Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 17




Yoongi smiled all the way to the restaurant. Beside him, in the driver seat Taehyung was in a good mood too. He bopped his head to the music as he drove. They didn't expect the turn of events but it was the best.

He was worried about the alpha's reaction. However, the alpha wasn't fazed about the entire situation. In fact, he even appeared pleased. The spike in his scent was all the proof Yoongi needed. Their interaction was shy, but the omega could tell Jimin was smitten just as much as Jungkook was.

The dinner would affirm his observations and he couldn't wait.

"Baby, seriously! You're a genius." Taehyung grabbed his hand, kissing his knuckles and holding it over his thigh. "Did you see Jungkook? Man, he's whipped. And that alpha...he's so fucking gorgeous. Thousand times better than his ex."

Yoongi nodded, his smile widening and the scent bubbling with excitement.

"Oh, man, I'm so hyped for them already. This is meant to be. I mean, we were right there, wondering how to make them meet, but this pup comes out of nowhere. Did you see how the pup called him Papa? Gosh, I fucking melted right there."

"Yes, and you were awesome, by the way," he praised the alpha. "It was a great idea to have them ride together."

Taehyung grinned wider. "I learn from the best."

Yoongi chuckled. "They're naturally compatible. If we encouraged them in the right direction, they might find their way to each other."

Taehyung nodded. "Yeah. Encouraging is the right word. I don't want Jungkook to back off because of his usual fear and ruin this. He finally had a chance to be happy, and did you notice how alpha looked at him? Like...wow."

"Like how you look at me?" Yoongi cocked a brow. "Like I'm the only person in front of you."

"Yes," Taehyung agreed. "You're the most stunning omega to walk on earth. No arguments there, please." He huffed. "Anyways, coming back to our alpha, he didn't look elsewhere. And it's obvious his wolf approves. Did you see how he calmed both of them with his scent? He didn't even try to take the pup from Jungkook."

"I did. That's why we will keep Jungkook strong and motivated to chase his happiness for once."

Taehyung nodded furiously. "He deserves only the best."



They all met in the parking lot and entered the restaurant together. Jimin opened the car door for Jungkook, helping him with Minjun, but didn't take him away.

The omega looked happy, and a faint blush coated his cheeks. The alpha followed closer to Jungkook, shadowing him as his own alpha would. Yoongi's nose twitched, noticing how their scents were left on each other. Smitten. He smiled to himself. They weren't even trying to hide their interest in each other, or they were just oblivious.

The owner greeted Yoongi because he was familiar with him, and he was also a popular household name among food lovers.

"Yoong-ssi, you're back again," the elderly man greeted. "Are you here with your friends?"

"Yes. A table for seven, please. We also have a child with us," Yoongi said.

"Wonderful. This way, please." He led the way toward the back of the restaurant to the quiet corner, where partitioned seating offered privacy. "Please take a seat. Would you require a separate chair for your pup?" he asked. "We have high chairs and other comfortable seating available for pups."

"No, this is fine," Jungkook said. "Thank you."

"Alright, the staff will be with you shortly." The owner bowed before leaving them to settle in their seats.

"Thank you," Yoongi said.

Four people could sit comfortably at one table. So they took two adjacent tables with comfortable leather couch-type seating.

Taehyung slipped inside, followed by Yoongi on one side while Jungkook sat opposite them. Minjun was still asleep in his chest. Jimin slid next to Jungkook. The omega sat comfortably, adjusting Minjun in his arms. Jimin's friends chose the adjacent table to sit. They were separated only by an aisle but could communicate just fine.

The food was divine as it always was. This restaurant was Yoongi's personal favorite. Yoongi and Jimin grilled the meat. The pup stirred upon smelling the delicious aroma of meat. The omega gently tapped his cheeks, waking him up.

Jungkook chuckled. "Hey, sweetheart, are you hungry, hmm?"

Minjun smacked his lips, glancing around with sleepy eyes and curled more into Jungkook's chest before nodding.

"Alright, just a minute, okay? Papa is grilling a delicious piece of meat just for Minjunie..." he cooed.

Yoongi slanted a glance at the couple while Taehyung nudged his side.

