Will You Be My Daddy? 🐰- 119
When Jimin walked into the detention center that morning, the cops were quick to assist him to the room where they held Haneul. The model was arrested and was charged with attempted kidnapping, libel and slander.
The video proof recovered from the witnesses clearly showed Haneul, her manager, who initiated everything, and how Haneul tried to run away with the pup while Jungkook was fighting the alpha. It also showed how she threw the pup on the floor and hurt him.
Jimin and his wolf were furious. He grounded his jaw but kept his scent neutral. He won't give satisfaction to this woman. The small ounce of soft spot he had for her dissipated when she walked out on him and Minjun. When he held his pup for the first time, he vowed that he would never let her anywhere near him ever again.
The meeting area was a small room separated with a glass partition between the detained individual and the visitor. There was a phone for them to communicate. He appreciated that he wouldn't have to be in the same space as hers. This meeting itself was too much for him. He despised being here, but it was a necessary evil.
Jimin saw her lips moving as she lunged toward him only to be blocked by the thick glass panel. He could hear her voice in his head. Once upon a time, he used to wait to hear that voice. Now his belly churned just at the thought of it.
He was truly over her. When he looked at her, he felt nothing. There was no rush of happiness or that endearing fondness in his chest. His wolf was indifferent. Honestly, he felt nothing. She was as good as a stranger to him.
With years, he learned to forget and move on. He forgot for his own sake. He made peace with it, but he never forgot. The hurt she caused was still there. Only he didn't pay attention to it anymore and appreciated what he had in his life currently.
In a sense, he was relieved that she left because if she had stayed, it would have damaged him more. In short, he wanted nothing to do with her. However, it was funny that she thought she still had a hold on him. Her actions were almost comical and he would have laughed if he wasn't furious.
When he saw her now, he only remembered the bruise on Jungkook's jaw and the pup, who was curled inside his omega's nest with high temperature. This woman and her companion caused that. They harmed his family and intended to do more harm.
She slammed her palms on the panel, seemingly yelling alpha several times before a cop pulled her to sit back on the chair and pointed at the phone.
Haneul immediately grabbed the phone and cried, "Alpha!"
Jimin, however, took his time before picking up the phone from his end and pressing it to his ear. She looked disheveled as if she was refusing to sleep or eat. Her face was bare and skin pale. The once healthy lips were chapped and her eyes were red as if she was crying.
"Alpha, you came back," she sobbed. "I knew you won't let me die in this hell hole. Please...help me. Please help me. Tell them to let me out. I only wanted to see our pup. They wouldn't even let me do that. Alpha!"
Jimin growled, cutting her off. "I'm not your alpha. Call me that again and I'll rip your tongue off."
Her eyes widened but she shook her head. "You're angry. I know. I deserve that. I'm sorry. Alpha, please...I-I was wrong. Please..."
Jimin exhaled. If he didn't know better, he would have bought her act. She was good. It was extremely hard to tell whether her tears were real. If not for that glass panel, he was sure that her distressed scent would be all over the place. "What are you doing here?"
"What am I doing here?" She repeated his question with a blink of her eyes. "I-I came to you. Y-You're my alpha. I came back."
Jimin frowned. "The truth, Haneul."
"It is the truth," she cried. "I know I left. It was wrong. I hurt you. I realized it much later. Please...I only wanted to see our pup. I missed him."
"My pup," he corrected her. "You were just an egg donor."
Haneul shook her head. "Don't do this to me, alpha. We were...he is our pup. I carried him. I gave birth to him. Please...I shouldn't have left. I know my mistake now. Let me make it up to you."
Jimin laughed. "Never knew you were good at acting. What we had was clearly a business arrangement. But why am I seeing all this nonsense crap on the internet?"
She looked taken back. "W-What? We-We were dating. I slept with you."
Jimin leaned back, crossing his leg at the knee. "You're not the only one I slept with," he stated casually. "You're just one of them." His composure was calm and he looked unbothered.
