A series of months passed after Bella's arrival into her new world and in those months change was adamant.

For one, Alessia and Jacob seemed to be adjusting to their relationship, although calling it a relationship was generous. She viewed the time they spent together as trust building exercises, of which she was thoroughly impressed.

Every morning they would have breakfast together, which mainly consisted of Jacob devouring whatever Esme had kindly brought for him while Alessia sipped a warm coffee and they spent the short time either talking about the plans for the day or anything that filled their heads. Alessia learned that Jacobs favorite color was a red and his least favorite was yellow, while he learned that she loved swimming particularly in cold temperatures. They learned many details about one another, and throughout it they remained as platonic as possible.

Jacob wanted nothing more to kiss her, to touch his lips to hers every morning and watch a smile grace it afterwards... but he respected her. He needed to respect her more then he loved her at the moment and so he chose to withhold his urges.

When the peace between both wolves calmed he brought her to officially meet his father, and took her to the bonfires. He didn't hold her hand though, he simply stood by her side and whispered jokes into her ear to watch the smile spread.

Alessia in turn slowly gave him leeway, she responded the best way she could. She smiled, grew closer and slowly began telling her own tales. She left out the worst of it all, the things that would turn him away but still she kept most of her life there.

"Renessme," Alessia hummed to her niece, the three month old who looked somewhere between a toddler instead of a newborn as she held her aunts hand and skipped across the rocks and away from there home. She was beautiful, a strange mix between the mother and fathers families but so breathtaking to simply see her brought a smile to anyone's face. Like now for instance her strawberry blonde tint was eerily similar to her aunts but the wild curls in them were all her mother. And her lips were shaped in that same full effect like both her father and aunts but her coffee eyes were strikingly similar to Bella's human ones.

Alessia looked up to the other side of the child and found her sister in law smiling tenderly at the child. They were heading out for a short hunt, snow was just beginning to fall for the season and Renessme acted like anyp child would, she was ecstatic.

Once they were far enough into the forest Renessme let go of the hands holding her and looked between her aunt and mom, silently questioning wether she could run. Bella nodded, patting her shoulder softly, "go, have fun."

Alessia laughed, watching as the child barely needed to hear the first word before she was off, leaving only her footprints implanted on the fresh snow. A warmth spread throughout the left side of her body and she found Jacob in his wolf form patting his nose to her hip, in turn she awarded him with a gentle rub of his fur.

"She's waiting for you." The strawberry blonde spoke, indicating that he was apart of the young child's game.

"I'll give her another minute..."

His response was only between their mind communication, although a small rumble left his chest.

Alessia laughed, scratching the top of his head as she turned back to the clueless Bella. "Apparently someone is enjoying his head scratch to much... and he's also slightly lazy."

"Maybe that's because he only just got up." Bella responded.

"And devoured half the fridge." Alessia added.

"I was on night patrol!"

Alessia snorted, leaving yet again Bella wondering what they had said. They did that a lot lately, Jacob was much more comfortable in his wolf form and usually Alessia was the only one able to understand him besides Edward.

"He's giving the night patrol excuse again." Alessia translated for her friend who quickly joined in with a roll of her eyes and a laugh.

"JACOB! COME ON!" Renessme's loud yell of joy sounded throughout the forest as her feet followed.

Jacob turned towards the two women standing by his side with grins on their faces, he winked towards the strawberry blonde before bounding off.

"No mountain lions! Deer only!" Bella yelled after him.

"Yeah yeah, live a little Bella."

"That'll be hard." Alessia muttered, turning towards Bella. "Jacob will care for her."

Instead of running around in circles and jumping onto trees like Renessme and Jacob the girls ran straight, right into an open clearing where the snow was covering every inch.

The forest surrounding them rang with Jacobs huffs as he ran and Nessie's soft giggles as the trees ruffled with their movements.

"So Italy?" Bella spoke up, raising her brow.

"If that's the only way we will find peace, yes." Alessia nodded to her best friend. The next few months would be hectic for them, while they were suppose to be going to the spring semester at Dartmouth they would actually be headed to the lair of the Volturi. It wouldn't be practically everyone this time, just Alessia and Bella. The royalty of vampires wanted proof of Bella's descent into immortality and before they come hunting for it they would come to them.

There was only one problem though, Renessme. She was important to keep from them, a child like hybrid was unheard of and if anyone like them were to know there was no telling what would happen. The minds of many were able to be tampered with there but not them, no theirs was untouchable.

The family didn't like it, especially since they would be all the way in Brazil for safe keeping but it had to be done.

"How's Jake with the idea?" Bella questioned, soft snowflakes began to fall on her shoulder but she didn't feel it.

"Frustrated, he doesn't understand why he can't come but he's willing to go with Renessme if I promise to keep him updated. Trust me, he won't try and fight me on this."

Bella nodded, noticing how Renessme ran straight towards them, Jacob galloping behind her slower. In her hands she held a snowflake, and she lifted it for both women to see.

Alessia smiled tenderly at the young girl while her mother clasped her palms around the young ones own. "It's beautiful, why don't you go get me another one."

Renessme nodded, turning around and heading straight for the snow covered grass. She jumped high into the air with one leap as the rest of them watched on, Jacob came to Alesia's side, tapping her bare knee.

She laughed, going to place her palm against his fur once more when suddenly a gasp echoed all the way towards them. All their eyes immediately fell upon the cliff of one of the mountains just as Renessme came to stand next to her mother.

Alessia took a step closer as she realized who it was. It was Irina, from the Denali coven. They stared at one another, Irina was shaking which was odd for a vampire as they did not shake in the weather but for anger? Yes.

Irina hated wolves, Alessia had been told that Laurant, her mate, had been killed by the la push pack and since then despised their entire existence. That was why they did not come during the newborn battle and abruptly left during the wedding. As memory helped her and she remembered her feet instantly took a step in front said wolf.

