Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 63
A.N: I'm home and while I can't say I'm better than yesterday, the pain meds are working at least. So I'm holed up in my bed and resting. But I managed to make some image panels while I was stuck in hospital bed bcos I was so bored and needed a distraction. Will update now.
Haneul's POV:
"Ms. Lee, here's your sparkling strawberry mojito. Just the way you love."
Haneul tore her gaze from the fashion magazine she was flipping through upon hearing the sweet voice of her assistant. With a hum, she accepted the glass, bringing it to her painted lips. Her thoughts swirled as she waited in the VIP lounge that offered stunning views of the busy runway outside.
Just then, a private jet rolled into her view. She sighed. What wouldn't she give to fly in one of those again. It had been a while since Rodrigo flew her anywhere in his private jet. Yet, deep in her heart, she knew he wouldn't invite her over anymore.
Just then, her manager approached, dropping another magazine on her lap. Her gaze caught a familiar face in the magazine, and her mood soured. Her blood boiled. All the sense of calm she had been sporting slipped off. That should have been her. Instead, the very face that was the reason for her trip back to Korea was staring at her from the papers.
"What the hell!" She clenched her jaw. It took everything in her not to hurl that magazine at the wall. "Did you contact them?"
Her manager and bodyguard shook his head grimly. "They aren't responding to our emails."
"Why would they replace me with her?" She glanced at the magazine cover one more time. It was one of the prestigious magazines, and the path to be on the cover this year was so close. "Fuck this!" she hissed and crushed the magazine. "I did everything they asked for. What more do they want?"
Her manager cleared his throat. "The past few campaigns didn't go well, and they naturally want someone younger on the campaign."
"How can I be responsible for their losses? On the contrary, they should be glad I signed with them."
"No." She scowled. Nothing has been going well lately. "That's bull crap. This is all because of Rodrigo. I've been their ambassador for so long. This year they promised me they would give me more campaigns."
She would know because that was how she replaced the one who was ruling this industry before her.
Haneul hasn't looked back twice after she left Seoul. Luck was on her side. Her first campaign was a success, and the ad she starred in went viral, making her the face of several brands. She was drunk on the popularity it brought and the money that poured in.
However, she soon learned luck alone wasn't enough. She needed someone powerful to support her in order to sustain. Rodrigo was the biggest fish in the modelling world, and he just happened to be interested in her.
But the past year hasn't been great. Things changed. Suddenly she was losing popularity. No matter what she did or how many parties she went to, her name wasn't trending like it used to be. If that wasn't enough, now she was losing several gigs. And that got people talking behind her back already. It wasn't good.
There was a new face in the industry who was slowly gaining popularity, and she didn't like it. To make things worse, this new one was using the same tactics Haneul once used.
She glanced at the model again and growled, "What does she have that I don't? Tell them I'll cancel all other contracts and won't work with them if they remove me from this show."
Her manager sighed. "Haneul, you should know a model's life isn't long. Besides, these companies only care about their profits. We cannot afford to make an enemy out of them."
"So you're telling me that I have to let this slide?" she bared her teeth. "She's nothing but a mushroom that popped in yesterday's rain. How could she even compare? She is in this campaign just because she's fucking that producer. That asshole." Her hand clenched around the glass. She took care of Rodrigo in every way she could, but that pig had to go and do this behind her back. "I'll castrate him if he comes anywhere near me again. Can't believe he was sending me flowers only two weeks ago and promised me that no one would ever sit on my throne. That fucking whore. She seduced him and stole my show. I should have been the one walking the ramp, but it's her!"
"Calm down, Haneul. It's just one show. Let her have it this once."
Haneul glared at her manager. However, the alpha didn't cower under her gaze like her assistant did.
"If you want to do something, you have to be careful," he continued with a wicked grin. "Why do you have to worry when you have me? Besides, let's use this break to brainstorm and think of something that will put you back in the spotlight. It's been a while since you were the talk of the town."
Haneul huffed. "How am I supposed to do that in Korea? We are going back because I'm basically jobless for the next few months, and we are going there to find new gigs."
The alpha shrugged. "We will find something. Korea is different from Paris. It's easy to stir the pot there." He smirked.
Haneul only hummed, her face sporting a permanent frown when her eyes landed on yet another private jet. This one was bigger with the letter 'J' painted on it in bright colors. However, the one who caught her attention was the man, who exited the jet.
Park Jimin?
She jumped to her feet. He might be several feet away, but she would know him anywhere. That was definitely him. What was he doing here in France? And how come he was on a private jet? The alpha exited the jet, looking stunning as ever in a gray suit.
