I do not own RWBY or any of the images or videos. The art and video belong to their respective owners, and RWBY is the property of Rooster Teeth and the late Monty Oum. May he Rest In Peace.
A large cloaked figure strides through the forest. their incredible size should make them more visible, but somehow the shadows hide them like a blanket. Birds pass by along with a few smaller animals, but neither pay attention to the figure.
Soon the figure comes across a path, a dirt road. They look both ways before walking onto the path. Hopefully, this path would lead them to some form of civilization, if not they could always just follow the nearby river.
"Hm..." they hum out in a deep voice. "Towns and roads are usually built alongside rivers as a way of easier transportation." they think aloud. they note the river's direction. They were following the river's direction, meaning there could be a pond or lake upstream.
~ ~ ~
The figure has been walking for many days now, never stopping for rest nor sleep. They march forward, despite the thunderous rain pelting them. Their cloak does little to protect them, but it matters little.
Soon the figure stops. They stand upon a hill, and from their point of view, they see lights. Lights belonging to that of a town. They can see people and Faunus out in about despite the rIN. Some are searching for shelter while others rush towards an unknown destination.
The figure takes a moment, taking in the size of the town. Noting its defenses, the number of guards standing, and the layout of the land.
The town was quite a ways from the Kingdom of Vale, the outside of the kingdoms being oh so very dangerous. With the Grimm, and the lack of aid from the Huntsmen and Huntress. And yet, this small town has been able to stand on its own, most likely with some aid from Huntsmen here and there.
There were a series of hills to the left of the town, providing some protection to the town from Grimm. Along with the river to the right, there was a source of water with resources. A perfect place to build a settlement, protection on two sides, lessening the need of spreading out soldiers.
It was a perfect challenge.
~ ~ ~
The bartender was cleaning his glasses of cups. It had been quite a day. There was a Grimm attack of the northern part of the town, but the town guards had been able to fend off the monsters. There was also a Huntsmen who was staying at the town who had been able to help.
After a successful day, the guards had decided to hit up the bar. they laughed and sung, happy that the town was still protected, still standing.
The doors to the bar opened as a man walked in. It was the Huntsman.
He had black unkempt hair, with bits of grey here and there. he wore a black dress shirt with a gray vest buttoned over it along with some black slacks. A red tattered cape hung over his shoulders as he walked over to the counter. His boots clinking with the spur on them.
The Huntsman sat down at the counter, letting out a sigh. The bartender could see the Huntsman's better now that he was closer.
He had some stubble on his jaw, along with a small scar running over the man's left eyebrow. There was a small flash of silver that caught the bartender's eye. he glanced to see an upside-down cross handing off a necklace.
"Glass of whiskey, if you don't mind?" the huntsman asked, placing some Lien on the counter. His voice sounded a bit rough.
"Of course," the bartender took the Lien, before placing down a shot. The Huntsman raised his hand.
"Gimme uh, something a bit bigger." he requested, placing down another lien.
"Rough night?" the bartender asked, pulling out a glass. He filled the glass up with whiskey, before dropping in some ice cubes.
"Yeah, you could say that." the Huntsman pulled out a ring from his vest. he twiddled with it for a moment before putting on his finger.
"Problems with the family?" the bartender raised a brow.
"Nah, not really." the Huntsman took a sip from the glass, the nice burning feeling of alcohol going down his throat waking him up. "Daughter went to Beacon, so its just him at home."
"Him?" did he mishear?
"Been doing a lotta work, so I wanna head home to check up. Hopefully, Zwei hasn't destroyed the house." he let out a chuckle. "Zwei's our dog."
'Ah, okay. It's a dog.' the bartender thought as he refilled the huntsman's cup. "I suppose it'd make sense. Can't leave a pet at home all by his lonesome."
"Hm? Oh, no. He's with Tai, hopefully, he's okay on his own. I couldn't make it ta watch off Yang, so he'll probably gimme ah ear about it." he looks up to the bartender. "Name's Qrow, Qrow Branwen Xiao Long." he smiled.
