Dirty calculations
"You know, when I said that we should play this as a date to not raise any suspicions I wasn't really thinking about this..." Riz said as he stretched his arms while looking a bit anxious
"Oh c'mon, you look wonderful! Don't be a killjoy" Kiri responded with a giggle
"Oh no, don't get me wrong I usually have dreams with this but uh...I don't think we should be doing this right now."
"What do you think ma'am?" The tailor who was currently taking Riz's measures looked at the girl on a wedding dress.
"I think he looks lovely, sir. It's beautiful" she said full of joy as she jumped up and down looking at his boyfriend who was wearing a tuxedo suit.
Rizzer sighed and managed to smile as he adjusted the neck and tie of his suit. "Really good work, gotta say..." Even he admitted.
They were currently staying on a store that was infront of Junior's bar, there was a yellow bike sitting at the sideway of the street so the duo had determined that Yang and Neptune were still inside.
The two of them were about to enter as well but something caught the attention of Kairi and Rizzer...well he basically is part of the big scheme that Kairi planned.
"Isn't like...bad luck that I look at your wedding dress before the actual wedding or somethin'" Rizzer lifted an eyebrow to his girlfriend.
"Oh well, I don't think I'll be wearing this..." She contemplated at the beautiful white dress with corset and tail. She removed the veil out her face and pondered with her index on her lip. "Yeah, this is too much for me...maybe I'll do something more...more short, I'd like a skirt, ohhh~ a white skirt for the dress. Write that down, love"
"Vis is doing that" Rizzer smirked as he got close to her "did you just call me love?"
"Oh I'll get to call you a lot of things when we get married~" she playfully booped his nose and laughed, then laughed even harder when he picked her up in bridal style.
"Don't get ahead of yourself, we still have two more years of college, remember?" He said nervously, one thing that Riz never liked about her was the fact that she'd always get overly excited with the future, it pressed him with expectations he never liked, made him anxious.
"Well...oh! Maybe we can marry after we graduate!"
"Graduation AND wedding?" Rizzer exhaled an anxious sigh as he looked at her girlfriend. "You really gonna make me wear two different suits in the same year?"
She giggled and then looked at his eyes for a second. "Think it like this..." She cuddled up to him and ran a finger through his chest. "You're going to be able to bang me in two different dresses." She pecked his lips with a seductive smile.
Damn she was good, he thought. "Where the hell do I sign?" He asked with a smile as he embraced her. "I love you..." His tone was different, maybe because he wanted to change the mood a little or maybe because he was still daydreaming about a life by her side...or perhaps he was just too damn deep in love with the girl. She reciprocated as she kissed his cheek and whispered, like it was a secret that the only two of them shared and carried around the world, a shelter with just the right space for the couple.
"I love you too." She said in that whisper. They both stared at each others eyes for a while.
While he lost himself in her beautiful brown orbs, thinking that he must be dreaming, that there's no way in heaven that he was this lucky.
"Maybe we should change, I feel content now." She broke the silence and kissed his lips again one more time.
The soft feeling of her lips over his broke the spell that kept him captive. He nodded briefly and whispered "Yeah...me too...I feel good" a half truth, the last part came out of nowhere but Kairi grinned at him and embraced the boy.
She caressed his hair with both her hands as she dug her chin in his shoulder. "I'm gonna go change now...brb, yeah?" She whispered back.
"Hmm, sure. I'll do the same, don't take too long." He ran both hands through the length of her back for a moment and placed her on the ground. He watched her go to a changing room and he removed the upper part of the suit as he did the same and closed the curtain of his room.
The air was somewhat chilly for him, it was autumn but so the breeze would get to him sometimes considering that Kairi had his jacket and that he forgot to take it back before leaving the place.
Good thing he kept his wallet though, who knew what Kairi might buy at his expense in that kind of place.
He scouted his surroundings and walked to a convinience store right beside the tailor, he purchased a soda for Kairi and he treated himself a cup of coffee, he usually despised the flavor of instant black coffee but still his own yawning made it clear that something had to be done about it.
Suddenly the refreshment was snatched from his left hand by the very same person it was destined to. "Thank you very mucho" she said with a wink as she cracked the can open and sipped the sugar-filled poison. She weared his jacket, he said nothing as he assumed she was cold too so he decided to play it cool like he wasn't cold himself.
He was.
Rizzer admired her beauty for a while, her eyes gazing at the street as he pressed himself against her side. The look on her face looking like she didn't seem to care yet she slided her arm under his own.
He say not a word and complied to her wishes as he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together. A smile crept upon her lips. "You're staring." She didn't need to look, she just knew.
"Aaand?" He said in a playful tone.
"Don't you ever stop." Her head nudged against his shoulder, he sipped the coffee once again, gulping the not very hot drink at once and placing his now free hand against the skin of her cheek.
"Just at me? You promise?" She didn't need to look at his eyes, didn't need to look for an answer in his movements or facial expressions...she knew the answer already.
"Just you, my eyes are only for you and not anyone else...I promise you." He took her other hand by the wrist, careful not to throw the Bepsi from her hand and he pressed himself against her directly.
