Poison Coursing Through My Veins (Chapter 8)

"Prince Sidon, I have your dinner. May I come in?" A nervous Zoran maid said from the other side of the prince's door.
There was a brief moment of silence before the Prince sighed and managed to muffled out "Yes, you may come in..."
The young Zora was shock to find the Prince's room an absolute mess and to also see said prince in such a state.
On the bed in front of her, all wrapped up in sheets, blankets, and pillows, laid none other than Prince Sidon himself. He had created a sturdy fortress out of generic bedding items and was buried underneath them.
The young Zora awkwardly shuffled around the fort, placing his food on a nearby tabletop. Sidon didn't even dare to peek out, slightly embarrassed that she had to see this shameful display of his, but he was in too much of a rut to charm his way out.
"I-Is there anything you'd like me to get? Just name it a-and I'll bring it!" She stuttered nervously.
'A Hylian that wasn't mauled to death by a beast simply because one stupid prince wasn't able to fend for himself and ran like the coward he is.' Prince Sidon shook his head, mumbling a 'no'.
The maid muttered an 'okay' before turning towards the door but paused for a brief moment.
"I just wanted to say it was really brave and bold of you to have gone against that Lynel-" 'Kinder words for stupid and foolish.' "-and that if you had your proper equipment-" 'My troops alongside.' "-you would've definitely killed that beast!" 'They would've defeated the beast with you taking all the credit, as always.'
"Th-There are also other Hylians bound to be around the lands somewhere-" 'Don't even BOTHER looking, you'll never find one!' "-so please don't beat yourself up about not getting a Hylian today. H-He would've wanted you to be safe, I'm sure of it!" 'You're the Prince after all! It's better if bad things happen to others and NOT you. Why, we wouldn't want to be having ANOTHER Mipha incident! That would just be oh-so inconvenient~!'
He didn't respond which worried the poor Zoran girl as she thought she had said something that had offended the Prince not realizing that this was an internal issue rather than external. She quickly scurried out the door, softly closing it behind her.
Whether the Prince realized it it or not, his thoughts were getting darker by each passing day, and his "kitten's" death only strengthened it. He tried to replace his melancholy thoughts with work, but not even his own mind would allow it. It was his own body against him, and he subconsciously was starting to come to terms with it.
"Oh Mipha....you would be ashamed by my actions if you were still here. I bet that even in death you are able to see how pitiful I've become." He whined to himself.
"Tch... Some Prince of Zoras I turned out to be...."


"You are an absolute fool!" Link rolled his eyes and growled in annoyance as he was being carried away by his Lynel mother.
"You're lucky that Zora was also a fool and didn't bring his weapons or armies or else you wouldn't be seeing past your next winter!" She angrily roared.
The Hylian didn't respond, sulking quietly to himself.
"Ugh, this is the last time I let you out of my sight. Each day you and I are going to be training till one of us collapses for rest of this season."
Link groaned. He usually loves training with his mom, but when he's pissed her off she finds a way to make their training his own living hell. There was no way of talking out of this  - he would know, he's tried it!
Sadly, for his mother, that won't stop him from trying to worm his way out into mischief.
Such as right now.
There was this thing with his mother, perhaps even all mothers to an extent. Whenever she would go into a rant she would get so into that rant she would end up losing all awareness of her surroundings, even if the rant itself is about being aware!
Link would, of course, use this to his advantage and quickly slipped away unnoticed.

"Pbbbttt.....as if her rules are gonna keep me from doing what I want...." Link mumbled to himself.
He was walking through the dense forest, taking in his surroundings. It had been a good hour since he had separated from his mother, though by now he knew that even going back would be a death sentence - so why not enjoy his free time while he still can.
"Oh~? What's this?" Ahead of him was a small clearing, perhaps even an abandoned campsite. Weapons were strewn about and tents were placed up and tattered.
He quietly, as any Lynel raised cub would, sneaked his way to the campsite. He picked up some weapons inspecting each one carefully in hopes to find a new "toy" for himself.
He was about to settle on a fairly sharpened boomerang when-
"Elf boy's got my boomerang! That little shi- ow don't push me!"
Link immediately got into a fighting stance with said boomerang, pointing it at where the noise was emitting.
He waited.
"Fuck." The noise exasperated.
Link narrowed his eyes dangerously, preparing to strike.
"WAIT WAIT WAIT WAIT-! W-WE DON'T MEAN HARM!" Popped out a brown haired girl, screaming.
Link froze.
'Did she just-'
"WE JUST WANTED TO TALK TO YOU OKAY! IM SORRY WE SCARED YOU!!" She apologized loudly and profusely.
"Did you.....just speak our language....?" Link uttered out in pure disbelief.
"Y-Yeah we are wildlings just like you! Isn't that cool!!" She beamed.
"This has to be a joke, right.....? This is just some cruel spell conjured by Princess Zelda I-I just know it..." Link was on the verge of tears. This was too good to be true.
"She's tellin' the truth, elf boy." A green haired lady emerged from the shrubbery. "Sorry for not, uh, speaking monster that one moment but you were touching my shite and I just do not approve!" She rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.
"Oh...." Link slumped to the ground.
"Thank you Ganon.....I'm not the only one......I'm not alone....." Tears were pouring from his eyes.
"A-Are there any more of you guys?" Link eagerly asked while trying to wipe away his tears.
"There's Ton who actually warned us about you coming to the camp, but he hid off somewhere else because the little ones tend to make noise." Replied the green haired lady.
"C-Cubs?!" Link said excitedly.
"Yeah, Mon and Yon! They're super sweet, specially since they were raised by a Moblin!" The perky brown haired girl added in.
"Wait, a Moblin? Were you guys also raised by monsters?" Link asked.
"Yep. Kinda what makes us wildlings." Green haired. "I was raised by a Lizalfos and she was raised by a Bokoblin. Name's Scala." She stuck her hand out, prompting a handshake.
"Link." He returned the handshake.
"Oh and I'm Namira!! It's nice to finally meet you! I saw you with that big zora I hope you're okay!!!" She shook Link's hand wildly.
"Ehehe.....Y-You saw that....?"
Noticing his discomfort, Scala decided to step in and divert the conversation.
"So, uh, Link, what were you raised by?"
"A Lynel."
Scala nearly had a heart attack right then and there.
She looked at Namira with a "did you know" face, only to get a sheepish look from her.
"Well.....that explains your stealth."
"The hell is that suppose to mean?!"
"I'm saying your stealth is garbage, Link."
"Look, we can't all be invisible ninjas with pointy boomerangs!"
"Yeah yeah, and speaking of boomerangs can I, oh I don't know, have mine back??!"
"GUYS PLEASE!" Namira shouted.
"Why can't we just try and be frieeeendddsss...???" She groaned.
Link paused, looking confused.
"Uh....what's a friend?"

(Poor Link has never had a proper friend other than his mom. I can relate tbh. Sorry this chapter starts off depressing or something. Sidon is prolly out of character. I love his bubbly personality, and I will be adding it - I just think it would be hard for him to be happy after finally finding his goal and suddenly just BAM gone. I'd like to think he praises Link so much because he personally feels like he doesn't deserve praise - my dark headcanon. They are going to meet again, I promise! The fish will find his pet kitty! Anyways I hope you like this chapter, comment and all that jazz yadda yadda. Bye-bee! Stay Orange~!)

Namira ^

Scala ^

Ton (with Mon and Yon) ^

Sidon literally this entire chapter ^

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