Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 35
⚠️Upcoming updates will contain flashback and brief mentions of implied termination of pregnancy ⚠️
Jimin took Jungkook's hand, putting it on top of his thigh as he drove. He intertwined their fingers, listening to the omega singing along with their pup with an endearing smile on his face.
Minjun was literally a ball of energy the entire day. Jimin wondered how he still had all this energy after a busy day they had. He should have crashed the moment they showered and changed, but here he was playing around with his Dada.
The past month has been the best in Jimin's life. Jungkook was amazing. The alpha couldn't thank him enough for the amount of growth Minjun showed in his characteristics over the weeks. His pup rarely threw tantrums anymore and was polite than ever. Not to add all those cute habits he has been inheriting from the omega.
Jungkook was a gift he never saw coming his way. He was glad his friends helped him to open his heart and accept him when it happened. They couldn't meet as often as he wanted but Jungkook always came over to his apartment every weekend to spend time with both of them. He couldn't ask an understanding boyfriend other than Jungkook.
While Jimin cleaned, Jungkook would cook and do the laundry. Then they ate together before settling on the couch with Minjun on Jungkook's lap to watch something. It was the most relaxing weekend Jimin had since the pup was born. There were several days he longed for a day in, where he could just stay home and relax. Jungkook made it possible.
The trip to the adventure park was their friend's idea. It was Hoseok who felt it was time they all met again and Namjoon said they could go on a trip. They planned it on a Friday and were out on a Sunday.
The traffic was seemingly light, which was a relief. The sun was down the horizon and they already finished dinner in a restaurant on the way. Jimin was already exhausted and couldn't wait to hit the bed. He hoped Minjun would be tired enough to fall asleep as soon as they dropped off Jungkook.
They reached Jungkook's apartment. He saw Taehyung's car parked near Jungkook's designated spot. Jimin was curious as to why Jungkook didn't drive a car when he had a license. He always borrowed Taehyung or Yoongi's car.
"Dada, is this your home?" Minjun asked as Jungkook unclasped his seatbelt.
"Yes, little one," Jungkook replied, glancing over his shoulder. "Wanna come over and say hi to Binky?"
"Whoa! The bunny!" Minjun bounced in his seat. His round eyes were on Jimin next, milky scent blooming with excitement. "Papa, please...can we go see Binky?"
Jimin smiled. He was exhausted but how could he say no to his pup and those adorable puppy eyes. "Of course, sweetheart."
Together, they exited the car and Jungkook hoisted the pup. He seemed to enjoy carrying Minjun everywhere and the pup too clung to the omega at every chance. He easily shifted him to his back and Minjun clasped his hands around his neck. Jimin grabbed Jungkook's bag and carried it to the elevator.
Jungkook giggled when Minjun made a funny noise. Instead of scolding him to stop like the nanny usually would he joined the pup, competing with him. It drew giggles from the pup. Every day with the omega was a new revelation and every revelation was endearing to Jimin and his wolf.
He couldn't stop looking at them and the rush of warmth in his chest he always felt was bubbling to a level of near explosion. And he experienced that only a few times in his life—when he held Minjun for the first time and every time he held him after that. Nothing could ever compete what he was feeling right now.
He followed Jungkook to his apartment. Jimin had been here twice, but it was Minjun's first time here. The excitement of the pup was contagious. Even in his exhausted state, he felt it spread to him. The alpha entered the code to Jungkook's apartment, earning a warm smile from the omega. He returned it, entering his den after him.
Comforting burst of berries enveloped him immediately. The pup climbed down from Jungkook's back, obediently removing his shoes and socks, following the omega. Jimin put them on the rack in its designated space while the omega led the pup to see Binky.
An excited squeal that echoed to the living room told him Minjun was having a time of his life. With a smile, he dropped the bag on the couch, knowing the pup wouldn't want to leave soon. He would have to wait for the pup to fall asleep before he could get him to leave. He chuckled fondly.
"Need a drink?" Jungkook asked, appearing in the doorway. Soft wave of sweet berries washed over him.
"Yeah." Jimin smiled. "Just water." A can of beer would be nice after a long day like this but he had to drive a long way back. Besides, he didn't get to drink much after Minjun. He saw the need to move somewhere closer to Minjun's school now more than ever. If he moved, he would be able to spend more time with Jungkook and Minjun. It would save a lot of time that way. He made a note to talk to his friends later.
Jungkook motioned his head toward the kitchen and Jimin followed. They could clearly hear Minjun talking to Binky and making sounds of awe.
"You're so cute, Mr. Binky."
"My name is Minjun. I'm gonna take good care of you just like my Dada."
Adorable sounds of his giggles echoed through the hallway. Jimin's smile widened. They were definitely getting along well. Minjun always wanted a pet but Jimin didn't allow him to get one. He was spread thin as it was.
"You look so ready to crash, alpha," Jungkook whispered, hugging him from the back. "Why don't you sleep here tonight? I have a guest bedroom."
It sounded so tempting, but was it too soon to stay over?