"T-That's not true. You took me out. You courted me."
"We were friends," Jimin cut her off effortlessly. He was aware she had someone inside and was possibly recording their conversation. Jimin could have stopped it but he didn't. The police had their eyes on this person and later, they could use this against Haneul in the court. "It's true I treated you to meals and we hung out often. I protected you from the others and kept you safe."
"No!" she screamed. "We loved each other. You said you wanted to marry me and have a future with me. You got me pregnant and you did by sleeping with me! I can prove it!"
"Love?" He laughed out loud. "We were never dating. I'm not sure what you're trying to prove here. You needed money and I needed a surrogate. Easiest way to do that was to fuck." He shrugged. "You knew exactly what you were getting into. It was a mutually beneficial relationship and nothing more. I wonder why you thought it was a good idea to come back now." He exhaled a long sigh. "But again it's not too surprising because your career is dying and you need something more."
"Y-You're lying." Her eyes were wide.
"Am I?" he asked with a smirk on his face. "I left my family to start something of my own and I wanted a pup. You agreed to bear a pup for me."
"No. You loved me! You left me because your parents wouldn't accept us. Because I was poor and I'm not this purebred omega they want me to be. You took the baby from me," she cried. "You and your family threw me out. You guys wronged me."
Jimin scoffed. "You contradict your words in less than five minutes. I haven't been in touch with my family for years," he replied. "You already knew that. They removed me from the family tree and you knew that. The pup was conceived after my departure from the pack. They had nothing to do with any of this. Once again, I'm really not sure what you're trying to prove here. They didn't even know I had a pup until recently. That was until you went and threatened them if I'm not wrong. Were you trying to blackmail them in hopes of receiving monetary benefits? Did you think they would pay you in exchange for your silence? I'm just trying to figure out where you get such ideas. I thought we were both clear when we parted ways."
"You're lying!" she bellowed.
"Did you not take money from me for giving birth to my pup?" Jimin asked. "I have proof. I gave you the amount you asked for and you accepted it."
"That money was for carrying your fucking pup and putting my life on pause while I did so. You were barely compensating me for the shit I went through."
Jimin smiled. "There it is. I paid you for your service. There is nothing more."
Haneul's face went red and for a moment, her damsel in distress act slipped. "I saw you exiting that private jet in France. It was your jet. You never left your family. You lied to me about all that. I know you now have money. You lied to me and made me believe you didn't have any money. You just wanted to get rid of me."
Jimin's smile widened. "Ah, that's why." Everything made sense now. However, he kept up the act. "That jet is mine, I agree, but I haven't been a part of the Park pack for five years. You signed the contract willingly with the hospital and I have witnesses to prove it." He stood and buttoned his jacket. "Your buddy confessed everything and it's better if you do too. I know you're doing this for money and fame, but you won't get anywhere with your lies."
Jimin dropped the phone and exited the cell, leaving the screaming omega behind. Five minutes later, a cop announced that they caught the person who was recording their conversation. They confiscated the recording and it was now safe to talk to the omega.
The alpha nodded and went back inside. Haneul jumped to her feet as soon as she saw him. He grabbed the phone again and so did she.
"Jimin! Alpha, please...I thought you left," she sniffled. "Please listen to me alright. I was scared, okay? I was young and I did some things I'm not proud of, but I always loved you and our pup. I came back as soon as I realized what I was missing. Please believe me. It's the truth. I came back but I couldn't find you."
