Extended Epilogue - Karma Part 4
Sohee strode through the bright halls of the Jeon Pack's prison, pushing the cleaning supplies. Her hateful gaze scanned the area, fingers itching to scratch the electronic collar on her neck, but afraid of what would happen if she touched it again.
Fucking assholes!
One day I'm gonna get out of here and show you guys who I am.
"Hey!" one of the cops on guarding duty called, "You there."
Sohee stopped and turned around to face him, mild panic filling her chest immediately. The last time she talked back, she received jolts after jolts of electricity through her collar. She'd fallen to the floor, twitching like a fish out of water, much to the entertainment of the inmates, who had laughed at her misery.
They began to call her 'puffer fish' after that incident and to this date, she had a solid suspicion that Jungkook was behind it somehow. Because only he used that name for her.
"Ah, it's the puffer," the cop snickered, and then his features contorted. "You missed a spot, fishy. Over there."
Sohee glanced at the spot he pointed. She just cleaned it but she knew better than to voice out her disdain. Without another word, she strutted to the spot, pulling the cleaning rag hanging from her hip and began to rub it clean.
"Looks like you're feeling a lot obedient lately," the same cop scoffed. "Finish this aisle within next thirty minutes and move to the offices. The Head Omega is expected to visit today."
Jungkook is coming here?
Sohee bowed, not daring to ask anything else but she perked at the information. Jungkook was going to come here. Her fist clenched around the rag and she might have rubbed that spot a little harder than necessary. But who cares?
"The jailer specifically asked for you. He thinks it'd be interesting." He laughed and his mocking tone rubbed her off. It always did. "Make sure to show off that collar proudly." He tapped at his neck with a snicker. Just as she considered risking another electric shock my kicking his nuts, he pivoted on his heel and left.
Sohee visibly relaxed but her thoughts were racing. This prison for the Jeon pack offenders had been a hell hole for her these past few months. How many months had it been? Or was it almost a year? She didn't remember. Inside the high security isolated cell, she didn't know if it was summer or winter. No one told her anything and she had no access to the outside world. It felt as if they purposefully kept things away from her.
Her last memory was confronting Jungkook and then she woke up in one of the prison cells in Busan. No one gave her answer as to why she was being confined here for at least three weeks while she nursed her broken arm and ribs. Something she didn't remember how she got.
Later, a few sessions of trial were held involving some officers, who read a list of her crimes, displayed the evidence and locked her up.
She also learned about her dear mother's betrayal there. Sohee had been left shell-shocked to know that her mother was planning a future abroad without her and has been secretly stashing money in her overseas account.
Furious, she had demanded to know the whereabouts of Seoyeon but they had refused to give her an answer, saying that was none of her concern. They took her to Busan prison at first, where she was left in an isolated cell for a few months.
She was fed once a day and was left to her devices, which was staring numbly on a wall all day and night. At first, Sohee wondered if this was even a punishment but soon she learned how wrong she was. Those simple things she used to consider mundane and useless were denied to her.
While all other prisoners were allowed an outside time for fresh air, she was locked among the worst criminals. She was allowed to shower every alternate day but there was a fixed time for everything here.
One day she wanted to see what would happen if she decided to take a long shower. She even hummed in delight because the water was warm and she was all alone. But then when it hit the fifteen minute mark, the water stopped. Two guards stepped inside, dragging her out with soap suds and all and throwing her back into her cell.
The food was by far the worst she ever consumed. The soup was watery and tasted nothing like those delicious ones she was used to. The breads were cold and hard and meat, they rarely showed that in her eyes. If she refused to eat the meal they gave, then she wasn't given one until she begged for food.
Here, Sohee was taught to obey in a hard way. They called it taming. However, she didn't know what she had experienced in Busan would fade in comparison to what she was subjected to in Seoul.
When she was transferred to Seoul and she was finally glad to see the sun after so long. Even though it lasted only for a few hours, she had thoroughly enjoyed the ride, something she never thought she'd look forward to. Maybe the hardest part of her punishment was over.
But then when she was locked in yet another isolated section, her hope had vanished. In Busan, at least they left her alone unless she threw tantrums. Here, however, whoever walked past her cell had something to say about her predicament. And Sohee could never shut up so she always talked back. At least it was a nice change until it wasn't.
Soon she was beginning to get agitated and those motherfuckers didn't know whent to shut up. Sohee was given tasks to do inside her cell, only Sohee was a lost cause when it came to work. She didn't know how to do a lot of things and learning it seemed far fetched.
"This one has no educational qualities and lacks in everything else. Such a waste of space," first cop said.
