Sarah's Sacrifice - Part 4

Here it is; the grand finale! The last part! It's been a long time coming (Deepest apologies for that!), but it's finally here! The family all come together again; and there's lots of adorableness involved! Cuteness alert! 🥰🥰 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


"Bu-" the young boy attempted to protest, before being quickly cut off.

"No ifs or buts! My mind is made up!" the animatronic weasel barked sternly, a tone of finality in his voice. Willy's son visibly pouted then, and he looked down at the floor; starting to scuff at it with one shoe.

"I just ... wanted to help", he mumbled sullenly. The big weasel's expression softened again at Joey's words; changing from stern to understanding.

"I know, Joey, I know", he said earnestly. "You don't want your mother to die, and I don't either. We both love Sarah too much to let her die."

The young boy slowly stopped scuffing and looked up at his animatronic father. There was now a slightly understanding look on Joey's face.

"However, if we act fast; there'll be no fear of that!" Willy tried to reassure his kid ... while inwardly cursing his emotional awkwardness. Sarah's usually much better at that kind of thing than me. He then shot a quick look down at his injured wife in his arms.

Sarah seemed to be going slowly into a semiconscious state; but she was still awake enough to give her husband a weak but encouraging smile. Buoyed by his wife's gentle encouragement, Willy Weasel spoke to Joey again ... with a more confident and inspiring voice.

"While I and my crew are busy, I want you to go with Cammy to the Arcade and keep a second sharp eye on your sister for me. Is that okay?"

The weasel robot's boy smiled, but then hesitated; looking conflicted. Agreement clashed with uncertainty on Joey's face.

"Please trust me, son?" Willy pleaded. "It's the only way to save Sarah." Joey hesitated once again, and looked deep into his dad's eyes.

Behind all the insanity, rage, and other turbulent emotions ... behind all of that; the little boy saw a desperate, deep and enduring love for his family and friends.

"I trust you ... Dad", Joey said, the smile reappearing on his face as he hugged his dad's left leg again. Willy Weasel's face then broke into a grin so happy and big ... that it was as if the weasel character himself was back to normal, for a moment.

"Thanks, Joey", he said softly. Cammy Chameleon then quietly walked up to Willy and his son; and held out a gloved hand to the young boy.

"Come on, Joey, let's go and find Daisy", she said in a comforting voice. The aforementioned child took a deep breath, and then took Cammy's hand.

The duo began to walk briskly along the corridor ahead, towards the arcade. Willy Weasel watched them leave with a fond smile, before turning and striding back along the corridor; with his wife and three of his crew.

The remaining crewmates then ran off in the other direction: to get their boss's 'project'.


The Arcade, five minutes later ...

As Cammy opened the door to the Arcade, and she and Joey entered ... a ball of hair and energy suddenly shot at them.

It cannoned into the presently anxious Joey, and caused him to fall over. The young boy fell to the floor with a "thud", gasping for breath as he felt little arms clasp his chest tightly.

"Argh! DAISY! What the heck are you doing?" groaned the aforementioned girl's brother groaned as he recognised the figure on top of him.

"Joey! You're all right! I was with Dad, and all of my new robot friends when we suddenly heard a gunshot", Daisy said; and shivered slightly.

"Everyone else went to investigate, but said that I had to stay here. What happened?" she asked, curiously.

Her brother grimaced and looked at the floor. The little girl's curious expression quickly turned to extreme fear, and her eyes seemed to get big and teary.

"Joey ... where's Mom?" Daisy whispered in a small voice. The aforementioned boy opened his mouth, but Cammy Chameleon quickly beat him to it!

"Your mum will be fine, Daisy", the robotic lizard said reassuringly, beginning to approach Joey's sister.

"She got hurt a bit, but Willy took her to be mended. You'll see her soon, I promise!" Cammy murmured, stopping in front of the little girl and reaching down to stroke her hair.

"It'll be okay, trust me!" Daisy's anxious, frightened look slowly faded away with every comforting stroke. She smiled up at the animatronic chameleon, and then gave her a hug.