"I'm not here to listen to the bullshit you keep spewing," he snapped. "Listen to me and listen carefully, Lee Haneul. The Jimin in the past would have believed your tears and practiced dialogs. He might have empathized with you and let everything slide, but you forgot this is not the past. I knew you were recording our conversation. Don't worry. Your person is safe." He smirked when realization dawned on her features. "None of the words I speak will make sense to you, so I won't waste my breath. What you have to know right now is..." His eyes narrowed at her. "You and your little scheme failed." His features hardened as he glared at her. "Jeon Jungkook is my omega and my husband. He's the father of my pups." He paused until he saw realization dawn on her features. "You miscalculated and stepped into muddy waters all by yourself. I might have fallen into your trap once, but I learned from my mistake. However, your mistake this time was to touch my omega and my pup. I might forgive all the bullshit you threw at me for the sake of our old times, but I'll never forgive you for putting my omega and my pup in danger for your benefit. For that, you will pay with everything you got. When this is all over, you'll regret the day you decided to come back and you'll regret everything else. But there won't be anything left for you or your alpha fuck buddy to go back to."
Haneul gasped.
Jimin scoffed. "What? You didn't think I'd figure that out? His scent is fucking seeped into your skin. Not so careful this time around, huh?"
Haneul swallowed audibly. All blood from her face drained.
"Let me tell you something." Jimin narrowed his eyes. "I ran into Jake in Paris." His smile was vicious. "Do you remember him?" He waited until he was sure she knew who he was talking about. "That little birdie confirmed my suspicions." Jake loved to talk and boast all his escapades. "You might not have slept with him while we were together, but you were talking to him behind my back, planning to ditch me and find a space with him. His father was an investor and funded several projects. He also had a deep grip in the entertainment industry. You wanted to use his connections."
Haneul paled further. Her grip on the phone tightened. She opened and closed her mouth with no words coming out.
"I know you ran back to him as soon as you learned my family disowned me. You renewed your friendship and cried to him about how you were wrong for not taking his offer first. He was so happy to know I was failing, wasn't he? You wanted to have him in your corner so even when I couldn't give you what you wanted, you would have him to support you. But Jake wasn't interested in you, was he? He was only interested in what I had. He was happy to screw you behind my back because that asshole thought he was getting back at me." He sighed. It was really fucked up. "But he dipped as soon as he realized you were pregnant with my pup. That was a responsibility he wasn't willing to take and the bastard also thought the news will fuck with me. That was why you came back."
Jimin clenched his fists. He hadn't known that truth until his recent run-in with Jake. His blood boiled to even think that he tried everything to win her back. The alpha didn't want to believe him, but Jake loved to have proof and he had taken photos of them while they were at it.
"I fucked her while she was pregnant with your pup," Jake had taunted.
Jimin's rage was justified. He was glad he dodged a bullet with this one. Jungkook's dad had later comforted him and they decided they wanted to leave their new findings in Paris. His omega was furious but he too told him it was better to leave it where it belonged—in the past.
"Loving you was a mistake," he admitted with a sad smile. "I know I can't erase my past but I've come to accept that. You taught me the reality of this world. I left my parents for you, but you never loved me, did you? I was ready to risk everything for you because I believed it was worth it."
Haneul didn't reply but her façade was crumbling and that look of arrogance was back.
"I'm not here to listen to what you have to tell me," he said, not allowing her a chance to speak. "You were able to string me along because I gave that power to you. I allowed you to do that. I allowed that because I loved you truly and trusted you. But you took advantage of that and you tried to play me for your own benefit. You should be ashamed, Haneul. It's not the achievement you think it is." He inhaled deeply. "You're not worth my time, but I'm here now because when you go down, I want you to know you went down because of me. I want you to know I have moved on and happier than ever. That I'll have something you will never have. Love." He smiled.
Haneul fumed. "I didn't know you were sleeping with him." Her lips curled. "Should have guessed it when he fought back. I was caught off guard."
Jimin scoffed. "You won't be able to touch a hair in his body even if you had known. My omega could beat you in his sleep. For old time's sake I'll tell you something, don't ever cross my omega. Because he doesn't hold back and he won't stop until you're nothing but dust."
Haneul growled, not liking his words. "You will regret this, Jimin. I have the public with me and I now have the money to fight you. I'll prove that Minjun is mine. People know me outside of Korea unlike you. If you think you know me, then you don't."