Suddenly her surroundings blurred as her omega rushed to the surface. Her manager's call fell on deaf ears as she ran to the window to look clearly. There was no mistaking that one. It was definitely him. Her eyes fell on the 'J' again.
When did Jimin buy a private jet?
Not long, she smelled the familiar cocoa and coffee scent in the air. Two men followed him, talking animatedly as they stared into their iPads. Jimin had his hands pushed inside his pockets, sharp eyes looking ahead.
Haneul sucked in a breath. He was as handsome as ever. Is that Dior?
There was no doubt. Jimin had changed. Her heart raced, and so did her thoughts. She stared until he disappeared from her view. His rich scent lingered, and she inhaled. Her eyes slightly glazed over. It had been years, but the impact he had on her was all the same.
Once upon a time, all this seemed like a faraway dream. Born in a lower middle-class family that struggled at the end of every month to make ends meet, Haneul never had anything to hope for. Growing up, she had nothing fancy and could only watch others who had it all, imagining herself in their place.
Her parents would often tell her not to dream of something that's out of reach. Not to want something that she cannot have. But that all sounded ridiculous to her. Why can't she have it like the others? Why wasn't she allowed to dream?
She was good at studies, and that brought her some much-needed scholarships. Haneul knew she was good. But, no. She was better than 90% of her class. Better than the rich brats who couldn't even reach anywhere near her grades. Such a pity. Really.
It was something she took pride in. Money might buy them places in prestigious education institutions, and it could even save them from failing miserably and earn some grace from the teachers, but it certainly did not bring the grades to the top 10.
So Haneul worked hard and relished in the fact that they were beneath her in at least one aspect. However, she didn't dare voice out because those rich brats were just that. They always mocked her clothes and laughed at her misfortune. They outnumbered her everywhere, and she had to keep it down, so they didn't mark her as their target.
And when she reached college, things only grew hard. Nevertheless, Hanuel held on, swimming through the rough waters, and gave it her all. However, when the first term results came out, there was a shock waiting for her.
Haneul didn't get that first place for the first time in years. Her expectations were crushed like those papers in her hands, trembling with disbelief. Instead of her name, some random dude sat on it as if it was his throne.
"Park Jimin once again came first."
"What's new? There's no one in this university who can bring him down. He's the real king."
"Ha! Jimin did it again."
Haneul gritted her teeth. What did they mean by Park Jimin did it again? Just who was this Park Jimin?
In the coming days, surprise after surprise awaited Haneul. She hadn't even met the guy yet, but she heard his name more than the lectures she was supposedly here for. Every omega and beta wanted a chance with him, while the alphas aspired to be him.
The man was apparently a senior, graduated a year early, and was now onto his second degree just because he could. It wasn't hard to learn more about him when he was the hot topic of discussion. Park Jimin this and Park Jimin that.
It surprised her even more when she found out she was simultaneously doing his master's while adding another degree to his portfolio. Maybe that added more to her anger. Why couldn't he stop and move on? Why was he doing another bachelor's degree? The answer was right in front of her.
As she suspected, he was rich. And that angered her even more. She should have realized it from his family name. The Park clan was the biggest, alongside the Jeon clan. But, honestly, he didn't even need this, unlike her.
Haneul was honestly exhausted. After learning she had a competition, she worked twice as hard, sometimes losing sleep. All she could think about was how to beat him on the scoreboard. Before she knew, the following term was already here. Yet, once again, Park Jimin had beaten her to the punch. That second place stuck out like a sore thumb. It was bad. She was losing in the only thing she was good at.
She was storming out of one of the classes, when she bumped into someone. It would be a bit cliché if someone asked her, but a strong pair of arms caught her and straightened her. She lifted her gaze only to be stunned into silence.
Looking at her was the most handsome alpha she ever laid her eyes one. When he spoke, she could only gasp. He asked if she was okay with the kindest smile, and she almost fainted with all the blood rushing to her head.
Later, she learned that it was none other than her nemesis Park Jimin—the one who beat her at every scoreboard. Haneul scoffed when she reached the dorms. Her heart still hammered in her chest. She blamed it on her omega and those stupid alpha pheromones.
But then, suddenly, Park Jimin was everywhere she went. It was odd from going without knowing who he was to running into him in every corridor. It was as if he was purposefully there. Her suspicion soon confirmed when the other omegas started looking at her. Their jealous stares bore holes in her back.
Haneul ignored them because they were absolutely crazy for thinking that Park Jimin was interested in her. Moreover, the stories she heard about him weren't that great. He was popular alright. Only it wasn't only for studies but also for his partying ways. The rumors said he never slept with the same omega twice. And that he was a god in bed.
