I have changed some things. See end note.
50 comments? :D
I haven't written for this story in half a year...please bear with me xx
Uh Zouis lol. There's your warning take it as you may x.
Harry pushed Louis away. "Baby, I don't think you understand what you're getting yourself into." He repeated the same words from earlier.
Louis whimpered, "you don't want me? Am I not good enough?"
"I just thought you'd want to be friends, start off slow-"
"Well, then you're wrong. Please take me." Louis wrapped his arms around Harry's neck. "Please,"
Harry thought he was the craziest guy, to refuse this, but he knows the effect he leaves on people and he doesn't think Lou could live with the decisions that he's making. He doesn't want to be the bad guy in this, not with Lou, Lou deserves so much better.
"I said no." Harry exclaimed. Louis gasped, and backed away.
"I want to go home." Louis sniffed, not looking at Harry, feeling completely and utterly embarrassed.
"Lou-" Harry reached out for him.
"No, don't touch me. I want to go home, now." And Louis walked away.
"Lou, listen," and Harry placed his hand on Louis' arm, Louis yanked his arm away and slapped Harry across the face. Harry raised his hand in shock. Louis glared at him.
"I said, don't touch me. I want to go home- actually never mind." Louis pulled out his cellphone, and quickly dialed Liam. Turning away from Harry, he told Liam where to pick him up, and ended the call before Liam could ask any questions.
Harry hadn't moved, Louis was trying really hard not to cry. If Harry didn't want him fine, so be it. Louis refused to look at him.
"For what it's worth, I did think this is what you wanted." Harry said quietly behind him.
"You don't know what I want." Louis said through his teeth.
"And neither do you," Harry stated acid dripping in his voice.
"Go to hell," Louis muttered, he saw Liam's headlights, and ran to the car.
Harry watched him leave, completely bewildered at how things had gotten to that point. An hour ago everything was perfect, he genuinely did think that Louis didn't want to just be used, Harry thought he was doing him a favor. He never intended to use him in such a way, not when he's the prettiest, most lovely person Harry has ever seen. He couldn't have it in his mind to have deflowered something as beautiful as Louis.
He walked over to the trees and untangled the white lights. Sighing deeply, he thought of how he could smooth things over. But, he knew Louis probably needed a little break. Harry did say and do things, before he re-thought everything. Before he realized Louis wasn't the typical people he'd screw around with.
"No, I don't want to talk about it, I'm going to bed." Louis muttered as Liam and him walked into their home.
Liam frowned but said nothing, as all he could do was watch his best friend walk away from him and go upstairs.
"Night," he called out softly, only to hear Louis' door slam in response.
The next day at breakfast Liam's eyes almost bulged out of his head. Louis almost gave him a shy smile.
"Louis- what the actual fuck?" Liam almost yelled.
"What, too much?" Louis asked coyly.
Louis had on a pair of shorts that barely reached his mid thighs, and a loose tshirt that hung off a shoulder, his hair was carelessly tossed to the side and his eyes were bright and full of laughter. He had a sweater hanging off his arm, and black vans on his feet. His backpack hung off one shoulder, and he bit his lower lip, feeling slightly foolish.
"I mean, it's whatever you want to wear honestly..." Liam shrugged, he turned back to his tea. "Just be careful yeah? Make good decisions."
Louis rolled his eyes, but he felt excitement bubbling in the pit of his tummy. "Okay dad, see ya later! Make tacos! Please! I have a three hour lecture today." And with that he walked out, the warm air hitting his cheeks, he passed a few people and he's never felt more self-conscious.
He passed the familiar spot, and he remembered what Harry said about not hanging out around there. But, there was this new lad. And, he had raven black hair, and burning brown eyes. And the way, his eyes raked up and down Louis' figure unashamedly, had Louis blushing profusely.
Except, Louis was running late so he picked up his pace and all but ran into his first class.
People noticed him.
Except, he gave no mind to the boys in his lecture, or the ones in the coffee shop. He already had a guy in mind.
He's on his way home, it's late so he has on the white sweater, a little too big on him because it is Liam's, but Liam isn't missing it.
Its a little bit dark, but Louis doesn't worry too much. He's almost home, and he looks up, his eyes locking on the ever familiar spot. There's the same lad from earlier, just leaning against the brick building, but this time a cigarette is hanging loosely from his lips.
In one split second decision, Louis finds himself walking over. The guy, isn't really paying attention he has earbuds in, and is looking down. Louis waves a hand in front of him. The guy is startled, and looks up, when he notices who it is, a smile spreads across his face.
