Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 150



"Hey, you alright?" Taehyung asked and Jimin nodded.

Honestly speaking, he wasn't alright. Now that he had more time, he was overthinking everything and the unspoken fear in his heart was making it harder. His wolf whined inside him. He wanted to go back to his mate and assure himself that he wouldn't lose either of them. However, the past had a way to catch up and stir up those insecurities he was good at hiding.

"Jiminie, what is it?" Taehyung turned to face him. "I promise this is nothing. Jungkook might be already beating himself for kicking you out. He will come running anytime soon."

Jimin's throat constricted. "I hope so." He averted his gaze.

"Talk to me," Taehyung insisted. "Your scent is troubled and it's not good."

Jimin sighed. Taehyung had grown closer to him over the months. There was no harm talking to him. Maybe he would be able to give him more assurance since he knew Jungkook better. Maybe the alpha just wanted to hear someone say it.

"Just remembered my ex," he replied. "She used to push me away too and it's just...I'm overthinking."

"It's not you," Taehyung immediately said, voice sincere and face serious. "Jungkook might have overreacted but that's because of that bitch Sohee. I swear he's just sorting out his feelings now and never once would have imagined hurting you or hating you."

Jimin blinked. "What about her? What did she do now?"

Taehyung sighed. "I don't know. They threw me out before I could get to the bottom. Jungkookie has always been dramatic. Just give him time, okay?"

Jimin exhaled. "Okay."

"Good. Talk to him, bubs. He would be sad but he wouldn't repeat it. I'm sorry it reminded you of something you want to forget." He rubbed his shoulder.

Jimin smiled. A weight lifted off his chest. He knew Jungkook wasn't like that. Still, it couldn't be helped. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now, for your next lesson. When they come back looking for us, keep complaining and fuss around without accepting their apology. Try it. You'll thank me later."

Jimin chuckled. "I just hope it's nothing serious."

"Mhmm..." The alpha threw a leg over his thighs. "Just go public. He's just salty he can't claim you publicly."

"I can't wait," he admitted. "We don't want to do it just with an announcement. Jungkook feels it won't feel natural if we wanna run our story."

"The things you do for love." Taehyung chuckled before getting up and checked the time. "It's late. Come on. Let's go inside. As comfortable as this is, I don't want other tenants to see us like this."

Jimin agreed, gathering the sheets and pillow.




"That fucking bitch!" Jungkook tore through the stuffed toy. "How dare she! He. Is. My. Alpha! Mine!" He continued to pull the stuffing, throwing it with a growl. "Screw that bitch. I'll gorge her eyes out. That's my alpha. My nippies. My fucking nippies."

He wanted to scream and yell, but couldn't do that fearing he might wake the pup. Oh, the pup. Shit. He didn't even allow Jimin to see the pup. What kind of omega was he? But what happened wasn't right either. He was furious beyond belief.

Yoongi cleared his throat. "Ah, Jungkook?"

Jungkook glanced up, bottom lip wobbling and tears brimming his eyes. "That's MY alpha's nippies," he sniffled. "He's MY baby daddy. How dare she!"

"That's enough, bun. You're taking it too far." He sighed.

The omega was in no position to listen though. His wolf was furious and his emotions were haywire. One moment he was horny and the next he was murderous. He wanted to bite her head off.

Jungkook wiped his face furiously. "She ruined my day. First, I fail at creating one stupid scandal. Then she had to come at me and tell me how my flirting sucks. I may not be good at it, but he's my alpha." He wiped his eyes again, sitting on his heels. "Despite my sucking flirting skill, I wooed him. Seduced him. Got him to breed me and mate me." He frowned. "Wait! I'm the one with a mate. Alpha Mine loves me. That bitch dares to even try. I'll rip her limbs and throw them in the Han River. I'll crush her brains and feed it to chickens."

"That's a violent list, bun." Yoongi glanced at him lazily.

Jungkook grabbed a tissue and blew his nose. "Alpha Mine won't even look at her. She can try. He will crush her before she can get anywhere near him," he growled. "Alpha Mine isn't like that asshole."

"He isn't," Yoongi agreed. "And he has better taste."

"He bought me chocolates," Jungkook continued to sniffle.

"He did."

