Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 135






Jungkook couldn't contain the excitement when he finally met the mated couple in person. He cooked a large portion of food to celebrate.

Their combined scents were divine. The youngest omega didn't spare a moment before he eagerly rubbed his scent over Yoongi and Taehyung, basking in it. To him, they were family—his den mates.

His happiness couldn't be contained. Taehyung's family was visiting in an hour or so. The alpha's mother was like a second mother to him. She adored him, treating him like the youngest in her family. Even Jimin had taken off from work to join the family lunch.

They were planning to leave immediately but something came up and they had to postpone the plan to the next day. That also gave them enough time to prepare everything for lunch and dinner.

Their planned get together from the time he announced his pregnancy kept getting postponed until now and he genuinely missed her. However, the worrying mother hen Kim had sent so much stuff to him that now his fridge and pantry was overflowing along with other things Mama Park kept sending him.

Jimin helped Jungkook around the kitchen. He suggested ordering but the omega was adamant that they had to cook. So he just resigned to help him instead.

Even Taehyung, who never stepped foot into the kitchen joined them while Yoongi begrudgingly sat on the kitchen stool, scowling at them for not allowing him to join. He was tasked to chop veggies but still he wasn't satisfied.

"Why does Jungkook get to work and I don't?" he griped, pointing his sharp knife at Taehyung. "He's the youngest here."

"He's three months along and you barely crossed one. Sit your ass down," Taehyung growled. "I'll glue you to your chair if you keep arguing."

Yoongi grunted something unintelligible.

Jungkook snickered while the older omega scowled. "Let us pamper you this time, hyung. We can be annoying together later and make them grovel at our feet."

"You say that as if it's a punishment. I'll have you know it's an honor to grovel at my mate's feet and I'll do it even if he didn't ask for it," Taehyung claimed and turned to Jimin who gave him a high-five.

Jungkook rolled his eyes with a fond grin. His pup was a few feet away playing with Yeontan and Binky. Jimin looked so content and right at home in Yoongi's kitchen. Taehyung helped him find things he needed and they were chatting freely with each other while drinking a can of beer each.

The omega glanced at the fruit juices they were given. The sacrifices they had to make for their pups. Speaking of which, he now remembered how Yoongi was avoiding alcohol ever since Jungkook had gotten pregnant and was giving him company. Well, he wasn't much of an alcoholic consumer before. He only stopped drinking around his heats. Now he realized how good that had been. He didn't want to think of Yoongi not succeeding this time. Jungkook was the happiest. He couldn't wait for their children to be here and grow together.

The food was ready by the time the Kim family arrived. First ones to arrive were Mama and Papa Kim. Mama Kim hugged both Yoongi and Jungkook, scenting them. He didn't miss how she sniffled and got so emotional.

"I'm so glad you have each other here," she said. "I would have been so worried otherwise."

"She's been pestering me to rent a place nearby," Papa Kim added. "She wants to temporarily shift to Seoul." His chuckle was fond and eyes kind.

"I was there for both our son's children. No one can look after them better than a mother," she reasoned. "They need me closer. Oh, God! We need to totally go shopping for all the stuff. Have you guys started planning your nursery?"

Jungkook shook his head sheepishly. He completely forgot. The penthouse his dad gifted him was being designed by an interior designing team. However, he didn't think of a nursery yet. As for Yoongi they just found out they were expecting.

"No worries. Mama Kim got your back." She clapped her hands excitedly. "Good thing I brought a catalog with me. Oh, I can't wait to show you all these interesting boards I have on Pinterest. We are totally gonna have fun."

Jungkook grinned, hugging her. "I'd love that, Mama." He nuzzled into her neck. "Are you hungry? When are the hyungs coming?"

"Eldest is leaving late, but the middle one should be here soon," she said.

Jungkook noticed Papa Kim talking to Jimin a few feet away, nursing a cup of whiskey. They seemed to be deep in discussion so he focused on Mama Kim. "Then let's wait until he's here. Want a drink or a snack?" He led her to the kitchen, ready to listen to everything she had to share.


The lunch was the loudest and boisterous event ever. Minmin, who didn't even understand what was going on, was laughing his heart out along with the adults. Jungkook had tears in his eyes with how much he laughed.

Taehyung's second brother Kim Hyun-Jung had a good sense of humor. Whenever they gathered together, he was in charge of entertainment. His mate Hye and his two children were just as adorable.

