Hidden in Plain Sight - Part 4
Here is the last part of the four-part animatronic AU oneshot, requested by @OliveMint. In this part, Siren Sara finds out what her recently animated comrades are really like ... to her horror! I hope that you guys like it! 👍
Willy's Wonderland, a week later ...
Things quickly got back to normal after that at Willy's Wonderland ... well, relatively normality.
An eccentric businessman called Tex Macadoo soon bought the restaurant, and rehired all of the old employees (except for Jerry and Tito, of course!).
The families came back too, and soon the 'fun times' were back in force! Aside from the change in ownership and number of employees, it was like the police raid had never happened!
All was well ... apart from a couple of issues. Willy Weasel, and Tito Turtle ... to give their names. Ever since those two animatronics 'woke up', they'd been acting in extremely odd ways.
At least ... to the other robots. Willy Weasel was almost always in an irritable mood, and made it very clear that he had little patience for his new robot comrades.
The big weasel always replied dryly and sassily to anybody trying to talk to him. Except, of course, if it was Tito! The aforementioned turtle was the only one of the group who could exchange cordial words with Willy.
It probably helped that Tito always listened whenever the big weasel spoke to him, or asked him to do something. The animatronic turtle was certainly nicer and more polite towards the other mascots than Willy was ... but ... Tito had his moments.
SCARY moments.
Like the time Gus had accidentally called the turtle robot a 'tortoise' ... and Tito 'erupted' with pure rage in response!
It turned out that Tito really, really hated it when people mixed up similar species ... like alligators and crocodiles, for example.
The unaware gorilla had nearly been terrified out of his life by the blue turtle's sudden, aggressive outburst ... and was only saved by Willy!
The big weasel had quickly involved himself when he saw Tito lunge at Gus to try to bite him! Holding the growling, snapping turtle away by one paw, Willy had comforted Gus calmly with pats from his other paw.
The animatronic weasel then calmly informed the others of the reasons behind the outburst ... before dragging Tito away for a chat. The next day, the turtle robot approached Gus and Sara with a chastened expression.
Tito fully apologised to the gorilla for his actions, explaining why he took offence ... while accepting the blame for his actions. Gus forgave the turtle, and Sara helped to iron out any remaining misunderstandings.
Despite that, the older mascots still had a sort of eerie feeling whenever they were around Willy and Tito. Like there was more to the duo than met the eye ... something 'wrong'.
But Siren Sara just blew it off as the 'shock from being finally alive' ... and the others followed her lead.
Until one night ... when things got even WORSE ...
Back on the stage in the dining hall, Willy's Wonderland, on 'that night' ...
The clock had just struck midnight in the locked-up restaurant, and the animatronics were 'chillaxing' on their stage.
Some were sleeping, some were chatting, and the rest were playing a game of draughts that a family had accidentally left behind.
Tito Turtle, who was currently embroiled in an argument with Arty over how awesome turtles are compared to gators, suddenly fell silent.
He'd just become aware of a strange, quiet, clinking, knocking sound in the direction of the doors.
The other chatting and game-playing robots fell silent one by one, as they too noticed the sound.
Those mascots looked both confused and curious as they didn't know what it was. But Tito knew.
Before the blue turtle had been employed at the restaurant (when he was human), Tito had indulged in the ways of petty thievery.
He'd stopped when he got a respectable job, but Tito could always recognise robbery when he saw it! Or heard it!
"Guys ... guys, someone's breaking in!" the blue turtle proclaimed in a loud whisper, as he pointed at the double doors. "They're picking the locks."
This caused his friends' eyes to widen and expressions to change to worried ones.
"What?!" Siren Sara shouted in shock, waking up all of the sleeping robots, except for Willy Weasel. Tito walked quickly over to the big weasel, and shook his shoulders gently.
"Willy. Willy! Willy!" the turtle robot called quietly, smiling as a low rumble from said weasel was heard.
"This had better be important ..." growled Willy Weasel as he stirred and opened his eyes.
