

Bet you didn't see this coming.

*screams into the abyss* idk what I'm doing .

^^ my babes in this fic

-- larry

All larry

I told myself I'd take it slow with larry but fuck it--

Song? Tonight I'm Fucking You - Enrique Iglesias.


You know my motivation, giving my reputation. Please excuse me I don't mean to be rude, but tonight I'm fucking you.


It's been a few weeks. And Zayn and him have hung out more, Louis hasn't seen Harry since the note but he tries not to care, he fails though, because with every passing day he wants Harry to see him. See that Louis isn't fragile and he can take whatever Harry gives him. With every touch, and kiss that he gives Zayn, Louis wishes it was Harry. His clothing has changed dramatically and he's never home anymore.

Liam worries incessantly but Louis assures him it's all fun and games. Until he comes home smelling like weed on more than one occasion. Liam yells at him but Louis shrugs.

"Just because you're an old dad doesn't mean I have to be too. Come on Liam, we are young. Live a little." Louis tells him again and again. And finally Liam throws his hands up and gives up, just making sure that at least Louis is still alive for the most part and not in danger.


"You know, I'd say something but, you're not gonna bother listening to me." Liam said when he saw Louis' attire one early November day.

"Too much?" Louis asked, he ran a hand through his hair.

"Too much what? Clothes? If anything it's not enough clothes. Can I just ask why?" Liam asked.

"I can't not want to wear stuff that makes me feel good?" Louis scowled slightly. "Look, I gotta go. I'm late for class."

Liam shrugged, "I was only asking. Also, Zayn better not come around unnoticed."

"Okay mum," Louis yelled back as he walked out into the cool night.

He smiled to himself as he walked down the couple of streets to get to the campus. He frowned as he walked down the same spot and didn't see anyone. He remembered the note from weeks before and he doesn't know whether he wants to see Harry again or completely forget him.

As he slides through the day, he realizes that, he's desperate, and he'd probably do anything to have Harry by him. Have Harry do anything to him. And he's worried, that that realization, only excites him. And maybe now, that he's slightly like the people that Harry messes around with, he'll want him. Maybe. And if not, well, there's always Zayn.

It's late at night when he finally leaves campus, having had to stay later to work on a project with a group. He's nervous as he walks down the dark streets. He has his phone in his hand, and he doesn't drop it until he's in front of his house. He can finally breathe as he walks up to his room, and locks the door behind him.

He looks at his phone and he sees a text:

"Friday night? x" - Z.

"Yeah, of course. See you then :) x." - L

He sets his phone down and progresses to where his speakers and iPod are. He turns it on, and basic pop songs fill the room. He makes sure to keep it low to not wake up Liam. He makes his way to his dresser and begins to undress. Suddenly, he feels a soft breeze.

"Fuck." A low voice whispered behind him. Louis freezes, shorts in one hand. He begins to turn around, but then a body presses him against the dresser. Louis gasps and he drops his clothes. "Lou." A soft voice mutters against his ear. "The things you do to me." Louis can't help but smile.

But then the body is gone and Louis sighs as he turns around. Harry is a few steps away, his eyes are wary, as they look Louis up and down. They settle on his lips for a second before flickering back up to Louis' face.

"Hi," Louis whispered, he leaned against his dresser. His shirt rising up a little bit unveiling what he was wearing underneath. He was wearing black, lacy panties that tightly hugged his waist and thighs, with a white bow on the front. He crossed his legs in a shy manner and gave Harry a timid smile. "Long time no see?" Louis bit his lower lip. Harry wasn't really saying anything. "well, what are going to yell about now?" Louis inquired. Still, Harry said nothing. Louis sighed deeply. "Harry, if you're not-"

"Shut up." Harry said bluntly. He was in front of Louis in a few long steps. Their bodies just barely touching, but Louis could feel the warmth that Harry was giving off.

Louis only closed his mouth for a moment, and when Harry traced the edges of his jawline with his fingertip Louis shivered slightly. Their eyes burned against each other, but Louis only filled with excitement. Possibly?

But then Harry was gone, choosing instead to stand by the window. Louis groaned in clear frustration. "I shouldn't. I don't even know why I came." Harry muttered.

"Does it matter? You're here." Louis whispered.

Harry gave him a long look, "what's the rush? What's the importance? You shouldn't care so much about having sex Lou."

"You're right. I don't. Not if you're not with me." Louis boldly stated. "I want it to be you. And when I realized that, I figured what's the point in trying to stop it. I know you're afraid that you'll break me or something but understand that I don't care. I just want you. And I know you want me so please," and that's when Louis took ahold of Harry's hand and placed it on his waist. "Take me. Use me. Fuck me." Harry didn't respond. "If it's not going to be you than it'll be Zayn." Louis rolled his eyes. "I don't care. I thought I did, but now I know I don't. You can use me all you want, please."