The conversation was light-hearted and casual. However, Jungkook learned that the things between the Kim pack and Park pack has always been tense. They were cordial but weren't close enough to be considered friends. But this served as an event where Papa Kim and Jimin established an allegiance to work closer in the future. The omega could also say they were getting along well.

However, things were a bit awkward when the elder brother Dae-Seong showed up with his mate Dal and three children. There was a tense silence when Jungkook introduced Jimin in person.

Jimin was the first to offer his hand with a tight smile. The handshake was weird as fuck and Dae-Seong looked constipated while Jimin simply sized him up. Jungkook nudged at his ribs with his elbow, urging him silently to tone it down. The alpha immediately backed down and forced a smile, wrapping a hand around Jungkook's waist.

The initial awkwardness soon faded away and by the time dinner rolled around, Jimin was drinking in the living room with the Kim alphas while chatting animatedly.

His Papa was late after his meetings but he joined them for dinner. It was a long day and tiring when it was time to say goodbye but it was good.

"I'll talk to you later, Jimin," Papa Kim said. "It'd be great if your dad can see the benefit of us working together regarding this issue."

Jimin nodded curtly. "I'll talk to him."

"Alright." He patted his shoulder before turning to the others and bidding farewell.

"What was that about?" Jungkook asked once they were home. Minjun was already asleep on Jimin's shoulders.

"Pack business," he responded, carrying their pup to his bedroom. "Dad is being a blockhead. So Mr. Kim wanted my help to get through him."

Jungkook hummed. "It's like that, huh?" He hugged Jimin from the back. "Are you gonna talk to him?"

Jimin looked thoughtful for a moment. "I said I would." He gripped Jungkook's hands, pulling him closer. "Besides, he's at my mercy now. Thanks to a special omega." He craned his neck to kiss Jungkook's cheeks.

"Yeah?" Jungkook kissed his lips.


"I'm so exhausted." Jungkook sighed.

"Let's go to sleep then." Jimin released his hands and they exited the pup's room. "I told your Papa to stay but he said he has an early morning meeting and had to prepare for it. He's working overtime because I took today off. Sorry about that, honey bun."

"It's okay," Jungkook mumbled. "Just a little more time and everyone is gonna know who you are. How are things with the court?"

"All good. She isn't getting out of this. Looks like she was also evading tax for the past two years. So she's in trouble for so many things."

"Ah..." They reached the bedroom and Jungkook hurried to the bed, too tired to do anything else. He urgently patted the side of the bed. "Heard Papa Kim saying something about all-pack gathering. What is it?"

"It's the annual PRA pack gathering. They pushed the dates a bit early. He wanted to know if we would make our relationship public before that," Jimin replied, climbing on the bed and settling beside him.

"Oh." Jungkook immediately snuggled to him. All pack gathering was an annual event hosted by PRA. The pack alphas and head omegas from all around the country participated in it along with the other VIPs. Was it time for that already? Jungkook didn't remember when the last event happened. He hasn't attended one in ages. "What did you tell him?"

Jimin grinned mischievously. "That we have a scandal to create." He chuckled. "I mean there's no fun in just releasing a statement about our marriage, is it?" He kissed Jungkook's nose. "They were torturing us so much so let them suffer a bit more and search for their so-called truth."

Jungkook giggled. "This is funny."

Jimin shrugged. "I'm just baiting them. If they wanna get caught in the trap, it's not my fault. By the time the truth comes out, people will be questioning their credibility, especially the Korean Times."

"Why are they so hell bent on portraying us in a bad light?" Jungkook wondered.

"Alpha Song is one of the investors," Jimin explained. "Thankfully, Namjoon hyung intercepted that scandalous mail before it reached them. Otherwise, we couldn't have done anything." He sighed.

Jungkook's expression fell. It still gave him anxiety when he thought about it. Thanks to Shana, they found it before the disaster happened. He didn't think he would have survived a scandal of such extent.

"Thank you." Tears burned his eyes again at the sudden onslaught of emotions. "I love you."

Jimin only pulled him tighter into his embrace. "No, thank you," he stressed. "I love you more, honey bun. I'll do anything for you."

Jungkook could only nod, too afraid he would break down if he spoke. Once the PRA took action on his request regarding his grandmother, the rest of the things would be at his disposal. But for now, he would wait.