Jimin watched the omega and his pup with hearty eyes. He grilled the meat efficiently, cutting it into small bite-sized pieces before dropping it on the omega's plate. Jungkook gave him a shy smile before feeding Minjun little by little.

It was domestic. People who would walk past them would think they were a family because of how comfortable the pup was with Jungkook and how their scents were intertwined.

"So, Jimin-ssi, I remember you from Twitter," Yoongi asked conversationally. "You often tag me in your school lunchbox photos, right?"

Jimin smiled. "Yes," he replied. "First of all, thank you. Your videos are a lifesaver really. I didn't start cooking until Minjun and as a growing pup it's really hard to make him eat healthy stuff. But your recipes are working like a miracle. He never complains and always finishes it."

"Oh, that's wonderful. I'm happy to hear that." Yoongi's omega preened. Who didn't like to be praised? This alpha already earned brownie points in his book. He was trying to see if this alpha was a good fit for Jungkook and so far, the alpha scored highest points.

"So, Jimin-ssi, what do you do for a living?" Taehyung asked.

"I work as a financial advisor in Gangnam," he answered.

"Wow. That's cool," Taehyung agreed. "I'm a freelance photographer."

"Oh, really?" Jimin asked. "Hoseok hyung owns a fashion boutique and was talking about finding a photographer. Is that something you're into?"

"Yep. That's my domain. I see he's over there. I'll give him my card later."

Jimin nodded while Jungkook silently fed Minjoon.

"Jungkook-ssi, you didn't eat anything yet," Jimin said to Jungkook softly. "He can wait until you have taken a bite." He put a slightly bigger piece of meat on Jungkook's plate. "Come on. I know you're hungry."

Jungkook smiled, accepting the meat and eating it. Yoongi's smile grew bigger, the scent sweetening at the display. This was really a good alpha.

Throughout the dinner, Jimin's entire attention was on Jungkook and the pup. The alpha barely took a bite and was focused on feeding the other two. He ate only after Jungkook told him to eat. The pup went right back to sleep as soon as he ate his fill.

The dinner was a pleasant event with a light conversation keeping both tables engaged. After dinner, they all headed to their respective vehicles. Jungkook handed Minjun to Jimin, but the pup woke up, whining and gripping his t-shirt tightly.

He blinked his eyes open, looking between Jimin and Jungkook before he thrashed in Jimin's hold and jumped back into Jungkook's arms.

"Ah...Minjun?" Jungkook tapped his arm. "It's time to go home."

The pup shook his head and held his neck even tighter. "No. Stay."

"Don't you wanna go with Papa?"

"Stay!" His body began to shake with tiny sobs.

Jungkook quickly hushed him. "Alright. Alright, don't cry. I'm not going anywhere."

Jungkook looked startled, and Jimin appeared perplexed, shifting from one foot to the other. Minjun clung tighter, trying to wrap his legs as best as he could around Jungkook's tapered waist.

"Today must have been a lot for our Minjun, Jimin-ah. An omega's scent is extremely comforting in times like this. It's better to have something with the teacher's scent on him since he accepts it. It's the only way to calm him," Jin intervened. "Jungkook-ssi, we don't want to overstep, but do you think you can accompany Jimin and drop off Minjun? He should be okay once he is in his bed."

Jungkook glanced at Yoongi and Taehyung. "Um...I guess that's not a problem."

"Is it also okay to scent something for the pup while you're there? He would sleep better with it. I'm afraid he would trouble Jimin otherwise," Jin added.

Jungkook's eyes widened. "Oh, um...yeah...I..." He glanced at Jimin. "I-Is that okay?"

Jimin cleared his throat. "Of course, yes. I'm sorry for all the trouble. He isn't like this usually."

"It's not a problem." Jungkook smiled.

Jimin turned to Seokjin. "Hyung, can you come with us to watch over Minjun for a while. I'll drop Jungkook-ssi back home once my pup is settled in bed."

"We can drive him back," Yoongi volunteered. "We can follow you in our car, and once Jungkook is done, we can take him home."

Jimin glanced between them. He exhaled. "I apologize, I'm asking too much today. I really feel helpless where Minjun is concerned."

