37. The Last Battle

"You can't do this Nina! I wanted you all to know my side of the story and not make evidence out of it." Patricia protests from the phone. Nina thought of visiting her in the police station before submitting the evidence in the court. But Patricia is adamant.

"You won't do anything like that Nina! I am happy to finally find peace in this jail! I am just being punished for whatever I did with your lives! Don't ruin your life behind this!"

"Thank you for everything Patricia." Nina whispers before keeping the telephone and getting ready to leave. Patricia gets up to stop her but the guards and the glass between both of them are stopping her.

"Are you sure you want to turn this in?" the lawyer asks Nina for the nth time when she gave him the hard-drive.

"Yes, Mr. James, I am sure. I don't care about the punishment I will get but make sure Patricia doesn't have to be in that jail any longer. And make sure that Carter Williamson rots in jail for the lifetime." Nina says with determination.


"After looking at the pieces of evidence, it is evident about how Mr. Carter Williamson manipulated people and citizens, planned and sent assassins to murder Miss Juliana Martin and Mrs. Patricia Williamson, and last but not the least, tried to hide the evidence by falsely accusing Mrs. Patricia Williamson of the murder."

"The court releases Mrs. Patricia Williamson with full dignity and honor and apologizes for the wrongful accusations put on her."

"Miss Nina Martin, daughter of Juliana Martin, pieces of evidence show that you accidentally in pursuit to defend yourself killed your mother. The court acknowledges it as an act of self-defense and orders her for 6 months of social service."

"The assassin who killed Miss Juliana Martin and attempted murder on Mrs. Patricia Williamson, Mr. Reed Lennar is sentenced to death by hanging."

"Last but not least; Mr. Carter Williamson is being sentenced to life imprisonment without any exemption from duties or a chance to reduce the life term, due to his various crimes. The court is adjourned."

Nina and Fabian look at each other, rejoicing that they have finally got the justice they dreamt of. Patricia looks at them with tears in her eyes. She is happy for them. She glances at Carter, who has a small smirk plastered on his face. He does not seem angry or frustrated. Instead, he looks satisfied! The look he has on his face when everything is going according to his plan.

Patricia was pulled out of her thoughts when she could feel her hands being free. They had taken off the cuffs and were now politely escorting her out of the court. Outside, Nina and Mara run to hug her and she can't control her tears from falling.

Her heart was beating fast when she was sitting in the car. The chatter of Fabian and Alphie faded as Carter's last words ring in her ears.

"These might be the tears of joy but I will turn them into tears of fear and sadness."


They reach the Williamson Castle to celebrate with some wine much to Patricia's unwillingness. She still has a bad feeling about it.

As they open the door to her office, they are greeted by the sight of which Patricia has feared. Jerome was tied to a chair with a gun pointed at his head. The gun was held by Carter. Jerome seemed unconscious so Carter kicks him and he coughs some blood.

Fabian tries to go to him but he just presses the gun more on his head.

"One more step and his brains are all over this place."

"Why are you still doing this Carter?" Patricia tries to emotionally blackmail her, giving Fabian enough time to think of something.

"You thought you all got a happy ending by putting our family name in the mud?"

He walks towards Patricia and hits her hard across her face with a slap. The whole office was echoing with its voice and Alphie and Nina were too shocked to act. Fabian was trying to get closer to Carter to get the gun.

Patricia tries to get up but he hits her again with the base of the gun.

"I thought I could trust you but you ended up being just like my son. Ah! Such a shame. Such a loss of a good mind." Carter chuckles. As soon as he turns, Fabian invites him with a punch on his nose. He drops the gun.

"Quick Alphie, call the cops and get out of the building. Nina, take the gun and shoot Carter. Now!" Fabian shouts. Alphie hurries out and Nina is just looking at the gun on the floor. The memories flashing back.

"You can do it, Nina." Patricia says in a weak voice. Nina looks at her with tears in her eyes. She turns her head towards Fabian who also nods in appreciation. Nina takes a deep breath and closes her eyes pulling the trigger. She could hear the bullet hitting but it hit Carter's shoulder. Nina drops the gun, falling down with it. She couldn't believe what she did. Patricia crawls up to her and holds her shoulders, giving her an appreciating look.

By this time, Jerome had become fully awake, struggling to get out of the ropes. Once he is successful in doing that, he launches himself on Carter, punching and kicking him everywhere. Fabian had to stop him before he kills Carter.

He still gets up, coughing a bit of blood and holding his shoulder, "You think you can win easily? You see that suitcase?" they all turn to a suitcase kept on the table. It looks like a time bomb!

"It's a time bomb connected with that door. Once I close it, you won't be able to get out of this office." He starts laughing maniacally as he moves towards the door. He looks at them before saying one more thing,

"I won't let you all be happy with me suffering. You forgot Patricia that this office was a gift for me. I would know everything about it. I had prepared myself for a day like this."

He bangs the door behind him and goes down the stairs. Nina and Fabian try to open the door but in no vain. Fabian goes on to look at the time bomb.

10 minutes!

He tries to dismantle it but Patricia stops him, "This is connected to the whole Castle and not just the office. If you tamper with the bomb, it will blow the whole place."

"It will anyway blow up the whole place in 10 minutes." Jerome says.

"It won't if we escape." Patricia points at the tile on which Nina is standing. "There is a passage below that which leads out, approximately 7 miles from here."

"But Carter..." Fabian interrupts but she just points at that tile.

"I was the one who made it after Carter handed it to me. He doesn't know about it."

Fabian and Nina waste no time in talking and dig in to remove the tile. They uncover the tunnel's entrance and remove the mud. It is a bit congested which meant only one person could go at a time. Fabian helps Nina enter the tunnel first. When Nina signals that she can feel the ground, he asks Patricia to go next.

Destiny never fails to baffle you and plays its last game. As Patricia tries to walk to the tunnel she trips after getting hit by the table. The suitcase falls with a thud along with the hearts of Patricia and Jerome. With the thud, there was a small explosion one by one from the 1st floor. The time has sped up and it was already exploding. The bomb won't take much time to reach the 39th floor.

Patricia looks at Fabian with tears in her eyes as she pushes Jerome towards him.

"Go and live a happy life." She says as she sits there, finally defeated. Jerome sits beside her, holding her hands.

"I couldn't be a good husband to you but give me a chance to give something back to you. I couldn't stay with Juliana in her last moments. Let me stay with you." He clutches her hands lovingly. Patricia nods and looks at Fabian, giving him her last farewell.

"Take care of her." It is the only thing that Fabian hears before the ceiling of the castle starts falling. Fabian enters the tunnel and the rocks cover the entrance of it, making it impossible for him to see or do anything.

He reaches the end of the tunnel and sees a bit of bright light. When Nina sees a hand appearing, she holds it and tries to pull him up. Fabian comes up and she looks inside the tunnel, waiting for both Patricia and Jerome. But Fabian just sits down in devastation.

"Where are they, Fabian?" Nina asks, not wanting to know the answer. Fabian refuses to look at her. She grabs his face, making him look at her, "I asked where they are?" almost choking on her own tears.

Fabian just nods and hugs her. "I am sorry." Nina tightens the hug as she burst into tears.

The place which the tunnel led to was her mother's grave, Juliana's grave. Patricia would come here to find some peace. And maybe, she finally found some. Nina just holds on to Fabian crying, not knowing if she would be able to stop it.

She lost another mother today!

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