Jimin laughed. "It's funny you still think you have an upper hand. I'd have let this slide, but you touched my mate. No one touches Jungkook and gets away with it. He's mine to protect and love. If you weren't an omega, I'd have broken your bones like I did with your alpha fuck buddy and Jake. Rest assured, they both won't be popping a knot in the foreseeable future." He squared his shoulders. "Good bye, Haneul. See you never."
"Fuck you!" she bellowed. "I'll ruin you, Park Jimin. We will meet plenty. Just wait!"
Jimin grinned and this time it was filled with malice. The alpha growled into the receiver. He saw her shiver and shrank back. "You wish." He dropped the phone and walked out of the cell.
"So you're his new flavor?" Haneul scoffed as soon as she saw him. It was apparent she was shocked but hiding it well. Her gaze scanned his taller frame from top to bottom, lingering on his all black outfit of choice with disdain. "How long have you been with him? Not that I care. Just curious, you know?" She tried to look confident with a fake smile adorning her lips.
Jungkook strode to his chair and removed his hood, revealing his face. His long fingers combed through his untamed curls, causing it to fall in waves. His husband and attorney Juwan would flip if they knew he came here alone. The bodyguards were right outside. Jungkook wasn't that reckless.
The bruise on his jaw was dark, swollen and still looked fresh and painful. It was a bit uncomfortable, but nothing he couldn't handle. He took a seat in front of her. She was brought outside of her cell to this room for their meeting. If someone asked she looked better even in this prison garb. He sat and crossed his leg at the knee, making himself comfortable.
"I can see why he's keeping you around. You're a catch," Haneul noted. She looked worse than him. Bruises littered her face and wrist was bandaged, possibly sprained or broken; he didn't care. "You should work on your attire though. You can't keep Jimin impressed for long wearing that kind of clothes," she drawled. "Fortunately for you, you come from a lot of money. So that's an advantage. You can afford stuff and unlike me, you won't have to struggle even if his family cut him off."
Haneul loved to talk, the head omega noticed. Jungkook gestured at the two cops stationed inside to leave and cut the camera feed by making a scissoring motion with his fingers. He waited a few seconds before the cop left them alone with a bow and the camera went offline.
"Wow. Impressive." She clapped. "Wish I had that kind of power." Haneul leaned forward on her elbows. "I was just born on the wrong side after all."
Jungkook inhaled deeply and exhaled slower. He rubbed his palms over his soft, comfy pants and intertwined his hands over his knee. "Why did you try to kidnap my pup?" he asked, wanting to change the conversation. He simply didn't have time to entertain her.
"Your pup, huh?" she continued to taunt. "You can keep him. I didn't want to do anything with him in the past and I'm not interested in doing anything with him now. He's such a nuisance. Too loud and ugly." Her face twisted with distaste.
Jungkook clenched his jaw so tight that he felt his jaw would break if he didn't relax it sooner. "You could have gone to the court, but you came to the school and tried to do that in broad daylight."
"Right. And I got what I wanted. Did you see the news?" she grinned. "I'm the damsel in distress. When I demand a DNA test in the court, they will prove I'm the mother and boom. Jimin or the Park family stands no chance against me." She gestured. "Go and tell him. It's over for him." She smiled slyly and touched her face. "You did quite a number on my face, but it was worth it. Imagine all the publicity when people see this. They would sympathize with me. You just helped me prove my claim. So I'll forgive you."
Jungkook sniffed and forced his body to relax. His raging hormone demanded he break her nose just for fun but he held back. He wasn't here for that.
"So it was a publicity stunt as I thought. Are you done talking?" he asked. "Because I don't like people talking back or intervening when I talk."
She blinked. "What?" Then she laughed, throwing her head back and covering her mouth. "You still think you got the upper hand? Why are you even here in the first place? This got nothing to do with you. Jimin doesn't settle. He fucks and moves on. Maybe he will keep you around because you're useful to him and he works for your father," she yapped.
