A break for the next chapter
A single blade was left between him and his oponent, a small pocket knife covered in red. His lungs could barely keep up with his heavy and tired breathing. One knee against the cold ground as he tried to calm himself, he lifted up his head to see the other kid on the other side doing the same in an effort to keep himself together. The faunus kid's little horns were stained in blood along with his face, his eyes too rendering him partially blind. Yet he could feel his stare, his dead and cold gaze upon him the killing intent...the pressure of death.
He pressed his palms against the ground, the faunus doing the same and they both started the run of their lives for that knife. The crowds that surrounded them cheering for one or the other.
He pressed his eyes closed as his breathing was getting sharper, his legs giving out he fell to the ground first but managing to grab the knife with the tips of his fingers.
The faunus jumped in an effort to assault him but he just rolled in the ground, facing upwards and against him, and pushed up the knife with both hands and a shaky grasp.
The sound of skin and flesh tearing apart replaced the voices in the background. The blade slided in the faunus's chest with ease.
"Bbghaah-gkk-" was the next he heard as he felt a warm liquid falling down his face, running down his cheeks, his lips and forehead. He opened his eyes and stared at the other kid's lifeless orbs and mortified expression as he vomited blood once again. His arms becoming numb with tiredness he gave in and let the dead body come on top of him as his eyes began to water.
"guh!" He shot up from his bed in a split second, he pressed a palm to his face, feeling sweaty. Riz took a moment to inhale, look at his surroundings, at his teammates still sleeping in their respecting beds, at their room decorations, and at his sleeping angel on the bed beside him, and exhaled in a long breath, calming himself.
"I'm...back at Beacon" he mumbled to himself. Glancing at the drawer beside him he picked the scroll and turned it on. "7:20" his eyes contemplated the numbers for a moment. "Forty minutes till breakfast" he dropped his shoulder with a sight and sat on his bed noticing he was wearing a different shirt with a blue color and the "KRTR" slogan on the front, someone had removed his trousers and boots...and right foot. He assumed that the certain someone could only be the girl sleeping on the bed next as he would had weird feelings if he found out that Treynor had to change him...oh he would never hear the end of it.
A certain something resting inside a glass filled with water, he hummed "wonder how she got it out" grabbed the lens out the water and pressed it carefully against his left eye.
He got up quietly and slided his left naked feet on his black slipper, and found out that his metallic right foot was inside his right slipper as well. A small chuckle escaped his lips. "Assholes..." He grabbed his feet and connected it to the metal socket on his right stump, a soft and familiar clicking sound was produced and he felt sure to stand up.
Upon closer look at his drawer he saw his signature 10mm handgun and was about to take it but decided to put a pair of pants on, the ones that belonged to his school uniform.
He exited his room with the pistol on his hand he glanced at a balcony that was conviniently close to their room, he approached passing the threshhold and to the outside were he relaxed his arms against the railing, the early sunrays of morning against his face made him yawn for a second.
He stared at the horizon, replaying the events in his mind. The robot, the airship, the fall..."that girl..." A small headache passed by and he groaned, putting the hand that held the weapon against his forehead, the events on the nightmare replaying once more as well. "Ughh..." The feeling of that warm, red and salt-flavoured liquid on his lips. He stared at his weapon for a moment and pressed the barrel to his temple "just...get out..." He said tapping his temple with the barrel of his gun, a fleeting desire to pull the trigger that was quickly pushed aside. "Get out of my head already..." He pleaded one more time in vain as he finally put his weapon aside in the back of his waist.
He pushed himself out of the railing and took another deep breath, trying to shut off his thoughts about that subject. "I need some coffee..."
The cafeteria was almost empty as most students were still asleep only those with morning routines were the ones that were there enjoying a peaceful breakfast before all the other students join and began to crowd the place.
Yet his eye spot someone reading from her scroll that didn't look like a morning person...but for the likes of it she wasn't a sleep person either. He sighed and shook his head as he went to the counter and retrieved two foodtrays, two coffees, one for each and four croissants, two for each. Carrying both trays didn't prove to be a challenge as he held his eye-to-hand coordination in pride, except the times that Kairi would say or do something that might embarrass him and make a mess out of him. A small smile crept upon his face as he stood infront of the girl dressing in black and white, and a black bow covering what he previously assumed to be her cat ears. "This table taken?"