"Uh, the name... I'm sorry, did you say Tai?"
"Hm?" Qrow takes another sip from his cup, finishing the glass. "Yeah, Taiyang Xiao Long, he's my husband." he gestures to the ring on his finger. "You know him?" Qrow reaches for the bottle, about to pour himself more.
But the bartender's hand clamps down on him. Qrow looks up to see a serious expression on the man's face. An expression he knows all too well.
"I think you've had enough." the bartender shoves off Qrow's hand, putting the bottle away.
"Is there a problem?" Qrow asks, hoping the problem isn't what he thinks it is. He really hopes it isn't.
"Yes," he narrows his eyes, glancing at Qrow's ring. "And I think you need to leave sir."
Qrow lets out a sigh, great upon how there's literally no Faunus, the only bar in this damn town is a fuckin' homophobe. He taps his flask on his hip, noting how it's nearly empty. Even if he flew to Patch, it would take him about three days to get there, definitely not enough alcohol. He lets out another sigh.
"Listen, buddy, just let me refill my flask and I'll be on my way." Qrow hopes the damn man would at least give him that.
"Did you not hear me? I said you need to leave." he pushes away the flask. "We don't except your type of people here. So why don't you mosey on your way back home and don't ever come back."
"Look, buddy-"
"Is there a problem here?" one of the town guards walks up to the two.
Qrow looks at the guard and the bartender, noting the hidden amusement in the fucker's eyes. He glances to the guards at the table, noting how they were staring at the three. Some of them had their hands on their weapons, ready to intervene.
Qrow also notes how his hand was on his weapon, his hand shaking intensely. He takes a deep breath, calming his shaking. There wasn't a need to start something, he could just go to a shop and buy a bottle or something.
"No, there's no problem." Qrow puts his flask away, before leaving. The spurs on his boots clinking.
He ignores the stares he gets from some of the customers and guard, pushing open the doors of the bars. Another figure also walks in, their black cloak hiding their massive body and height. Qrow pays little attention to them, it was raining so a cloak wasn't unusual.
Time seemed to slow down as the two passed by one another. The two spared a glance to each other. Qrow's dull red eyes stare back into another pair of red eyes. except these eyes faintly glow red for a moment, before the moment disappears.
Qrow pauses in his step, his mind replaying several memories as the figure never stops walking. He shakes his head, before walking on himself. Once he's a distance away, his magic transforms him into a crow before he flys away, not paying any attention to the drunk homeless man in the alley.
~ ~ ~
"What was his problem, Barry?" the guardsman asks, leaning on the counter.
"Eh, just some drunk wanting more than he wants." the bartender lies, "he wanted some more alcohol, even threatened me a bit."
"Tch, damn Huntsmen. They think that just because they have the power they can do whatever they want? We've barely needed any of them and look where we are!" he gestures to the town. "We're still standing!"
The cloaked figure walks up to the bar, the raindrops easily sliding off the cloak. The bartender walks up to the figure, a notepad out and ready.
"How can I help you sir?" he notes the stench of blood and stank wafting off the bastard.
"Yes," the figure coughs out. His voice was deep and rough, rougher than the Huntsman's. "I was wondering if there was a map of the land? if not could you inform me of the nearest town?"
"A map? A yeah, sure. I got one, just let me get on from the back." the man goes into the back to retrieve what he needs.
"Really storming out there ain't it?" the guardsman asks, getting the figure's attention.
"... yes, it is quite intense."
"Yep, though I guess I'd prefer this over the Grimm."
"Yeah, there was a Grimm attack in the northern part of the town. We managed to repel the Grimm with the help of that Huntsman, but Barry here tells me he's an ass."
"Hm, I suppose, does every human not have a negative inside of them? Every human, be it human or animal, has the capabilities of being a monster."