"Thanks, Cammy!" the little girl said in a muffled voice, her face buried in the front of the lizard's petticoats. If there was one thing that Cammy Chameleon was exceptionally good at: it was the art of persuasion.

Usually, she used it on her victims ... but occasionally, Cammy used it to comfort her friends. Daisy Willis now counted as one of them.

"You're welcome, Daisy", the lizard robot murmured. "Now, would you like to play on the arcade machines?" The little girl instantly stopped hugging Cammy Chameleon and started jumping up and down in excitement.

"Oh yes, please!" Daisy squealed, and then pouted sadly. "But ... I don't have any coins with me."

The animatronic chameleon then smiled and winked at her eager charge. Cammy slowly reached into her right pocket with her right hand, and brought out three dollar coins.

"I just MIGHT have a few coins with me", she said, holding them out to Daisy. The young girl instantly snatched them and ran over to the nearest arcade machine, whooping with delight.

Joey, meanwhile, smiled as he watched his sister play happily. The young boy was already feeling his mood beginning to improve. As well as his opinions of the animatronics ... although Joey was trying his best to remember their various crimes.

The robots ... his DAD and friends ... were indeed very different to the ones in the tales that he'd heard. But there was one last thing ... something that really troubled the young boy ...

"Cammy?" Joey said, rather hesitantly. The chameleon robot turned her gaze from the occupied Daisy to him.


"What ... exactly ... does 'mended' mean?" the aforementioned boy asked, narrowing his eyes at the possessed machine. For the first time, in a long time; Cammy seemed very awkward and unsure of herself.

"Errr ..." she began. This pretty much gave Joey all the clues he needed. And the answer.

"She's not going to be exactly the same as she was before, is she?" The weasel's son accused quietly, frowning at the animatronic lizard. "Like what happened with you, long ago?"

Cammy sighed, and then gave a single nod. She then groaned and facepalmed.

Darn it! Joey's a real, intuitive smartypants ... just like his dad. The robotic chameleon then took a deep breath and spoke again.

"But she'll still be alive, Joey. Alive, and well again. Sarah will always be your loving mother, no matter what happens", Cammy said reassuringly and honestly, trying to comfort the worried child.

"She'd move heaven and hell for you two and your father." The young boy suddenly got a mental picture of his mum telling God and the Devil off, and smiled.

"Heh, that's true!" he chuckled. Daisy suddenly punched up in the air with one fist and whooped.

"Woohoo! I win!" The young girl then turned around to face her brother and her new chameleon robot friend. "What's true?" she asked, curiously.

"Well-" Joey began, but was completely interrupted!

The whole restaurant suddenly shook and rocked for a few seconds; totally taking Joey and Daisy by surprise! It was like a miniature earth quake had taken place!

The arcade machines slightly bounced and clattered in their places against the walls and on the floor. Daisy's smile instantly turned to a look of utter terror, and she flung herself at her brother again.

Joey accepted the tight hug without speaking; his eyes wide with fright and confusion. Both siblings were shaking and almost at the point of crying.

Then the restaurant was suddenly completely still again. The utter stillness and quiet of the present; was almost more frightening than the minor quake Joey and Daisy had just been through!

"What was that?" Joey whispered nervously.

"I don't know!" Daisy replied back in a slightly shrill voice. Two white-gloved robotic hands suddenly wrapped around the two kids, and pulled them into a comforting hug.

"Shhh, it's okay. Nothing bad is going to happen to you two", Cammy Chameleon murmured, patting their backs reassuringly.

She knew what had happened ... but decided to keep mum for now. The trio remained in this huddle for at least half a minute; just slowly recovering from the fright.

Then they began to hear footsteps coming towards the arcade ... two pairs of them. Definitely too heavy for humans ... and too metallic. Animatronics; and big ones at that!

Joey tensed up a little, but relaxed when Daisy shot him a happy but confused look. She loved these animatronic mascots! One pair of footsteps, strangely; seemed to stop outside the arcade door, while the other ...