She let out an exasperated breath. "Were in the middle of the open" this time she said, his eyes looking so damn beautiful. "Shit..." She muttered, having funny feelings on her insides.
"I know...a damn shame..." He said as he stole a kiss from her lips, then another...and another. This moments, this way of life...he cherished and wished to go on forever.
"Riz" Life however seemed to always have something else in mind. The boy stopped the kissing and grabbed the scroll from his pocket, Kairi's eyes also drifted to the device where the artificial intelligence was currently speaking from
"Yeah? What's up?" He asked, mildly upset that the moment was cut short.
"I'm sorry to interrupt but I've intercepted several calls to the authorities regarding numerous faunus and suspicious activities near the warehouse district"
"Damn" he said out loud. "Whatever Blake's doing seems they were caught."
"You think we should go there and check it out?" She looked at him as she pulled out her own scroll, calling her rocket locker.
"Yeah, gotta be the right call. Vis, call in my locker I'm going to have to suit up." His tone became more serious.
"There's more" the machine continued. "There's also seems that the security cameras have spotted numerous VTOL aircrafts taking off from that district"
"So they're scrambling already, hmm can't be good. Won't be able to get them all."
"Warning!" The phone suddenly buzzed, this made both of them jumpy on their spots.
"What the- Vis?! What the hell!?" Kairi frowned.
"An unknown electronic signature has been detected within the viscinities of the area. It's labelled as an Atlesian combat device"
"A what?" Riz seemed surprised "already? They don't even have the jurisdiction to deploy troops in the city."
"Rizzer?" A known voice called his name and he twisted his head to find Yang and Neptune who had already exited the bar. "Hey, didn't knew you were in the area." She approached the two second year students. "Shoulda told me you were going out too, we could have gone to grab something to eat with your leader too"
"Girlfriend..." Kairi corrected, tapping her foot.
Riz suddenly got more anxious. Neptune looked at him and he simply shrugged his shoulders.
"Uh...yeah, right" Yang said, faint dissapointment in her voice. "Anywho, what are you guys doing out here?"
"Maybe we should be asking you two that question" Kiri stepped in front of Rizzer with a severe glance. "Going around, asking gangsters about Roman Torchwick. That's certainly not a thing that first year students do on a daily basis."
"Kiri..." Rizzer tried to stop her.
"Wait how did you even knew that?" Neptune asked.
"So you were following us? What do you care?" Yang got more hostile towards the other girl. Things seemed to be heating up.
"What do we care? We care about doing our job, you can't just walk around the city asking about the white fang and the dust robberies to a bunch of criminals, nice way to get yourself clipped." Kairi threw her arms up in the air.
"Kiri" this time Riz sounded more serious, he had to step in. Grabbing her shoulder with one hand
"Again, none of your concern in the first place. Second place we are huntsmen in training too, we have weapons and we know how to take care of ourselves."
"Yeah, sure" Kiri said with a smug.
"Excuse me?" Yang said with an angry tone of voice. Her eyes seemed to catch a faint glow of red. "Do you really wish me to show you?"
"Anytime, any place bimbo. Maybe you'll stop hitting on my guy after I whoop your bu-"
"KAIRI!" He yelled, he hadn't done that in a while so it was a surprise for her girlfriend...and also for everyone else there who had never seen the guy lose his cool in that way. "Enough! We didn't come here to pick a fight."
"Pshh, says the guy who brought a knife" Neptune pointed out at the other student's leg trying to sound cool, but Yang lowered his hand as the huntsman in training seemed to be on the verge of loosing it altogether.
"Not now, Neptune." The blonde girl said in a low tone. "So, why are you here then?" She questioned them both.
"Maybe you should ask professor Ozpin about that, he's the one that said that we should keep an eye out for you and your team." Kiri responded, more calm this time.
Riz's scrolled buzzed again, he checked it out and he inmediately pulled out his sidearm. "Heads up, something's coming"
"A pistol too?" Neptune inquired once more "really?"
"We didn't exactly came here on a picnic either" Kiri responded. "What's going on, Riz?" She looked at his boyfriend.
"Dunno, but's headed this way..." He prepared himself as he took cover and motioned the others to do the same.
"Okay let's all just stop for a second here" everyone turned their heads to see Yang trying to asses the situation. "What is exactly going on? You first spy on us and then you expect us to follow you? Who the hell do you-"
A ringing tone went on, everybody looked as Yang pulled out her scroll.
Everyone recognized the voice of the faunus girl in black inmediately. "Everyone! If you can hear us we need backup!"
"Rizzer" Vis said through his device, the second year student grabbed his own scroll and his eyes went wide. "The signature, it's coming this way"
"They got a robot, and it's big, really big!" This voice was a man's, Sun wukong presumably. "The Torchwick guy is in it! But not like, it didn't eat him he's like, controlling it or something!" suddenly the ground shook numerous times, getting louder each time. Kairi and looked at each other and they both nodded, the girl took cover as she was currently unarmed whilst Rizzer ran to the middle of the street with his gun in hand, thinking that taking a "big robot" head on with a pistol was a really bad idea, yet it was the only option available for him.
