump really high. It helps a lot with the reconaissance of the terrain and from that I can either form up a strategy for my beloved leader here." She waved at Kairi who cowered behind Treynor, flustered. "Or use the information in a more personal way to deviate from the current plan of action however I see fit. Maybe someone needs to get rescued but theres a lot of grimm in the way, shouldn't be a problem for someone like me"
"Yeah, unless you come across a nevermore" Blake butted in.
"That's why huntsman have weapons after all" Riz chuckled a bit making Blake feel a little dumb because of her comment.
"As I say this my team oftenly relies on me to keep them updated on the situation from the skyes as I do what I'm best suited to. I usually do the rescuing when needed but I am armed and prepared to engage both in ground and aerial combat, sometimes providing cover from above for my team and other times fighting side by side, depending on the enviroment or the type of enemy and such. There's a lot I can do, just gotta decide the how and when it's best to do it. Also I'm told I'm a very good technician so I'm in charge of weapon's maintenance on the entire team as well as modifying it according to their specifics."
"Can we see the weapons?" Ruby lifted her hand, filled with excitement.
"Mmm" Riz grimmaced "maybe later, they're quite battered up if I remember correctly and I'd be ashamed to show them in that condition, you can pass by my workshop later and check them out if you want and if you also have some idea on how to improve your own weapon you can bring it, I love it so it's no trouble for me at all." He clapped his hands.
"You have a workshop?" Yang lifted her brow.
"Hangar number five, you know...where they store the bullheads. The professor set it up for me" the flying huntsman looked at the director with a nod and a smile.
"Well you have been a remarkable student this entire year, a request so simple as a hangar wasn't so difficult to authorize." Ozpin grinned as he adjusted his footwork over his cane. "How is that...project working out for you?"
Everyone looked at Riz, even his teammates.
"Project? What project?" Traynor asked
"Yeah, I didn't knew anything about any project either" Irina closed up on his teammate.
Riz could feel the lazer eyes from his leader burning through his back.
"What kind of project are you working on now, Riz?" Kairi asked, trying to remain calm...which wasn't working.
"It's uh..." He carefully slipped his right hand to his left wrist, where he had a small pad with buttons and numbers, he pressed one button and his jets came to life "It's a surprise, can't say much about it sorry! Treynor do be so kind to leave the weapons on the hangar when you can. Bye everyone." He was instantly proppelled in the air thanks to the wonders of engineering. "See ya all later!" He screamed as he took off to the far side of the school, to the hangars.
Everyone else was stunned aside from his teammates.
"Aaaand there he goes" Treynor sighed and went back to the bullhead to haul the weapons that were sitting in there. "Better do as he says, he gets cranky if he doesn't have any work to do"
"What's his deal?" Yang asked crossing her arms.
"Yeah, he just left everyone in a hurry, what's up with that?" Sun looked at team KRTR
"He's just-"
"A douche" Kairi finished Irina's sentence with a small grunt.
"Oh c'mon, Kiri. Don't be mean, he's just not that fond of crowds that's all." Irina explained with a pout.
"Whatever, I'm hungry. Let's go grab some breakfast" the leader ordered.
"You're just saying that so you can go to his place and have breakfast with him" the big man said with a smirk that made Kairi blush.
"U-ugh, shut up let's go eat something, I'll take the weapons." The other three members began to walk past the students and their teachers, not before waving their goodbyes.
The loud sound of the hangar door was music to the flying boy's ears as he entered his "workshop" as he called it, it had also received another names like "home" or "my place" or "a smelly, greasy and disgusting plane garage" the last one was from Kairi.
Rizzer hummed a chanty that his mother taught him as a child as he approached a lonely computer in a desk full of gears and parts over here and there, tools and ammunition were lying around as well. He dusted off the keyboard who he hadn't used in about a week, maybe two due to be gone for the mission. He pressed a button on the keyboard and spoke with a soft voice.
"Hi, Vis. I'm back" the place came to life just as he said that as the lights of the entire place turned on revealing a airship from atlas that was missing an entire wing and the tail, that had multiple scratches here and there but it was clear that repairings on it had already been on their way, so much work to be done.
"Hello, Riz" a female voice responded with a faint electronic distortion responded "Glad to have you back."