"Lou-" Harry muttered lowly. He looked down at Louis. At his beautiful Lou. Beautiful, small, tiny, delicate, slender framed Louis. With gorgeous blue eyes, defined cheekbones, and lashes so long and curled that settled against the top of his cheeks so gently. His Lou that was wearing only a large shirt that swallowed him up and made him even tinier, with soft, lacy panties that Harry really just wanted to rip off him. But, at the same time, he's so delicate. He couldn't do it. He couldn't emotionally hurt this boy, because beautiful yes, but beautiful enough to not hurt? Underneath this desperate facade Harry knows Louis just wants to be loved and he can't do that. Not like this. "I shouldn't. You shouldn't. Let's-"

"No. If you're not going to bother fucking me then stop coming around. Don't ever climb through this window again. I mean it Harry." Louis cussed him out and sat on the bed.

And something in Harry kind of snapped. He walked over and sat down, before Louis could question it, Harry's lips were on his. Louis tried to reach up and cup his face, his heart fluttering in his chest. "No," Harry said. He pushed Louis' hands down to his side. "We are doing this my way,"

"Yeah, okay. Whatever you want." Louis mumbled.

"Are you sure you want this? Are you sure you want me?" Harry whispered, his hands just slightly above Louis' thighs.

"Yes. You, only want you." Louis grabbed Harry's hands. "You can touch me, please just touch me." And he finally placed Harry's hands on top of his thighs, and Harry felt the soft, silk material of his panties and that was more than enough for Harry to know that there was no escaping.

Not the past weeks where all he could think about is Louis. And, who was he kidding? He was never great at denying himself that which he instantly craved. Especially not when they're throwing themselves at him.

"Yeah, you okay babe. Whatever you want." And Harry cupped Louis' face in his hands. Their eyes met, and Harry brushed the pads of his thumbs across Louis' cheeks. "Understand, yeah, understand that this does not mean anything. Do you get that?"

Louis nodded, "of course. Just please." He breathed out and that's when Harry nodded and connected their mouths. Louis sighed against Harry's full lips. Louis parted his own and soon their tongues gently entwined and Harry bit down softly on Louis' lower lip. Louis gasped, and pulled back, but Harry connected trailing his lips across Louis' jawline. Gently down his neck before pressing his mouth against Louis' skin, Louis reached up and gripped Harry's hair. Harry's hands found home on Louis' waist, gently pushing his shirt up so that it was over his belly button, his hands coming in contact with Louis' warm skin. Louis gasped as Harry trailed his hand across his tummy, toying with the hem of his panties. "Take off the shirt babe," Harry whispered. And Louis quickly complied, breathing heavily as he pulled off the white shirt, suddenly shy at the fact that Harry was seeing so much of him.

"You're so beautiful," Harry whispered, he pressed his lips against Louis'. "So pretty, my pretty darling. Can't wait to play with you, babe." Harry pulled back and stood up. "Lie down, okay?" He said gently, as he unbuttoned his jeans, and pulled off his black ripped shirt. Louis could only nod as his mouth watered at seeing the planes of Harry's hard chest, and his dark tattoos that patterned his tan skin. Harry finally shoved his jeans down and took them off, leaving himself in his boxers. He picked up his jeans and grabbed a few things from the pocket. He set them on the bedside table and looked back at Louis.

Louis' heart rate quickened as their eyes met. He blushed heavily, and then Harry smiled. His dorky smile with deep dimples, as he got close to him, Harry was sitting on the edge and Louis was lying down. Harry raised his hand, his finger trailed across Louis' skin. The touch was featherlike. And Louis sighed blissfully, fully giving in to Harry's touch, craving more. His eyes fluttered shut as Harry traced patterns across his skin, and down to his thighs. "So pretty," he heard Harry mutter.

And then Harry's large hand was palming his d.ick and Louis cried out at the sudden pressure. "Now, Lou," Harry sighed, but continued fondling Louis' d.ick, and just as quick as the touch was there it was gone. "Well, now isn't this a sight? You lying here all ready to be used darling. You're such a slut aren't you? Wanting to be touched- begging for it."

"Yeah, yeah I am. But, just want you." Louis told him.

"Me?" Harry said incredulously. "That's why Zayns fucking you right?"

"N-no, he's not. He hasn't - f-uck." Louis stuttered because Harry's mouth was on his nipple, his body hovering over him, all his warmth, his other hand gripping Louis' ass, curving his body against Harry. Their d.icks pressed against each other, as Harry's mouth worked Louis' nipple.