"Where are you guys?!" Yang asked as she got up on her bike, Neptune doing the same. Suddenly a black and yellow figure were spotted running across the other street in front of them an as if on cue a giant piece of machinery followed them from behind in a dangerous speed.
"HURRYYYY!" The four of them heard Sun scream as they passed by.
"I think that was them" Neptune said, nonchalantly.
"Yeah, I got it." Yang said, revving up her motorcicle. "What about you two?" She asked the second years "You're clearly not in fighting shape"
"Not for long." Rizzer said with a smirk as he heard a howl in the wind.
"Rocket lockers approaching, please stand by" the robotic voice said.
Kairi left the cover and approached the group "seems we got ourselves a fish to catch."
"Yep, a rather big one if I say so myself." Riz nodded as the lockers touched down the earth and opened up, revealing a set of two purple coloured whips with something similar to a gun grip on the handle. The other one had a weird looking backpack with a lot of straps, an engraving on the middle that read 'Windbreaker', tactical rigs and a customized rifle attached to the side
"Whoa, that your jet?" Yang asked bewildered.
"Hmpf" Rizzer grinned as he quickly straped on the aparatus. "Why don't we check out who's machine's the best" he said looking at Yang's bike.
"Not fair! You can literally fly circles around me!" She said with a pout.
"Guys aren't we in a hurry?" Neptune asked as he scratched his head.
"Right, as much as I love to see Riz showing off we gotta move. You two take the ground, we are dropping from above" Kairi layed put the battle plan as she grabbed her whips and attached herself to Riz's waist.
"Thought you said you hated when I-" he was interrupted due to Kairi grabbing his helmet and putting it on his head.
"Cht! Not now." She threw a severe look to his boyfriend and teammate. He only sighed in response.
"You two are quite the weird couple" Yang added before taking off "See ya there!"
"Byyeeaaahhh" Neptune yelled, not used to the sudden rush of speed.
The both remaining individuals looked at each other and smiled.
"Care to dance with me in the heavens, m'lady?" He said with a dumb tone, trying to sound classy.
Kairi giggled and hugged his partner even harder. "With you? Better burn me against the sun." Her soft voice and her gaze always made him go nuts.
He pressed a button on the command scroll under his wrist and his jets quickly came to life, propelling them both towards the skyes. "Hang on tight" he muttered, only for her.
She obliged as she stared at his chest and noticed something weird, a new thingy coming out of his shoulder. "You've done some upgrades" she tried to touch it.
"Yeah, don't think that's a good idea" he was staring down at her hand that she immediately removed.
"What is it anyway?"
"Oh you'll see~ hehe~" for some reason Kairi didn't liked Riz's playful tone.
As they approached the giant mech this one quickly jumped to the freeway, knocking out many vehicles on it's way as it chased down Sun and Blake.
"Shit! Not the freeway!" Kairi yelled.
"Vis!" Rizzer demanded through the helmet.
"Analysis complete." The A.I responded nonchalantly. "Roman Torchwick is on a Atlesian Paladin-290 mechanized battlesuit."
"Where did he get Atlas tech?" Kairi asked as she looked at the helmet of his boyfriend.
"Unknown, although it is possible that the White Fang hijacked some of the Atlesian military cargo that they've been shipping across kingdoms to oversee the Vytal Festival" the machine said. "It would explain why the Atlas military are using heavily encoded communication frecuencies."
"Great, first they come here to startle up all the valeans and turns out they're so incompetent they can't even get their weapons in check." Rizzer complained with a growl, to Kairi it sounded like personal business.
"Getting mad at Atlas won't do us any good. How do we take it down?" The leader asked as she saw how Neptune was on top of it, trying to do some damage, Blake was shooting at it from on top of a Truck as Yang was following behind with her bike.
"Although the paladin's defenses are quite solid it's nothing more but a prototype and remains unfinished for now, the joints should have little to no armor as well as the weapon compartments." Riz scanned the mech using his helmet, the visor displayed a number of weakpoints to strike and the most optimal angle to do it. Vis continued her assesment. "However the Battlesuit itself it's equiped with missiles with a holotargeting sistem, one energy cannon on each arm and a gatling gun underneath each energy weapon."
"Tch, one wrong move and end up like swiss cheese." Kairi said as she clutched her hand.
"What do we do?" He looked at her "we got number's advantage, we should be able to put it down if we do it correctly. What do you say?"
"Gotta get him off the freeway, lots of things could go wrong if he stays there" she continued to watched and she saw two light poles at each side of the freeway, she grasped her whips."I got an idea, drop me off at the intersection ahead and try to get his attention the most you can, I'll make him fall of the road."
"Very well, Ma'am." He obliged and soared through the air, flying past the fight and the paladin itself as he opened his arms and let go of Kairi "good luck"
"You too babe" she landed swiftly with a roll on the ground and began to prepare as she saw Riz turning back and heading head first into the fight.