"Well..." He looked around for a second, he missed the place for the little time that he was out. He felt cozy in there. "glad to be back in home"
Rizzer unstrapped his jets and dropped them on a workbench right beside his desktop computer, he did the same with his knife and the pistol holstered on his waist and proceded to remove his jumpsuit. "Motion patterns and facial expressions indicate you haven't sleep in a while" the voice said.
"You monitoring me again?" He groaned "I just got here"
"It is in my best interest to keep my creator healthy and in good shape I don't want you to get...offed" The grey-haired boy turned around to face the monitor.
"Offed? Where the hell did you hear that?"
"Your mother says it a lot, I also believe it is a better term than dead or killed. More subtle."
"Yeah, if you're part of a street gang or something, jeez I gotta stop leaving you with my mom when I go on is she?"
"She's doing alright, she is currently talking with me as we speak. This has been a recurring pattern since she evicted her last male mating partner out of her house."
"Mating wha- no, I don't wanna know..." He put on a warm fuzzy courderoy jacket and wrapped his hair in a ponytail the best he could. "...did she say why tho?"
"I recall her saying that he was a dick"
"Riz, what is a dick?"
"I know what the sexual referendum for a dick is, Riz. I want to know what your mother was talking about."
The boy couldn't help but laugh as he took a seat. "A dick is basically an idiot, a jerk who lies about going to do some stuff and then he goes to do other stuff and he may had said that he wasn't going to do at all..." He stood up. "Happy?"
There was a brief silence, the computer seemed to be analizing Riz's response. "Riz, do you consider yourself a dick towards your team?"
Well that caught him offguard, he laughed it off but at the end he sighed and scratched his head. "Yeah...I guess so. I guess I always do what I want even if I'm not the leader anymore."
"Maybe you should discuss that with your team, get to an agreement before they kick you out like your mother did with her ma-"
"Do not say mating couple again..." The boy sighed once again, suddenly his eyelids felt heavier than usual, he thought that he was dealing just fine with his sleep. "I...I don't know, maybe I should but I..." a small yawn interrupted him "I don't want to make things weird"
"How would things turn weird with your team, Riz? They are your partners and your friends, they understand you and you understand them. Obviously not everyone can agree to everything as humans use a different logic and see things from a perspective us machines cannot...I believe that if you talk to them you can reach better terms with them."
He had to sit down for a moment, in order to listen the life advice he just got from an IA he himself created, a small tear descended from his left eye.
"Riz, are you okay? Your eyes are watering"
"'s just..." He cleaned his face using hi hand, he weared a small proud smile. "Sometimes I can't believe I made you, you evolved so much...damn you're gonna help so much people, Vis."
"Until then I'll do what I can to help my creator. You should rest up Riz, I'll be sure to wake you up in a couple of hours" The voice called Vis said, with her a ever present soft tone of voice, it felt pleasant to the ear, Riz really did a good job on the voice modulator.
The teenager lied down on a couch facing the aircraft, the couch itself wasn't as comfy as his bed on his dorm and it smelled weird, like old, but it was still the one of the few places where he could get a good share of sleep without nightmares. He covered himself with a black heavy blanket and kicked his boots off, after taking off his boots he kicked his right ankle with the toes of his left foot and removed his metallic right foot, the "clank" sound of his foot dropping on the ground made him smile as he shut his eyes and tried to doze off under the only wing of a broken atlesian dropship and the smell of oil and rust, this was his home.
The z's came in fast as the low humming of the computer fans made his ears go numb from any other perturbation from the outside.
Hi everyone, this is a new project that I've been working on for the last month, I have been thinking a lot about writing something about RWBY for months and just recently I began the actual typing. I just hope I don't get bored as usually happens but for some weird reason I have the sensation that this might not be the case.
As you might have read already this is not a self insert, it's about an original character so if you are only interested about an super OP self-insert character you're not going to find that in here...that being said I hope you enjoy your stay, as of now I do have some chapters already written that I will try to upload in a regular weekly schedule but that might change accordingly to how much I write I may update more frecuently than expected...which is actually what I hope for.
In any way if you liked the content or you think that something could be improved or you have any kind of feedback whatsoever be sure to drop a comment, helps a lot and I like you read the feedback on my stuff. Thanks a bunch and if I have to post another note I'll be sure to leave it at the end of the chapter so I don't ruin the experience (I'll also probably end up deleting them as time goes on so you shouldn't worry about any issues unless it's something really serious.) I'll be going now, I hope you enjoy the work.
See ya around.
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