Harry gripped his ass roughly as his mouth bit down gently and Louis cried out. "Sh, baby, isn't this what you wanted?" Harry pulled back and kissed across Louis' chest, his mouth latching onto the other hardened nub, and Louis keened into his touch: his hands reached up to entangle in Harry's hair.

Harry moved his hips down against Louis', Louis gasped softly, Harry let his nipple go and kissed up his chest and towards his neck, he sucked a long dark bruise against his skin, before trailing along his jawline and pressing kisses against it.

Louis didn't hesitate to part his mouth when Harry pressed his lips against his. "I'm in charge okay, you do what I say." Harry whispered lowly, he pulled back and their eyes met. Louis nodded hastily and tried to reconnect their lips. Harry sat up, "don't be greedy darling, you'll take what I give you. Now turn around." Louis cried out as Harry dug his nails against his hips, and Louis did as told.

Louis felt Harry's mouth on his skin, soft and tender touches against his back and across his waist. He felt how slow his fingers dragged the material of the panties down his thighs, but he moaned as he finally felt Harry's hands on his ass. "Perfect," Harry muttered, Louis dug his hips into the sheets, wanting some sort of relief on his hard cock.

And then, a sharp slap rang throughout the room, and Louis cried out. He shuddered, but pushed back his ass against Harry's hands that were kneading his cheeks. "Harry,"

"Sh, baby." Harry whispered, and he slapped Louis' ass again, Louis moaned and cussed out loud. Harry was relentless, slap after slap, leaving his cheeks a dark pink, the handprint clear, and god, Louis wanted more.

Harry decided enough was enough, and then Louis felt Harry's body press against his own. He felt Harry's cock rub against his ass, and he begged Harry to fuck him nice and hard. Louis was almost in tears, Harry was so so big.

"See what you do to me Lou? Ever since that first day." Harry whispered, as he sucked bruises against louis' neck. Louis wanted to touch him, but Harry kept his wrists pinned down beside him. "Gonna fuck you nice and good darling, you're such a slut aren't you?"

"Yeah. Please, please, fuck me." Louis begged. Harry let go of one of his wrists, to tug harshly at his hair and pull him back so that their lips connected and Louis eager to please, parted his lips and their tongues entwined. It was rushed though, everything about this was rushed but Louis didn't care. He didn't need it to be perfect.

Harry slowly slid off, leaving Louis a squirming mess on the bed. When Harry's hands were back on him, his fingers were slick and warm. "Is gonna hurt, but then I'll fuck you so hard it'll feel good and be worth it," and that was all Harry said as he stuck his finger into Louis' ass, and worked it open. Louis groaned slightly, and Harry became a little more gentle, just a little, but still the change was there.

Harry moved his finger in and out and Louis rutted his ass upwards into it. After a while one finger became two, and then three and Louis couldn't stop gasping and moaning.

"You're so damn pretty, fuck," Harry whispered, his fingers working Louis' ass, eyes on his curves and fuck- he leaned down and bit into the soft, tan skin. Louis cried out softly, and Harry's tongue soothed over the mark.

"Harry, fucking stop teasing, I can take it." Louis whimpered out, and Harry smiled, he slid his fingers out, grabbing his cock, he picked up the condom and open the package then, slowly he slid it on.

Louis was tense, shit, okay this was actually happening. He felt the tip of Harry's cock brushing his hole and then, fuck.

Harry was huge, thick, and warm, and he let Louis adjust himself, before slowly rocking into him. Louis cried out his name, mumbling to himself and biting down on his lip. He felt Harry cover his body with his own, his movements still painfully slow.

"Relax baby," Harry whispered into his ear, before brushing his lips against Louis' neck.

"Harder, please. Please please." Louis babbled on, and who was harry to deny him? He rocked into Louis' ass harder, deep thrusts, until he hit that perfect place that had Louis crying out Harry's name repeatedly with no shame.

Louis tried to reach down to tug at his own cock, but Harry grabbed his wrists. "Fuck yourself down on the sheets, you're coming untouched," Harry whispered. "That's for letting Zayn touch you when you're only supposed to be mine." His voice was cold and emotionless.

Louis cried as Harry's hand came down on his ass. Relentlessly, until he was positive there would be bruises there in the shape of Harry's handprint.

Louis tried so hard but it wasn't enough, not until Harry's thrusts became harder, deeper, and impossibly faster but just as well as sloppy, but Harry didn't care. Didn't care that Louis was a squirming mess, only cared that Louis had a nice little body that he was letting Harry use. Only cared how the curve of Louis' ass felt against his hips, and he was so close. The sounds that fell from Louis' lips and the tight heat around his cock was so fucking good.