The air made his unprotected hands cool, it felt good though as his hands would always get really heated when in a battle. He dettached his rifle from the side of the backpack. "Vis, activate targeting, guess we are using this baby after all." The thing in his shoulder whirred on to life as a mechanical arm attached to a missile salvo lifted up at his right like a mechanical "second head"
"Acknowledged, engaging targeting system R.A.V 0.12. Re-routing power from main systems to missile launcher." The robotic female voice said as another whirring sound played near his head.
"I don't really have to worry about my head blowing off, no?" He asked, a little concerned.
"Riz, this is the fourth iteration of this prototype. I believe we have all the basics covered up."
"Trust the machines" Riz said to himself as he got close to the action, trying to reassure himself "Worked out before, no reason to question it now."
"Missiles primed, controls switched to verbal commands."
"So I just have to say fire?" As soon as he said the word the salvo fired two missiles out of the six, connecting with the center of the Paladin, making it stumble. "Tsss...yeah, I got it."
The machine straighened up and it's head turned to the flying huntsman.
"Think we got it's attention" Riz said as he saw Blake jumping from a car to another, he saw that she wasn't going to make it due to Roman thrashing all the cars nearby.
Blake held up her hand on the air, grasping at nothingness and bracing for a fall but she soon discovered to be soaring through the air. "W-wha?!" She looked at her hand and discovered a flying huntsman with a red helmet grabbing on to her.
"Hey there" he saluted with the other hand. "Grab on" Blake did as he told her as she held on from his lower back and one of his arms.
"Rizzer?" She asked, dumbfounded.
"Who else can fly like this?" He dived in the air and rapidly recovered his altitude and speed
"What are you doing here? This is dange-"
"Been through more messed up stuff than a piece of Atlas junk with two big guns, believe me. This is childs play." He cut her off quickly as he dodged a volley of misfired shots from the mech. "The most intriguing thing is why are you guys here?"
"Oh you know...we were in uh...the neighborhood?" She tried to fake a smile that Rizzer didn't even bother to look at. The female voice of the invisible companion got her attention.
"Warning, we're being locked on."
"Locked on?" Blake asked, with anxiety on her tone. "What does that mean?" She looked at the helmet of his classmate.
"Means your flight is over." The jets suddenly boosted as he speeded to Yang's location, he did a swift barrel roll on the spot as he avoided an incoming missile that not even Blake wasn't able to react to. "Fuck!" It got close, too close. He thought.
"This is your stop!" He said with a serious tone, Blake let go of Riz and jumped down to the backseat of Yang motorcycle. "See ya down there." He waved a goodbye and opened both his arms and legs reducing his speed enough to let the missiles get closer to him and farther away from the bike.
Yang and Blake looked back as they heard a loud "BOOM" and a cloud of smoke behind them "Rizzer!" Was everything they could afford to say but quickly a figure rised in the air from the smoke, this made the girls sigh in relief yet not for long as two other missiles inmediately began to chase him on the sky.
Riz decided to take a quick dive, gaining more speed and distancing himself from the rockets he grabbed his rifle and suddenly turned to face the mortal missiles, he delivered two quick and precise shots one to each and destroyed the heat-seeking bombs that went off with two loud explosions that knocked him back a bit in the air but not enough to make him land. "That was close...how's the pack?" He asked his companion.
"The current state of the engine is optimal" Riz sighed with relief upon hearing this words "However..." He cursed, there was always something else. "The previous hit damaged our ignition booster, the main fire crystal of dust...if we decide to land and shut off the jets it might take a time to turn on again and it's possible that it doesn't turn on at all."
"Then we'll try not to use it more than we have to..." A loud thumping sound, he witnessed from afar as Weiss and Kairi worked together as the girl in white froze the road of the freeway making the robot slip on it metal feet and the love of his life using her whips tied on to a post on each side to make the damn thing fall of on it's butt out of the road and into the open, away from civillians. "Yeah! That's what I call teamwork!" Rizzer threw his fist into the air. "Let's finish this." He clicked his wrist and headed down to the place the Paladin had crashed.
He landed among the other five girls.
"Riz! You're fine!" Blake looked at him with a smile.
"Course I am" he lifted the visor from his helmet and revealed a cocky smirk "told ya a big robot's not enough to take me down"
"Riz? Kairi? What are you doing here?" Ruby asked, really confused.
"Happened to be on the neighborhood." Kiri answered as she cracked her whips at the ready. Torchwick and the paladin slowly got up and began to walk his way to the teenagers.
"Eyes up everyone, we talk later" Weiss said, prompting everyone to pay attention.
"Mm" Yang cracked her knuckled as she stared down at the giant mech. "This is gonna be fun"
Rizzer lowered the visor of his helmet and assumed a low fighting stance with his rifle.
"Freezerburn!" Ruby yelled and the four girls dispersed, Kairi and Riz looked at each other and nodded as they did the same.
Weiss froze the soil on the battlefield and Yang shot the ice down, creating a smoke screen with the steam from melting said ice.
Everyone scrambled on Riz's visor, he did the same as he searched for an angle he scanned the bastard giant once more and found a weak spot in the joints. He let RWBY Team take the first move and they did with tag team attacks.
As they did this Kairi and Rizzer were acting as diversions, she would use her whips to inmobilize the arms of the mech while he would shoot armor penetrating bullets at the joints of the legs in an attempt to make it fall but to no avail...
