Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 179
The first meeting between the pup and his grandparents was bittersweet. It happened a month after the alpha challenge. Jungkook hasn't forgiven his in-laws completely. He still held some grudge for hurting his beloved mate. However, he didn't want their stupid pride and stubbornness to ruin their future.
Life was short to live with regrets. The Park family proved their worth to him when they joined hands to help Jimin with the scandal. He heard Mr. Park personally met a few people to confiscate the hard copies of his scandalous photos and videos. He also spent a huge sum of money to shut them up.
Jungkook was touched. They also stood by his side, supporting their decision to reunite the pack. So, after a brief talk with Jimin, he took Minjun to visit them.
The pup looked troubled when he told him they were going to meet his grandparents. But said nothing else when Jungkook told him he didn't have to go if that wasn't something he wanted.
Minmin was silent the entire ride to their newly bought apartment in Gangnam. Jungkook was used to his silence and didn't worry much just yet. He would know if Minjun was truly uncomfortable. Jimin couldn't join them today, so it was just Jungkook and Minjun. The bodyguards followed at a safe distance.
The situation had drastically changed after the alpha challenge. The Jeon-Park pack has emerged as the biggest, strongest and most powerful pack in the country. Jimin's ferocity and display of loyalty to his mate had earned equal respect and fear from the wolves across the nation.
The reforms would take time to settle, but Jimin wasn't ready to lower his guard just yet, especially with their second pup on the way. The nation's entire attention was on them, and he had to be careful. Though it added more to his plate than he could handle, Jungkook was determined to see this through for a better future.
Once upon a time, Jungkook had disliked this sort of attention and shied away from it, but now he has matured and accepted his role as the Head Omega. There was a reason why everyone was given a role.
The corruption that ran deeper within these minority packs and the benefits they were denied was appalling. Jungkook's heart reached out to these pack wolves that deserved a better life. He would show them what it felt like to belong to an actual pack that treated them well.
The initial disagreement and disapproving chatters died as soon as they announced the pack wolves joining them would receive the same benefits as their former pack mates. The newcomers were still in disbelief.
Jungkook had sent out an announcement demanding no one bullied the refugees and treated them as they would treat a fellow pack member. However, troublemakers wouldn't be tolerated. They were dealt with immediately, and punishments were dished out without an ounce of mercy. Things were going well for the most part.
It was a little after lunchtime when they reached the Park family's residential building. The Parks had invited them over for lunch, but Jungkook wasn't sure how his pup would react. So he told them he would come after lunch. Minjun might have changed a lot in terms of socializing, but he was still a reserved pup. Also, in his mind, he only had one grandparent.
A child's mind perceived things differently from that of adults. Minjun's initial reaction to the news of the meeting was a pout and a frown. He said nothing, only following along with his Dada as he prepared for the visit.
Minjun even chose a gift he wanted to bring for his grandparents. Though it was only a cake, Jungkook was touched by the sentiment that Minjun took his time and put effort in choosing something for them.
Jungkook secured the gifts he bought in one hand and Minjun in his other while guiding the pup inside the building.
The security seemed to recognize him. He came rushing to open the door, bowing deeply. "Good afternoon, Head Omega Jeon. What brings you here? How may I assist you?"
"I'm here to visit my in-laws," Jungkook announced.
The security's eyes widened in realization, and he nodded immediately. "This way, please. We have a private elevator for our residents."
Jungkook wasn't a resident but understood why he was given special consideration. He was now the Head Omega of almost half the nation, with their pack's territory expanding.
The security guard, whose badge read Ha Hyunjin, used his keycard to activate the elevator. "Apologies, Head Omega Jeon. We will arrange for a keycard for you as soon as possible. We weren't aware of your arrival. You can keep this for the time being."
"No problem." Jungkook grinned, accepting the keycard from the security. He didn't inform them prior, and though the Park family owned the property, it was nice of them to offer a keycard so he could visit his in-laws anytime he wanted.
The elevator ride was short. Calm music filled the elevator, and Minjun was silent beside him, his hold on his hand tight.
"Sweetheart," Jungkook called, worried about his pup. "We don't have to do this. Papa or Dada won't be angry. We can go back." He squeezed Minjun's hand.
The pup shook his head without glancing at him. "Minmin wants to see Papa's Dada and Mama."
"Okay," Jungkook gave in. "We will leave as soon as you want to, okay? You should tell me if you're uncomfortable at any point. Can you do that for me?"