The guardsman opens his mouth to speak, but pauses. Everyone does have the chance to be an ass. They way kids can be jerks to one another, or how some people simply ignore the ones in need like the homeless or the mentally ill.
"I suppose that's why it makes me better than everyone." The figure reaches out a grabs a bottle of whiskey, they pop off the cork, before chugging down the entire bottle.
"Hey, you gotta pay for that." the guard demands.
"No, I don't." Great another ass who thinks he can do whatever he wants.
"Alright buddy, you're coming with me." the guard reaches out to grab the figure but flinches at what must be armor underneath. "What are you a Huntsman? Why can't you guys just leave us alone." he reaches for his weapon.
"Man? I am no man, mortal." the guard reaches out again, succeeding in pulling away from the cloak. What he sees underneath terrifies him.
The figure pulled down their hood, before turning to the guard. The rest of the guards all stand up in panic and fear as they see the figure's true face.
"Do not compare me to the rest of your filth." the figure states as the bartender finally comes out.
"Alright, took me a minute but I found... ya map..." The bartender looks up to the massive figure noting the burning red eyes. red eyes like a Grimm.
"Ah, thank you. Allow me to repay you." The Apostle shows off a sharp toothy grin, his eyes glow red.
~ ~ ~
The bartender was thrown out of the bar's doors, followed by the guardsman.
Gunfire and shouts were heard inside the bar as people gathered around. Their curiosity getting the better of them.
One of the townsmen go to help the bartender up, another helps the guardsman.
"Hey, Barry. What the hell's going on?" the ask as another guard is thrown outside. He crashes into the building across the bar, his body shattering through the window.
"What the hell?!"
"What's going on?!"
"Mommy, what's going on?"
Barry, the bartender recovers enough to speak. He looks up to see the pair of glowing red eyes in his bar.
"M-Monster! Monster! It'll kill us all!" he shouts as he runs away.
The doors to the bar are kicked off, knocking down someone. Out of the doors, a cloaked figure walks out, his massive figure intimidating everyone. In his hand, he holds a beaten, bloodied guardsman.
The Apostle grins at the waves of fear washing off the townspeople like waves. He revels in the negativity as more guardsmen arrive. They wield spears, swords, and rifles as they push through everyone surrounding the Apostle.
"Everyone evacuate the area immediately! We cannot be held responsible for the lives of those caught in the crossfire!" a guard shouts as he loads his shotgun.
The Apostle examines the retreating civilians. That wouldn't do, if his prey all escaped, where would he get the fuel for his magic?
The Apostle absorbs the waves of negativity in the area, an action unseen by all. Concentrating all of the negativity into a sphere, the Apostles fires it into the sky, just as it explodes. A cloud of despair and hopelessness spreads through the town like a plague.
The town doesn't know why, but the feeling of dread washes over them. Most are unaffected, others ignore it, but that was not its purpose.
The ground shakes and rumbles, the forest tree shake and fall as the negativity increases. Grimm pour in from the forest, all raging and wild, enticed by the negativity.
"Fire!' the guards shout as they fire at the Apostle.
The bullets do nothing as they either bounce off the armor or their force is softened by its thick hide.
The Apostle can only laugh at the human's futile attempt until a high caliber bullet knocks back its shoulder.
The Apostle turns its head from the direction of the bullet. It sees a guardsman man wield a high caliber rifle, its barrel smoking. The guard is wearing different clothing than the rest of the fools.
He must be the captain.
"I dunno what you are, nor do I wanna know." the Captain pulls back the bolt action lever, "But you are causing a scene, and it's our job to get rid of you." he spits out.
The Apostle simply grins, its eyes glowing in anticipation.
"Then do it."
~ ~ ~
The Grimm charge at the walls of the town, but they are mowed down by the turrets. Despite that, they still charge forward, running over their dissipating corpses of their brethren.