"Shit" he muttered as he missed again. "I'll have to use my semblance if it keeps going like this...Kairi!" He yelled, looking for guiding light on the battlefield.
"Not yet!" She said as she dodged an incoming missile with an elegant flip.
He contemplated team RWBY and their coordination, Weiss was hit by an energy shot but before falling she boosted Blake's speed with her semblance.
Blake took advantage of this and cut through volley of missiles sent her way by the paladin.
Ruby dashed in front of her and swinged her scyther downwards, making the mech stumble. "Ladybug!" She yelled as she and Blake began to lay waste at Torchwick, not giving him a moment to breathe with the both going through the mech's legs at the same and striking as faster as they changed their positions they both swinged upwards at the same time, slicing of one of the mechs arms.
"Now! Slingshot!" His ears perked at her girlfriend looking at him with seriousness. She cracked her whips and tied the ends on each side on the battlefield and quickly tensed them by running away from the mech.
Rizzer ran into position and he let Kairi do the rest, she let herself go and the force of the whips shot her foward violently in the air she lifted up with a swirl in the middle of the air, gaining more speed. Riz saw her coming and jumped her direction. Both of their feet met, sole to sole, the force and speed from Kairi slingshotted Rizzer to the mech, turning him into a living bullet.
He met with Yang who was also running to the paladin. His hands grabbed the rifle and folded it into it's battlespear shape, the bayonet converting into a very long and sharp spearhead he crashed against the cockpit of the mech and buried his weapon into it, barely missing Torchwick head by mere inches.
"Sonova!" He heard Roman scream inside the suit.
Yang began to deliver powerful blows on the top of the robot as well. The thug groaned with annoyance and shoved the mech into a nearby concrete column, making the two students go straight through it and crashing them against another one...they fell from it only to meet the fist of the robot. Riz's took a blow to the head, the visor of his helmet shattered in lots of pieces. They both fell to the ground with a loud thud.
"Yang! Rizzer!" Blake yelled filled with worry, she tried to ran to them but RWBY voice made her stop.
"Don't worry" Ruby said as Yang slowly got up from the ground "With each hit she takes she gets stronger and she uses that energy to fight back...but as to Riz."
"Heh..." Kairi managed a soft chuckle. "A blow like that? Figures it'll only get him angry."
"What do you mean?" Weiss said with a blank look as Riz crawled out of the place he was, grabbing Yang's hand.
"You okay...?" Yang asked, her hair litting up like fire and her eyes switching from violet to red.
He grabbed her hand and got up with a huff "Yeah..." His helmed was destroyed with a wide crack on the visor he removed it and tossed it aside. He noticed his weapon still in his hand, folding it out again into it's rifle shape. His irises also changed color to a somber weirdly green dark tone. His voice dropping to a more dry and cold tone. "I'm tired..." He shot a death glare to the mech that even gave Yang a chill down her spine. "Let's end this." He cocked the chamber of his rifle.
"Yeah, let's dance." She said as she loaded her Ember Celica and ran straight for the mech with Riz at his side.
The paladin tried to crush Yang with another punch but she stopped it with ease. Riz slided into the dirt, took aim and fired multiple times using the opportunity Yang gave him, each shot hitting it's target with deadly accuracy, the joints from the arm dettached making it more easy for Yang to "GGGRRAAAAAAAHHH!" destroy the entire arm in one single hit.
"We called his semblance Deadeye." Kairi explained. "Anytime he uses it his brain elevates it's activity for a short period of time, making his thought processing more faster than most computers...in a fight he can easily predict movements and attacks...and when using a gun" she crossed her arms with a smile. "He can land a perfect shot from a mile away without even using a scope"
"Whoaaa" Ruby said, stars on her eyes "so coooool"
"Has it's drawbacks..." Kairi looked at the ground for a moment before at him again. "When he uses it...it's almost as if he isn't a human anymore." The uncertainty of her words shook Weiss, Blake and Ruby a bit. The three of them stared at the student with that glare still on his eyes, devoid of all emotion.
He slided between the legs of the mech and shot a vital joint that made the leg almost fall apart, making the robot kneel.
"C'mon we gotta help too." Kairi commanded and with a crack of her whips she grabbed the mech by the torso, inmobilizing it.
"Ice flower!" Ruby said, Weiss taking the footnote and using her semblance, conjuring multiple glyphs that Ruby shot through, making the bullets freeze the paladin upon impact.
Blake grabbed Yang with her weapon and swung her on a complete 360 sending the blonde girl against the robot once again.
Upon seeing this Riz lifted himself from the slide on the ground and did a backflip in the air dodging a fist from the robot. "Manual targeting, twenty-five, thirty-four, thirty-nine and fifty-one degrees. Tap it out" the mechanized arm on his shoulder shot up instantly and fired the four remaining missiles into the side of the mech.
Yang winded up and delivered a powerful blow that sent the mech flying away and made it crash down a couple of meters behind, destroying it completely. Torchwick fell off and rolled on the ground, he lifted and dusted himself off. "Just got this thing cleaned" he complained.