Jungkook hummed. "So are you done? I don't have all day."
She cocked an eyebrow. "Fine. I'll stop if you're so impatient. Your loss though. Don't say I didn't warn you."
Jungkook chuckled. "Oh, you poor Haneul, you never understand, do you? It's unfortunate you think you still have an upper hand when you never did."
"I'll cut to the chase." Jungkook sniffed. "My wolf is an impatient bitch. Even now he's raging inside me and demands me to reshape your face. It's really hard to hold back. You see, my doctor told me, I shouldn't get too angry. My mood affects the baby. I don't want my Ming to inherit bad temper and all the other bad habits from me. So yeah, I'm stopping you for selfish reasons."
Her eyes widened as if she was realizing something for the first time. Her nostrils flared. He didn't use scent blockers. Not when he had to rely on his own scent for comfort and he wanted her to know Jimin had moved on. And more than that, he wanted her to know, he was happy.
"I won't blame you for wanting more money and wanting a better life, Haneul. I feel you and empathize with you." He uncrossed his legs and leaned forward, staring her in the eye. "I even admire your strength to become what you wanted to become. You were top of the class. Well, second top," he corrected, remembering Jimin stole that spot from her in college.
"What? You're offering a psychology session now?" One would think she was innocent and wouldn't even hurt a fly if they looked at her. She had that kind of face.
Jungkook growled, cutting her off. "Shh..." he warned. "Told you my wolf is impatient." He knew his pupils would have turned blue because he felt the wolf shift to the front.
She sucked in a breath and sat back. But she didn't want to show her weakness so she folded her hands across her chest and sat back. Her legs were crossed at the knee. Fortunately, she kept her mouth shut.
"Anyways, as I was saying, you had a whole life ahead of you despite the hurdles you suffered. I mean it's shitty you had to face a lot of things. I'm not judging you for not wanting a baby and I'm sorry that you felt forced to have one. But you know the choice was yours, right?" he asked. "You had the choice to say no."
She scoffed. "Choice. People like us don't have a choice," she hissed.
"You did," Jungkook rebuked. With a shake of his head, he continued, "You won a scholarship because you were capable. You might have been less fortunate moneywise, but you were able to forge a path with your abilities. Haneul, you didn't need someone to reach your goal. But wanna know where you went wrong?"
Haneul growled in annoyance, but Jungkook growled thrice as stronger, shutting her up. She whimpered almost baring her neck in submission.
"What I meant was that you didn't value what you had in your life," he continued. "Did you know your father passed away two years ago? Or that your mother is in an elderly home, suffering early stages of dementia? Heard you were a late child."
She gritted her teeth.
"Ah, I see. You don't care. Your dad had to quit his job because he was sick. Don't worry. They didn't suffer. Thanks to the Park pack's elderly care funds. They were given medical care and a monthly remuneration. So they didn't suffer. Even now, your mother is cared for. But you never once visited them all these years. It'd make sense to me that you were ambitious and wanted a better life. Everyone wants that, especially after going through so many hardships in their lives."
"What the fuck would you know?" she hissed. "You guys are born lucky. You never had to go through any of the shit I've been through."
"My mom died when I was young. My dad was working twice as much and his step mom despised me. Home was hell until I moved out," Jungkook replied. "Jimin was sent to a boarding school, away from his parents. He was forced to grow and mold into someone his parents would be proud of. But you had both of your parents with you throughout your life. Loving and caring if I may add, supporting you with everything they got and so proud of your every achievement. Even now, your mom treasures every memory in her tiny room."
Haneul gritted her teeth. "Really? Did I just walk in for a therapy session?" she scoffed.
"You had a choice when you decided to date Park Jimin. You had a choice to end things when his parents cut him off, but you didn't. You had a choice when he told you he wants to keep the baby."