[Some day that week]


"Sir, Mrs. Park is here to meet you," Hannah announced, pulling Jimin's attention from the document he was reviewing. "She brought lunch."

Jimin exhaled and nodded. "Send her in."

After the first time she came over, she had been coming for at least once a week to see him with food. They don't talk much, but she would request to have lunch with him and he allowed that. Their relationship was still strained but he could feel the ice around his heart thawing a little.

Jungkook still hadn't allowed them to meet their pup. His husband had a soft heart but he could also hold grudges. He told the alpha that he wouldn't let them meet until they had proven themselves as good parents.

While every meal she sent his omega's way earned her brownie points, they weren't alone enough to win Jungkook's heart. The door opened again, revealing his mother. Jimin used to think they were close when he was younger. How did they end up like this?

"Did I come at the wrong time?" She eyed the documents scattered around him. "I can wait."

Jimin shook his head with a sigh. "No, that's alright. I can use a break." He stood, removing his suit jacket and draping it behind his chair before leading her to the sitting area, where it had a small coffee table and a comfortable couch.

The alpha unbuttoned his sleeves, rolling the cuffs up while she quietly unpacked the lunch. He missed this. Jimin always loved her cooking. Though they had servants at home, she preferred to do the cooking by herself.

Now that he observed her, he noticed all the age lines on her face. Another sigh drifted out of him. Her dressing was impeccable as usual—stylish and sophisticated. However, she was growing old. The smile on her face didn't reach her eyes.

He wanted to forgive her, he really did. It was just his heart was badly hurt with her past actions that he couldn't just let go that easily.

"I'm sorry for the other day," she suddenly said, handing him the chopsticks. "I've been thinking about talking to you but I keep chickening out." She exhaled while Jimin frowned. "Maybe it's because apologizing isn't my strongest suit." Her shoulders slumped as she sat back. "The day Jungkook was attacked by that alpha, I was so concerned about his well-being and that of the pup that I didn't think of you." She stared at her hands, her scent growing troubled. "I shouldn't have yelled at you like that. Jungkook is your mate and the father of your pup. You would have been shaken up by the entire thing. I saw how much this affected your peace in the past weeks. The night you called your dad to ask for his help, I realized how much you cared for your omega. It wasn't my place to say those things when I haven't been there for you so long." She bit her lower lip, pausing for a moment. "I'm sorry. I'll be better."

Jimin's throat constricted as he pushed the meat around his soul bowl. "That's alright," he mumbled.

They were silent for a moment before he began eating to fill the awkward silence that was beginning to suffocate him. They didn't talk again until both had finished eating. She repacked the boxes and gathered everything.

"There's something I wanted to ask."

He quirked a brow. "Yeah?"

She shifted from one foot to the other before looking somewhere away over his shoulders. "C-Can I have something with your scent?" she asked. "I-I miss your scent in my nest." Her voice broke when she mentioned her nest.

Jimin cleared his throat, patting his pockets to find the handkerchief Jungkook always tucks inside. The alpha wordlessly handed it over to her.

His mother quickly took it from his hand, bringing it to her nose with a soft whine. It tugged at his heart strings. The image of Jungkook with his pup flashed in his mind. He stood unmoving as she inhaled his scent and her eyes were unfocused with a hint of her wolf surfacing.

She blinked after a moment and nodded at him. Her bottom lip trembled, eyes filled with glassy tears. Without another word, she tried to get past him to the door, but he stopped her.

Jimin couldn't hold back anymore. Whatever might have happened in the past, she was still his mother. He never stopped loving her and the anger had faded away when he saw how much it bothered her. The image of Jungkook desperate to get to their pup, who got into his nest for the first time, kept replaying in his mind.

He could only imagine how hard it was for her wolf to walk away. The alpha made a split-second decision before pulling his mother to his chest. He rubbed his cheek against her, scenting her like he always did.

That was all it took to break her walls. The lunch bag fell to the floor and her small frame shook with violent sobs. She clutched the front of his shirt, scenting him right back, chanting 'my pup' and 'I'm sorry.'

Jimin was too emotional too speak. His eyes were moist and his wolf too caught up with his need to comfort his mother. No matter what the bond between the mother and pup was so precious. He didn't understand how they even managed to ruin that.

With a sigh, he rested his cheek on top of her head and continued to hold her as she sobbed.

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