Chapter 3
"Tommy!" Wilbur yelled, causing the younger to whip around and sprint to the brunette like his life depended on it.
The two heroes that had entered McDonalds instantly noticed their panic and had started running full speed towards them, when Wilbur decided to make a split-second decision to use his charmspeak on the heroes to allow him to escape with Tommy out the window.
"WILBUR!" Tommy screeched as his brother carried him bridal style across the rooftops, the blonde's eyes scrunched shut to protect his eyesight from the passing wind that was battering against his face. "WE FORGOT MY FUCKING HAPPY MEAL!"
"We can worry about that later, Tommy! Right now, I'm focused on getting our asses OUT OF HERE!" Wilbur quickly retorted, making his way over to one of the skyscrapers that bordered the outskirts of the city.
Once noticing that Wilbur had come to a standstill, Tommy slowly reopened his eyes to see a massive, towering building looming over them.
He flinched slightly in surprise (not used to having gigantic buildings make him feel inferior, of course), but otherwise remained silent as he was let down and followed Wilbur to another alleyway that was situated to the side of the skyscraper.
Stopping in front of a random, loosely-hanging sheet of metal that had been rusted and worn down over long periods of time, Wilbur carefully removed the panel to reveal a small, narrow tunnel that seemed to have been craftily built into the building.
Despite the young blonde's reluctance, he eventually gained enough confidence to clamber into the vent tunnel first so that Wilbur could cover up the way they had come in.
After carefully guiding Tommy through a confusing order of turns in the vent system, the brunette finally halted his little brother as they passed underneath a vent covering built into the building's floor.
Wilbur climbed out first, making sure that the coast was clear before helping Tommy out and putting back the vent cover. They seemed to have popped out underneath an empty work desk (thank the gods), and luckily for them, the bottom floor of the skyscraper seemed uncommonly empty.
Just as the older was about to creep out from the desk and start making his way up to where Tommy assumed would be their new, temporary hideout for a couple nights, he quickly halted Wilbur by grabbing the back of his worn trench coat that had been patched up and sewed over many times from countless battle incidents.
"Wilbur!" Tommy whispered, his eyes frantic as he desperately searched for something in the brunette's possession.
"What is it, Toms? Is something wrong?" Wilbur responded questioningly, his expression tinged with worry and concern over the thought that someone may be following them.
"Please, please tell me," Tommy paused, his gaze full of uncertainty and fear before he continued, "That you still have your McDonalds order on you."
"For fucks sake, Tommy-"
"Hey, I'm hungry, alright!? All I've had since we left is a nutrient bar, and I'm a starving man here! I'm all skin and bones!"
Looking down at his sibling's pathetic attempt at asking for food, he finally gave in once the pleading eyes came on and retrieved the wrapped item of a plain chicken sandwich from one of his coat pockets (unfortunately, in the haste of everything, the poor cup of water had been left behind). Wilbur gently tore the sandwich apart in equal measure before handing a half to Tommy's grabby hands.
Wilbur looked on in concern as the younger started wolfing down half of the sandwich in practically one go, but his attention was snapped away when distant, thudding footsteps were heard coming down their hall. Shushing Tommy when he started complaining about "needing more sustenance," they proceeded to huddle together tightly underneath the desk and push themselves as much as they could up against the wall behind them.
A pair of expensive-looking shoes passed straight by their location with not even a slight stutter in their step, and the person continued down the hallway to turn down another intersecting corridor, seemingly (and hopefully) oblivious to the duo's presence in the building.
Cautiously peeking his head out from under the desk and looking both ways down the hallway, Wilbur made sure to avoid any possible spying gazes of any hidden security cameras as Tommy and him snuck out to a door that held flights of stairs within them. Yet, as they started making their way to the top of the tower (Tommy occasionally replenishing Wilbur's and his own energy), their nerves skyrocketed as they heard more sets of footsteps coming upwards from below them at a hurried pace.
Tommy looked at the brunette questioningly, and Wilbur nodded at the silent inquiry that was sent toward him. Tommy continued up the stairs, making sure to get him far enough away that he wouldn't be noticed or seen. Back with Wilbur, two businessmen in fancy clothing had seen the undercover villain and had questioned how he had gotten into the building.
Wilbur only let a dark smile cross his face. "What do you mean, fellow co-workers? This is where I work, and I was simply going to my level to clock in for the day."