Blake's head lifted in surprise, a small stutter passed by her mouth but she quickly composed herself. "O-Only this seat...that i'm...currently using." Riz lifted a brow and noticed the girl's dark circles around her eyes despite her nervous attempt of a smile.
"Right...then I guess I can use this one" he said sliding his leg across the seat in front of her.
"So long as that coffee's for me" she pointed out at one of the trays that he was setting down carefully, he instead pressed the other one to her side.
"No, that's mine, only black poison. This one has milk instead." He remarked.
"How did you-"
"Cats like milk don't they?" He smirked as he witnessed her reaction, her eyes opening wide.
"Who told you-"
"It's okay, nobody told me. I just hacked the school records"
"How did you-"
"Pfft-heheheh" he waved a hand at his side "Okay, okay. Let's cut that song off, it's getting old" she was about to talk but "And relax, It's fine. I won't tell. Kairi knows too but she also values privacy-"
"Something that you clearly don't" she pointed out a finger at him
"Okay, yeah. Guilty of charged." He admitted. "But do allow me to say that it would've been easy to tell should I had the time to get to know you all more...which I didn't by the way so...yeah" he sipped his coffee, not minding the hotness.
"So...you two being there on the freeway, was also related to the matter of my faunus heritage" she relaxed, but talking with a faint tone of seriousness giving out that she hadn't dropped her guard down completely.
"Kind of yes? Look...I don't really know what is going on yet. Ozpin talked to me and Kairi yesterday and said that you and your team are on to something...something related to the dust robberies, Roman Torchwick, White Fang, yadda yadda."
"Ozpin...told you about it?" She grabbed a croissant and took a bite out of a tip. Her bow moving on its own for a moment due to her enjoying the taste.
"Yep" he nodded, taking a quick glance at the sudden bow movement and trying is best not to smile at the cuteness of it. "He recommended us to...keep an eye on you, just that. He talked good about all of you so RWBY really must be something else...and from what I saw back in the city I'd agree too."
A small blush appeared on her cheeks. "Thank you...and you too were...astonishing to say the least, thank you for catching me back there too, I was about to bite it" she brushed it off, remembering when he grabbed her hand just at the right time.
"It's cool, do it all the time, trust me. Being able to fly basically makes me the living life-floater for my team, always having to pull them out of danger." He said with a soft grunt, clearly not content with past memories, Blake chuckled at this.
"Well beats the hell out of the infirmary, that's for sure."
"Ye-heah...guess so" he laughed briefly before sipping his coffee again. Both of them took a break and enjoyed the silence for a moment, the sunshine tearing through the windows and bathing both of them with a warm sensation. They both sighed in comfort.
The silence remained as they continued to eat their breakfast, not as friends yet but just as acquaintances, sometimes their eyes would meet and they would only respond with a gentle smile or a short, acknowledging, nod.
Once she finished the last piece of her final croissant she gulped down and looked at him. "You're not much of a talking person are you?"
He stared at her for a moment, her eyes were slightly closed and her lips posing with a smile. He hummed in thought, his cheeks slightly turning pink. "I'd say I prefer to enjoy the small moments of peace in life with silence...there is plenty of talking to be done throughout the entire day after all"
"I think I can relate." She nodded. "A good book on a rainy day"
"A fine cup of coffee early in the morning with a friend in silence" he continued, smirking. Blake chuckled a little.
"Not yet friends but were getting there" she quipped with a grin.
"Good to know" Rizzer nodded, his smirk not dissapearing. "What about you? You do like quite the loner yourself"
Suddenly her smile was gone, and her eyes fell to the ground. She pressed her lips together and Riz knew that he had said something that he shouldn't
"My apologies I didn't-"
"No" she cut him dry, and decided to look at him in the eyes. "It's okay, you're not wrong at all."
"Being right or wrong has little to do with being okay or not, Blake" he said, more serious. She took her time to respond
"If you checked my record then I guess you already know I used to be a white fang, gotta be written over there somewhere." What she said didn't make him react, he just continued to stare at her, stoic but not in a judgemental way...he was just listening. "And...I'm not going to say I regret all of it, that'd be a lie. The white fang movement inspired the opressed faunuses across the world...even if it had to be through fear and terror amongst some of the kingdoms...but also inspired respect."
"Respect that comes from fear it's never respect, it only incites hatred, Blake."