Up in a tower, a woman stands attention as she evaluates the scene. The Grimm almost never attacked the town, knowing there would be no point in doing so. The only ones that would ever do so would be inexperienced or young Grimm, those that did not know the dangers of approaching the town.
But she knew what caused them to just all-out attack, that wave of dread that still lingered in the air. She didn't know what caused it, nor if it would go away, but it seemed to make the Grimm go all ape-shit as they still charged at the walls with reckless abandon.
As long as the turrets were firing, they could hold back the Grimm, until then they had to hold out until help arrived.
"Private, what's our status?" she turned to a soldier manning a radio.
"Uh, there's still no contact with the kingdom's ma'am. I'm not getting any signals or frequencies, the Grimm must have destroyed the relay tower!" the soldier shouts as he fiddles with the radio.
"Damn it, at this rate we'll run out of ammunition and the Grim will knock down our walls." the lieutenant bites her lips as she tries to formulate a plan.\
"Wait, hold on! I just received a frequency!" the private declares as the radio hums.
"Hello, this is Lieutenant Gold, we're are a town under attack by an unknown amount of Grimm. We currently have them on hold, but we can't hold them back forever. We are running low on ammunition, and the townspeople may need evacuation."
~ ~ ~
Qrow flew through the skies, his bird form proving to be a great advantage provided by Ozpin with his magic. There were a few hiccups here and there. Like that time his body turned into a crow, but his head remained the same. Or that time he got shot down by a damn kid with a BB gun. Or when that damn Schnee crashed her airship into him.
Overall, it was pretty beneficial. Just that he couldn't drink as a bird because he apparently 'had fewer brain cells.' Stupid Tai, what does he know? He can't turn into a bird, sure a dragon is a lot cooler, but dragons don't exist. Well, at least not anymore...
Qrow suddenly felt the tingle of a magic surge through his body. Something on his human body was wrong, so he would have to check what it was.
He glided down towards the forest, before smoothly transforming back into a human and landing on a tree.
He checked his body and found out his scroll was beeping up a storm. He was receiving a distress signal. Who could be in danger out here? Definitely not the previous town, maybe a caravan or some travelers.
Well, whatever.
He pressed the button to accept the radio transmission.
"Hello, this is Lieutenant Gold, we're are a town under attack by an unknown amount of Grimm. We currently have them on hold, but we can't hold them back forever. We are running low on ammunition, and the townspeople may need evacuation."
A town under attack? But the only town for the next miles is...
"Hello! Yes, I'm listening!" he shouts, hoping it wasn't the town from before. A crow caws as it lands on a branch next to him.
"Who am I speaking to?"
"I'm Qrow Branwen, a traveling Huntsman! Where are you located?" another crow lands on the branch next to him.
"A Huntsmen? Listen we need help! How many of you are there? Can you get here in time- Private watch your-"
the sounds of gunfire and shouting blared over the scroll, static and distorted sounds came through.
"Hello? Hello?! Are you still there?!" Qrow smacked the scroll, hoping he could get reception, but failed to do so. "Damn it!"
He leaped off the branch transforming midair. he flapped away, leaving the two crows as another joined.
One for sorrow
Two for mirth
Three for a funeral
Qrow flapped his wings as fast as he could, his beady red eyes shining in the night as the rain poured harder. He could see movement in the forest, the trees shaking, roars of Grimm echoing throughout the land.
'Damn it, let me get there in time at least.' Qrow's eyes widened as his instincts yelled at him.
He flapped in the opposite direction avoiding a black feather from impaling him. He cawed out in anger as he turned to the hostile.
There was a handful of Nevermores flying at the Huntsman. All varying from different ages, but it was clear who was the leader.
A massive Nevermore cawed out in anger, its red markings on its bone plates glowing in the red night. This was no mere Nevermore, it was a Forevermore. It bore four wings rather than two, its scale-like skin white rather black.
The Forevermore opened its maw, letting out an ear piercing screech. It raises a cluster of glowing Dust crystals in its talons, before chucking it into its mouth.