"They gonna have to clean the blood outta your suit." Riz said coldly as he fired his rifle multiple times in his direction, Yang doing the same.
Roman lifted up his arms, bracing before a misterious girl in white with pink and brown hair showed up and opened up her parasol that tanked the proyectiles as if it was nothing. The girl weared a smug on her face as he stood in front of the thug.
Roman smirked and adjusted his hat. "Ladies, Fly-boy..." Riz's grip on his weapon tightened "Ice queen..."
"Hey!" Weiss complained.
"Always a pleasure" Roman saluted "Neo if you would" the little girl nodded and bowed to the huntsmen and huntresses, mocking them.
In a split second, Riz's eyes caught a glimpse of something weird. He inmediately fired a shot before anyone could do anything. His bullet destroyed a screen of glass that Torchwick and the girl called Neo used to be...suddenly a Bullhead appeared from behind with the two of them on board, the aircraft was ready to leave. Yang huffed.
"So I guess he got a new henchmen" she said, crossing her arms.
Kairi noticed something "Riz! Wait, it's over!" She saw the death stare on his boyfriend, his semblance wasn't shutting off.
Everyone looked at the boy how he pressed a button on his wrist, it took a split second but his jets came back to life although not as powerful as before. "Not gonna let them run away, meet me on the ground." He simply said as he took off and flyed to intercept the aircraft.
"Ahh, well...that was a dissapointment" Roman stretched his back and arms, the sour tone in his voice giving away how pissed he was. "Well at least nothing too bad happened besides that atlas thingye..."
The girl handed the thug his cane which he used as a support for a moment. The wind howled outside the bullhead. "Say" he asked, Neo looked at Torchwick. "Did anyone of the faunus got caught?"
The girl placed a finger on her lips with a solemn expression, thinking, then she shrugged her shoulders and lifted her arms on the air.
"You got no idea? Really?" Torchwick lifted an eyebrow. Neo responded at this by navigating her hand across the free space on the ship, imitating an aircraft.
"They left by air too then." The redhead said, the girl nodded. "Good, that's good...one of em' might've ratted us out, good thing they all got away."
The white fang member piloting the aircraft growled, he wasn't fond of humans and certainly he wasn't fond of humans who questioned his brethren loyalty to the cause...yet he had to remain silent, couldn't afford to waste everything they've been working on two stupid human thieves...they'd eventually get what's coming to them yeah. The faunus smiled and nodded at his own thoughts, ignoring a red beeping light on the control panel at his right.
"So" Roman continued. "Mountain Glenn, heard is a tropical resort" he said with a fake grin. Neo only stared at him with an annoyed look and tapped her foot against the metal of the ship. "Oh, c'mon Neo. It's only temporary, I promise it won't be for long."
The girl rolled her eyes in response and silently huffed.
The air suddenly got more violent as a flying madmen forced the doors of the bullhead wide open with his bare hand and the use of his aura. "Jail is also temporary" he said, responding to Torchwick previous comment. "Ten to fifteen years..." He huffed as he got inside, the other two were staring still in shock. "Don't worry, the time will fly by in no time..."
Torchwick recognized him inmediately and tried to hit the huntsman with his cane only to be met with a disarming parry and a palm wide open to the chest who pushed him back. "G-gahh..." He complained and quickly straighened himself back up. "You! You're the kid with the flying backpack!"
"Name's Rizzer" he threw the cane aside and cracked his neck while he grabbed his rifle Hornet and pointed at the thief. "And it's call a Jetpack, thank you very much...so" he glanced at Torchwick's henchmen, the girl, who still wore a surprised face yet now in a combat stance. "This is how it's gonna go..." He slowly took a step back, seeing how Torchwick tried to get closer to try and grab his weapon by the barrel and turn it away. He could see the possibilities, his semblance still working. "As of now I can't turn on my jets again which means I can't get to land safely...which means you're going to land this bullhead right now and I will continue to study the two years that I still have before graduation...while you two go to jail because, and this may come as a surprise to you, terrorizing a town with stolen Atlas tech is a crime...and one Atlas is not going to be very happy about."
Neo and Roman looked at each other and they both shrugged.
"So if you get caught by Vale you'll be judged by the laws of vale, you get to go to prison and not to whatever horrible dark hole of doom Atlas has for people like you" the guy called Rizzer cocked the receiver of his rifle, loading a bullet into the chamber. "What's it going to be?"
He had said what he needed to, he followed the standard procedures acording to kingdom of Vale to begin an arrest, the rest was up to the criminals disposition...
"So..." Roman began, standing up very tall and proud. "You think you can cage us, uh?" Neo opened her parasol, very slowly...a mocking grin creeping up her face. Riz tsk'd.
"Hard way it is then?" He asked one more time, just to be sure.
"Yup" Roman answered as he charged infront of him.
Riz fired two shots that were quickly deflected by the girls umbrella. The huntsman took a step back and tried to fire away but the male thief in white had aldeady caught with him, he kicked Rizzer's leg and made him lose his balance, Neo came from behind Torchwick and used her foot to kick Hornet out of Riz's hands and out of the ship. "Shit" he muttered as his face inmediately encountered with Torchwick's fist, it connected sending him a step back.