"I know..." She confessed with a sigh. "I just...I didn't noticed at the time because I was..." He looked at her eyes, he remembered something in the way she was looking at him...couldn't tell the way or what but it made sense to him, he decided to put it in words.
"You were led astray..."
"No...I allowed myself to be led astray by someone that I really held in a high regard."
"A lover?"
"A friend...though he might've become my lover if I had never realized what kind of person he truly was." Her cheeks flustering but her heart shattering once more at the memory. "I...he taught me everything, how to fight, how to defend other faunuses, how to be stealthy, how to stand up for what I believe but...but I..."
"Once you saw what you used to believe everything became dark"
"Yes!" She nodded with seriousness, her palms open at the table wanting to slam them and only stopping by the sake of preserving the peace of the cafeteria. "Not only that but I realized that I had destroyed all my previous relationships in the past, all of my other friends, even my own parents...I just..."
"Suddenly you found yourself alone in a world full of lies and danger" he completed her sentence.
"You...you seem to understand me quite well." She looked at him.
"Life is a shit show on itself...and I've had my own share of dark moments" he commented. "Go on"
"Right...after that I was just with my weapon and a hundred lien to my name...me, a girl from Menagerie that ended up in Vale for a cause that she didn't believe in anymore...Beacon just happened to be in here and...well...here I am."
There was a brief silence, Blake was afraid to look at Riz's eyes, afraid to hear what he might say.
"So you're determined to stop them now. Whatever they're doing right now with these robberies and stuff I mean."
A knot in her throath, she only managed to nod. She could already hear some racist and judgemental-
"That's good...You got our support then." He said with a serious tone. Blake eyes shot up to his face in surprise, he wasn't even looking at her. His eyes drifted and met hers. "What?" He asked upon seeing her surprised face. "You choose the hard option over denying the whole thing"
"I just...I know that Torchwick guy is just going to do worse to the white fang, they're still my family...my entire race. I-I can't abandon them, even if I'm no longer on their side."
"That's great then, admirable even." He grinned at her way, earning a blush. "If you ever need help, backup or anything let us know and we'll be there...well so long Ozpin agrees with this..."
"Could you...maybe..." She couldn't speak the words, asking a classmate to lie to his professor.
"When I report back to him I'll be sure to skip some of the...nitty-gritty details of what happened last night." He nodded, his grin changing into a more serious frown. "Never the less...at some point he will realize something else going on...or maybe he already knows, there's no way of telling with him."
"What do you mean?" Blake tilted her head at his statement.
"Ozpin is a...strange person to say the least...he catches on, realizes things...I believe that whatever information sources that he has it's currently around everywhere."
"Well he is the headmaster of Vale...you'd think he would have contact with the police and such." Blake put a finger against her inferior lip.
"Yeah...guess so..."
Another silence, another brief yet peaceful pause. This time her eyes remained upon him, analyzing the other student in question. "Why do you care?"
"I am studying and training to become a huntsman, aren't I? This is our kind of stuff after all." He glanced at her and allowed her to see his teeth in a wide grin. She was taken back by this and decided to let the subject be for the moment.
"I see...that's good" she nodded in approval.
His grin died down as he grabbed his mug and gulped down the last of his coffee, thinking that he could maybe grab some more when a brand new cup was placed in front of him, he looked at his side and was surprised when he saw Kairi fully dressed in her student outfit, as well as his other classmates. Irina wearing a headband tied into a high ponytail for a better management of her hair.
"You slipped out of bed" her girlfriend said as she sit as his side. She looked at the girl in black and bowed an acknowledging nod as a way of greeting her, Blake answered the same way
"I did, you know I'm a morning person" he said, grabbing the new mug.
"Yes but I thought that after a fall like that you'd be knocked out for a little more...we did had to carry you back after all." She explained, his face went red as he look down.
"That's what happened huh...?" A sigh escaped his lips as he held his forehead with the tips of his fingers. "Damn...I'm so sorry"
"No worries" a new voice came from behind, proving to be Ruby as the other members Yang and Weiss also joined in with their own breakfast and sat down besides Blake. They were all wearing their normal outfits from yesterday, this made it clear that they were soon having the combat class with Goodwitch
"Wait" Treynor sat besides his leader. "You didn't exactly told us everything that happened."
"Oh!" Irina gasped, she was looking at his scroll. "I think I know what happened." She passed the device to his other male teammate.
