Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 123



"It's you, isn't it?" One of the directors hissed. "Don't pretend you didn't have a hand in this scandal. We all know if someone has a hand in this, it has to be you."

The so-called board of directors meeting had been convening for the third day in a row. The accusations flew right, left and center. It had been days still they hadn't dropped this conversation. Initially, it was shock and paranoia of the Jeon Group shares dropping two percent. But now they needed someone to put all the blame on.

"What about you then? Who is your pup's mother?" another director asked. "You might have shut the police and the public with that stunt. But that's not gonna work on us."

"Yeah, we need answers," another one parroted. "This is what happens when you don't tie loose ends."

A round of laughter echoed in the room and irritated Jimin. But he kept silent, observing them.

"Bet he used Boram as a scapegoat to distract the public from this," another one said as if he knew exactly what Jimin did. "How convenient, isn't it? Boram said he paid off the paparazzi who took those shots and videos, but it surfaced again when you dug it up."

Jimin exhaled. His wolf bristled inside him and he itched to say yes. He was the one who did it. But the years of experience told him it'd be wise to shut up. He didn't want to incur the wrath of others over this and fight them all for years to come.

"You blackmailed us to vote for you as the new Vice Chairman when we would have never done so in the first place," one spat. "Who knows what else you have done? Is that your plan with us too? You want to get rid of us. Is that it?"

Jimin has had enough. Even though they were only assumptions, they were close to the truth. It wasn't like Jimin did it without reason. The bastard had put a hit on him and he also had to protect his mate. He did the one thing that could possibly thwart something even worse. Boram had it coming for a long time. Even the prosecution office was silently building a case and gathering all evidence needed to file a suit. Jimin just quickened the things that's all.

"Boram is no use to me outside this board," Jimin said in a boring tone. "It's true I have dirt on every member in this room and I fully intend to use it the way I see fit. However, leaking them to the public was never my intention unless I'm forced to do it because of the circumstances. I was only trying to fulfil Chairman Jeon's wishes. Y'all seemed to forget who this company belonged to in order to fill your pockets, siding with nobody who was trying to overthrow Jinwan-ssi."

The others on the table scowled at him, but Jimin didn't give them a window to speak.

"Tell me what good is it going to do with me exposing Mr. Choi's affair to his wife?" Jimin leaned forward on his elbows. "Or exposing Mr. Yoo's gambling habit when he's abroad?" he listed. "The worst thing that can possibly happen is a divorce and Mr. Yoo being taken into custody for investigation. Personally, it's useless and a waste of time for me. So the longer you're here, the better. Not to mention all the PR headache I have to put through."

"What about you?" another alpha growled. "You're no saint. Don't think we don't know what happened with Mr. Seo and his son. You put them in jail."

"Not like we are perfect," one at the far end said. "But at least we don't have anyone publicly claiming we fathered their pup." His tone was condescending.

If it was another day, Jimin would have swallowed the anger and maintained silence. However, he no longer has the reason to do so. Jungkook had told him that he was ready to go public with their relationship.

"I'm married," Jimin stated plainly. "Minjun is my first pup. Does that answer your question, Mr. Moon?"

They gaped at him collectively.

"My personal life is none of your concern," Jimin continued in a calm voice. "Whatever this is, I'll deal with it legally. Sorry to disappoint you. Unlike what others like to believe, my life isn't that exciting." He smiled. "Mr. Seo, his son and I go way back. I did it because they refused to accept my offer and Jake said things he shouldn't have said." His eyes narrowed and he let his pheromones out to let them know how irritated he was. "Son Boram would have been an asset with dirt like that. Imagine having a minister's husband on your board. A minister, who has a potential to become a president a few years down the lane. Why would I do something like this when it doesn't benefit me?"

A beat of silence fell over the crowd.

"I agree. Boram's scandal only harms our company's reputation. He has already submitted his resignation. There's no use in accusing Vice Chairman Park at every turn," said Mr. Ha. "We are arguing with no end of discussion in sight for the past few days. Can we focus on Mr. Park's accomplishment and things we need to do next?"

Jimin let out a relieved sigh and crossed his legs at the knee when the door to the boardroom opened. Pleasant surprise shot through him when he saw the familiar mop of dark hair, poking through the gap.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen," Jungkook greeted everyone in the room but his gaze was on Jimin.