It swallows the crystal before the tips of its wings glow blue, wisps of ice flying out with each flap.
Oh yeah, it can eat Dust. there's that too.
'Oum Damn it! Are the Brother Gods trying to slow me down?!' Qrow huffs out, before flying at the avian Grimm. 'Why couldn't they have died in the war?'
A bolt of lightning strikes down illuminating the dark sky. Qrow is seen in his human form midair, he wields Eulogy in its greatsword configuration as he charges into the maw of a Nevermore.
~ ~ ~
The guardsmen are slapped away like balloons by the Apostle. Their weak Aura doing nothing to protect them as their bones shatter like glass.
A guard fires a volley of bullets from a machine gun, but the Apostle grabs the barrel of the gun, before crushing it. The guard stands shocked before the stock of the barrel smacks into his face.
He stumbles back before the gun is crushed over his head, effectively giving him a concussion he won't survive from.
The Apostle lets out a roar but is cut off as an explosive hit his back.
He's sent flying forward, rolling across the ground before he sets himself back up. he growls in agitation, seeing a line of men with RPGs.
"Fire!" a man orders as the men fire.
The Apostle huffs out angrily as he charges at the rockets.
As if in slow motion, the Grimm weaves through the rockets. He angles his body just enough so that the rockets miss him by mere centimeters
But he still needs to grow.
A rocket chips at his shoulder armor, which activates the explosive.
An explosion blows out as the other rockets explode behind.
The men cheer in victory, but their victory is cut off as a piece of bone impales one of the soldiers in the head.
"Damn it! Reload!"
The men do so but fail as the Apostle is upon them, a bone white fist raised, red ash flying off.
The Apostle slams its fist down, the force creating a crater as two of the four men are crushed and killed. The other two are sent off flying.
A cloud of dust is sent up, covering the monstrosity. Only its red glowing eyes can be seen as the men shiver in fear, their emotions simply enticing the beast more.
"Come on then! Fight me! Kill me!" he roars out as he lunges at one of the men.
In an act of animalistic savagery, the Grimm clamps his jaws onto the man's shoulder.
Blood spews out like a fountain, matting another soldier in his brother-in-arms' blood. He shouts out in horror as a chunk of flesh is removed from the body, before swallowed like a piece of steak.
"You damn fucker!" The captain yells as he charges at the Apostle. He may be missing an arm, and fatally wounded, but he'd be damned if he was going to let his soldiers die without him doing something.
The Captain yells as he shoves his rifle in between the monster's armor plating before firing a bullet.
The Apostle screams out in pain, instinctively slapping away the Captain. His body steams in black smoke, as the bullet is squeezed out like a pimple. The wounds still remain, but the bleeding has stopped.
These men weren't as strong as the damn Huntsmen and Huntresses at the Emerald Forest. Seems like the soldiers were gathering more and more, hoping to at least stall him from their demise.
'Seems like I will require assistance. I am not in my prime, I'll need more flesh and time to grow.' The Apostle takes a deep breath before letting out an ear-shattering roar.
The roar reaches throughout the entire town and outwards, enough so that the Grimm outside can hear. And when they did, they went berserk.
The Grimm charge at the town's wall, bypassing the hail of bullets, despite being heavily wounded. They slammed against the stone walls like slabs of meat, each impact deteriorating the wall bit by bit.
Until finally, the walls fell...
The Captain groaned he could feel several ribs broken, his arm was bent in a way it shouldn't, a there were pieces of wood sticking out of his bleeding stomach. At least he put up a fight. Hopefully, there could be some townspeople to survive, ah...
The captain angled his head painfully into the smoke-filled black skies. There were Grimm roaming throughout the town. People were dying left and right, while guards and soldiers were overwhelmed. But... there was something in the skies... he didn't know if it was an angel here to get him or a Nevermore, but something was coming...