"As we can see here on the scroll recordings from a witness a group of huntresses and a huntsman were battling giant Atlas mech, currently known as a Paladin." The local news channel display a video of the six of them fighting along to take down Roman Torchwick. "an Atlas spokeperson said that this wasn't a combat test of any kind and that the actual technology showed in the footage was actually stolen from then by an unknown group, and although they have stated that they would do everything in their power to keep the city safe it is time to ask ourselves 'why do we need another kingdom's protection when we can fend on our own'" Treynor gave back the scroll to her partner and sighed with disgust.
"Great, another good fight turned into political disarray" he said.
"They're not wrong though...as of now It would seem that Atlas have only been doing more wrong than good." Kairi bit her inner lip.
"Well I'm sure they're doing their best." Weiss had her own opinion about the place where she came.
"Yeah, they're only trying to help, I'm sure they'll catch the baddies in no time" Irina said with a cute smile, she grabbed a cup of tea and pushed it to her lips.
"It's not about what's going on at this point" Riz said with a serious tone, taking a sip of his black fuel.
"What do you mean?" Yang asked raising a brow. "We kicked the butt out of Torchwick after all"
"Riz is right..." Treynor said, looking at his eggs and bacon before lifting his face and looking at the girls in front of her, invested in the conversation. "This thing, all of this...the dust robberies of the SDC, now the Atlas military...it's doing nothing more than giving Atlas a bad rep if anything else, and with them soaring over the skyes of Vale..."
"It's making people uncertain." Blake caught up.
"It's making people scared" Kairi stated. "We were lucky nobody got seriously injured or killed last night"
The RWBY team expressed their disliking of the word "killed" by the look on their faces "figures a thing like this would only trigger more and more people, maybe even begin some riots and stuff."
"C'mon that's absurd. Why would people get so mad over this?" Yang threw her hand in the air, trying to lighten the mood.
"When people from another kingdom comes to you with a big display of militaristic power, proceeds to get robbed and a day later the very own weapons that they said they were going to use to protect you end up killing someone you love...how would that make you feel?" Rizzer looked at Yang to the eyes, she felt stupid at her previous comment and decided to keep her eyes to her food in shame.
"B-but it's not their fault!" Ruby tried to defend Atlas, still clinging to hope. "They got robbed, sure and that's bad but they didn't went around the city yesterday shooting missiles around."
"It's...not about who's to blame, Ruby" Weiss said, contemplating her food. She understood the point that Rizzer had made. "It's about negligence..."
"Maybe you see it like that Ruby, and that's the right way of seeing things, don't get me wrong..." Kairi grabbed Ruby's hand, putting up the best smile she could give. "But you have to know that not everyone thinks the same and for better or worse everyone has their own opinions about the matter. There will be people that will surely blame the perpetrators, sure...but there will also be people that will place the blame on Atlas."
"In any way, if this goes on everything will only end in pain, hate and suffering." Treynor said.
"And we all know what those things bring" Irina finished the sentence.
RWBY team looked at each other for a moment and nodded in response "Grimm" they said at unison.
"Tha's right..." Rizzer set his mug aside and slided his arm over the shoulders of his leader Kairi and his partner Rina. "And that's why were training to become huntsmans and huntresses...because we ain't gonna let anyone run amok on the kingdom, not on our watch." He grinned, Kairi tasting her milked coffee with a small smile, Irina pumping her fist in the air with a "yeah!" And Treynor chuckled as he forked another chunk of his breakfast.
Upon seeing this RWBY teams face's suddenly brightened up at the sight of their four new friends and partners. "That means your gonna help us stop Torchwick?" Ruby asked with exciment.
"Just make the call, we'll be sure to be there" Kairi nodded in a calm manner, her eyes looking as gentle as her smile.
"Yay!" Ruby squealed with happyness, team KRTR chuckled at this.
"It's good to know you'll have our backs" Yang said with a nod.
"We're all in the same boat after all." Rizzer cracked his neck and got up "well, Imma go and change. Professor Oobleck's gonna kill me if I miss his class again."
"You should check out on Vis too, she didn't talk to me on the way back even when I tried to call her...did something happened on that airship?" Kairi grabbed Rizzer's arm, stopping him. He remembered the events, the girl falling down with him, he using his body as a shield...he shouldn't have done that, his mind was foggy and sometimes that nightmare he had would play back again and cause a headache.