"Damnit..." Riz complained. His aura glowing with a dark green.
"Heh, you should've stayed in school kid" Torchwick said with a smirk.
He stopped for a second and analyzed their stances, their hands and their feets, the amount of space in the ship...he took into account the weird semblance of the little girl...fighting as one...got no chance, need to destabilize...
Instantly his body reacted to an upcoming high kick from the girl by grabbing her feet. "You'd think it would be stupid of me to come and face you alone if I didn't think I can take you both down..." He said, getting close to the girl and grabbing her by the face with his free hand he applied a little pressure and planted her back and nape against the solid and cold metal ground.
"Those moves! You're Atlas!" Torchwick said with venom as he threw a gut punch.
"Been here and there, I know how to fight." Rizzer responded by sliding to Torchwick's side and landing a knee to his belly, making him stumble and placing a foot behind the thug's throwing him into the ground too. Yet the thief didn't relent as even in the he managed to pick his cane and hit Riz in the left cheek with the end of it, making him groan
By that time the girl had gotten up, more prepared this time. Knowing she wasn't facing any small time cocky student fresh out of highschool...this felt way too real for that. Her smug grin had dissapeared only to be replaced by a serious and scary frown. Those brown and pink eyes...Something from the corner of Riz's mind hit him back, a memory as their fists met.
"I'm telling you...it's the eyes...so scary" The man dressed in tux shook in his place infront of another equally dressed man. He could only look at their feet as he wasn't allowed to look them at their eyes, never...they were even prohibited to stare at the faces of those who filled their lives with despair...and misery.
He ate one of her kicks yet he withstand it, refusing to fall to his knee he delivered a gut punch that was grabbed by Torchwick, Riz got inmobilized as the memories were still flooding his mind.
"Yeah, but have you watched the girl though? She's a natural...she doesn't even care a damn about the other kids and just butchers them, a little psycho if you ask me...I'm betting on her, the kid's good but..." He heard the footsteps getting closer to him, someone grabbed him from the hair and made him look up, look up at the eyes of that voice that tormented his dreams and his life. "He lacks the guts" he contemplated that face, memorized it or at least tried to make some space in his brain among all the fucked up shit in his mind, he choked as he tried to muster something but then he was thrown into the ground once again...that face...how was it again?
Damnit he had one job, to remember him so he could kill him, mutilate him...bah it wouldn't matter...everyone would die eventually, when he escaped he'd kill every single adult on his way...
He looked ahead, darkness on his cage the usual. He huffed at the entire loaf of bread that they threw at him...he grabbed it, nonhesitantly as he knew they were only prompting him for starvation before a fight..."better eat when I can..." He whispered to himself...
He then heard something at his side, a single yet so clear noise. He crawled in his little space and squinted his eyes, trying to adjust to the dark...he eventually saw her, he found out that the noise was actually breathing.
"Huff..." The voice lacked sound of itself, probably for the better though as they were told to keep quiet or else... He decided to get closer.
Back against the wall Torchwick tried to kick him in the belly, he moved to the side in time and as the thief's foot met the wall he shoved his head forward, making nose clash against his own knee. "Mother-" Torchwick grunted.
"Hey, you okay?" He whispered, quietly. He saw one hand placed on the ground, more huffing, she was a girl. The hand was covered in blood..."oh...so you've just fought eh?" He said, noticing that the girl must have probably killed another poor boy just like them...the girl said nothing and she continued. "They don't really give us food in reward...the only real reward is that we get to live another day" another hand crawled his way and he was able to see her, a girl just like he guessed.
Her hair was brown, and a little red here and there from the blood stains as they would only wash you before a fight and not after...leaving them as the animals they were. He noticed that she was a human, just like himself. "You're...not a faunus" she shook her head in response, no she wasn't "I'm human too...guess I'm not the only one" was he lamenting? Or maybe he felt relief that he wasn't the only one of his species that had fallen into this misery.
The girl crawled another bit, right to the side of her cage and she placed her hand on her lips.
"You...can't speak?"
She nodded.
The girl was relentless, attacking with everything she got, her legs moving around the place was hard to keep track of, situation was getting bad as his aura kept depleting by the usage of his semblance, he got kicked twice in a quick succession until he managed to grab her leg, a smirk in his face as he caught her offguard he swiped her other foot with his own and delivered a swift elbow to her chest.
"Huh...must be a pain..." He stopped talking when he noticed her staring at his bread, he took a deep breath and cleaned the dirt out the food. "They made you fight...and kill...and didn't even gave you food...that's fine..." He broke the loaf in half and he slided it outside his cage and onto hers. "This is your reward for surviving..." He didn't want to encourage murdering other children...but she looked really hungry and the surprised look on her face when he offered the bread...her face made him smile...a smile for the first time in what could've been years now, only another reason to not lose his mind yet as he was still able to smile.
The girl began to cry in quiet sobs as she grabbed the piece of food and began chewing it like it was the most juicy stake on the entire world. "You really were hungry, uh?" He asked with a calm smile as he saved whatever bread he had left for later.