The door, behind Cammy, Joey, and Daisy ... began to open slowly. The trio turned around, just as the incoming figure entered the arcade. The children stared in wariness, curiosity and wonder at the stranger!

It was an animatronic ... but one they'd never seen before? The robot was a female white weasel (slightly shorter in height than Willy) who had soft, pure white fur all over her body; a bit like the fur on a fluffy cat.

She also had pink eyes, a pink cowgirl hat on her head, and a pink glittery ribbon bow tied around her furry neck. The unknown weasel's eyes seemed to light up when they saw Sarah, Joey, and Cammy.

"Joey! Daisy! I'm so glad that you're safe!" she exclaimed, opening her arms wide for a hug. But the two aforementioned kids didn't move.

They were too busy staring at the white weasel, with jaws now dropped in shock and hope. No way ... her voice ... the soft look in her eyes ...

"Guys, it's me!" the new animatronic pleaded, smiling gently at Joey and Daisy. "Your mother! I'm still alive, and all better now!"

That finally broke the siblings out of their combined state of shock. Daisy and Joey immediately erupted into runs straight towards their mum, tears of joy quickly pouring down their faces.

Sarah's kids slammed into her, and hugged the white weasel with such force ... that she would have fallen over; had she still been human.

"Mummy! You're okay!" Daisy cried, her face now buried in the white weasel's chest fur. Sarah smiled as she rubbed her daughter's back comfortingly.

"Of course, I am, Daisy", the weasel murmurs. Sarah then turned her head and gave Cammy Chameleon a rather scrutinising and appraising look. The animatronic chameleon shuffled her feet rather nervously at that.

"The little girl got concerned when she heard the gunshot earlier", Cammy explained, smiling weakly. The female weasel robot nodded slowly as she understood, and her expression softened.

"Ah, I see." Sarah then bent down to nuzzle her children affectionately. It was a strange but fluffy sensation ... and very enjoyable!

Joey and Daisy started giggling ... which was ironic because they were also crying (with joy). The white weasel then stopped and lifted her left paw up; flexing her claws and turning it around in a circle.

"I'm still a bit confused as to where Willy got a female weasel animatronic from at short notice. Looks like a character that I've never seen before", she muttered. Cammy Chameleon instantly perked up at Sarah's query, raising a gloved hand for a second.

"Oooo! Let me explain! The boss actually built that for you!" The white weasel and Sarah and Joey all looked very confused and shocked at this.

"What?" they exclaimed in unison.

"Well, back in the past; Jerry got very worried about you possibly getting hurt and / or dying at some point, Sarah", the robotic chameleon explained clearly.

"So he built this animatronic 'in your likeness'. Named it 'Sadie Weasel'. It was to save you if your life was ever put in mortal danger."

Sarah / Sadie chuckled as she smiled gratefully at Cammy, who instantly smiled back.

"That's my Jer-Jer all right! He always has backup plans to counter any obstacles in his path. Wouldn't expect nothing less!"the white weasel quipped, full-out laughing now.

"I'm really glad that this particular backup plan worked!" she added.

"Me too", Joey said, smiling now. He felt all happy and content now. Daisy nodded.

Their mum was back and with them again. Sadie purred gently and patted her children's heads.

"Don't worry, Joey, Daisy, I'm never going to leave you guys. NEVER. I promise!" Joey's smile widened with relief; until he looked slightly like the Cheshire Cat.

He and Daisy then hugged their mother even tighter. Sadie just hugged them back; content just to be there for her kids. Cammy Chameleon smiled as she watched the family trio reunite.

Then the arcade door was suddenly pushed open ... and a pair of heavy footsteps came in. The second pair from earlier.

Joey heard the strange pair of footsteps approach their group hug quickly; and then a set of larger, furry arms proceeded to wrap around them all. The young boy's smile wavered for a moment, and he sighed.

Joey knew who it was. He still felt conflicted about his friend dying at Willy's, and he STILL disliked the restaurant ... but the weasels' son would be forever grateful to his dad for saving his mum's life.

At the moment, Joey and his sister felt at home and at peace, in the arms of their parents.

How heartwarming is this, just curious? Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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