Irina did not lock eyes with her like expected but kept her gaze on Renessme before turning away and dashing the way she came.

"What was that." Renessme's small voice questioned.

"Alessia? You okay?"

Alessia turned back towards the wolf, "that was Irina. Get Renessme out of here."

He nodded, Bella quickly placing the child onto his back and kissing her head with a comforting smile but her eyes were paranoid. Jacob was running back the way they came at full force, and no doubt Edward would soon be coming.

Alessia and Bella wordlessly dashed towards the mountain at full speed but when they arrived there was no trace of Irina except her scent. They followed it over the mountain only to find the vampire had jumped into the ocean.

"Why did she run?" Bella questioned over the loud wind.

Alessia swallowed thickly, feeling a pit grow in her stomach. "I don't know."


Twenty minutes had passed and still no sign of Irina. The family had given up in there search as it was clear she did not want to be found by them. Edward and Jacob were slightly angry at both their mates for not waiting for them but as the women had clearly stated, they were more then capable of taking care of themselves.

After a long search and for some who had dove into the water, a change of clothes, they were all seated around the piano, theorizing.

Jacob had taken the one seater couch, Alessia on the arm rest as the talked quietly about who she was and what this meant.

Carlisle set the phone down, looking towards his family as they'd heard the discussion. "Tanya convinced lrina to come reconcile with us."

Edward sighed, turning towards his wife and child as he relaxed. "It looks like she changed her mind."

Alessia shrugged her shoulders, tapping her hand against Jacobs arm that had found itself resting over her thigh. She didn't mind it, even finding comfort in his closeness. At first she hadn't even given it a second thought but when she did realization dawned over her, yet another closer step for them. The redhead instead simply started to toy with her fingers. "Seeing Jacob must have been too much for her."

"Wish I could have just spoken to her." Bella sighed in disappointment.

"She's family. She'll come around." The patriarch of the Cullen's reassured the newborn.

Renessme was clearly the least worried as she walked over towards her father who sat on the piano bench. She plopped down alongside him with a bright grin and tapped one of the keys. Edward was mesmerized, and Alessia felt her heart warm as she remembered Edward had once tried to teach her the same art when they were human, it ended in disaster and her mother scolded her when she bit her brothers hand.

Now the father and daughter sang while she hummed along, Jacob smiling up at the beautiful sound.

The family began to relax, drifting into their own worlds until glass shattered and a gasp so loud echoed around them it sent a chill down their cold skin.

"I have to report a crime. The Cullens... They've done something terrible."

"Allow me, my dear."

"Alessia, Alessia!" Jacob was in front of her when she returned, hands encompassing her soft face and eyes blown out in worry. The warmth of his hands flooded her back to the land of the conscious and she sucked in a large breath. Her eyes widened as she looked over the perfect face of Jacob Black and suddenly she could hear the countdown to their lives ticking away.

"We're going to die." She whispered, and she'd never been more certain of her own future.

Alice, who's been confronted by her own mater spoke finally as her vision disappeared. "The Volturi. They're coming for us. Aro, Caius, Marcus, the Guard. And Irina."

"Honey, come here." Bella's hands reached for her daughter, pulling her in just as Alessia clasped her hands around Jacobs face. Who knew after all their fighting they would not even get to enjoy these sweet moments. Jacob purses his lips at her amount of anxiety, pulling her hands away from his face and clasping them into his own as she stood as close as ever to him.

"Why?" Carlisle questioned.

"What did lrina see in the woods?" Edward looked from his wife and sister.

"We were just walking." Bella answered quickly.

"Ness was catching snowflakes." Jacob explained and Alessia could just picture the whole thing. She could still see her niece leap easily into the air as if she could fly... and then it hit her.

"Oh my god. Of course." Alessia practically whispered, blinking until she was back in the present once more. "How did I not see it sooner? Irina thinks Renesmee's an immortal Child."

And just like that, whatever peace they had grown fond of was once more gone.


"Renesmee's nothing like those immortal children. She was born, not bitten. She grows every single day." Bella argued, shutting the ancient book that told her of the tragedy that occurred centuries ago. Alessia felt shivers run down her arms as she remembered the stories, it happened before her time but still from the shrill fear that was in Carlisle's eyes every time her spoke of it she could tell it wasn't a pleasant time.

Jacob nodded along to her statement. "So can't you just explain that to the Volturi?"

"Aro has enough proof in lrina's thoughts." Edward disregarded Jacobs words with a shake of his head.

Alessia swallowed thickly as the wolf looked her way and she squeezed his shoulder, "he's right, they will refuse to listen to us."

"So we fight." Jacob attempted to once more.

"Their offensive weapons are too powerful." Jasper began explaining


"Alec's even worse." Alice went on. "Alessia can't take them all by herself."

"Even if I could stop them it wouldn't be enough." Alessia muttered out, knowing that as much as she wanted to be strong enough she wasn't sure if it was possible.

"Well, then we convince them." Bella declared standing from her spot with confidence.

"They're coming to kill us, not to talk." Emmett responded, and there was no humor in his voice.

"No, you're right. They won't listen to us. But maybe others can convince them." Edward had paused at his wife's words, thinking them over until finally coming up with a healthy solution. "Carlisle, you have friends all around the world."

Carlisle shook his head adamantly. "I won't ask them to fight."

"Not fight." Edward retorted. "Witness. If enough people knew the truth, maybe we could convince the Volturi to listen."

Alessia nodded, she was slowly convincing herself that maybe this would be right but Alice's vision was eerily creeping up on her.

Esme turned towards her mate and nodded. "We can ask this of our friends."

Alessia stayed silent, hoping that a miracle would occur.



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