"No...besides that I got my ass kicked...we struggled a bit trying to get the thrusters working again...oh shi- my jets!" He yanked his arm off out of her girlfriends grip, who looked at him with faint pity, he realized "what...oh"
"Yeah...Riz you really should take your time before going to the workshop." Kairi said, caressing his head.
"What you mean?" Treynor asked, then looked at his other male partner "don't you tell me you crashed and burned...again."
"Wait, what do you mean with again." Yang asked.
"Oh this is a recurring thing among our team, don't mind them" Irina responded with a cute chuckle.
"Fff..." He wanted to curse so bad, couldn't bring himself to do it due to Ruby being a minor. "How bad?" He looked at Kairi who tried to put it in words but failed, miserably.
"Weeeell uhhh...sorta like...ummm" she motioned a sort of explosion with her hands. "Boom?"
"Boom?" Rizzer lifted an eyebrow
"Yeah...boom" she nodded back.
"Boom huh..." The boy groaned painfully and ran a hand across his hair. "This next week is going to be a pain in my ass..." He got up. "What about Hornet?" He glanced at his leader.
"Your weapon's fine, we found it near where you fell so we assumed that it had fell off as well." Weiss said
"Yeah, I put it back on your workshop too so don't worry." Kiri smiled as she leaned her head on his waist for one second making Riz blush.
"Go-good...that's great...thanks I'll ummm..." He took a step backwards and scratched the back of his neck. "I'll go and change now if you excuse me" he hurried his way over a crowd of students Treynor stood up tall and shouted to his teammate.
"don't forget today's friday! We sparring later!"
Rizzer only raised his thumb as he dissapeared in the sea of hungry people waiting for their breakfast.
"You guys spar?" Yang asked.
"You don't?" Treynor asked back.
"We find Goodwitch's classes to be more than enough" the schnee girl explained.
"Well that's no good" Kairi hummed looking at Weiss and Ruby. "Pretty sure Blake, Yang and Weiss can fend on their own but Ruby...you might want to pick up some of Rizzer and Trey's sparring matches."
"Yeah! No weapons, no semblance, just a pair of fist for each."
"You fight with your bare arms?" Ruby lifted an eyebrow. "Isn't like kind of boring? Weapons make everything so much fun!"
"Although it is highly unrecommended when dealing with Grimm, knowing how to engage in hand-to-hand combat does a lot of good when dealing with people." Treynor talked as he munched his breakfast. "And it's isn't really about the fun, it's about knowing how to defend yourself in case you don't have your weapon available."
"Sounds like fun, think I might join" Yang smiled and nodded.
"I...I'd like to keep searching on the white fang matter if you don't mind" Blake said, shutting herself off.
"Well Weiss and I have nothing to do so..." Ruby said looking at her white-haired teammate with pleading eyes.
"Ugh" Weiss rolled her own eyes. "Sure, why not...is not like I have anything better to do today."
"Heh! That's what I just said! Yay!" Ruby cheered, earning a chuckle from the collective and a groan from Weiss.
Riz grabbed his scroll as he put on his uniform, tying up his tie with one hand he scrolled through the notifications. "Vis?"
"Hello Riz. It's good to know that you're okay" the machine responded.
"Couldn't you know already?"
"If you're not on the hangar, where all of the equipment that I am connected to is, I cannot perform a biological scan of any kind."
"I see..." He hummed. "In anyway, I find myself fine so it's okay. I wanted to know what happened after I fell."
"You fell from the bullhead at exactly 9:57 P.M, two minutes later Kairi along with team RWBY found you and carried you to a bullhead and took you to the Beacon infirmary, according to the nurse your injuries were only superficial and would be healed in time after your aura was replenished." Vis explained, the mechanized serious tone of always yet she was leaving something out.
"What about the other girl?" Something really important to him.
"Unknown, she typed several numbers into your scroll and fled almost instantly after the crash. I have analyzed the numbers and came to the conclussion that it was a scroll number."
"Have you tried calling or texting?" He asked.
"Negative, I concluded that it was best to leave you to make such approach"
Riz bit the inner part of his cheek, he wanted to ask but felt hesitant. Why though? It was a machine, maybe it has a free will, yeah, but not like it has feelings or a heart... "Have you told this to the rest?"
There was a brief moment of silence, the anticipation made Riz's heart beat like crazy.
