Don't Look Back: Part 4

Very sorry about the lateness of this oneshot: it got slowed by some sickness, private film event, and a great deal of stress! It's a bit longer than usual because of some of the character dialogues. I hope that you enjoy it!

Morning eventually came. The golden light of dawn trickled slowly across the horizon, turning slightly reddish as the sun came up. As if the sky wanted to remind everyone what had happened last night at Willy's Wonderland.

Jeb squinted through his sunglasses as he drove the Janitor's car, now with brand new tyres fitted, down to Willy's Wonderland. He chuckled as he pushed down on the accelerator, and watched the scenery just stream past as fast as a train. This car was a dream! Practically perfect in every way! Tex was just going to just love this new car. 'I wonder if he'll end up using it all the time. Wouldn't surprise me really.'

The middle-aged mechanic then frowned. What was that up ahead? A stalled vehicle and a body lay in the road. A car crash? Jeb slowed his car down as he recognized the police cruiser. The hell?! He quickly stopped his car just in front of the disaster and got out to investigate.

To Jeb's horror, it was a bloody Deputy Evan ... sprawled out on the road, limp, and wheezing huskily for breath. The mechanic hastily inspected him, and gasped in horror as he inspected Evan's wounds. The man had been BITTEN multiple times, not sliced by shrapnel from a damaged car. This was no car crash!

Jeb propped the gasping deputy against the right side of the cruiser as he brought out a bottle of water, uncapped it and held it to Evan's lips. The policeman suddenly grasped the bottle and drank it all down in huge gulps. Jeb then grabbed the bottle back and patted Evan on the back.

"Slow down, calm yourself, man. What happened?" Deputy Evan looked up at Jeb with haunted eyes, filled with unfathomable terror.

"... in my car!"


"Turtle ... turtle robot from ... the restaurant ... in my car! My god, it was alive! It was moving, it was talking! How could it move?! How could it talk?!"

Jeb patted the shaking man on the back again and sighed. That reaction was common in Hayesville among those who'd survived an encounter with Willy and his crew. Evan took a deep breath and then continued.

"It grabbed me by the throat ... dragged me out of the car ... started chewing me up ..." The deputy shuddered and clutched at his bloody chest. "Liv ... started fighting ... the turtle and it ... dropped me and-"

"Wait now, hold on!" Jeb's eyes were now very wide. "Liv was with you?!"

The deputy nodded, his voice getting stronger and clearer with the help of the water.

"The Sheriff and I ... went to Willy's ... Wonderland in order to rescue Liv and her friends. Teens ... all dead except for Liv. Lund ... ordered me to take Liv back to Hayesville ... but we were attacked by the turtle ... Liv tried to fight ... the turtle took her away ... I think then I must have passed out ..."

Jeb's face had now gone white.

"Goddarn it! This whole world's going to pieces! Evan, where was Tito Turtle taking Liv?" The deputy thought for a moment.

"B-back to the restaurant, I think ... to his boss ... the weasel."

Jeb sat down on the ground heavily. He didn't know what the hell was going on! After a minute, the mechanic resolved to continue on his way to Willy's Wonderland. Maybe when he met up with Tex and they talked to Sheriff Lund, they could sort this whole mess out. Jeb stood up and helped Evan to his feet.

"Come along, come with me, Evan. We're going to find the others. You need help, and some stiches for those bites of yours!" Evan didn't argue, only looked thankful as Jeb put him in the passenger seat, and then climbed into the driver's seat. The remainder of the trip to the restaurant was spent in worried silence, each man stressed out about the current situation before them.

Soon they reached the location of Willy's Wonderland and drove in. Tex was sitting on the bonnet of his car, looking impatient. He stood up as Jed parked right in front of him.

"About time you showed up, Jeb! How's my ne-" Tex's words died away as Deputy Evan opened the passenger door and walked a few wobbly steps away. "Saints preserve us, what happened to him?!" Jeb, who'd already gotten out of the car, made it short and blunt.

"He got mauled by the turtle in Willy's crew, said turtle kidnapped Liv Hawthorne and took her back here for some reason, and we need to talk to Lund NOW." The normally nonchalant Jeb was now deadly serious. Tex took his cigar out of his mouth and sighed.

"The Sheriff's not out here, and not answering her phone. I tried calling several times." Evan then looked at the unlocked doors of the restaurant.

"Maybe we should search for her in there?"

"What do you think I am, an idiot?" Tex scoffed.

"Might be safe now, since the sun's come up?" Jeb pointed out. Tex sighed again, before putting his cigar back in his mouth and stepping forward to open the doors. The three men went in and looked around.

To Tex and Jeb at least, it looked like nothing had changed much. Willy and his crew still stood on the stage, silent and still. The room and its furniture were in general disorder. The only obvious new thing was the stained confetti that lay ankle deep on the floor of the room.

Evan looked around, sweating and shaking all over. This was NOT worth overtime pay AT ALL! The deputy then noticed a familiar rifle on the floor, next to a familiar foot. Evan walked as quickly as he could over to the foot, and brushed away the confetti to reveal a pale, unconscious Sheriff Lund on the floor with a lacerated chest.

