Twisted Allure Of A Siren.
Disclaimer: I don't own Willy's Wonderland. I don't own the picture (cover). Or the song.
(I had a weird ass dream last night. Here ya go. Ya'll are seeing this oneshot anyway.)
(Hope you enjoy.)
Liv explored the trailer once again.
She'd been here for years. But it had been many since defeating the spirits of Willy's Wonderland.
Once Eloise left the premises, she needed a moment to herself. She didn't understand the trauma Liv managed most of the time.
At least I have this time.
Eloise needed convincing to even leave alone for a second. She'd become so protective in the month.
Luckily a friend asking if she wanted come out for a drink. Eloise only agreed because Liv insisted.
Even with the wistful smile, she finally said yes. Liv will admit she internally cheered to be alone. And to acknowledge the thought and memories.
A voice started calling the girl around a week ago. It persisted to be listened to. Liv finally gave in and it spoke with a malevolent tone.
Eloise doesn't care.
The voice became more feminine. Mixing with a demonic undertone. So you couldn't tell if it was a male or female.
Yet, Liv could tell it was the latter.
When she discovered a secret room. Liv, being a teen in her early years around sixteen years old, of course made the decision to go into the darkness.
Stupid girl.
And like a horror movie, she's sure she'd regret it.
Liv. Liv. Liv.
The voice's call was put on repeat.
Liv was only human. She made mistakes. And one lead to the death of Willy and his crew. The janitor made his way back to wherever he came from.
He gave Liv that stern look. She immediately stepped out the car, staring a second before pressing the wheels and zooming away.
She hated him now. You'd think he'd take the one who helped to defeat those animatronics with him.
She wanted to run from Eloise. She hates the woman who basically killed her parents-
The voice's call became louder. Liv clearly was only metres away from the source. It demanded her attention, nothing else mattered.
Liv's mind quietened. Thoughts dying, only focusing on the voice's instructions. It lead the girl over to an attic like room.
She pushed in front of the mirror. Liv's reflection stared back. Then seemingly grinned wide.
"Good girl." It hissed normally, hands resting in the glass. "I assume you've been heating my calls?"
"Yes." Liv replied a little scared. "What do you want from me? My friends are dead and I'm the only one left because of the others."
"Eloise." The reflection frowned. "I don't like how she treats you. Like a prize to be won."
It paced around its limited area, stretching the limits to the max. Liv watched in fascination as this supernatural entity haunted the mirror.
"Are you real?"
It's head snapped, looking at her with a disapproving look. It crossed is arms, leaning back against the wall in the mirror.
"Of course I am." It drawled in a bored state, eyes half closed. "You wouldn't be here if I wasn't. It's your.."
It positioned its hands in air quotes-
"-Mother figure that's the crazy one."
Liv couldn't disagree. She ended up biting her lip, a classic habit formed over the years whether in boredom or nervousness.
"She's...protective." Liv tried to defend. "Eloise only has my best interests at heart."
"Ha!" It snorted, arms crossing again. It's gaze paved away and stared into nothing. "She's leeched of your naivety for years. Keeping you as her own. And even didn't tell what disrupted her peace."
Liv froze. Eloise promised no more secrets. She rested her hand against the glass. Eyes begging to ask the question her mouth couldn't.
It grinned.
"The siren survived." It spoke, crooning like Liv was a little child. "And she's on the hunt. Hell, she could even be watching you and you wouldn't know."
Liv into into the entity's eyes. It'd be wanting her attention all week. And now telling this news just out the icing on the cake.
But it's eyes held nothing of a lie. Pure honesty.
Maybe even a little sympathy.
"It's gonna getcha." It whispered sinisterly, giggling a little like a young child. "And she's gonna eat ya."
Liv ran out the room. Bolting away, she forgot the one rule when talking to a supernatural entity even when not on a ouija board.
She didn't say goodbye.
"Did you lie to me?"
Eloise just picked the door. Turning around in confusion to face the little one she'd she raised from an infant up until now.
She always wanted Liv grateful.
"Lie about what?"
"About the damn siren."
Liv's nails gripped the edge of her sleeves. Silent settling in anger, rage barely contained. The sliver of a bond the mother and adopted shattered.
Now only stood the parent killer. Eloise freezing and eyes darting side to size was a classic sing of a liar.
"You did."
Eloise flinched. Liv's eyes were pure black. As if something took the place to balance the emotional drama. And then her normal eyes returned.
"I can't believe you."
Eloise tried placing a hand on Liv's shoulder. She dodged out the way in time for the hand to miss by inches at the side.
"I can't you would lie again. I couldn't forgiven you."
Liv walked like the room into her own. Everything in life she questioned now. Who could have trust? Was everyone only backstabbing jerks?
What's stopping her going back to the mirror? It seemingly had the answers to these secrets.
And she wanted to know who's trust she cherished.
"I thought you were scared."
Liv locker the door. Eloise was asleep. And luckily she slept deep. Just incase she took extra precautions.
"I thought you were a bad spirit."
She dropped sarcasm. The being in the mirror looked rather offended, placing a hand in its chest in mocking wounding.
"You clearly are hurt. I did say."
It held a point. Liv grumbled grumbled under her breath. She really must be sleep deprived to be imaging what the hell was happening.
"You were right. I'm sorry."
It grinned, taking in the apology. Suddenly, it placed its hand in the glass. Liv copies to be polite.
"You let me in. I found myself looking through your eyes. You let me take over. I liked that."
Liv shrugged nonchalantly. She didn't really take in the meaning of those words. The spirit stayed silent.
"Would you let me again?"
Over the weeks of hearing the voice, Liv slowly grew to trust it. Even if it was a demon, it sure wouldn't tell if it was that or not.
And Liv made her last mistake.
And then it attacked. Bearing its fangs, the reflection sped out the mirror, pinning the girl to the wall.
"And when your at Willy's Wonderland."
Siren Sara took its place. Liv realised the consequences of her actions. She'd allowed a demon into her mind.
"You'll have fun."
Black gunk dropped down Liv's throat. She gagged for oxygen, only the siren wouldn't allow such an act.
"Don't worry, Liv."
The demon spoke normally. It used Liv's voice to taunt the girl. Inside her body, taking over every limb from the head to feet.
"I'm not gonna hurt you. Just your loved ones. You too mine. So I'm gonna repay the favour, think of it as a win."
It started started walking. Liv screamed, but her body was no longer her own. It belonged to Sara.
"Eloise won't exist. Just you and me."
It walked out the room casually, spotting the mother figure sleeping peacefully. Liv teared up inside. The demon used her hands to grab a gun.
The trigger that fired killed the one family she had.
The siren used Liv's naivety and took advantage. A neighbour called the police as they walked out. The pilot of the body smiled wide.
"Let's pay a visit to the janitor."
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