The Apostle let out another roar, its side impaled by a steel-tipped spear. He turned to the offender, a small girl hatred in her eyes as she gripped the spear with her bleeding hands.
The girl turned the spear, causing more pain, but the Apostle pushed through it. He reached a hand to the girl, noting how she didn't even flinch or try to run as he grabbed her. He did not grab her gently as he raised her above.
He could see it, the hatred has consumed her heart so much, the only thing on her mind was revenge. He could see a couple holding hands underneath some debris, a pool of blood surrounding them.
"I hope God sends you to Hell." the girl spat out, sending a blob of spit and blood at the Apostle's face.
The Grimm tightened its hand around the girl, infuriated by how this filth dare gets its fluids on him.
"He won't," he stated, the girl turning blue. "You know why?" he tightened his grip, breaking the girl's bones and killing her. "because I have his favor..." he tossed away the girl's body next to her parents.
A tingling zing flashed through the Apostle's body. He knew that magic anywhere! This feeling! This sensation!
The Grimm Apostle jerked his head in the direction of the magic's source. There in the sky!
He could see it flying towards him. A Nevermore! No, it was far too old to be one.
The avian Grimm cawed out in pain as it began dropping. A red spot hung on its back as it crashed down onto the earth, kicking up a cloud of dust.
When the dust finally settled down, the Apostle could finally see clearly.
Lying down dead was an aged experienced Nevermore, one that had aged to become a Forevermore. A truly mighty beast, a master of the skies! Except...
This Grimm had two of its four wings missing, one of them had been sliced off, the wound cauterized, the other had been torn off, while a third was broken. There were several slashes cut through its body, some of its own feathers stabbed through itself. One side of its face had been deeply cut, the cut going through the bone plate as well.
Whatever had done this to the Grimm must have been a decent warrior. But the opponent was nowhere to be seen-
"Ah, damn birds. Always getting in the way." a voice complained as the sound of boots clinking was heard. "Well, at least I made it, but I need to get a move on."
Walking out from behind the slowly fading Grimm was a rugged Huntsman. His red eyes seemingly glowing in the night.
In his hand he wielded a greatsword, the wedge of the blade was glowing faintly with red Dust.
"Interesting, you are the source of magic." the Apostle let himself be known to the Huntsman.
"Who out... there...?" Qrow turned to the Grimm Apostle only for his words to die in his throat.
His eyes widened impossibly at the scene right in front of him. Qrow broke into a cold sweat as his hands began shaking. He constantly blinked his eyes, hoping desperately what he was seeing what truly there.
The Apostle smirked at the sight of the Huntsman quivering in fear before him. Despite the humans not knowing his kind's existence, they still shake in fear knowing who truly was superior.
"You're... you're..." Qrow, heh, crowed out, his voice failing him. He held his head down, trying to calm himself. Some crows clapped down on some buildings their Brady red eyes spectating.
"What's the matter? Have you never seen a-"
"YOU'RE AN APOSTLE!!!" Qrow yelled out as he jerked his head up. His eyes burned red with Karma, his rage and fury fueling his magical energy.
"You know of my kind?" The Grimm asked, his kind should not be known. Though judging from the magic from him, it would make sense he told this man of their existence. He notes movement above, but it was merely a crow.
Qrow brow furrowed as the Karmic fire in his eyes never dulled. He reached his hand for his weapon, his hands no longer shaking in fear, but rather than anger.
"Oh, I know all about you and your kind. I just didn't know that some of you bastards were still alive. Thought we killed all of ya?" Qrow pulled out Eulogy, the weapon immediately transforming into its scythe configuration. More crows land near the two, their numbers growing.
"Killed us? What nonsense are you speaking?" The Apostle growled, the red markings in its armor glowing red.
"I think you know who I'm talking about." Qrow takes a stance, his eyes narrowed and focused. Red Karma surges through the Huntsman's body, empowering the man's body.