Minjun visibly relaxed at his words and blew out a breath. "Minmin is strong." He glanced up at him. "I'll go with Dada."
Jungkook nodded proudly. "That you are." He kissed the top of his pup's head. "Dada is so proud of you for doing this. Let's get this over with, hmm?"
A nod of determination was sent his way. "Hmm."
Parks lived on the 13th floor, and the apartment was beautiful and spacious.
Mina greeted him with a tight hug and knelt to speak with Minjun. "Hello Minjun." She smiled at him expectantly. "My name is Park Mina. I'm your grandmother."
His pup bowed at her but refused to speak. Instead, he hid behind Jungkook's legs.
Jungkook smiled apologetically, and Mina gave a resigned nod.
"Please come in." Mina stepped back to allow them inside. "I have been waiting forever. I prepared everything I could think of because I wasn't sure what Minjun would like."
They walked further into the apartment, and Jungkook admired the warm, welcoming, and classy interior design. He couldn't wait for the work at his penthouse to be completed. His pups would love their new place. He caressed his stomach with a soft smile as he followed Mina inside.
"He isn't picky," Jungkook said. He handed the gifts to her. "My pup chose that cake. He thought you might like it," he informed.
"Oh, that's lovely," she exclaimed. "Thank you so much, Minjun. You're just like my Jimin," she gushed. "Jimin can hold grudges for years, you know? But he never turns his back on someone if he knew they needed him." She sighed. "It was us who turned our backs on him. Yet, he found it in his heart to forgive us. It humbled me, and I realized sometimes, there's nothing wrong with learning from your children."
Jungkook nodded with an understanding smile. "There's nothing wrong in learning something good from others. I learn something new from Minjun, and I'm not ashamed to admit that. They view the world in a way we don't."
Just as they approached the garden area in the open balcony, he saw Mr. Park jumping to his feet, eyes wide and scent nervous as he glanced at the pup.
"Minmin, come on, greet your grandfather." He brought the pup forward, nudging him gently.
Minjun once again bowed at the man. "Good afternoon. My name is Park Minjun," he greeted before stepping behind Jungkook again.
"Please take a seat," Mina said, eying her grandson longingly. Once they sat, she lifted the lids of the bowls to display what she had prepared. Minjun scooted closer to Jungkook on the two-seater. Jungkook draped an arm around his shoulder, allowing him to bury himself into his body as much as possible.
The former head omega let out calming pheromones and tried her best to stay seated. Jungkook could tell she wanted to smother the pup with hugs and kisses. But what could he do? This was the consequence of their actions.
Mina smiled gently at Minjun and him while Mr. Park watched them silently as if he was afraid to move and spook the pup. "Jimin used to love these as a child. I thought Minjun might have a sweet tooth like him. Jimin grew out of it, though. Now he prefers spiciest things."
Mina had gone out of her way to prepare everything he could tell. On the table lay a variety of Korean delicacies—sweets, snacks, and savories. He grabbed a piece of Yakgwa (Korean Honey Cookies) and nudged Minjun to choose something. The pup eyed him warily but reached for one as well.
Jungkook tried to keep the conversation light, talking about their home and decorations. Mina seemed to light up at the topic. But there was only so much they could talk about. Soon, the attention was back on Minjun again.
Mina tried to talk to him, receiving one-word answers in return. Mr. Park was no better. He, too, tried to engage the pup in a conversation, but Minjun kept his responses curt and minimal—something Jungkook had never seen him do after the first few weeks at school.
Jungkook could only smile at them apologetically, but he wasn't going to apologize because he couldn't fault Minjun's behavior. The pup agreed to meet them, which was a good sign, but they would have to work to earn his love and trust. It contrasted with Minjun's excitement to accept his father but behaved warily in front of Jimin's parents.
Even when Mina gently coaxed him with a box of chocolates, Minjun stuck to Jungkook's side like glue. Upon meeting his grandson in person, Jungkook saw the first crack on Mr. Park's face. The older alpha was ready to go on his knees just to get the pup talking.
And when Minjun finally spoke, it shocked even Jungkook. "You're a bad Papa," the pup said. "You didn't take care of my Papa like Dada's Papa." He jutted his chin and pursed his lips, looking like a grown wolf. "Minmin don't wanna talk."
The older wolves looked too stunned to speak but hung their head after a moment. "We are sorry," Mr. Park said. "We will do better."
Minmin only huffed. "You never hugged my Papa. You didn't call or bring snacks like my Grandpa Jeon. Papa was alone."
