Chapter 2
4 years later :
Adora :
It's been 4 years since I went to this other country and here I am, back to home sweet home... recently, i started to work to in a company named Bright Moon who belongs to my foster mother. I discovered that Bright Moon has a rival on the market. Today I'm supposed to go and negotiate with the Horde ( name of the company's rival ), and I ended up with a cat woman.
?- Hey, you're here for the negociations, right ?
Adora- Yes !? I answered surprised.
?-Name's Catra and here are the documents. Told me this cat women while giving me the documents.
Adora- Thanks...
Weird... i can't get my eyes off her, she somehow reminds me of someone. The negociations went well and I could go back home quite early.
Adora's house :
Glimmer - So ? How was it ? Did everything went well ?
Adora- Yes, and it was... weird.
Glimmer - What do you mean ?
Adora- Well... the women who welcomed me today reminded me of something, but I don't know what.
Glimmer - It's impossible for you to have already met her, otherwise I would have been the first one to have known. Told me my foster sister.
Adora-You must be right...
23h30 :
I can't think of something else than that women. I'm desperately trying to sleep but I can't. I hear noises outside and I go by my bedroom's window. I can't believe what I'm seing... it's Catra ! I wonder what is she doing here... i see her turning her head toward my window, i immediately hide under my window hoping that she didn't saw me. I rush to my bed and pretend to sleep.
Catra- Hey princess." I can feel her hand on my cheek ". It's been a while since the last time we saw each other." I wonder if she knows that I'm awake or is she speaking in a vacuum..." Frankly you made me wait for the past few years..." What the hell is she talking about ?! I've never met her in my life ! To my surprise, she played with my hair a little bit more while staring at me with her mesmerizing eyes and left without asking for the rest.
Next morning 7h00 :
Glimmer - Morning, had a good night ? She greeted me, I turned my head toward her without responding and she startled." Wow ! You look like a panda with those dark circles ! She told me.
Adora - if only you knew how bad my night was. I told her in return.
Glimmer - Weird, normally you always sleep like a marmot on this mattress, It's even your favorite mark !
It doesn't surprise me that she is so surprised, i wanted to tell her what happened, but I still can't tell her " Hey, Glimmer ! A Horde employee sneaked in the house and after leaving without stealing anything, she haunted me till... NOW !!! " it would be strange and creepy, plus knowing my foster mother, who would make a mountain out of it and etc... so, yeah, i prefer to keep it a secret.
Catra ;
00h45 :
Am I insane or what ?! Why did I sneak to her place ? Note, it was worth it... she is kinda cute when she sleeps and she changed a lot in 4 years. I'm Catra, 11 years back then i had hurt myself and a little girl took care of me believing that I was a wild kitten. I grew really attached to her, but unfortunately one day she left and I never saw her again, till yesterday afternoon. What came over me to call her princess ? Frankly, i think that I need to sleep...
Scorpia - Hey, you came back late tonight, Did you make a surplus ? Scorpia greeted me.
Catra - No, i had an important stuff to do." Scorpia is a friend of mine and we are roommates cause I didn't find a place as cheap as this one.
Scorpia- What was it this time ? Skateboarding is the middle of the night ? Tagging few walls ? Playing the toughest ? Or sneak to Lonnie's house to scare her to death ? Scorpia said while laughing in advence.
Catra - None of those things. I responded her. Scorpia turned toward me and et rushes toward me.
Scorpia - Are you sick ? Do you have the flu ? She asked me before caching my face with one of her pincers which serve as her hand. I pulled my face away to put myself on the defensive in case she does it again.
Catra - No, I'm not sick ! I told her a little annoyed. Scorpia is a cool friend, but her protective side and et talkative side sometimes gets on my nerves.
Scorpia - If you didn't do any of what I said, then where were you ? She asked me worried.
Catra - Nowhere. I took a walk, that's all. I answer her looking away.
07h50 du matin :
Scorpia- Tra... Catra...
Catra - Mmh... 5 more minutes...
Scorpia - CATRA WAKE UP !!! Your gonna be late ! Scorpia screamed, I startled before putting myself in a defensive fighting stance before I relaxing.
Catra - Did you really needed to yell that loud ? I asked her still half a sleep.
Scorpia - ... Ok, if you want to explain to shadow weaver the reason you where so late today, then it is as you wish. Scorpia told me shrugging her shoulders and looking away as if nothing had happened.
Catra - What ?! Late ? What time is it ? I asked panicked.
Scorpia - It's 07h30 am I think... well considering the time you took to wake up, I would say 07h50 am. She said to me thinking.
Catra - Oh man ! I hurry to get dressed and have a toast of jam and I leave.
On the way, in the bus, I see that girl who did the negotiations with me yesterday again. She saw me ! What am I going to tell her ?
Adora :
7h30 du matin :
Adora - I'll be on my way.
Glimmer - See you later, l'm going to stay here a little longer.
