Sarah's Sacrifice - Part 3

This is the third part of this oneshot! In here, there's some angst, some dilly-dallying and some fatherly feeling from Jerry / Willy. 😊🤗 I hope that you guys like it! 👍


Joey wiped his tears away with a hand, and looked up at his father with mingled distrust and hope.


"If we're very quick, we might just do it ... good thing I still have that pet project of mine in the back ..." The boy rolled his eyes as his animatronic father seemed to ramble to himself.

Joey's mum, ironically, did exactly the same thing in the past. Luckily, this time, Jerry didn't stay distracted for long!

"Come along, Joey! Time to save Sarah!" Willy Weasel said, turning and walking swiftly towards the right side corridor.

He had a expression of determination and extreme stubbornness on his face. The weasel's son ran after him, gasping for breath as he tried to keep up with his super speedy father.

"Dad!" The animatronic leader skidded to a stop as he heard Joey's voice again. He sighed as he turned around.

"What is it?"

"Is the plan safe though?" the young boy questioned pointedly, his brow furrowing.

Nobody could blame him for being worried about it though. Willy just rolled his eyes, turned back and started speed-walking again.

"Yes, yes, I promise that my plan is safe!" he called to Joey behind him. The boy's brow furrowed further as he followed his dad. Somehow, Joey wasn't reassured at all by that promise.

"GUYS! COME QUICK! IT'S AN EMERGENCY!" the weasel robot roared very loudly as he, Sarah and Joey continued down the corridor.

The roar was immediately answered by the sound of clattering footsteps, gasps for breath, and rapid scrabbling ... from ahead of the trio. The small group all stopped, knowing who, or rather whom were coming.

The first to make an appearance was Siren Sara ... crawling quickly along on the ceiling for some strange reason? Arty Alligator came next; half-scrabbling, half-running; in a manner reminiscent of the animal his character was based on.

The rest of the gang came afterwards in one massive mob. They all halted in front of their leader and his family.

Arty stood up, brushing his art smock down. Siren Sara then leapt down from the ceiling; landing on the floor in front of her fellow crew-mates.

"What is it, Willy?" the animatronic fairy asked the aforementioned weasel; before then seeing what he held in his paws. Sara immediately reeled back then; putting both hands to her mouth, and looking very aghast.

Sensing something badly wrong, the other robots pushed past the aforementioned siren to try and see what Sara had just seen. The fairy robot quietly let them pass; her mind currently in a state of shock.

Tito Turtle was the next to see Sarah ... and gasped; his beak falling open in sheer horror.

"¡Santa vaca! ¡Es horrible! (Holy Cow! It's horrific!)" the blue reptile animatronic muttered as he looked at the extent of the weasel's wife's injuries.

The rest of Willy's crew had now surrounded Sarah, Willy and Joey; and were making similar exclamations of distress at the situation.

"Omigod, Sarah?!" Cammy cried, wringing her white gloves in sadness. Knighty Knight pushed his visor right up; so that he could get a better look at the wound.

"She's been shot ... who did this?!" he boomed angrily, his gloved hands tightening on his sword.

"This is just terrible!" Gus mumbled, his gorilla face looking very depressed indeed! Ozzie grimaced at the sight; and then sighed.

"Looks like a fatal injury to me", he idly remarked ... and then got suddenly smacked over the head by the animatronic alligator.

"You idiot! Look at the boss! He looks like the universe has just collapsed around him!" Arty snarled, rolling his eyes at the robotic bird's obliviousness.

The deep snarl seemed to bring Siren Sara out of her shocked stare with a flinch. She blinked, and then a look of fear and determination came over her plastic face.

"We have to save her, Jerry!" the siren stated firmly. Her comrades all nodded enthusiastically at that! The big weasel animatronic fought down a massive sigh of exasperation.

That's exactly why I called them all to me in the first place!! Bunch of idiots, sometimes. Still, at least they understand the dire emergency now.

"And we will!" Willy reassured his gang. "Gus, Tito, Ozzie, you three go and fetch that pet project I finished just before the cops came for us", he said, gesturing back down the corridor.

"Then meet me, Arty, Sara and Knighty in the Super Happy Fun Room. We have a lot of things to set up, and there isn't any time to waste!" The mentioned animatronic mascots all nodded eagerly.

"Yes, Willy!" they said. Cammy Chameleon, who'd not been tasked with anything, then stepped forward ... looking a bit apprehensive.

"What about me, boss?" she asked. The animatronic weasel smiled as he sensed her eagerness to be useful.

"Cammy, I want you to take Joey; and go to the arcade where Daisy is. Keep a sharp eye on the both of them until I get back, understand?" Willy Weasel said, slowly and carefully.

He knew that, as one of the most reliable of his cultists; Cammy Chameleon was capable of keeping his kids safe. The aforementioned pink lizard's eyes lit up and she nodded quickly.

"Got it!"

Cammy reached for Joey's hand, but the boy backed away from the chameleon and threw his arms around his father's left leg.

"But Dad, I want to help Mum too! I want to save her as well!" Joey pleaded loudly, not really caring about the killer nature of the robots around him. The boy just wanted his mother okay again.

Willy sighed; and bent down once again, to look his son in the eyes.

"Joey ..." the weasel robot began. "You can ... but you can't do what we're doing. The process is FAR too dangerous for a child to know about and / or do."

Jerry / Willy may have been more than slightly reckless, stubborn and brash ... but he was not stupid. Dark magic was not and never to be used by kids.

Probably was his common sense ... or maybe it was his recently awakened fatherly side? Nonetheless, the sudden crestfallen expression on Joey's face signified his discontent with his dad's words.

What do you think of Willy's new-found common sense in this part? Part 4 is the last part! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍

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