Evan gasped in horror, drawing Tex and Jeb's attention. They quickly came over and picked the Sheriff up, and then checked her pulse. Tex grinned.

"Thank god, she's still alive. I knew the old devil would be tough enough to be! Eloise? Eloise!" Sheriff Lund groaned, opening her eyes slowly.

"T-Tex?" She looked around blearily for a moment, and then her gaze settled on the other two men. "Jeb? Evan?" Then a familiar hardened, tough expression came over Lund's face. "Put me down ... now! Get off me! I can walk!" Jeb rolled his eyes.

"Yep, still the same old devil", he muttered as he and Tex put the injured Sheriff down on her feet carefully and stepped back. Evan inspected the massive claw marks across Lund's chest.

"What or who did this?" The Sheriff sighed. "I'll give you one seven-foot-tall, orange, pretty obvious guess." Tex looked thunderstruck.

"Why?! We made that deal with him, didn't we?!" Lund winced and put a hand to her chest.

"I guess Willy was too mad to reason with at the time. He just appeared out of nowhere behind me. I turned around, saw him ... next second, I was flying sideways very quickly. I crashed into a table leg and everything went black." The Sheriff then scowled at her deputy. "What are you doing here? You're meant to be looking after Liv!" A sudden fearful expression then appeared on Lund's face. "Where is she? Tell me!" Evan swallowed nervously.

"The ... the turtle, Tito Turtle ambushed us, hurt me, and took Liv back here."


Tex suddenly cleared his throat nervously.

"Guys, look at that." He pointed at a half-hidden body lying on the ground directly in front of Willy. The others turned around and looked as well, with widened eyes.

"LIV!" Lund shrieked, running as fast as she could to the body. Jeb, Tex and Evan ran after her. They found the policewoman leaning over the still Liv, checking her pulse.

"Is she ...?" Jeb whispered.

"Stone cold and no pulse", replied Sheriff Lund, starting to sob. "Oh ... Liv."

"How did she die? No marks of any kind on her," muttered Tex. Evan, like Lund, looked rather glum.

"Some deputy I am ... letting Liv be ta-"

"Evan?" The voice made all of the humans spin around in shock. The pitter-patter of soft paws then was heard as a furry shape ran out from behind some fallen chairs and faced the group.

"Is that you?" said the furry toy rabbit, with a tear-stained face ...

... and Liv's voice.

The group's jaws collectively hit the floor hard.

"Jeb", Tex breathed hoarsely. "Tell me, it's not who or what I think I'm seeing?" The aforementioned man just sighed and remained silent.

"Liv? My little girl, is that you?" Lund whispered, slowly walking towards her. The toy rabbit looked up at her quietly, then nodded while sniffling slightly. Then Liv suddenly burst out into heartbreaking, shuddering sobs, while trying to use her new, long furry ears to dry her eyes.

"Shhh, I'm here, Liv." Sheriff Lund picked the crying bunny up and held her close, shushing her gently. Liv didn't resist, only kept crying. Evan blinked in shock and confusion.

"How? Why? How di-"

"That bloody weasel always chooses the nastiest fates for those who cross him. Liv's a bouncing bunny now", Tex growled. Liv hiccupped quietly.

"M-Mum." Lund blinked. Liv hadn't called her Mum since ... ever! "Mum ... I w-wanna go h-home!" the toy rabbit mumbled, burying her face in her foster mother's shoulder. Sheriff Lund nodded, patting Liv's head. She beckoned to the three men and pointed towards the open front doors, starting to walk towards them. Tex and Jeb nodded, walking beside them.

"We'll drive you and Evan to the hospital, marm, you need those wounds seen to. I'll tow the cruiser back to your place too."

"Thanks, Jeb! It'll be okay, Liv, we'll be home soon, and away from these ... MONSTERS!" Lund alternately whispered soothingly and spat with disgust.

"Awww, but I thought we were FRIENDS, Eloise!"

The group froze in their tracks for a second. That voice. That HORRIBLY familiar, sleazy voice with its strong New Jersey accent, and recorded animatronic undertone.

Evan's face went white as he felt his hair being ruffled by hot, stinking breath of SOMETHING tall and behind him. He made an attempt to turn around, only to be stopped by Lund's hand on his shoulder. The Sheriff just shook her head and pointed at the open door. Evan gulped and then nodded.

The group of people (and one bunny) then continued to walk to the doors. Liv raised her head up, only to meet the gaze of the animatronic weasel standing in the middle of the main hall. Willy Weasel smirked and made a mocking 'goodbye' wave to Liv, who only squeaked and buried her face back into Lund's shoulder.

"Don't look back", Sheriff Lund told Liv as she carried her now-furry foster daughter into the bright sunshine of the day outside ...

... and out of the dark hellhole that was Willy's Wonderland.

Well, that's the end of this oneshot series! What do you think of it? Please comment down below!

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