"Negative, I concluded that sharing this information with your inner circle might compromise your current relationship with your own team along with team RWBY as well. However I did encountered with several issues regarding the data analisys upon making this decision"
Rizzer tried to make sense to what the I.A was trying to say. "You...hesitated?"
"I am a machine, thus I am unable to hesitate when making a decision, every choice and their several correspondant ramifications and consequences are calculated yet this time my data analysis was...inconclusive."
"How so?"
"At that time I came to the conclusion that the girl was important to you and it was clear you did everything in your power to ensure her safety, revealing her involvement in your crash and her still being near the site might cause team RWBY to chase after the girl, going against your wish to protect her despite her being an enemy and a danger to the kingdom and it's inhabitants...using this logic it would've been clear that I should have made this information public to the rest and try to ensure her captivity..."
"But you didn't" Riz sat on his bed, looking at his scroll with tired eyes.
"Yes...I did not. I decided to leave the choice for you, even if it wasn't the best decision I still opted for the least optimal solution...may I ask you why I chose for such a poor and unlogical outcome?"
Rizzer's eyes widened, not sure what to say, he stopped and thought for a moment. Trying to think for an answer that could be able to satisfy his mechanical friend.
"Maybe...maybe you hesitated because you knew I'd try to contact her in some way...and maybe convince her to stop whatever she's doing...maybe you felt simpathy for her when she took Torchwick's shot for me...I can't really explain...but I would've done the same thing...I surely didn't expected you to say this, I thought that you already told them everything but...I'm glad you didn't."
"I see..." The machine processed it and decided it was enough. "I will take this answer as valid. Yet the results of keeping this information from Kairi and team RWBY are still unknown, you will have to take responsability on this matter."
"I'll be sure to do that...thank you, Vis" Riz smiled at his scroll, feeling relieved he put the device on his pocket and stood up. "For now we better get to Oobleck's class before he scolds me twice...I already skipped yesterday's...
"Acknowledged. Assisting to class is also important."
After the class was over the second year team decided to part their ways for the time being, lunch was around the corner but they still had time. Treynor didn't felt like sparring yet under the excuse of needing his lunch first, a good meal before a good beatdown he said.
Kairi and Irina went directly to their room, they were planning to go on the city on the afternoon so they thought of preparing themselves before the midday meal.
Riz, as per usual, hunkered down on his hangar. The shipment of his new wing and turbine for the atlesian dropship had arrived an hour ago and he was setting everything in position being the anxious person that he is he wanted to get to work inmediately
The sound of the welder distracted him from his thoughts to an extent but he was still thinking about that girl, Neo...that was her name? Or something she had come up with just like him...
The monitor flickered on "Yes Riz?"
"Check out something in the net, would you? ..." He gave it deep thought. "Pit fights. What does it turn up?"
"There are multiple videos on the VidTube about single fights with unarmed people, and a quantity of people cheering for one side or the other claiming how much money they had betted on their fighters."
"Elaborate a bit, please" he said as he wiped the sweat of his brow.
"Although this may sound outside the law both participants and spectators are above the legal age of twenty-one. Indicating that this is indeed a legal spectacle, however they don't seem to be using their aura to create a feeling of real danger among the viewers the match is over when one of the combatants cannot stand up anymore or is shaken out of the ring" the machine explained, he shook his head.
"No...that no..." He stopped his welding for a moment and glaced towards the screen showing two grown man beating the shit out of each other with their bare hands, they were bloody, yes, but they didn't seem on the brink of death. "Search for...uhh..." He bit his tongue, trying to remember. Something itched on his left forearm, he lifted up his sleeve and saw an old scar from a long time ago, the scar itself wasn't really deep, but it was long as it would stretch from his wrist all the way up to his elbow, his head hurt for a moment at the memory. "Try with Little monsters pit"
The machine took a moment, he was getting back to his welding but he stopped at Vis's statement "There are no results"
"Hmm, sounds 'bout right" after all it wasn't really something that would pop up in Remnant Explorer "look it up in the deep. Something's bound to show up there".
"Rizzer" the A.I. began "are we doing something illegal?"
"No...we're just looking for info about something illegal." He said with a shrug
"I would usually advice against this kinds of actions because, as you know, all searchs, even in the deep net pass by the CCT tower and their monitoring what it wouldn't really be an issue if the Atlas military wasn't hovering around Vale"
Rizzer chuckled, turning of the welder completely and leaving it aside to turn to the computer. "you're beginning to think like me, I love seeing you grow to be a computarized version of myself"
"I detect sarcasm in your voice so I won't take that as a compliment due to this recent borderline request."