"They fucking don't let abort pups of the purebred wolves," she yelled. "I tried. Oh, God, I fucking tried. It was too late for that and I didn't fucking know I was pregnant."
He saw the first crack in her façade. Jungkook sniffed. "I'm sorry you had to go through that. I'm sorry you felt forced to have a baby when you didn't want to."
Haneul scoffed. "I had to put my entire life on pause because of him."
"But you also went and fucked someone else behind his back," Jungkook continued, ignoring her comment. She rolled her eyes, mumbling something unintelligible, which he pretended not to notice. "You demanded that Jimin should compensate you and he did that in advance."
"As he should."
"But still you tried to terminate your pregnancy by other means," he added. "You made his life a living hell."
"He deserved that."
"You left as soon as the pup was born. You didn't even wait to be discharged."
Haneul growled. "I was afraid he would try to convince me and persuade me to stay. I didn't want any of that."
"Very well. Then you should have stayed the fuck away," Jungkook growled. "You were dead to Minjun for six years. If you didn't want any of this, you should have stayed that way."
"What? Seriously?" She looked at him in disbelief.
"I'm telling you all this because you should know why I'm doing what I'm doing," Jungkook said. "It's true a DNA test would prove you're his mother. But remember the papers you signed?"
"Those are just custody papers. I'll just claim I was forced to sign them," she stated defiantly.
"Do whatever you want to, I'll meet you at the court. That's my battle to fight."
Haneul looked at him incredulously. "This is not even your business. Why are you getting involved? What is in it for you?"
"When did you get so ignorant? I expected you to be smart." Jungkook stared at her for a long moment. "It's got something to do with my family. You wouldn't understand even if I explain." He waved a hand dismissively. "Anyway, don't interrupt while I'm talking. I'll either deck you again or worse strangle you just like my wolf is tempting me to do."
Haneul pursed her lips, going silent almost immediately.
The head omega produced a set of newspapers from the shoulder bag he carried. He put it in front of her one by one, which showed the news of them dragging Jimin and the Park family all over the place. Her eyes widened and a smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she read the news eagerly.
Jungkook relaxed in his seat. He allowed her to go through each newspaper. She took her time to read and then reread. "I see you're happy."
"Of course I am," she snickered. "No matter what the outcome is, I'll have the last laugh. I always do."
"Hmm..." Jungkook hummed. "I'd love to play along, but I hate to say this. Unfortunately for you, this is your last laugh." This time he pulled out his iPad and put it in front of her. "You should see this too."
Haneul's eyes lit with curiosity as she peered into his gallery. "What's this?"
"Take a look."
And she did. Jungkook watched in satisfaction as her face darkened with every flick of her finger. The radiant smile on her face dimmed until the upward turn of her lips turned downward, pulling into a deep frown.
"I protect what is mine. You see, Haneul, you became my business when you went to Mr. Park's family home, demanding to see Minjun. I knew you would become a nuisance when you went to the Jeon group, asking for Jimin's appointment. Mr. Park told me you were reaching out to the media and trying to air out dirty laundry. Surely your intentions couldn't be pure if you came back after all these years and chose that method out of everything else. Still, I wanted to give you a benefit of doubt. Naturally, I went digging and imagined my surprise." He rolled his eyes. "Actually, I wasn't surprised at all. You were here because your popularity is fading and you learned one of the famous producers will be here for a month. You were trying to get his favor and waiting for a chance to meet him. Or should I say a chance encounter, where you'd perfectly make it look like you just happened to run into him and from there progressing to other stuff?"
A shadow fell on Haneul's face and she looked like she'd seen a ghost.