"It's really alright, Jimin-ssi," Taehyung said. "We don't mind at all. Minjun is a lovely pup. Jungkook always tells us about him. We are happy to meet you guys today. We had a great time."

"Thank you." Jimin smiled. "We had a great time too." He then turned to Jungkook. "Come on," he beckoned, and Jungkook followed, nodding curtly at the others.


Jungkook carefully laid Minjun in his bed, gently patting him until he settled. Jimin removed his shoes, socks, and coat, making him comfortable.

The pup's room was beautifully decorated, so warm and cozy. His milky scent was rich inside, intertwined with the alpha's, and Jungkook's omega almost purred. It was heaven. He closed his eyes, trying to control the little spike in his scent and the omega's urge to leave his scent here in this room.

"Thank you so much, Jungkook-ssi. I have no words to thank you," Jimin said earnestly. "You have no idea how scared and worried I was when he went missing. It's so hard to comfort him after something like this. He doesn't sleep all night when he panics in the past. Today, he's already asleep and calmed down. Thanks to you."

Jungkook blushed faintly. "It's nothing. Just call me Jungkook, please...."

Jimin smiled. "Then you can also call me Jimin."

Jungkook stood from the bed, remembering he needed to give something with his scent. So he removed his cardigan and put it over the pup's pillow. He was itching to fix the bedding and create a nest for the pup, but controlled the urge. He had already overstepped several boundaries by scenting the pup. He was even surprised the alpha let him.

"I'll return the cardigan later. Thanks again. Really. I have no words to thank you," the alpha said.

Jungkook smiled. "Ah, y-you can keep it. I-I will scent it again if he needs to."

Jimin's eyes widened and his pleasant coffee and cocoa scent sweetened. "Really? You would do that?"

"Ah, if that's alright." Jungkook pushed the loose strands of his hair behind his ear. "I...um...I see you don't have any omega presence around. Your friends also told me about Minjun. He will be more comfortable with an omega's scent."

"That would be asking too much of you, but it's a great help. He is comfortable with you and your scent. Thank you for doing this for me," Jimin once again thanked him.

"You don't have to thank me." Jungkook fidgeted with the hem of his t-shirt. "I should get going. My friends are waiting."

"Oh, right. I'll walk you out."

Jungkook put his shoes back on and was going to walk out when Jimin halted him. "Here. In case you get hungry." He handed him a paper bag that smelled delicious. "I ordered a burger for you from the restaurant. You didn't eat much earlier."

"Y-You didn't have to." The omega's eyes widened. And oh, God! He was so fucking weak for food. Especially when it came from such a caring alpha. A few hours with the alpha already told him that he was nothing like that asshole of an ex.

"I insist." Jimin pushed the bag into his hands. "It's nothing when compared to the miracle you're working on, my son. He is a motherless pup." He cleared his throat. "I mean...my friend would have told you already. I'm grateful for everything you have been doing. He's going to school without any complaints because of you. For the first time in months, I can sleep peacefully and worry less about him because of you. You have no idea how easy my life has become these days."

Jungkook couldn't hide the heat spreading across his cheeks and ears this time. "You're praising me too much," he said, biting his lips. It's not good for my heart.

"That's because you deserve this and much more." The alpha's voice was so sincere that Jungkook would melt into a puddle if he could.

Jungkook smiled. "I'll go then. See you later?"

"Of course, I'd love to," Jimin replied. "Good night, Jungkook."

"Good night, Jimin-ssi."

"Just Jimin, please...."

"Good night, Just Jimin."

The laughter erupted from the alpha's chest was rich and sudden warmth spread in Jungkook's chest. He was the reason for that laughter. The omega glanced up, and his heart skipped several beats. He drank the sight greedily. The alpha was so stunningly handsome when he laughed.

He forced himself to avert his gaze and strode to the elevator. The more he stayed, the more dangerous it was for his heart. Though he already knew he was fighting a losing battle, he tried to preserve some dignity by not losing it all on the very first day.

When he stepped inside the elevator, the alpha was still waiting outside. Jungkook lifted a hand, giving a little wave, which was promptly returned. It felt as if they both didn't want the moment to end. The elevator doors closed, taking him down and Jungkook left the building with a goofy smile, hugging the food close to his chest.


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