Adora - For sure with your teleportation magic, you can allow yourself the luxury of lagging behind for a few more minutes. I told her with a touch of jealousy.
Glimmer - Yeah, life can be unfair. Glimmer answered me with a smirk. I rolled my eyes and left.
On the way, in the bus, i met Catra, what am I going to tell her ?
Catra - Hey. She greeted me like nothing happened .
Adora - Hey..." the atmosphere is so weird...
Catra - You work at Bright Moon since when ? She asked as if it didn't really interested her.
Adora - Oh, not for a long time... I am new there. I answer her more relaxed.
Catra - You're doing pretty well for a new one. She complimented me. For a certain reason, I blushed a little bit when she complimented me.
Adora - And you ? How long have you been working for the Horde ? I asked her.
Catra - Way to long. She answered me.
I didn't asked her for more details and the rest of the way passed in heavy silence.
Catra :
I turned my head a little bit after complimenting her and I see her blushing a little, when she speaks to me again I hurried to put on a detached air and I answered her without thinking much. It's been more than 2 years since I work for the Horde, I was lucky that they were hiring when I left the orphanage, but i started with little stuffs, like printing papers or serve coffee to superiors... I was treated like a real maid, but I fought and finally ended up ending up where I am now. At first, i intended to stay till I finished school, but I fought so mush to prove my worth, that it would be a waste to quit, so I stayed... plus since I got promotions, I am payed way more than before. Finally arrived, I am leaving at full speed not to stay a second longer with that girl... besides, I never really knew her name.
Catra - Hey, what's your name ? I asked her while trying to sound not that interested in her answer, but it was stronger than me, i could feel my eyes sparkling with curiosity.
Adora - Name's Adora. She just answers me, her smile is so adorable, I quickly turned my head without answering to hide my red face and my sudden nervousness..
Adora :
Finally out of the bus, Catra suddenly asked me a question and runs away... I suppose she will be late if she stayed a little longer. At the office, i meet Glimmer who was talking with Mermista and Perfuma. I'm going to work... i can't really concentrate on my work... I can't stop thinking about Catra.
Glimmer - Hi ! Glimmer greeted me again.
Adora - Woow !!! I responded surprised.
Glimmer - Are you sure you are ok ? Are you sure you don't want a break ? Glimmer asked me concerned.
Adora - No. if I say I'm fine, then I'm fine. I told her so she won't be so worried.
Glimmer - Sometimes you desperate me Adora... i know that you are stubborn, but I won't give in this time ! She answers me both exasperated and decided to make me go home sooner.
Adora - I swear, you're worrying for nothing... I was cut by Glimmer.
Glimmer - Miss Adora ! You can cheat whoever you want, except me ! I know you since we were children and i know you enough to know when you need to rest or not ! Glimmer told me.
I know Glimmer, and when she calls me Miss, I know that she is serious and that if she needed, she would drag me to make me do what is best for my health. Yeah, I tend from time to time to work until exhaustion. I finally give in and go home sooner... it's all Catra's fault ! That's right, who asked her to come over to our house to play with my hair !? But why can't I think of something else than her ?
Catra :
12h30 :
Catra - Achooo...!!!
Scorpia - Did you get sick ? She asked me concerned.
Catra - No, i don't think so. I answer her while thinking.
Entrapta - you know, we say that sometimes, if we sneeze for no reason, is that there is someone who speaks or thinks of you. Entrapta told me.
Entrapta is a weird girl... she loves everything mechanical and loves to eat food that is literally as big as kinders. She is also a cool friend.
Catra - And you can tell me why a person would talk or think of me ?
Entrapta - Because you have a reputation for being demanding and a little tyrant around the edges, because you beat Rogelio in an arm-wrestling competition or because you have a heart of ice. She responds by thinking.
Catra - What do you mean a heart of ice ?! I asked surprised.
Scorpia - Kyle has been asking you to date him for a year and a half and you always coldly rejected him. Scorpia told me.
Catra - It's not my faulting he doesn't attract me ! He just isn't my type ! I defend myself.
Entrapta - Yet that doesn't seem to discourage him. She said glancing at Kyle who is approaching us.
Catra - Please tell me your joking... I'm going to crack. I respond clenching my teeth so i won't scream.
Scorpia - Isn't it the third time this week ?
Entrapta - Don't know, it's been a while since I stopped counting.
Kyle - H... hi Catra. He greets me swallowing with a little flower in his hand.
Catra - Urg... Kyle. I sigh with folded arms.
Kyle - Yes it's me ! Um... I... I wanted to ask... if you would go out on a date with me ?
Catra - For the I don't know how many times, Kyle ... and the last one, I don't want to go out with you! I don't like you beyond friendship, and still. I answer him exasperated.
Kyle - But...
Catra - No ! No buts, i don't like you the way you like me, i don't want to go on a date with you and i'm starting to lose patience. I told him at the end of my patience limit.
He left and I could calmly return to my occupations.
To be continued...
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