"Also you deserve a drink after the long day we had. Stay. I got beer and whiskey."
Jimin dropped his head on Jungkook's shoulder, clutching the omega's hands that were on his chest. He was right; he was too tired to drive for another hour. His body begged to rest. However, he worried about the things lined up for him tomorrow.
"Come on. I know you can use some rest," Jungkook coaxed. "We can leave after breakfast tomorrow. I'll help you with laundry and other things." He definitely knew Jimin's worries by now.
"Okay," he agreed. He turned around to cup the omega's face. "Thanks for today." He pecked his lips. "You were amazing. Looked so delectable. Wanted to kiss you so badly." He slowly backed him against the counter.
"Yeah?" Jungkook tilted his head, gaze falling on his lips as their breath fanned each other's lips.
"Mhmm." Jimin kissed him, slow and gentle. He took his time, tasting those petal lips. They hadn't gone past a few make out sessions and that too was barely possible with how Minjun tailed them all the time.
"Minmin," Jungkook whispered in between the kisses.
Jimin gripped his waist with his other hand and brought him flush against his body. "Playing with Binky."
With that, he deepened the kiss, earning a breathy moan from Jungkook. The sound traveled south. His cock perked with interest. Jungkook was so soft, his lips even softer and his taste so addictive. He couldn't help but imagine all the ways he could draw more of those delicious sounds from the omega. His brain supplied him images of the omega splayed on the bed for him to claim. He imagined running his hands all over his body, kissing and marking every inch of his flawless skin.
Jungkook gasped when he wedged a thigh between his legs, hips slightly arching and fingers curling around his shoulders. Jimin released his mouth to kiss down his neck and latched onto his scent gland. Sweet scent of berries washed over him in bursts.
The omega bit back a moan, clamping a hand over his mouth as Jimin kissed and sucked over the gland. His head fell back, giving the alpha more access. Soft gasps left his mouth as his berry scent was replaced with coffee and cocoa.
His alpha hummed in satisfaction. The omega would smell like him for days. His hand slipped under Jungkook's t-shirt, teasing his warm skin. The omega shivered at the touch.
Gods, he couldn't fathom how he had lived so long without a comforting touch or scent so intimately. He left Jungkook's neck again to kiss him. When the omega tore his lips to latch onto his neck, Jimin bared his neck with a contented sigh.
His chest rumbled with a soft growl that resembled a purr. His body relaxed as the sweet scent washed over his coffee and cocoa scent. The moment Jungkook pulled back, he went for another kiss only to pause when Jungkook put a hand on his chest to stop him.
The omega's chest heaved. "Minmin," he said. "There's no sound."
Jimin blinked, reigning in his wolf and the instincts that demanded to claim the omega. "He must have fallen asleep."
Jungkook stepped back. "Let me check. It's a wonder he was awake this long." He went to the room where he kept Binky and Jimin followed only to see it empty. "Where did he go?" The omega went to search the other rooms and finding his bedroom door open.
Jimin had never been inside Jungkook's bedroom before. It was an omega's safest place complete with his nest. He didn't think he would be able to control himself to smell the pure scent of the omega emanating from his room. So he stopped at the doorway.
Jungkook opened the door all the way and a whimper left his mouth. Alarmed, Jimin hurried forward only to see his pup in the middle of the omega's nest. He was rolling around, spreading his scent all over the nest just like he would do when Jimin changed their bedding at home.
An omega's nest was a sacred place. One shouldn't just step inside without their permission. He should have taught Minjun better. Jimin was ready to remove the pup from the nest when Jungkook let out a soft whine. He clutched his hand and shook his head.
Jimin looked perplexed. "I'm sorry. He didn't know. Let me just..."
Jungkook's eyes flashed blue, which belonged to his omega. "N-No," he whined again. "M-My pup." His body was shaking.
Understanding dawned in Jimin. "Oh." He smiled. Jungkook's scent was emotional. "Go on," he urged.
Jungkook hurried, sniffling as he climbed into the bed. He embraced the pup, scenting him urgently with soft whimpers emanating from his chest.
The omegas kept their pups in their nest as often as possible. He remembered his mom carrying him to her nest all the time even after he grew up. As an adult, she would often add a piece of his clothing to her nest and found great comfort in it.
Tears filled Jimin's eyes at the memory. He missed his mom. It was a shame that she wasn't a part of his life anymore. When his father asked him to leave, he at least expected his mom to keep in touch with or without his dad's knowledge but she didn't. So he had kept his distance from her. However, it didn't mean he didn't miss them.
Seeing Jungkook with the pup stirred all his childhood memories. It reminded him of the days his mother would scent him like that while cooing at him for being such a strong pup. He swallowed. The sight was too much for his heart and his emotions were suddenly haywire. He gently shut the door and strode to the kitchen.
He needed a drink. Jimin found the beer cans in Jungkook's fridge. He opened a can, taking a generous mouthful and sighed.