"Oh, my poor alpha. What was I even thinking?" He jumped to his feet. "Still, he dared to let them film him that way. Ugh! She wouldn't have seen him if he didn't do it. So it's his mistake for letting her see MY nippies."

"There he goes again." Yoongi palmed his face, munching on a chocolate. He sighed, diverting his attention to the goodies. "These are delicious."


Jungkook hopped onto the bed, snuggling up to him. He grabbed a chocolate from the box, popping it in his mouth. Yoongi came to his home shortly after he kicked Jimin out. He actually came to fetch Taehyung, but the alpha wasn't here. Jungkook was just so furious to think clearly. He was torn between laying claim on his alpha and dealing with his anger and frustration.

"This is sooo good. But why would he do that," Jungkook whined. "It should have been only for my eyes. Then none of this would have happened. She thinks I'm a loser now. I taunted her with intimate photos. She must be thinking I'm fucking around. She called me a whore," he cried. "It shouldn't have bothered me but I just...I fucking hate her."

"She can look, but can't have what you have. You're the father of your alpha's pup," Yoongi stressed. "You're the most successful Head Omega this country has ever seen and already surpassed the expectations your mother has set. You're the one with his bite mark on your neck and his pup in your belly. And you own his heart."

Jungkook looked at him for a moment before throwing himself over him, circling his hands around his neck and crying. "You're right. I ruined everything."

Yoongi frowned. "What now?"

"My alpha must be so confused. Oh, shit! I was so furious I wasn't thinking properly." Jungkook covered his face.


"I was so heartless." He screamed into the pillow.

"Alright. Let's stop you there. You overreacted and now you realize that. Just go and get him," he advised.

"You also threw hyungie out."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "I was just threatening him but that alpha of mine took it seriously. I expected him to go hide in my nest and refuse to leave like he always does, but today he decided to take my words seriously." He waved a hand dismissively before hopping out of the bed. "I would have found him sooner if not for your tantrums." He yawned. "And that's our love language. He always gets extra cuddly after I ban him to the couch and I enjoy it. Sometimes you gotta create petty fights to fulfill the lack of real figh." He ruffled Jungkook's hair. "It's just for fun, kiddo. Keeps the sparks alive." He winked.

"But I jinxed myself. I put off the sparks." Jungkook pouted. "I was angry and he was just there." His shoulders hunched. "Papa always warned me to watch my temper. I shouldn't have lost it. I was wrong."

"Apologize to him, bun. Jimin is a kind alpha." He tugged at his hand. "He will understand."

"I feel so bad. I didn't even allow him to speak. I ignored his messages too. I'm an idiot. What came over me? Oh, lord! I allowed that fucking bitch to affect me when I promised myself I wouldn't." With a determined gaze, he climbed out of the bed. "My alpha belongs here in my nest," he growled. "I'm a moron."

Yoongi chuckled. "Stop wasting time and come on, already. I'm tired and want to cuddle with my alpha."

Jungkook took a deep breath. "Lemme at least wash my face. I gotta look pretty for my alpha."



Jimin didn't know when he fell asleep or how. Perhaps his exhaustion got the best of him. The last thing he remembered before falling asleep was Taehyung's light-hearted chatter.

He was roused from sleep when someone opened the car door. A second later, a flood of fresh berry scent washed over him.

They haven't had too many chances to disagree on something or argue. Life together had been so peaceful so this outburst left Jimin, feeling a bit helpless since it came out of nowhere.

The alpha was too exhausted to open his eyes but he stirred with a new hope blooming in his chest. His mate was here. He came back. His relief was immediate. If he was awake and wasn't battling the grogginess to open his eyes, he'd have leapt into his mate's arms.

"Oh, no, Alpha Mine...I'm so sorry." His scent withered a little.

There was a bit of shuffling and then a weight settled on his lap as his omega straddled him on the driver's seat, where he was asleep. It wasn't comfortable like a bed was, but it was better than the roof of the car. The car's heating system also kept them warm.

"Bun is sorry," Jungkook said in a cracked voice, rubbing his warmth into his body. "I'm sorry I was an ass. Please forgive me?"

The omega buried his face in his neck, rubbing his cheek apologetically. His scent shifted with remorse and regret. There was also an underlying note of sadness.