She wasn't going to test the theory. Haneul had better things to do. She had to replace him on that scoreboard.
However, her attempts to overthrow him were futile. He once again beat her in the next term as well. Not long after that, he asked her out.
As much as she didn't want to date him, she wasn't blind either. She saw him coming to college in a luxurious car or a two-wheeler every day. He changed his vehicles like he changed his shirt. He threw extravagant parties, yet worked harder than anyone else.
It didn't take long to realize the alpha was seriously courting her. Haneul saw the advantages of such a relationship and took it. Things grew serious soon enough, and the alpha even expressed his intent to marry her later.
They graduated, and when Jimin told his parents, things changed. Haneul was beyond shocked when Jimin announced his family disowned him. She was dumbfounded when he rented them an apartment to move in.
She just couldn't wrap her head around everything. The life as she knew it and the bright future she once dreamed suddenly threatened to crash and burn. Furious was an understatement for what she felt right then.
Jimin would see no reason. He refused, claiming he could provide for her and that she wouldn't have to worry about anything else. But the reality wasn't as glorious as his words.
He worked hard, but it wasn't enough. For Haneul, once again, it was the same life since her childhood. The one she despised with her entire being. When the bottled-up emotions burst, the polite façade broke away. She blamed everything on Jimin.
"Just give me a few more months, alright. The interviews I attended in Seoul went well, and one of them is bound to call me back soon," Jimin would say.
She must admit, Jimin always put food on her table and fulfilled all her wishes. Maybe she took it too far by refusing to adjust and demand things. Why would she adjust when she was in this predicament because of him in the first place?
So she always kept him on his toes.
"Haneul, sweetheart, we really can't afford to spend so much this month. We still have two weeks to go. Just give me some time. I'll buy it for you next month. I promise," he would plead.
"I don't care. I'm in this wretched place because of you. I didn't ask you to court me," she would spat with a vengeance, and Jimin would shrink back.
One day, after another fight, Jimin conceded, "I'm sorry. I didn't know I wasn't enough." His scent was bitter, full of defeat. "I'll let you go if that's what you want. You don't have to bear this hardship with me. I'm sorry, I asked too much of you. This was a mistake."
"It is," she had retorted. "At least you know that now. I will not waste my life and sacrifice my dreams for this. Love doesn't fill your stomach and gives you a good life. You need money for that. If you can't provide me with that, then you don't deserve me."
Jimin had clenched his fists tighter, and hung his head low before exiting the apartment. Haneul packed her bags without remorse and was gone before he returned. She didn't want to listen to another round of excuses from that pathetic alpha.
When she reached her parent's home, they asked what happened, and she just blurted they had broken up. She refused to tell them more. But then, only a week later, she received an email from a talent agency. One of the photo folios she sent a few months ago was seen by them, and they liked it. It was their email asking her to go for a face-to-face meeting.
"Good riddance," she mumbled. Haneul couldn't believe her luck. That Jimin was the thorn by her side. Now with him gone, her life was already looking up.
The interview went well, and she signed the contract, the same day.
However, life had other plans. Unfortunately for her, she found that she was pregnant. She felt as if thunder had struck her. Her parents were shocked but soon rejoiced. Sadly, she couldn't share the same sentiment. She wanted it gone. First, the father, and now this one. They were destined to ruin her life.
And so, she hurried to the doctor, fully intent on destroying the thing that threatened her future. But the doctor had simply told her they couldn't proceed without the father's signature. Apparently, the pup appeared to be a purebred. And the laws were strict when it came to them because they were less in number.
So she had once again gone to Jimin to get him to sign. Except that didn't end well for her. The alpha had forced her to carry full term and deliver the baby. It wasn't a pleasant experience. She didn't even want to look at the pup that ruined her life. She had left.
Now seeing Jimin after all these years brought all those old memories back. She hadn't thought of him since then, but suddenly he was all she could think about. But, then, someone shook her, and she came around to her manager, calling her name.
"You wanted a topic to make me popular again. I have the hottest gossip in town." Her smirk was vicious.
"You do?"
"That's Park Jimin. He's the heir of the Park Group of companies in Busan." She turned to her manager. "Once upon a time, there was an omega, who came from a poor family. She fell in love with a rich guy and got pregnant. But his family refused to accept her because she was from a poor background. So they took the baby and threw her out. How is that for a sob story?" She smiled.
Her manager dumbly stared at her. "Is that true?"
"We used to date," she commented, staring at the direction Jimin went. "I have a son with him. What more do you want?"
The manager smiled with a glint in his eyes. "Then we will make the rest true."
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