"Jungkook!" Mr. Choi greeted him with a beaming smile. "Your dad isn't here though. Mr. Jeon left for a meeting earlier."

"I know." Jungkook returned his smile. "I'm here for someone else. A word please, Mr. Park."

The others looked puzzled. "Ah, right now?" Mr. Choi asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid this can't wait. Mr. Park?" Jungkook tilted his head to the side. "Can we step into your office for a moment?"

Jimin blinked owlishly for a moment. His husband was smooth. He cleared his throat and stood. "Sure, Mr. Jeon."

"Thanks, gentlemen. Please continue. It'd be a while. I have pressing matters to discuss with the Vice Chairman."

Jungkook whirled around and left without looking back. To an outsider, he looked so uptight with a stern expression that warded off anyone who wanted to approach him. But Jimin knew better.

He had once again used scent blockers so the alpha couldn't smell him but the mating bond ached with a longing the omega felt inside. The alpha could bet Jungkook was here for a hug and that thought sent a rush of warmth through his chest.

The door to Jimin's office barely closed before the omega was on him, burying his face into the crook of his neck with a whine.

"Alpha mine, why are you too busy today? I missed you so much."

The alpha naturally wrapped his arms around him and held him tightly. "Is that why my baby came this far?"

Jungkook only grunted, too lost in nuzzling into his scent gland and gulping in the pheromones his wolf released just for their mate. His omega was too soft in his arms, wearing a black long sleeved t-shirt and pants. His long hair was neatly tucked under a bucket hat.

"Did you drive today?" Jimin removed the hat, running his fingers through his dark curls.

"Mhmm...it was fun." Jungkook's muffled voice announced. "Now that I'm driving again I find it interesting. I missed it."

Jimin only smiled fondly. "I'm so proud of you, honey bun."

"Me too." Jungkook pulled his face away from his neck to give him a smile that made his heart flutter even after all these months. "My alpha makes me feel so secure that I don't even think about it anymore. I still drive with my windows down but all I can smell is you. But it's kinda fading." He pouted. "You need to be in there soon."

Or more like it was an open invitation to make out in the backseat of his car. Jungkook thought their combined pheromones were better than air fresheners.

Jimin only grinned, spinning him to push him against the wall. "We could do more than just scenting in the car you know. Our scents are thicker when we fuck." He playfully nipped the sensitive spot on his neck, making him moan softly.

"I'm a very sensitive omega." Jungkook pushed at his chest. "You can't say these things outta nowhere."

"Yeah? You gotta problem down there?" The alpha teased.

The omega huffed. "I can demand you to take care of me right here, you know."

"What's stopping you?" Jimin teased. "I'm dying to bend you over that desk or maybe we should try the couch," he suggested. "How about the window? We could try that too."

"Stop..." Jungkook whined.

"Do you want me to?"

"It's been five days, alpha mine," his husband complained. "I'm as dry as a Sahara desert."

Jimin burst into laughing. They hadn't been able to do anything other than scenting and kissing with their pup glued to their side all night. Minmin was still upset about the entire incident. Today was his first day in school, but Jungkook extended his leave to rest as per Jin's advice. And here he was driving around just because he missed him.

"I bet you'd be flowing like a Nile by the time I remove that slick plug out." Jimin gave his ass a meaningful squeeze.

Jungkook huffed. "Do you hear a no?"

Jimin's wolf perked with interest as he stepped even more closely to the omega. "No."

But the omega straightened. "But not now." He took the alpha's hand and led him toward the couch. "I like it when you take your time with me and I like it even more to blissfully pass out with you inside me."

Jimin chuckled, allowing his mate to drag him to the couch. Jungkook made him lie down first before climbing on top of him.

"Also Minmin misses you. You have been missing dinner all week." He settled comfortably over him. "Mr. Shin called and told me our pup was restless all day. So I sent June to fetch him."

"Sorry, honey bun." Jimin sighed. "I'm trying. But these assholes have nothing to do all day except for eating my head. If it wasn't for you, I'd be pulling my hair now."

Jungkook giggled. "That's why I'm here to rescue you. They'll have to wrap up the meeting because from what you said without the main subject of the meeting there, they would have nothing to talk about. Hannah will ping me once it's safe to go out."