At that very moment, the doors opened ... with a final click of the lock picks used!
All of the animatronic mascots instantly froze into immobility as two strange men walked confidently into the dining hall. As he went still, Willy Weasel smirked with glee and interest at the intruders.
This will be interesting!
"Can't believe that was so easy, hehe!" said the burglar in front. "Come in, Evan! It's all clear here!" The other man, following him, looked a lot more cautious and wary.
"Are you sure it's safe, George?" Evan asked nervously. The aforementioned man quickly turned and gave Evan a deadpan look.
"Safe?!" George then threw back his head and let out a bark of derisive laughter. "Ha! It's practically perfect for burglary, my friend! See!"
The first burglar pointed at the alarm devices ceiling above them.
"I told you earlier that Macadoo's a moron and cheapskate. Those security alarms he got are flimflam ones!" he explained.
"They don't work right at all! The old codger got scammed all right. Unlucky for him, lucky for us!" Evan's eyes brightened in understanding, and he smiled at his colleague-in-crime.
"I guess you're right, George!" he said. George scoffed lightly at that.
"I ALWAYS am, Evan", he boasted. The latter just rolled his eyes.
"I guess we should start searching the rooms for loot then", Evan said, pragmatically. George nodded.
"Agreed! Let's check out that Siren Sara room first!" he replied, as he walked towards the right side corridor. Evan followed him, and soon the two men were out of sight.
The animatronic mascots relaxed once that happened ... physically, but not mentally.
"What'll we do, Sara?" Knighty Knight asked anxiously, automatically asking the fairy for advice.
"Shhhh, don't let them hear you, dumb-brain!" Ozzie hissed.
"Calm down, everyone", Sara interrupted, silencing the arguing pair. "We just need to stay still and inconspicuous so that they don't suspect anything!"
Her friends nodded at her pragmatic approach to the problem.
"Good thinking, Sara!" Cammy agreed. It was highly unlikely that the robbers would damage the robotic mascots, and thus it would be better to stay out of their way.
However ... a certain diabolical weasel had an entirely different idea of what to do!
"Actually ..." the other animatronics immediately turned to look at Willy as he spoke. "I have a better idea", the weasel said with a crooked, charming grin.
Most of his mechanical associates shot him questioning and sceptical looks ... unsure what idea could be better than Sara's?
"What is it, Willy?" the aforementioned siren said, slightly put out ... but willing to consider an alternative. Willy weasel's grin widened at the acceptance.
"What I was thinking ... was that I could go and put a stop to the burglary right now, guys. Mascots moving on their own would surprise a lot of people, and freak some out", he explained.
"If I can 'freak them out' enough, I can chase them away from the restaurant. What do you think?" From the big weasel's point of view, the reaction from his comrades seemed to be mixed.
Arty, Ozzie and Gus seemed to be for it, Knighty Knight looked to be considering it ... but Sarah and Cammy didn't look too convinced.
"I don't know, Willy", the blue fairy said, frowning.
"Yeah! It seems kind of not nice to them", Cammy nodded, frowning too.
The aforementioned weasel had to quickly restrain his immediate reaction ... which would have been to sneer at the chameleon robot's compassionate nature.
"They're robbers, Cammy ... they're very bad people", Willy Weasel said, with forced empathy. He patted her gently on the back.
"If we don't deal with them now, then they may wreck the restaurant! Willy's Wonderland would be out of business." The animatronic weasel's voice then lowered to a soft, manipulative purr.
"And you guys would NEVER see the kids again." Tito smirked at the slow-growing horrified expression on Cammy's face.
The blue turtle knew that his boss pretty much had her acceptance, before she even spoke.
"I guess you have a point, Willy", the multicoloured chameleon reluctantly said. The other robots nodded as well.
The big weasel smirked openly in triumph as he then turned to face the rest of the mascots.
"See! I knew that you'd agree with me in the end!" Willy Weasel declared, clapping his paws together. "Now, who wants to help me with the 'scaring'?"
