Everyone is Startled (Chapter 3)

"What's wrong Mom?" Link inquired to his pacing mom.
"More bokoblin camps are gathering around us. They're going to get annoying fast." She grunted in annoyance.
"I could get rid of 'em! Or we can scare them off!" Link squeaked excitedly, his ears perking up at the thought of causing potential mayhem amongst others.
"More would just replace them, plus they would come back from the Blood Moon. I've also noticed that more and more silver bokoblins have been showing up."
Link's eyes glistened in glee upon hearing this.
"OH MY GANON! REALLY???" He chirped in pure glee.
"I'm going to stop you right there! You are NOT prepared to take on 5 bokoblin camps at once, ESPECIALLY when each of them have silver bokoblins in them!" His mother growled, towering over him, asserting dominance.
Link shrank at his mother's authoritative tone, but still held his ground. Which consisted of him puffing out his hair, making him seem bigger than he was. How a simple Hylian was able to do something like that is beyond Hylia herself.
"Don't you dare puff your mane at me! I raised you better than this!" The Lynel glared at her Hylian son before grabbing him by his mane and draping him over her shoulder.
Link squeaked in shock before pitifully growling in protest, clawing at his mom with his pathetic excuse of claws.
"We are moving." She simply stated.
Link growled and hissed, like he would back when he was but a mere pup.
"NO! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! I DESERVE TO HAVE A SAY IN THIS!" She continued walking, supplies in the other hand, weapons on her back.
His cries fell on deaf ears.

".....Hey mom?" Link had been silent for the past couple of hours, after realizing that his kicking and screaming wasn't going to change anything.
"Yes, Link." She numbly responded back, focused on getting to wherever their destination was.
"Where are we going exactly?" He asked.
"Any place that doesn't have bokoblins."
"Oooh! Do you think we'll see any other Lynels???" Link asked, perking up from his previous 'pouty' state.
The beastly mother laughed at her pup's childish nature. No matter how much he would age, he still managed to somehow keep on being the same menace he was those many blood moons ago.
"Perhaps, but don't get too excited my pup. Other Lynels aren't as willing to adapt as much as I am. They wouldn't hesitate to hurt you."
"Awwww..... I was hoping I could make a new Lynel friend...." There was a purr of disappointment emitting from the feral Hylian.
"Lynels aren't that interesting-"
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? LYNELS ARE AMAZING!! YOU GUYS LOOK SO COOL AND CAN FIGHT SO AMAZINGLY AND ARE SUPER SMART AND ITS JUST INCREDIBLE!!!" Link exclaimed suddenly, cutting off and startling the poor motherly Lynel that nearly chucked him across the scenery.
"SILENCE. Do you WANT to draw attention to us? Especially when we are out in the wild during a BLOOD MOON?" She growled, bringing him closer to her face.
Link nervously gulped before frantically looking in any direction but his mother's.
"Ehehehe.....I forgot....." He sputtered out embarrassingly.
She placed him upon the horse part of her body, before equipping her Lynel Sword from her back.
"Just stay there and keep quiet." She ordered.
Link huffed before finally making a small noise of confirmation.
With that, they rode off into the night.

"Prince Sidon, is everything alright?"
Sidon jumped as he was ripped from his internal thoughts.
He gave the newly hired maid a shaky smile before recomposing himself.
"A-Ah, my apologies madam. I've just been worried about the usual with Vah Ruta and what-not. I'm just hoping we can find a Hylian to defeat it soon..." He admitted, cheeks as red as his scales from embarrassment.
"I'm-I'm so sorry! I should've known! I deeply apologize for disturbing you, my Prince!" She sputtered out sadly.
Sidon panicked and quickly tried to cheer up the poor young lady.
"Noononoononononononono you're fine! This is your first time working at the Domain! You just didn't know and that's okay, YOU are okay!" He performed his signature pose to ensure her everything was alright.
"A-Are you sure....?" She whimpered.
"Yes, everything is fine. You should get some rest now, okay?"
She was about to protest before Sidon cut her off.
"And those are by my orders! The Prince's orders!" He grinned humorously.
"A-Ah, Y-Yes my Prince!" And with that she clumsily scurried off.
'She's definitely too young to be stressing over things like this. Though I guess I'm one to talk.' He chuckled at his own inquire.
'I should get some rest as well.' Sidon laid himself onto his waterbed.
He wondered what his Hylian Hero would look like. How they would act. What would they wear. Soon enough, his thoughts of the perfect Hylian Hero were washed away from his thoughts by sleep, as well as his worries. Draining into his subconscious to then later be reused. Little by little his once pure pond was slowly growing murky. The resentment and doubt was beginning to pile up to the clear blue surface. Yet Sidon still denied these feelings. They couldn't be real. He was an optimistic! The light to everyone's day! There was no time to be sad! He should be happy in honor of Mipha! Mipha would've WANTED him to be happy!


(In which this chapter takes a dark turn. I didn't even intend to give Sidon some sort of 'edgy' vibe. I just like the whole trope of "fire in back ground -this is fine I'm fine everything's fine wE ARE ALL FINE" sort of deal. Plus the idea of Sidon having an un-princely moment that isn't smut like I see in all of the other fanfics (I know what u guys do) sounds p great. Just him being like "YA KNOW WHAT-" I just feel that Link will definitely test his patience, at least I hope he does. That or Sidon may end up being like "omg he is like a kitty can I keep him I promise I'll feed him and clean up after him" with Link in the corner hissing and spitting angrily. Anyways I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's a bit longer than the last couple, but I wouldn't exactly count on the rest of the chapters being as long as this one. Please like and comment and all that jazz~!!!)

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