Jimin stifled his laugh. "Sneaky."

"Yep. My alpha needs a break and I'm here to give you one."

"And I love you for that."

There was a beat of silence for a moment as they just lay in each other's embrace.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble," Jungkook whispered after a while. "You could have made your move if not for this. But now you have to face this backlash because you're trying to protect me."

Jimin shook his head. "I'll never have it otherwise. It's better to have their attention on me. And you're helping me bury something even bigger." He cupped the side of his face. "You're helping me cover up the truth behind Minmin's parentage."

"For selfish reasons," Jungkook said. "Also this idea could perfectly work for us you know. Only a few people know the truth. We just have to play our cards right. It's better than people questioning everything about his birth. Minmin shouldn't be putting up with it."

Jimin nodded. "He's been through enough for his age. I don't want this nightmare to follow him in the future. You're his father. That's all there should be."

Jungkook was silent for a moment. "Alpha mine, just know none of what's happening is your fault," he mumbled, caressing his cheek. "You know that right? Stop being hard on yourself. No one could have predicted for this to happen or a way to stop it all. At the end of the day we are just beings controlled by fate."

"I thought I closed that chapter," Jimin admitted. "I didn't expect her to go after our pup."

"And I didn't expect my shitty cousin to hold something so personal," Jungkook countered. "It makes me physically sick to know what she has done. Why hold onto something like that if you claim to love someone dearly?"

"Honey bun, you should realize he's only her ticket to become a Jeon pack member. She is doing all this because she still thinks she has an upper hand and can still ruin you."

Jungkook sighed. "Did Shana find this?"


"It's sad she made her entire life about me. I genuinely cared for her, you know. I always wonder where I went wrong or what I did."

"It's not your fault, honey bun." Jimin ran his hand soothingly on his back. "How she treated you back then or how she's treating you right now is all on her. We both trusted the wrong people and it burned us. Not anymore."

Jungkook sighed. "Yeah. Not anymore. I don't even feel anything for her anymore. I have moved on, but I won't sit quietly and take all that shit from her."

"One thing at a time, bun. First let's handle Haneul."

"Don't worry. Juwan is brilliant." Jungkook beamed. "His story perfectly covers any loophole that might have been there."

Jimin nodded again. "Yeah. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. But sometimes I wish things were different."

"Me too. But we wouldn't even have met if not for the pup." Jungkook laughed. "I might have met you a lot later but I felt as if I've known you all my life because he's always talking about you. And it got to the point I began to wonder what it would feel like to be cared for by his Papa."

"Yeah." Jimin remembered fondly. "It was the same thing at home. He would be talking non-stop about you and then there was your scent. To come back from work to that sweet berry scent was just calming you know. Minmin refused to wash up telling me it'd remove your scent. I think it got to a point where it was upsetting to not have your scent around me."

"I kept thinking 'oh, to have an alpha this kind and considerate' and I also felt like I could relate with you because I know how much Papa struggled after Mom's death. I have a huge respect for you, alpha. And I admire you for everything you have done and you do. I can honestly say, after my Papa, you're someone I look up to."

"Honey bun..." Jimin's voice cracked a little and his wolf whined in his chest.

"It's true, alpha mine. I admire you and I mean it everytime I say you're the best alpha in the world for me," Jungkook said earnestly.

"And you're the sweetest omega in the entire world for me."

"That I am." Jungkook's scent bloomed with pride. "Our pup is a little cupid in disguise." He laughed merrily.

"Yeah." Jimin smiled. "He is. So what are your plans for tonight?"

"Hmm... You're cooking us dinner. I told your mom to not send anything today. June is taking Minmin to the park before she brings him home, so he will sleep early. And then...we would have all night to ourselves." Jungkook grinned.

Jimin beamed. "Looks like you have everything planned out."

"Yep. Now give me attention." He tightened his hold around Jimin and the alpha was only happy to obey his beloved mate.




Shana tapped furiously on her computer as the black SUV pulled in front of the apartment complex. She arrived at Busan only that morning. "Alright, the jammer is on. Safe to go in. Remember everything I said?"

"Yes," the men nodded and then they were off.