"Why hasn't he gotten rid of her?" the second one replied.
"That's too easy," the first cop snickered. "Head Alpha wants her to suffer for the years of torment she put our Head Omega through. She cannot die that easily and end all this." The look he threw at her was full of digust. "Don't worry. I know what to do with her. We will make use of her hands and legs."
So a couple of months later, they assigned her to clean the halls and toilets after deciding that was all she was capable of. For months, she was stuck cleaning toilets, surviving the horrors of that place so going to clean the office was a decent upgrade. The life sentence in the Jeon pack lasted forever and her contact with the outside world was cut off.
She knew Jungkook birthed a purebred omega pup. Thanks to the prison management, who celebrated the news as if that stupid pup was some kind of celebrity. It should have been her pup. At least she got a decent meal and some sweets out of it. That was all memorable about the event.
When she descended the stairs to go to the next level, she saw Yuna exiting the toilets only to hunch over and dry heave outside. She could only imagine what kind of horror that bitch just witnessed there.
It was a pleasant surprise to stumble onto Yuna here. Sohee walked into one of the toilets and found her long time friend scrubbing the toilet floor. Yuna, however, wanted nothing to do with her. She also learned Eunji has been brought over too. But they never crossed paths because she was locked in another block.
She rolled her eyes and walked away to the floor she was assigned to because she wasn't allowed to talk to anyone here. They could talk to her, but if he responded, the collar would send jolts of electricity. I'm not a dog, she wanted to yell but the fucking collar took away even that.
Yuna had a similar collar too. So that was a comfort. At least she wasn't the only one. As she began to clean the next floor, she wondered what her mother was up to. Was she locked in another block here? Was she scrubbing toilets too? Oh, what wouldn't she give to witness that. She ditched her after all.
Half an hour later, she showed up at the office block and was allowed enter after a thorough check. Sohee went through the process on autopilot mode. Looks like cleaning was all she was good for. It was easy too.
The office smelled nice and well organized. There was nothing much to do here except sweep and mop the already pristine floor. Of course they would keep it clean if Jungkook was coming. He has got a sensitive nose after all.
As she was wrapping up, she saw the air freshner and a thought popped in her mind. With a snicker, she grabbed it, spraying it around the office generously.
"Screw you, Jungkook," she murmured, too afraid to speak louder. "Fuck your sensitive nose."
It was too much for her too but who was gonna punish her for using air freshner generously. Satisfied with her little revenge scheme that would surely leave Jungkook sneezing for a good amount of time, she whirled around to exit the office only to see someone leaning on the door with a smirk.
The new comer was decked in leather, head to toe. The only thing that set the beta apart given her mellow scent was her appearance. She didn't belong here. No authority wore an outfit like that. This one looked like she was an underground fighter.
That alone put Sohee on an edge. The beta scrunched her nose before pushing herself off the wall and strode inside leisurely. "We meet at last," the beta snickered. "That's too much airfreshner. You do realize that, don't you?"
Sohee averted her gaze, feigning ignorance.
The beta shut the door behind her and went to open the windows, letting the fresh air inside. Sohee eagerly glanced outside, her wolf shifting inside her at the sight of the light. Oh, how long had it been! She inhaled deeply only to cough when the fumes of airfreshner entered her nostrils instead of fresh air.
"That's called Karma," the new comer laughed. "Bet the authorities told you Jungkook was going to be here." She took a seat on the desk, perching one hip that made her look as if she owned that place. "Unfortunately, for your little plan, he won't be here."
Sohee's eyes widened. What? Did the cop lie to her?
"Jungkook is visiting the omegas locked in here for committing petty crimes, especially the pregnant ones," the beta said. "He will pardon the ones he thinks deserves a second chance." She tapped her long, manicured nails on her knee. "You don't recognize me, do you?"
"Should I?" Sohee narrowed her eyes. What was this beta on about? And why was she behaving as if she was above her?
"No, I don't expect you to because you're an idiot." She laughed. "But since I have already met the others... Shana." She pointed at herself. "You know me as Nightmare."
Sohee stopped functioning for a moment. Did she hear that right? This was Nightmare? The one that tormented her for weeks before everything went down?
"I'm also the one that knocked you out that day." Her smile turned into a smirk. "I threw you down the stairs and I'm responsible for your broken ribs and arm. I've come to collect my thanks."
"You fucking bitch," Sohee hissed, mindful of the collar around her neck.
"That collar really suits you." Shana snickered. "Completed the look, you know."
"Fuck you!" Sohee spat.
"Not interested." Shana waved a hand. "Unlike you I don't go for leftovers and I got high standards."