"I'm sorry, pup."
"No. Say sorry to Papa." Minjun jumped to his feet and tugged Jungkook's hand. "Dada, Minmin wanna go home." He pouted.
"Okay." Jungkook nodded and stood immediately as he promised. With an exhale, he faced his in-laws. "Thank you. We'll be in touch."
"No, thank you for giving us this opportunity," Mina quickly said. She went to stand in front of the pup. "We are aware of our mistakes, little one. We understand why you're angry. But we are trying. I have apologized to your Papa and'll continue to do so as long as I'm alive." She hung her head. "And we will wait for you as long as it takes."
Instead of replying, Minjun glanced up at Jungkook as if he didn't know how to respond to that. Jungkook smiled at his pup in assurance. "They want to make amends," he gently explained. "They want a chance to be a good grandparent like Grandpa Jeon."
Minjun frowned. He looked as if he was deep in thought before he responded. Then he said, "I won't forgive you if you leave our little Ming alone. Don't want Ming to be alone like Papa and Minmin."
Jungkook's heart ached upon hearing his words. "Ming will never be alone," he promised.
"We promise," Mina and Mr. Park said in unison. Mina continued, "We are sorry for abandoning you and your Papa. We are sorry we weren't there when you both needed us the most. We weren't good parents or grandparents. You and Ming will never go through any of that as long as we live. We will prove to you that you can trust us."
"Give us a chance, little one," Mr. Park added. "Let us make this right."
Minjun glanced up at them with an expression that was similar to that of Jimin. "I'll see," he said. "You better behave."
Jungkook heard Mr. & Mrs. Park gasp audibly as they watched the pup pivot on his heel and leave. The Head Omega grinned sheepishly before following his pup. He was definitely taking after his Papa, and Jungkook couldn't even bring himself to tell him that he shouldn't be speaking that way to his elders.
Minjun pressed the button to the elevator, and Jungkook noticed that his in-laws had followed them to the elevator to send them off.
"I go to Park every Saturday with Uncle Joon," Minmin suddenly said. "He teaches me how to ride a bike. Do you know how to ride a bike?" he directed his question to Mr. Park.
Mr. Park looked startled, but nodded immediately. "Y-Yes."
"Okay. Bring your bicycle then," Minmin said nonchalantly. "We also need to take Mr. Binky Bums for his play date with Yeontan in the evening. I'm busy all day."
The elevator arrived, and they stepped inside. Jungkook had a hard time controlling his laughter. He bit his lip, and when that didn't work, he covered his mouth with a hand. Minjun sounded exactly like Jimin when he was on the phone.
"I'll see you on Saturday then, Grandpa Park." Minjun cocked his head to the side with a look that often looked so hot on Jimin's face. But the pup was just so adorable.
Mr. Park was too endeared, and a grin broke out of his face. "Of course, Mr. Park Junior. I'll see you on Saturday."
"Don't forget your bike," Minjun chided. "Minmin doesn't like people who forget things."
"I won't," Mr. Park vowed.
Minjun huffed and crossed his hands as the elevator doors closed. Jungkook ruffled his hair with an endearing smile. He was just so proud of his pup. That was Minjun's way of reconciling. Though he didn't know how long it would take before Minjun reached the level of comfort he had with his Grandpa Jeon, this step forward was progress.
"Let's go home now," he said to his pup. "Your Papa would be home soon. Wanna help me with dinner?"
Minjun's face lit up. "Yes!" He balled his fists. "Surprise Papa!"
Jungkook beamed, bending to kiss his pup. What a lovely turn of events. Last year, he had passed the maternity store, eying those pregnant omegas and new parents buying baby stuff with longing and deep down convinced he'd never have such things to himself. This year, though, the tables have turned.
Now, he had not one but two pups. Now, he was one of those omegas in the maternity store, stacking up new stuff for his pups. Jungkook's smile only widened as he looked forward to their future. So much was waiting, including a hot alpha with the warmest heart.
Life was good.
A/N: Hey loves, hope you're all doing good. It's been 12 days since my surgery. I'm home and recovering well. I haven't started working since I was told to rest for a month. I need to go for another review before they clear me. I was bored and was slowly writing on phone. I can't sit for long durations yet, so I'm not on laptop. Mostly resting and watching something when I'm not asleep. I'm moving around without straining my body and it's getting better every day. Miss being here and missing you all. Thank you all for your well wishes and lovely messages. *tight hugs* Love you <3
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