"Hey, doll," he whispers.
"Lou," Louis smiles warmly.
"Zayn." Zayn replies.
"Hi, Zayn. What are you doing?" Louis asked.
"Just waiting around, you?" Zayn asked.
"Coming back from class, I'm super tired." Louis yawned slightly. He leaned against the brick wall too. Zayn stepped closer, from far away, their bodies seemed molded together. Louis blushed, Zayn slightly towered over him. Zayn's smile grew.
"You look tired, you live close?" Zayn asked.
"Just a street or so away." Louis replied.
"Cool, you busy Friday night?" Zayn asked. Louis' eyes brows rose in slight surprise.
"I'm not," Louis smiled apprehensively. Zayn smirked, he placed a hand on Louis' waist.
"Good," Zayn muttered, and he slowly leaned in. Louis' mind was going crazy, did he want this to happen? Sort of, now? Not really. Louis placed his hand in between them and pushed him away.
"Bye," Louis gave him a small wave and continued walking away. Zayn frowned, but his eyes settled on the curve of Louis' waist, and he couldn't help but laugh.
And so it went on like that the rest of the week. Harry never crawled in through his window, and Louis flirted shamelessly with Zayn and a few guys from class. Except, in the back of his mind Louis really really wants to see Harry again. It's Friday night, and Liam is out of town visiting his parents somehow Louis finds himself upstairs in his room with Zayn beside him on the bed.
Zayn's hands are resting on Louis' thighs, and Louis smiles shyly. Zayn smells of faint smoke and leather. Louis kind of loves it. "Sit on my lap, babe?" Zayn whispers and Louis giggles because to him he's having fun and he can't believe he's wasted all these years not flaunting himself and meeting cute boys like Zayn.
Zayn grips Louis' waist, his fingers touching the bare skin at the small of his waist. His fingertips tracing against the top of the hem of Louis' silk shorts. Louis sighs content, and their eyes lock. Louis' eyes flicker towards Zayn's lips. Zayn can't help but let out a few laughs, and kisses his forehead.
It's suddenly hot in the room, and Louis gets up to open the window. His drapes fly outwards, and he feels the cool air against his warmed skin. He stands in front of the window, and he bites down on his lower lip. He feels strong arms envelope him, and then there are soft lips being pressed against his neck. Louis gasps, Zayn's mouth is heaven. Zayn's fingertips are at Louis' sides, leaving bruises, before drawing down towards the hem of his shorts. They dance across the cloth, before going even lower, smoothing over the cloth on the inside of his thigh. Louis closes his legs involuntarily, and he sighs. Zayn chuckles and Louis gasps softly as Zayn bites down on his neck gently. Zayn's hands finding home on Louis' waist, slowly pulling down his boxers. Louis turns his head, in hopes of catching Zayn's lips.
When their lips touch, Louis doesn't hold back a moan. He feels Zayn manage to pull off his shorts, and he's left in his black panties that he bought a few days ago, he bought several new clothes a few days ago. Zayn gasps, and Louis smiles.
It's daring, and he feels hot, so why not?
Louis laughs and breaks free from Zayn, to willingly fall back on the bed, arms spread wide and a lazy smile on his face. "Well?" He inquires with a swift quirk of his lips.
Zayn, discards his jacket, and jeans, leaving himself in his boxers and ripped black t shirt. He leans down and his whole body is covering Louis, and Louis' arms snake around his neck and pulls him closer. Their bodies press together as their lips mold against each other.
Louis is in the clouds and he never wants to leave. Zayn grabs his ass, and Louis whimpers. It's a mess, it really is. Neither paying attention to the window, not until-
"Well, fuck, I let you have space for a few days and this happens?"
End note.
I changed some things, some themes. Drugs and addiction will now come into play? Maybe. I'm still deciding. I'll warn in chapters mentioned.
I'm excited! For this story to take off and I hope you are too. I'm excited to mold these characters and see what happens.
Fuckboy af Harry and Zayn who fuck and sell drugs for fun. (Unless Lou is in the picture, what can I say? The effects he leaves on people...)
Slutty, innocent-ish? Lou, who just wants a taste of love.
Lima Bean. (My rational thinking son)
Niall with a kindred soul.
Mentions of Zouis.
Mostly Larry. But fuck Zouis is hot.
Smh. I love bottom Lou.
Remember to vote :) x .
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