Beats of a Turtle's Heart - Part 3
This is the final part of the three-part oneshot! Sorry for the wait! I hope that you enjoy it! 👍
The song continues ...
Tito + Callie:
Cantar al amor ya no bastará
(Singing to love will no longer suffice)
Es poco para mí
(It's little for me)
Tito was now singing his heart out, his voice happy and full of confidence. Callie was singing happily too. The duo's voices made for a perfect duet.
Si quiero decirte que nunca habrá
(If I want to tell you that there will never be)
Cosa más bella que tú
(Thing more beautiful than you)
Everyone now could tell that the animatronic turtle and the popstar wolf cared a lot for each other. Even the little kids.
Cosa más linda que tú
(Prettier thing than you)
The duo then leaned in very close to each other. Tito cupped Callie's left cheek with one paw, and gave it a little peck of a kiss.
Única cómo eres
(Unique how you are)
Callie blushed yet again, and stroked the brim of Tito's blue sombrero. Now it was the turtle's turn to go very red.
Tito + Callie:
Gracias por existir
(Thank you for existing)
Both singers took hands and whirled themselves around in a big circle, looking into each other's eyes as well.
Siren Sara was quite impressed with Tito's dancing. Almost as good as her, and she was a former dance instructor!
¿Cómo comenzamos?, yo no lo sé
(How do we start? I don't know)
La historia que no tiene fin
(The story that has no end)
It was Callie's time to sing solo now. Her pure, clear voice raised whoops and camera flashes from her fans in the audience.
Tito + Callie:
Que es ese misterio que no se fue
(What is that mystery that did not go away)
The turtle and wolf danced away from each other for a couple of steps, stopping at the edges of the stage. They then faced each other and slowly walked forward.
Lo llevo aquí dentro de mí
(I carry it here inside of me)
Tito and Callie touched their chests, then reached out to each other. Their paws were in an inch of touching each other.
Serán los recuerdos que no
(It will be the memories that)
No dejan pasar la edad
(They don't let age pass)
The animatronic turtle sidestepped towards Callie, his voice as smooth as his dance moves. Tito's charisma was once again showing itself, and his charm too.
Serán las palabras, pues yo
(It will be the words, well I)
Trabajo con el corazón
(I work with my heart)
The popstar wolf, in her turn, sidestepped parallel to her crush. Dancing on her tiptoes and singing soft and sweet.
Tito + Callie:
Cantar al amor ya no bastará
(Singing to love will no longer suffice)
Es poco para mí
(It's little for me)
Callie smiled and reached out a paw towards Tito. The turtle took it, and whirled her into his chest again.
Si quiero decirte que nunca habrá
(If I want to tell you that there will never be)
Cosa más bella que tú
(Thing more beautiful than you)
"Hey! Boss!" Ozzie whispered to the big weasel. Without stopping playing music, Willy turned his head towards the ostrich.
Cosa más linda que tú
(Prettier thing than you)
"What is it, Ozzie?"
"You're never going to let Tito forget this, right?" the animatronic ostrich asked, smirking.
Única cómo eres
(Unique how you are)
Willy Weasel shook his head, his smile turning into a smirk that matched the ostrich's.
Tito + Callie:
Gracias por existir
(Thank you for existing)
The duo finished their duet as Tito dipped Callie in his arms, and held her there for a couple of seconds. The animatronic and the popstar were both smiling happily at each other, without a flicker of embarrassment or shyness in their expressions.
Willy slowly turned the song off as it ended, the sound fading into silence. He and his crew stopped playing at the same time.
The audience then broke into thunderous applause, Callie's fans especially.
"CALLIE! CALLIE!" they chanted. Willy was a little surprised to find himself clapping too. He never really was one for real public endearment, not even when Jerry was human.
But the weasel had to admit; Tito had performed very well indeed! Sang almost as good as me! Willy then heard cheering from the stage beside, and behind him.
Could it be ...? The orange and yellow weasel raised an eyebrow, as he turned ... and saw the other animatronics looking at Tito in awe and admiration. Wow! I reckon this'll be a day that Tito won't forget in a hurry! he thought, smirking.
Nor will the rest of the crew too! Tito and Callie were still looking into each other's eyes, leaning their foreheads slightly together.
"I love you, Callie!" the blue-grey turtle animatronic breathed in a whisper. "Always have ... from the moment, I first saw you, my wolfstar." The popstar wolf smiled and booped Tito gently on the beak.
"Love you too, turtle boy. I've liked you for a long time too. Don't worry about earlier, your goofiness always makes you more adorable!"
Tito and Callie then gave each other a little kiss, this time on the mouths. The kids in the audience all made faces, while the teenagers and adults all smiled. A claw snap (courtesy of Willy Weasel) later, and pink confetti suddenly fell onto the stage from above.
This brought a lot of 'awwws' and whoops from the audience. Jerry had installed a special, hidden confetti machine up on the ceiling ... for rare occasions. THIS was one of those occasions, so decided the weasel.
Tito blushed very red at the use of the confetti, but was then distracted by Callie. The wolf gave him a big, warm, furry hug. The turtle animatronic hugged back.
Tito then turned one eye around to look at the orange and yellow weasel to the right of him. Willy Weasel saw his sombrero-wearing comrade wink and smile at him. He knew what it meant.
Thanks for all the help!
Willy smiled back.
Vote and comment if you like it! 👍 Sorry if it's a bit cheesy, I'm not the best at writing romance. 🥰
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