There were days he wanted to blame his parents for doing what they did, but he didn't know anymore. They made their choice and he made his. He left Busan because he couldn't bear the thought of living in the same city as them and accidentally running into them, but not being able to talk to them.
It still hurt. His wolf missed them dearly. Only if he hadn't fallen for Haneul. He drained the can in a single breath and wiped his mouth. The alpha grabbed another can, paused for a moment and decided he needed more than one can. So he grabbed the entire case before returning to the guest room.
Thinking back, he realized a lot of things he failed to see then. He was the most popular and the most coveted alpha in college. Omegas and Betas vied for his attention. However, he was taken by the shy beauty in his class.
Haneul was stunningly beautiful. A diamond in the rubble. Even if she was born in a poor family and was in the college because of her scholarship, she outshined all others in his eyes. Time brought them together. They began dating in the second year of college and Jimin found himself falling deeper in her charms every passing day.
When his parents found out, his home became a war zone. But by then he had already graduated and was stubbornly hot headed. He refused to break it off with Haneul. His dad offered an ultimatum, asking him to choose between the family and Haneul. Of course, he chose her. How could he leave the omega who trusted him with everything?
Jimin was excited to start a new life and was ready to face the challenges of the new responsibility. Sure, he went from riches to rags in a matter of a day. But with a friend's help, he found a job and a worn down apartment to live in.
Things were good at first. Haneul was even supportive. However, things began to change with time. She began to get frustrated when they couldn't afford certain things or couldn't go on dates like they used to go. Jimin tried his best to meet her demands, but he too was too tired with everything that was life.
The alpha wasn't used to this way of living but he was trying. Then it angered him that Haneul failed to understand that and blamed him for everything. He thought things would get better with time. Only it didn't. He tried his best to patch up their failing relationship, but there was only so much one could do.
Then one day she said this wasn't the life she expected when she decided to date him. That she should have chosen someone better. Something inside Jimin broke that day. He didn't stop her when she packed her things and left the leaking apartment. He just sat there numbly in the living room, watching the rain water drip onto the floor from the ceiling that was covered in mold.
For days, Jimin sulked in the apartment, getting drunk on cheap soju and beer. A week later, he picked up the broken pieces of his heart and tried to move on. He wanted to laugh at life for doing this to him. His father's words came back to haunt him.
Jimin was resigned to his fate and considered going back to his dad only to be stopped by his wounded pride. He vowed that he wouldn't meet him without succeeding in life.
Two weeks later, Haneul showed up telling him that she was pregnant. Jimin was utterly joyed but it was short lived when he saw it wasn't mirrored in her face.
"You ruined my life, Park Jimin. I had dreams before we began dating, but you trapped me in this," she had blamed him. "You stupid purebred alphas and your ability to impregnate without going into heat or rut. The doctor refuses to touch it because the father is a purebred alpha. How am I going to handle this thing? I want it gone!"
Jimin had only stared at her in disbelief. Was it the same omega he fell in love with? His wolf growled and clawed at his chest.
"After years of living this shitty life, I finally have the modeling contract I always wanted. Now it's all gone," she lamented. "Come with me to the doctor and sign the papers."
Jimin had refused to sign. His wolf raged inside him. As a purebred alpha, he was possessive and dominant than regular wolves. He was already grieving and he wasn't ready for her to take away their pup too.
Haneul demanded money to keep the pup. She wanted him to compensate her for the money she would lose from the modeling gigs during the term of pregnancy. It was then he tried to contact his dad, who refused to believe that Haneul was pregnant and told him to take responsibility for his actions instead.
Jimin didn't blame him. It was he, who fell in love. He, who created the pup. So he would indeed take responsibility. He felt lost up until that moment, but knowing he had a pup to take care of gave him a purpose.
Jimin used the savings he had saved for mayday to pay Haneul and had her sign over the full custody of the pup. He also made sure she stayed at the hospital during her entire term of pregnancy and she wouldn't do anything to terminate it without his knowledge.
A part of him hoped she wasn't the money hungry bitch she was pretending to be and deep down she was still the same omega. However, every ounce of hope failed when she delivered Minjun and refused to even look at the pup. She had covered her ears and disappeared as soon as she could walk. Jimin had never heard from her again. He left Busan and found a job in Seoul shortly.
Jimin sighed as he drained his third can. It was so emotional to his wolf to see Jungkook embrace their pup like a biological mother would. He reached for the fourth can but decided against it. With a sigh, he carried the empty cans and the remaining beer cans to the kitchen. Throwing the trash away, he put the others in the fridge.
He headed to Jungkook's room to see them cuddled together. Jungkook was curled on his side while Minjun was glued to his chest. His nose was buried in the omega's neck. Both were sound asleep. A smile spread on his lips. He closed the door and went back to the guest room.
With a heavy heart, he wished Jungkook was the biological father of Minjun. Only then the pup would have known this sort of love sooner in his life. But then as Seokjin would say, it was never too late. He freshened up and went to bed. Sleep this time came easier as his body gave into exhaustion.
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