He looked at her eat and noticed she had blood on her face that ran from her forehead and down to her face, across her eyes painting the white globe of her eye and her iris with a pinkish tone. Those eyes quickly found their way to his...she nodded, or maybe bowed, a way to say thanks perhaps?
He shook his hands. "No...don't thank me...I...Just don't die okay? Survive...I'll try to do it as well..." That was the last he remembered, those very last words.
"You!" He pointed out in his surprise "you're that girl from the pits!"
Neo's face inmediately shifted into a weird look, she looked at him from head to toe...he had a familiar look...she gasped and took a step forward, it couldn't be...could it?
"You're...you're alive after all this time you're..." He wasn't able to react to Torchwick's sucker punch that threw him off balance.
"Shut your trap, kid and get out of my ship!" He rolled back to were his cane was, grabbed it and pointed at Riz all in a very quick succession. "This is as far as you go."
"Oh sh-" he heard the cane go off, an explosive proyectile fired off from it. In his mind he calculated that from that angle he would be send off the ship...if the explosion didn't kill him the fall surely will...
At the then his very own emotions were the ones that got him killed, with such a point blank shot there was no way his already tired aura endured no matter how much he tried to better himself...shit...he thought as he slowly watched the projectile get closer. I could've told Kiri that I loved her before taking off like an idiot...fuck... He closed his eyes...a loud explosion happened and he was sent off the ship, but he didn't felt a thing, was he really hit by that explosive charge?
"NEO!" He heard Roman's voice get farther and farther away as he still screamed. The sound of wind, the hell?
He opened his eyes and he found out that he was falling. "Oh shit!" He looked at his side and encountered a falling companion, the Neo girl who had apparently taken the shot for him... "You...?"
She was still conscious though and looking at him with panic, she grabbed on from his jacket and she shook his collar, trying to make him react.
"Fuck! Yeah, okay I got it!" He said, he tapped his wrist pad only to discovered it was no good, no matter what button he pressed nothing came to life. "C'mon...piece of crap! Vis! VIS!"
The girl looked at him in a weird way, trying to figure out what the hell was he screaming but soon enough something in his pocket buzzed.
"I'm here, Rizzer. You don't need to yell at me." She heard a muffled voice coming from his pants and put her hand in his pocket.
"Hey what are you doing?!" He asked, his face reddening she looked at him with a devious smirk as she pulled out his scroll, revealing that the A.I. was still online.
"Vis! Thank the gods I need-"
"First of all" the computer interrupted. "Do you admit the mistake of flying mindlessly to an enemy bullhead without a way of coming back in case something goes wrong?" Neo looked at Rizzer with a frown as she lifted her brow in a questioning look.
"Okay, okay! I was wrong, I admit it...now please!" He begged, the ground was yet far...but they were still falling.
"Diverting remaining power from weapon system to main igniter. Diverting power from the main engine to main igniter. Please stand by." The computer said.
The girl that was grabbing him from his waist looked at him and she tried to say something using her hands and making signs.
"I...I don't understand?"
She rolled her eyes with a displeased expression and she grabbed her scroll and typed something with one hand. "PARACHUTE!!!"
"Ohhhhh a parachute" he nodded, now getting what she was trying to say. He smiled in a rather innocent way. "I think parachutes are for sissies who can't fly on their own!" He said that so proudly yet he was instantly cut off by Neo smacking him on the head with her hand."hey!"
She looked at him with a severe expression...yet her eyes were saying something else, her expression was one of relief, it was her.
"You remember...don't you?" He said and they seemed to be falling slower with each second. The wind soaring through their ears, both looking into each others eyes.
She quietly nodded, remembering her time on the fighting pits...how she had won her second fight killing a poor dog faunus...she was weeping and a gentle kid handed her some food. That kid...
It had become her only light in that darkness.
"I told you I would find you again..." He said with a clear voice and hugged the little girl with all of his strenght.
"Igniter is primed" they both heard the computer say "we only have dust for one burn...if it's timed well enough there's a good probability of survival"
"That's enough..." He said.
The mute girl looked at the strangers eyes for a moment before bracing in his arms.
"I uh...got a new name" he said with a small smile. "It's Rizzer. with two z's" He noticed the change in the air, what he was waiting for. He tapped his wrist and his jets ignited into a violent yellow and red glow, but still not enough to stop the fall, just slow it down. He glanced at the ground getting more and more closer. "Damnit all..." He tried to thrust his way up but it wasn't going to be enough.
In a last ditch effort he hugged Neo in his arms and he swirled in the air, his back against the upcoming fall, trying to protect the girl.
"Hey...after we fell...run" she looked at him and shook her head, not letting him go once again, not after everything that happened "The other friends will surely come and get me, they can't see you" Neo looked at his eyes, feeling something bad in her regret perhaps? "...If they get you...you're going to jail and I'm not gonna let that happen, I will find you, I know you're here now so don't wor-" he was cut off by the loud and earth shattering crash landing he managed to pull off. His aura breaki almost on impact and his consciousness fading away as well.
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