Sohee clenched her jaw but said nothing. This bitch was here to provoke her, get a reaction from her. Not happening. She wouldn't get another electric shock by reacting. She pulled an impassive expression and stared her down.
"Anyways, I'm here to give you an update of everything. I'm sure you would want to know." Shana grabbed a remote that was lying on the table and switched on the TV, sifting through channels and then pointed at the screen.
Sohee turned to see the flat screen mounted on the wall and frowned. Jungkook's smiling face was plastered as the news anchor spoke enthusiastically about some new plan.
"While you thought Jungkook was groveling, he went and found himself a purebred alpha to mate with. Together they have two pups. You lost before you even started, Sohee," the Nightmare continued. "I'm not here to list all the things you did wrong because there's nothing right about your life. I just want to tell you that you brought this on yourself and there's no one but yourself to blame for everything you're going through."
Sohee scoffed. She was already locked up. What more could they do?
"Minhyuk didn't run away. He was arrested and Head Alpha sentenced him to hundred whiplashes for all the crimes he commited."
Sohee's head whipped up and she eyed Shana with fear. Whiplashes?
"Head Alpha Park isn't forgiving." Shana smiled, now holding a phone that showed her video recording of Minhyuk and his brother being whipped.
Sohee watched with wide eyes, averting her eyes when she couldn't after a certain point. That was savage. Who would whip the criminals these days? It was something they got rid off.
"Jimin brought it back just to punish Minhyk and his family, but unfortunately, your crimes ran deeper than it had earlier appeared on surface. So Jimin decided to extend the courtesy of this special punishment to everyone involved. Didn't Yuna tell you?" Shana cocked her head to the side, a permanent grin plastered on her face. "Yuna and Eunji received one lash each, but ended up in the hospital for over a month because their bodies couldn't handle it." She admired her nails. "Now Jimin thinks it's time to execute yours."
Sohee faltered. She took a few steps back unconsciously. "W-What?"
"Whipping." Shana grinned. "W-H-I-P-P-I-N-G," she emphasized. "Jimin allowed you some time to get used to the prison. You thought this was all waiting for you, didn't you?" she scoffed. "Jimin never forgive or forget. It isn't over yet, sweetheart."
Sohee swallowed thickly. Fear rooted her to the place.
She showed her a family photo of Jungkook with Jimin and their pups. "He has everything you wanted and he will have more because he's a good person unlike you." Shana pocketed her phone. "You pretended to be the best but in the end of the day, you're nothing without him. You made your life all about him. What now? How are you gonna a live the rest of your life knowing you'll never be him?"
Shana stood, pushing her hands inside her jacket pockets and Sohee staggered back.
"Your mother is behind all the dishes you're eating in this prison and in Busan." Shana's grin was full of malice. "What a nice little treat? Jimin is really creative with his punishments." She laughed. "You really have to thank her for all the trial and error. Heard you got admitted in the hospital twice for food poisoning. Don't forget to thank her dearly."
"What the hell!" Sohee hissed.
"Actually it was June, who suggested that we should teach Seoyeon how to be a good mother. Bet she never did anything to you in this life time except for whoring you out. So we all decided it was a nice touch. Seoyeon is in charge for washing your clothes and cooking your meal. Out of all tasks given to her, she seemed to hate this one the most and now she's stuck with it."
Sohee clenched her jaw and balled her fist but there was nothing she could do now.
"You're not leaving this place, Sohee. As long as Jimin is alive, no one will dare to get you out of here. This life as you know it, is only going to get hard from here. I came here so I could tell you that Jungkook doesn't care. He didn't even ask any of us what happened to you or your mom. He isn't going to look into this. There's simply no place for you in his life and nothing you do will affect him like you wanted to."
Sohee screeched, finally the control snapped and tried to lunge for the beta. But the collar acted immediately, sending jolts after jolts of electricity, causing her to land on the floor, twitching and whimpering.
"Wow." Shana hovered above her as she struggled to catch her breath. "This thing works like a miracle." She straightened with a devious smile. "I'll ask them to keep your collar when they whip you. It'd be a nice touch."
She lifted a boot clad leg and Sohee thought she was going to kick her. But Shana just crossed her body as if she was nothing but a piece of trash before exiting the office room, all the while whistling low under her breath.
In the background, the news anchor continued to praise Jungkook for his efficient management of the pack and all the new schemes that would benefit the pack members.
A/N: I don't wanna say goodbye to this just yet so I'm dragging to the finish line at snail pace 🥹 Sowwie to keep u guys waiting but it's really hard 😭 I'm too attached to this story 😭 It's not over. A teeny tiny bit is left.
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