He came deep into the condom, and he felt Louis tense up and then come undone below him. He reached underneath Louis and felt his warm come in between his fingertips. "Fuck," Harry muttered. He pulled out and slid off the condom. Louis  was breathing heavily, but fuck it if he thought Harry was done. Harry grabbed another condom-

"No," Louis whispered, raising his head slightly, blue eyes locking with Harry. "You're clean yeah?"

"Yeah." Harry nodded.

"I want to feel you," Louis whispered. "Come in me, let me feel you please." And Harry nodded wordlessly, throwing the condom into the trash can.

"You're going to ride me yeah?" Harry told him, his voice beautifully low and rough. "You're going to fuck yourself on me and I'm going to play with your pretty nipples and touch you wherever I want okay?"

Louis bit his lip and nodded. Harry crawled up to him and kissed him hard. Before pulling back and sitting back on his knees. Louis sat up, eyes locking on Harry's hardening cock. "Beautiful, wrap your legs around my waist." Harry whispered as Louis came over. Louis nodded as he settled himself over Harry's cock, legs wrapping gently around Harry's waist. Harry grabbed Louis' hips, helping him, and when his cock was encased in Louis' tight heat, Harry moaned loudly. "Lou."

Louis bounced slightly, raising himself up and down. Lips parted open as he gasped, trying to move himself so that Harry's cock could brush up against just the right place.

Harry's hands roamed Louis' torso, thumbs brushing gently against his warm skin, his sensations were over the top so when Harry's fingers brushed over his hard nipples Louis cried out and came. He breathed heavily. Twice was enough, he tried to squirm away from Harry, but Harry stilled him. "Isn't this what you wanted? Now take it." He breathed against his ear. He fucked up into Louis and Louis whimpered, slightly shaking his head. "Do you really want me to stop Lou?"

Louis whispered no, so softly it was barely heard. But it was there, so Harry smiled and decided to continue fucking up into Louis as Louis' head fell forward against Harry's shoulder, spent out and just letting Harry play with him. He let Harry's hands touch him anywhere he pleased, loving the way they felt against his skin. Rough, but soft at the same time. Louis dragged his fingernails against Harry's back just as Harry fucked into the right spot. At the way Louis tensed around him, harry smirked and his thrusts became faster, and deeper. Louis bit down on Harry's shoulder, and then Harry was pressing Louis down against the bed, "Harry," Louis whispered, and Harry kissed his neck, before connecting their lips one last time as he came deep inside Lou.

Louis cried out, and then Harry's hand was on his cock, tugging it and Louis shook his head because he couldn't- he couldn't come for the third time. But Harry only tugged on his hair and connected their lips, and Louis spilled with a cry of Harry's name.

Harry pulled out slowly, and tried to leave the bed but Louis grabbed onto his arm. "Please, stay, for a little bit." Harry yanked his hand back, refusing to meet eyes with Louis as he grabbed his clothes. He disappeared into the bathroom and after a moment Louis followed suit. His hips swaying, and come still dripping down his thighs.

Slightly surprised Harry said nothing as Louis got into the shower, until finally Louis looked at him and tilted his head, and so Harry got into it too.


And they showered, and maybe they made out quite a few times, and maybe Louis gave Harry a blowjob, which caused for more time in the shower. Maybe maybe maybe.

But, now, they're back in bed. (After Louis changed the sheets). And Louis' back is pressed to Harry's front, and Harry's arms are around his waist. Harry's lips are pressing lazy kisses to Louis' neck, and Louis knows that if he closes his eyes, when he opens them back up, Harry will be gone, and this night will be but a memory, and he's not ready for that.

"Hey," Louis whispered out of nowhere.

"Yeah, baby?" Harry mumbled into his ear.

"Do you want to go for a drive?" Louis asked.


"Yeah, please,"

"Okay," and then they were standing up, and Louis told him to wait outside. He walked over to their coat rack and checked Liam's pocket for his car keys. He found them and when he walked outside Harry was leaning against the grey car. They got in and Louis drove them, it was silent, but it was comfortable. Harry said nothing, already knowing why Louis was doing this.

They ended up at a beach. With the sun barely making its way in the horizon. They got out and walked near the waters edge. Harry wrapped his arms around Louis' waist. Louis leaned into his touch, and they said nothing for a little while. Both, simply staring into the hues of the pink, orange and red sky.


"Don't ruin this." Louis whispered, "okay, I know what you're going to say, but just a little while more. Please?" Harry nodded. Louis turned back to the sunrise.

"Harry," Louis whispered after a second.


"Kiss me," and Harry did, he kissed him long and hard, and behind them the sun rose, and a new day began.


Cheesy? ;)

Not edited.

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