Shana monitored them through the camera they carried, instructing them where to look for and what to look for. Ten minutes later, one of the men, slipped inside the vehicle with a laptop and a backup phone. She immediately got to work.

Honey was with the doctor and it would be another two hours before she would go home. She already took care of her phone before heading here.

With experienced fingers, she switched the computer hard drive she brought along for the one that was already inside the laptop. She spent the past week spending so much time hacking into their computer using a spyware and replicating the hard drive.

They would be able to retrieve the data with the help of someone if she just erased it. So she had decided to replace the hard drive and for that she had to be here. In a way, she enjoyed the trip. It offered a much needed breather away from her otherwise hectic life.

Who would say no to a fully paid vacation? Besides, she might also look into the new position Jimin offered her in his company.

In a matter of minutes, she finished switching the hard drive and set it up just like the way it was before minus the files that were there. Honey only had a few photos and videos unlike Yuna. But they weren't going to take any chances.

Her backup phone had nothing except for a few useless craps the girls did together. Partying, drinking and a bit more partying. She suppressed the urge to roll her eyes as she quickly sifted through the contents, ensuring there was nothing harmful inside.

The man, who arrived with the laptop, took it back to put it in the same place as if it was never touched. It was a tedious job but worth the risk. She went back to monitoring the camera. The men were thorough with their job. They left no place unturned, but at the same time, they made sure they didn't disturb anything else.

Another thirty minutes and they were off to their next stop. Yuna and Eunji were fortunately at a party. The men who were in disguise were going to bring them back to the apartment they shared and drug them so they would pass out till morning.

After what felt like hours, which was just after midnight, they finally showed up. The girls clung to the men, kissing the daylights out of them. Shana scrunched her nose and waited until they received the signal to go inside, which took another thirty minutes of waiting.

Finally, inside, Shana got to work again. In an hour, she was done swapping hard drive on both their laptops but their phones were a different story. She decided she would keep it for the time being.

The men searched the rest of the apartment and found a few CDs and USB drives they found. Shana checked them to confirm if she had the right one and nodded.

"We are leaving," she announced. "Steal their purse to make it look like you're small time thieves."

The two men came with Yuna and Eunji scoffed but proceeded to do as she said. Shana gathered everything they found and left the apartment with a beaming smile. Now all that left was that grandma character and the mother character.

They weren't as tech savvy as the others. So the only copy they had was on their phone. As for Minhyuk and Sohee she had other plans. Minhyuk was currently busy fucking an omega in one of the club toilets while Sohee was pleasantly drunk and binging on a k-drama.

Minhyuk didn't know the omega he chose to spend the night with already stole his purse and phone before sliding it under the door. He wouldn't realize he was robbed until it was too late. As for Sohee, that was Shana's next stop.

Shana was amazed how deep Jimin's connection ran. She vaguely remembered how they came to be. If she wasn't wrong, Jimin once saved this guy Dan from something very bad and he offered to help Jimin on various occasions. In the past, Jimin used his help once. He cost a lot of money, but was very good at his job.

When she arrived at her apartment, they handed her a gas mask. She cocked an eye brow but wore it. Looked like they pumped some sort of drug through the AC vent to knock her out.

Once again, Shana got to work. With Sohee, she had to be careful. The bitch seemed to have more secret shit down her sleeves than anyone else. So her job here wasn't only to swap hard drives, but also to find what other dirt she had on Jungkook or Jimin.

After two hours, Shana had retrieved at least two hard copies of photos and videos she had as a backup, went through all her content and read through the journal she kept hidden to check what else she was hiding. But there was nothing.

Either she really didn't have anything more or she was very good at hiding. She didn't want to take chances, so she left a few bugs to monitor her activities before leaving the apartment with Dan's men in tow.

The men would have already replaced the phones of Sun-young and Soeyeon with the ones she gave. They would just switch the SIM cards and the women wouldn't even know their phones have changed.

Jungkook's dad was there to give full access to the men and fortunately, Soeyeon was also staying at the Jeon mansion, which worked in their favor. He flew down to Busan earlier that evening just for this purpose. The former head alpha was also the one to photograph Sun-young and Soeyeon's phones earlier so she could replicate it.

Jungkook was safe now. A smile tugged at the corner of her lips. Her job here was done for now. She could go back to Seoul now.



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