"You think a bit of that devil's magic will help you-" The Apostle barely has a chance to block as Qrow launches himself at the Grimm like a bullet.
Qrow spins like a wheel before slamming down Eulogy's head on the Apostle. A wave of force flushes out like a whirlwind.
The Apostle growls as he shoves back the Huntsman, but barely has time to dodge a shotgun blast.
Qrow lands on his feet and, not wasting a second, launches himself at the Grimm once again.
He slashes away at the Grimm, the Dust infused wedge of his scythe clashes against The Grimm's bone armor, the armor giving away.
He's shoved off before he dodges a series of bone spikes sent at him.
Red Karma surges through his body, his mind. The magic energy fuses with his instincts, allowing him to dodge appropriately.
A spike heads for his head from behind, and, without even looking, he angles his head just enough so that the spike passes by him.
A spike aims for his knee, so he spins Eulogy, deflecting the projectile.
Another heads for his shoulder, so he turns his body the slightest, his Aura never having to even activate as the spike passes by his shoulder.
The Apostle stops his assault, seeing it wasn't doing anything.
This time, the Apostle attacks by lunging at Qrow.
He sends a fist at the Huntsman and Qrow retaliates by sending a kick to the fist, redirecting the appendage.
The Apostle's momentum sending him forward right into Qrow's fist, red Karma swirling around the fist as he slams it into the Grimm's head.
The Apostle's sent flying away into a building, the structure collapsing on top of him.
Qrow huffs out before loading a specialized blue bullet into Eulogy. He slaps the loading chamber close, before aiming a shot at the destroyed home. The gears and mechanisms in the weapon shift and turn before Qrow pulls the trigger.
Despite having nearly three times the power, Qrow barely feels the recoil from the shot as it blasts towards the home.
The blast crashes into the Apostle just as he climbed out of the home, the round exploding and encasing the Grimm in a massive block of ice.
The Apostle roars out in rage as it tries to escape its confines.
Qrow simply opens the loading chamber, a large shell of a bullet popping out before he loads in another shell, this one red.
Grimm charge into the scene, the monstrosities heeding their master's command. They all charge at the lone Huntsman, who barely looks at them before he leaps high into the air.
Qrow aims Eulogy at the Grimm, the shotgun barrels replaced by smaller ones. He pulls the trigger and shotgun pellets fire out at the rate of a machine gun.
The pellets crash down into the Grimm caught in the fire, the bullets burning anything they touched. The Grimm scream in pain as they all burn from the incendiary rounds.
Gravity finally remembers its existence as begin to drag Qrow back to earth.
Qrow spins midair, an Alpha Beowolf lunges at him, but he fires a round into the monster's mouth, basically destroying it head into ash.
An Ursa Major charges in from behind, but Qrow is simply too fast as he runs around the Grimm.
Curling his hands, Qrow delivers a few punches to the bear's knees, his fists breaking the monster's bones.
The Ursa roars out in pain and turns to the Huntsman, but its throat is sliced open, black blood spewing out.
All while Qrow is fighting off cannon fodder, the trapped Apostle is slowly escaping its icy prison. The ice breaks and shatters before finally giving away.
The Apostle lets out a small roar as it finally breaks free. He looks up to see Qrow battling against several Prince Taijitsu and winning easily.
A Prince missing a head lunges at qrow but he slices the serpent in half, the two halves flying behind.
Suddenly his heightened instincts shout at him.
"Pay attention!" The Apostle appears behind Qrow, his fist raised. He slams it forward at Qrow who barely has enough time to turn around, but not to block.
The fist clashes against the Huntsman's Karma, but ultimately strength wins as the Apostle sends Qrow off into a stone building, the structure collapsing onto of him. The spectating crows all fly off, black feathers fluttering in the air as they drop down.
"Pathetic weakling!" he roars out, his muscles bulging out.
He turns around ready to finish off the rest of the town until he receives a solid shotgun blast to the shoulder. His armor easily breaking away for the bullet to tear through the flesh.