"Alpha Mine, next time don't listen to me," he pleaded. "It was uncalled for and unreasonable. You shouldn't put up with it if I'm being a brat," Jungkook sniffled. "Come home?"

Jimin exhaled, his wolf breathing a sigh of relief. "Honey bun," he grunted. He was glad to have his omega here. Nights weren't the same without him closer.

The omega cupped his face. "Did you eat? You didn't sleep with an empty stomach because of me, right?" he continued to sniffle. "Tell me you ate the food."

"I ate." He wrapped his arms around his cuddly mate, hugging him closer and inhaling his scent. "You could have just called me."

Jungkook shook his head. "No. It was my fault and I shouldn't have behaved like that. Calling you after what I did earlier didn't feel right," he confessed. "I had to come in person and apologize. I'm sorry. I won't do it again."

Jimin tried to force a smile, but he was too sleepy and was tired to actually pull through. "S' okay."

"Next time just throw me over your shoulder and tell me no," Jungkook chided. "Don't give in easily."

This time the alpha chuckled.

"I hurt you, didn't I?" Jungkook rubbed his cheek against his again. "Bun didn't mean to. My fault."

Meanwhile, a sweet tangerine scent wafted from the backseat. "My baby," Taehyung crooned. "You came. Alpha was so sad. I just wanted to impress my baby. I swear I had a self-timer and no one saw me" the alpha explained in one breath. "You didn't even allow me to explain. I'm hurt. It's so cold out here. My balls almost shrunk."

Jimin suppressed the laughter that bubbled in his chest. Taehyung really sounded so whiny and pitiful and when he opened his eyes, the other alpha caught his eye through the rearview mirror and winked. Yoongi was too busy scenting the alpha and peppering kisses all over his face to notice.

"Why did you leave?" Yoongi's voice chided. "You always hide in my nest when I tell you to leave. Do you want to be grounded for real, alpha? Don't you know I can't sleep without you? You didn't even bother to come back and left your phone at home. Do you even know how worried I was?"

"Wanted to give you both some privacy and it's Jiminie's first time. I saw Jungkookie kicking him out and didn't want him to be alone," Taehyung purred. "Ground me to your nest, baby. It's the only punishment I'll accept. Tie me and keep me there all you want."

"So shameless." Yoongi chuckled, slapping playfully at the alpha's chest. "Shut up. Now get up and come home. My nest is cold without you."

"Yeah. Okay. I couldn't sleep much either." Taehyung gathered the sheets and pillow, following his mate outside. "Bye Jiminie. See you later," he called over his shoulder before disappearing from his view.

Jungkook, however, hadn't stopped rubbing himself all over the alpha. "Was it too cold? I'm such a monster. I was so heartless," he whined. "I don't know what came over me. I do know but you should have put up with that," he rambled.

"It's okay, honey bun. The car was warm." Jimin pushed him gently. "Let's go home. I'm so tired." He cupped the omega's face, tracing his soft pout with his thumb. "We will talk about this tomorrow, alright?"

Jungkook nodded. "I feel so guilty."

"Tomorrow, honey bun." He coaxed him out of his lap and gathered everything.

Jungkook hurriedly grabbed the flowers, hugging it to his chest and mumbling another apology. Then he took a few items from his hands. The trip to their home was silent and Jungkook clung to him the entire way.

Once inside the home, he quickly put the flowers in a way, apologizing to the roses for throwing them. Jimin wanted to coo at his adorable mate. As relieved as he was, Jimin didn't think he could go through this one more time.

The panic he suffered earlier despite Taehyung's assurance would last him for some time. But he was too tired to have a conversation now and he felt like Jungkook could also use some space to calm down from whatever caused this.

Only five minutes later, he eased into the nest, ignoring the few stuffed animals mutilated on the floor. Curiosity filled him, but he shelved the questions for later. It was apparent something was bothering Jungkook.

Jimin didn't bother changing. He just shimmied out of his pants and discarded his shirt before settling on the bed. Jungkook came two minutes later, plastering himself to his side.

The omega pressed a kiss on his cheek and settled at the crook of his arm, falling asleep at the speed of light. Jimin too followed soon, his wolf finally relaxed.


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