"I'll just look it up myself if you don't, Vis." The man shrugged as he went down the stairs he was currently on to reach the side of the aircraft.
"Should I add any search filters?"
"Last twenty-four hours" he specified
"No results available"
"To be expected. What about a month ago?"
"No results available" Vis responded almost inmediately, making Riz curse in his breath.
"Uh...four years?"
"No results available"
He removed his welding glasses and threw them to the side. "Having come to this...fuck it. Search in the span of nine years"
"One result available" that made him perk up his eyes. "It dates from eight years and ten months ago."
"What is it?" He asked taking a step forward
"It seems to be an antique journalist site, filled with newspaper scans, video recordings, outdated log entries and several reports from the old war"
"The old war? What the hell is the old war doing there?" Riz's face gave a weirded out expression
"The site appears to be a library of sorts that keeps track of every single even that was at some point reported by the news or inmortalized in the form of paper, whether it was an important one or not everything here is a scanned piece of paper with a description in case the photo of the news itself is unreadable." His robotic companion explained.
"I see...always is a good thing to evolve from the paper, a lot of things would've been lost...Oobleck would probably have an orgasm if he saw this."
"Who's having an orgasm?" A new voice that appeared out of nowhere made him jump to the sleep button on his computer, turning the screen almost instantly. He turned to see her blonde underclassmen from the RWBY team.
"Y-Yang! What a- what a surprise!" He almost choked on his own saliva. "What aaa" he tried to sound casual as he leaned on the desk a little "what are you doing here?"
"Well you did say that we could come here any time we wanted, no?" She raised an eyebrow, a smile that he wasn't able to read present on her face.
"Ah? Oh! No. Yeah, sure. No problemo. You and your team are always welcome here so uh...where's the rest of them?" He said looking past her
"Just good ol' me today" she said standing in front of her view "why? You were expecting someone else to tag along. Perhaps a certain Blake? They do say black cats atract bad luck"
"Wha-? No I didn't-...wait. did you just tried to imply that I wouldn't get along with her on the hipothetical case that I felt atracted to Blake? Which I don't, because I have a girlfriend. Which is why I'm using the word hipothetical...because it's a hipothesys that you and you alone have thought about."
"Sheesh, drop the elocuent act for a moment there, Holmes." Riz managed to laugh at what the blonde just said. Yang chuckled as she rolled her eyes, a pink tone on her cheeks.
"Okay, okay...No, I just thought about your team might come as a whole for weapon maintenance or something." He backed down.
"Nah, That's Ruby's thing, according to her doing maintenance on our gear is what gives her a reason to live."
The male student chuckled "ye-heah, sound's about the same here, perhaps I should get to know her more"
"Careful there, Riz. She's only have fifteen."
Rizzer's face suddenly dropped a tone, this made Yang gulp. "You know you don't really have to imply that I'm to try something sexual with someone because of your dirty mind. Turn it down a notch." He said, clearly offended this time. He turned back and began to tiddy up some of his things
She was surprised by this. "W-wait!" Her voice made it clear that she was affected by what he had just said. "I'm sorry, okay? I just..." Riz turned his head and looked her over his shoulder. "I'm nervous"
"Why? Because of me?"
"...kind of."
"I mean...do you like me or something?" The question suddenly ignited Yang's cheeks into red and took a step back in shame. He got his answer as he fully turned and faced the girl crossing his arms. "Oh Yang I-"
"N-No! It's okay, it really is... It's just that you figured me out so easily that I...oh boy I messed bad..." She pressed a palm onto her forehead and sighed heavily
"Yang...I have a girlfriend you know? We barely just met a few days ago we don't-"
"I know that...it's...you're just sort of a school crush okay? I'm not madly in love with you like you and Kairi probably are or anything and that's not what I even wanted to speak about in the first place!" She stomped the floor.
Rizzer felt bad for being the way that he was sometimes, he felt so carefree that barely paid mind to other people's feelings, Kairi had talked about this to him and he promised that he would try to be better and not this kind of thing again, he felt bad for failing.
He got at her side and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey, it's okay...don't worry about a thing. I won't tell anyone about it"
She looked at him, doubtful "promise?"
"May I this hangar explode if I do"
"Good..." She sighed with a bit of relief. Her eyes looking at his. "Cuz i can and will blow this place up if you break that promise."