A blue clawed paw instantly shot up as Tito volunteered quickly.
"I'll help! Me, me, me!" Willy chuckled knowingly at his turtle friend's eagerness.
"Thanks, Tito!" he said, looking around to see if there were any other volunteers.
No other hands, or wings shot up ... accompanied by apologetic expressions. The animatronic weasel just shrugged, accepting their reluctance without bother.
"All right, everyone! Just wait here for a while, Tito and I will handle these troublemakers!" Willy Weasel called as he jumped off the stage and walked towards the right side corridor.
"See you guys later!" Tito Turtle chirped as he jogged enthusiastically after his boss.
10 minutes later ...
Minutes passed, and Willy and Tito didn't come back. Neither did the robbers. The rest of the animatronics waited and waited with anticipation to learn the result.
But no one came to tell them, in any way. The mascots slowly started to get bored, and very, VERY worried!
"Do you think they're all right?" Cammy whispered, looking downcast. "I mean ... it's two mere robots against two, fully-grown humans!"
Arty scoffed at her concern.
"Willy would probably have a fit if you said that, Cammy!" he replied sassily.
"Yeah! So would Tito!" Ozzie added. The chameleon robot winced and sighed.
"I know, I know. I'm just concerned for them, really", she explained quietly.
"Us too", Sara said, nodding and patting her lizard friend on the back.
The blue siren turned and glanced at the rest of her friends, who nodded too. Siren Sara then looked thoughtful for a second.
"I'll just go and quickly check on them", the fairy decided, turning and hopping off the stage.
"Wait, Sara!"
The joint cry made the siren pause, and glance back at her worried friends.
"Don't worry! You'll be fine, I promise!" Sara said soothingly, shooting them a warm smile. "If anybody else comes into the hall, just stay still and silent. I'll be okay too! Back soon!"
The blue fairy then turned back, and slipped quietly into the right side corridor.
"Great, just great. Now we have THREE robots to worry about!" Knight Knight grumbled as his hands clenched around his sword tightly.
"Oh, shush, you old tin can!" Ozzie drawled, bopping the animatronic knight on the head with his beak. "They'll be all right, I'm sure!"
"I hope so", mumbled Cammy, crossing her fingers.
In the right side corridor, just outside the Siren Sara's Enchanted Forest room, seconds later ...
Siren Sara crept quietly along the right side corridor, trying not to give her presence away with her movements.
She could see her character namesake's room at the end of the corridor, and hoped that her fellow robots were still in one piece!
Suddenly the silence was broken by a very scary hullaboo ... coming from inside the Enchanted Forest Room.
Bloodcurdling screams, roars, growls, and things being thrown around. The blue siren's face practically froze in fear, as her insides cringed in horror!
"WILLY?! TITO?!" Sarah called as she practically rushed at the door, slammed it open, and crashed into the 'Enchanted Forest'.
Inside the Siren Sara's Enchanted Forest room, seconds later ...
"Guys, are you all—" Siren Sara's cry died away, as she skidded to a stop in utter horror.
The Enchanted Room was utterly trashed! The various toys and play equipment were strewn haphazardly all over the place, which was also ... dirty. 'Dirty' in a very bad way!
The dead bodies of Evan and George lay in twisted positions at the feet of the siren's friends. Before she could think to run, the duo turned around and saw her!
Willy and Tito were not damaged in any way, but also dirty all over ... particularly their teeth, beak, and claws!
"Oh, hi Sara!" the blue turtle said cheerfully, as if if he wasn't in the middle of a murder scene. Willy smirked evilly as he gave Sarah his full attention.
"Hello, my dear! Yes, we're all right! Just dealt with the thieves, and are having a celebratory snack." The big weasel then gestured to the bodies on the floor.
"Want to join us?"
What do you think? I wrote it to have an ambiguous ending so you all can imagine what happens next?
I like those kinds of endings, lol! Vote and comment if you like it! 👍
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