"Your manager hired a private detective to stalk this guy's schedule and you magically appeared in almost all of his public schedules. Last week, finally, you got him alone in a private party just like you wanted. And is that drugs? You know you could go into jail for that." He reached forward to swipe to the next video on his device. "It's kinda blurry, but one can clearly say who it is." In the video, they were kissing against the window. "You should have probably closed those curtains. I didn't fancy seeing his sagged balls or watching him hump you like a dog, finishing off before you guys even started was cringe as fuck. And I felt sad that a brilliant woman like you had reduced yourself to such an extent. You have no one but yourself to blame."
Haneul swallowed visibly. "What do you want?" she asked breathlessly. "I'll withdraw my claim. I'll give a statement. I'll do whatever you want."
"It might be true your plans derailed when you fell pregnant or that you felt your life was ruined. Honestly, you did most of that to yourself when you failed to see your worth."
"What the fuck do you want?" She emphasized each word and looked ready to explode.
Jungkook saw the fear in her eyes. "You're afraid," he noted. "That's good. Didn't think this far, did you? When you can plant a detective on us, it won't be hard for me to do the same, huh? But I must admit, I didn't expect you to show up at school and act the way you did. You might have pulled it off and maybe you would have succeeded in your plan if I hadn't been there. Unfortunately for you and your manager, you didn't consider me in your equation. You guys were so blinded that you failed to notice Jimin had moved on."
"Just tell me, dammit. I told you I'll take it back. I'll do it now. I-I'll call my lawyer. I'll do it right now." Her chest heaved as she glanced at him hopefully.
"Police are raiding your little motel room as we speak." His phone dinged as if on cue. "Ah, there it is." Jungkook smiled. "They found something invaluable."
"Jungkook." She tapped the table restlessly with her palm. "Listen to me. Please...just hear me out, alright. I'll leave you guys be. Forget all this like a bad memory. Just forget that I exist, alright? I'll go. I'll go far away from you guys."
"Would you?"
She nodded furiously. "Yes. Fuck. Just let me go. Let the bygones be bygones. You can pretend I'm dead. What do you say?"
Jungkook watched her for a moment and then smirked. "I'd say it's too late for negotiation. Maybe you should go and meet your mother while you still can. You're a horrible daughter. The poor woman doesn't deserve to see you like this."
"Jungkook, please, let's not be impulsive, okay? I still don't know what the relationship between you and Jimin is—fuck buddies or whatever. But trust me. He's not what you think. Don't trust him. He'll leave when he gets bored."
Jungkook laughed. "Oh, honey, Jimin isn't going anywhere." He tugged at his sweater, revealing his mating mark. Jimin is my mate and husband. We are married and have another pup together if you can't tell already."
"W-What?" Her jaw went slack. "Y-You got m-married?"
"Jimin isn't the Park family heir anymore. He's the head alpha of the Jeon Pack—my husband and the father of my children. Like I said, I protect what is mine. Jeon pack might be based in Busan but as you can see..." He waved a hand around them. "I have connections everywhere." He stood and grabbed his iPad. "I wanted to deliver the news myself and watch you fall from your high horse. I've only seen this revenge stuff in movies and dramas, you know. It feels pretty good when I'm the one doing it." He grinned. "It was fun. Now, I'll see you in court."
"Wait!" She jumped to her feet and on cue the door opened. Two cops entered, rushing toward her to stop her before she moved closer to Jungkook. "Let's talk please... I'm sorry."
"You should be," Jungkook called over his shoulder and exited the room.
"Let's talk! I'll do whatever you want." He heard the door slam shut behind him and desperate cries muffled through it. "Hear me out. Come back!"
Jungkook sighed. "Always too late." He put on his aviator glasses, pushing it in place with his index finger before he strode to his new car—the one his Papa bought for Minjun and drove off. The two bodyguards Jimin hired followed at a distance so no one else would notice.
Many were confused about the Anonymous. It's care of. That's the wolf our alpha left in coma. He was from the Kang pack.
These past few chapter updates were commissioned by Chim4u, Tea, Leni & Kiatie. There won't be any updates until later this week. I'll take this time to prepare the next batch. See ya!
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