The Apostle roars out in pain, he clutches his bleeding shoulder, trying to stop the bleeding. He sees a passing Grimm and kills the beast before devouring its essence. The bleeding stops and some flesh grows back, but he would need more to heal the wound entirely.
The sounds of clinking is heard. The crows all fly around as Qrow walks out of the debris. H Blood was spilling down his body, his body glowing red with Karma.
"Hey buddy, make sure you finish the job before walking away," Qrow shouts out as he gets out of the debris.
The Apostle's eyes widen as he gets a clear sight of Qrow.
There were wounds over his body, bits of wood and glass sticking here and there. His Aura worked to heal the wounds as his bleeding stopped. Whatever Aura couldn't heal, Karma healed completely as he grew closer. But that's not what set off the Grimm.
No, what would set anyone off was the fact that Qrow's head was completely sideways. His neck was at an awkward angle, the vertebrae of the neck pushing against the skin. Red from Karma and blood healed the bones and skin as Qrow's neck snapped into place. The magic swirled around him like smoke. A sickening crack was let out as Qrow rolled his head, popping any kinks.
"Well? Come on, your other buddies put up much more of a fight, don't tell me you're gonna lose to a human?" Qrow taunted as he loaded another shell into his weapon.
The Apostle clenched its jaw in anger, the red markings on its body glowing red with fury. Bone and flesh grew and melded around the Grimm's head as did the shoulders and knees. The armor complete around the head, a single vertical slit glowing yellow.
In fact, it continued to glow yellow, as it charged up in energy.
Qrow's weapon shifted and whirred as he took a stance. Red Karma swirling around his body like a second skin, while he focused his Aura into his legs and arms. Karma as the armor and Aura as a boost to his body.
He would kill this thing right here and right now, even if he died.
The Apostle let out another Grimm calling roar as it let out a beam of plasma like fire directly at Qrow who charged right into the beam, his body glowing intensely with Red.
5,489 words, excluding Disclaimer and Author's Note. I will accept Criticism and Opinions.
Looks like our boi Qrow made it on the scene! And he's a badass, at least I think I wrote him like that? I tried too anyway.
So, it has occurred to me that none of ya actually know what is Karma. Makes sense cause this is a magic system that I created back in uhhhhh, 2014? Somewhere in those times, those godforsaken times.
Anyway, so, regarding Qrow's neck being broken like a toothpick, well he isn't gonna be all Wolverine or Deadpool. If you'd let me explain, it was more of a struck of luck that he didn't get a neck broken, he body was surging with Karma and Aura before he was fought, so he basically lessened the damaged, but still got wrecked. Just because your neck was snapped doesn't immediately mean instant death, well I mean it does, but normal people have survived to get their neck snapped.
Don't get me wrong, if ya break ya arm while having Karma n' shit, its still gonna hurt like hell.
So, I have only received one request or implication that they would like to know about Karma or the Apostles, so I'll hold off on that for the moment. Instead, I'll explain the concept of Dust! UNLIMITED POWER!!!!
Oh yeah, about the scene where Qrow got shit for being gay, I have no qualms about ya sexuality n' shit. Ya can like a man, a woman, a potato, ya can identify as the opposite gender, and stuff but in the end, I still feel like shit, so yay!
Oh yeah, dunno if any of ya knew, but Qrow and Taiyang are a married couple. So, I guess Tai did bang the whole team, too bad Qrow can't get preggers... OR CAN HE?!?!?!?!
No, he can't.
Anyway, the chapter title states Qrow's level of Karma use, but not everything of his level was shown. I have had this concept of power in my head for YEARS, so this story will sorta be as a way of fixing any bugs and kink of the system.
That should be everything, if there are any questions ask away, I'll be happy to answer them to the best of my abilities!
Au revoir!
Also, I sorta published this at the last minute literally. But technically it is still Friday.
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