"Heh, I know, saw it first hand against Torchwick. You pack quite the punch"
"Thank you" she felt a lot better, sweet relief. "You also performed some fancy shooting back there too. You're pretty good"
He couldn't help but flash a smirk. "Pretty good, huh? Thanks" he helped her to a seat. "So, now that we are all good. What is it that you wished to talk about" he stood infront of her, she gulped looking down, embarrased.
"I meant to ask you if you wanted to come to the ballroom dance on the sunday, Weiss and I are preparing everything so I haven't really had the time to ask for a partner but surely you're already going to go with Kai-"
"Sure, I'll be your partner."
Well that was something that Yang certainly wasn't expecting as her eyes opened wide and she clutched his hand with a firm grip. "R-really?"
"Yep" he nodded.
"Wait you're not joking with me aren't you?"
"Nope" he shook his head.
"But...but Kairi-"
"Isn't fond of ballroom dances, she hates them in fact. Have you watched how she dresses? I seriously doubt that there's anyone that gives off more punk and rock vibes that her." He said with a giggle and he shook his head once more
"Yeah okay that's true" she chuckled. "but shouldn't you-"
"She's going to stay with her parents tomorrow and sunday. They came from Mistral today so she's leaving me alone in anyways, not complaining or anything is just...I'll get lonely which it wouldn't usually be nothing of concern...except when it becomes a concern in my mind."
"You...have lonely issues?" She raised her brow, genuinely curious and somewhat preocuppied.
"Kind of a thing from when I was a kid...I couldn't stand being away from mom...hell I even invented an A.I. that keeps me company here."
"Hello Miss Xiao-Long" Vis said through the speakers.
"Whoa!" She recoiled back a bit on her chair. "You must be Vis! Irina told me a lot of things about you." She approached the computer for a moment and then looked at Riz. "You really made her?"
"That is correct, Miss Yang. Do you have any question to ask?" The computered humbly offered her knowledge.
"What's it going to be the weather for sunday?"
"Sunny, with partial clouds and a cool wind coming from the south but it shouldn't matter as the estimated temperature for sunday is of twenty-five degrees celsius. The perfect weather to have a dance."
"Sooo coooool! Ruby has this friend, she's called Penny and she's-" she suddenly stopped for a moment, thinking that revealing Penny's true nature would be unwise. Riz raised an eyebrow.
"A total geek! And would probably lose her shit over this"
"I appreciate the compliment and would enjoy to talk with you further but lunch time has come and Kairi has informed me that both team RWBY, team KRTR are sitting together waiting for the two of you along with team JNPR" the machine announced
"JNPR?" Riz asked.
"Oh that's right! Ruby asked our friends to join us today in lunch so that they can meet you all and such, she seemed really excited about it."
"Heh, knowing Kairi she'd probably get a little nervous but Irina would love the idea so she surely said yes on behalf of the team. C'mon." He held a hand for her that she took with a small blush, getting up from the chair the both of them got out of the hangar and began to walk to the cafeteria, they separated their hands so that nobody could get any wrong ideas. "So...about the dance?"
"You're really coming?" She looked at his eyes, she thought that his sky coloured eyes seemed a little weird from afar but they really looked pretty up close.
"Already said I would didn't I?" He grinned as he took a step and turned to face her, walking backwards. "However, gotta lay off some ground rules first. No kissing lips, first and foremost."
Yang shook her head as she laughed freely. "Okay, okay, I guess I can live with that. What about the cheek?"
"A squeeze to the buttcheeks?"
"A little too far but I'll allow it" Riz nod his head rather hesitantly.
"Raw drilling on that couch after the dance?"
"Allow- gghaak!" If he barely choked on his own saliva last time he surely did it now at what he just had heard as he began to cough violently. Yang bursting with vivid laughter as they both had to stop their walking. "Fuck's wrong with you?" He glared.
"C'mon! I'm just fucking with ya" she laughed again "and not in the literal sense of the word."
Riz coughed a little more as he grunted "burn in hell, would'ya?" A smile crept up his lips at the situation as a crimson color had taken over his cheeks. "Kairi better not hear you, she's hella scary when she's angry"
"Let's just get to the cafeteria before any of them gets...hangrier of waiting..." She giggled as she ran off to the inside of the hall, Riz standing surprised and stunned at what he had just heard.
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