"Yeah, sure, then answer me this; do you have any reason as of why you were waiting for us?" One of the workers asked haughtily, blatantly not buying Wilbur's explanation. Yet, instead of a worried expression coming across the brunette's face, all he did was simply smile slyly.
"It appears that you two have entered upon a rather....private matter, fellow co-workers. Now go back downstairs and do not tell anyone about this occurrence. Ever." And, as if they were being controlled by something that wasn't them, the two workers nodded stiffly and started walking back down the stairs with the likeliness of a robot.
Wilbur quickly rejoined his little brother at the latter's higher up location, and they soon found themselves on the roof of the skyscraper. Yet, instead of there just being empty space and a spire shooting upwards, there also seemed to be a door that went into the spire shooting upwards.
Looking quizzically at his older brother, Tommy had no other choice but to follow the taller inside. Past the door, there seemed to be a small, square room where the ceiling tapered to a point 45 feet up.
Inside that room, a table that resembled the likes of the one in the shack hideout had been placed in one of the corners of the room. A long, wooden bunk bed that was surprisingly in good condition rested up against the left wall, and a charging station had been sat next to a row of one-sided window panels that allowed them to see out of the room without the worry of anyone spotting them.
Squeezed next to the table in the corner, a small fridge with a mini microwave on top also conveniently held a presence in the small room, and to finish it all off, a fan was next to the electrical outlet but wasn't plugged in yet.
When Tommy's eyes finally rested back on the bunk bed, the younger practically flew onto the top bed and mashed his face into the pillow that seemed to have been haphazardly thrown onto the bed. Wilbur chuckled at the blonde's priority of first actions, and he also went over to the bunk bed but didn't lay down in the bottom bed.
"So, I'm thinking we stay here for the rest of the time of waiting this mess out, yeah?" Tommy turned his head towards Wilbur and nodded tiredly, and the brunette continued.
"But here's the thing. I was checking my phone as we went up here to see if there's any places that we would need to avoid if we were to ever go out to do something, and I saw that there were some little shits who had decided to record me while I used my charmspeak on those guys back at the McDonalds."
Tommy quickly sat up at this, shooting a worried look at his older sibling. "So, does that mean...?"
"Yeah." Wilbur sighed, diverting his gaze towards the ground shamefully. "The entire world has my identity now, which'll probably mean that it won't be safe for either of us to go out and get supplies to hopefully last this out. The best that we could hope to happen would be that another healer shows up and gets a lot of the attention away from us."
"But the chances of that happening..." Tommy practically whispered, a dispirited look shadowing his face as he estimated the odds. Wilbur nodded at him as a fearful look overtook the younger's face, and Tommy gratefully accepted when the brunette offered a reassuring hug.
The two were silent as they hugged each other, and Wilbur didn't mention the quiet tears that started to drip onto his coat. After a couple of minutes passed, he released Tommy from his grasp with the same defeated expression the latter had on his face.
"Even with the current mess we're in, there's still some hope that we can get some supplies before the entire city knows about my identity as well." Wilbur said, but raised a silencing hand when Tommy tried to cut in. "The thing is, it won't be worth it to risk both of us getting captured, so you'll have to stay here while I go get us some food and some other things we'll probably need to last all this out."
Tommy instantly started protesting, but the decision was already set in stone. With one last hug, Wilbur set off into the city, and the younger was left alone to his own devices.
The small room seemed even more dismal than it had been when Wilbur was there. Letting out a long, heavy sigh, Tommy hopped down from the top bed and walked over to the window, looking out just to see a small flock of pigeons fly by.
He almost envied animals and their simplistic lives, never having to deal with things such as rent, currency, and the oh-so-amazing world that Wilbur and him had been forced to live in and call home. Grunting as a more annoyed expression overtook his face, Tommy returned to his claimed bed in hopes of getting at least some sleep before Wilbur returned.
"Ender! Come to my location, I think I've got a lead!" A teenage boy with bee-like appendages whispered through their earpiece, before attentively looking back at the man standing in front of him. "I'm sorry for interrupting. Please continue, if you will?"
The man in question nodded. "As I was saying, I was just enjoying the fresh air on the top of my work building, when I see this blur fly straight past me! It looked like a person in a brown trench coat who was carrying someone with blonde hair, I think."
"Alright, thank you. Do you mind if I ask you where the blur seemed to have been heading?" The bee boy questioned, and the man nodded once more.
"It seemed like they were heading over there," The man said, pointing over in the direction of a distant skyscraper, "But I couldn't be completely sure if they had decided to head somewhere else after they got out of my line of sight. That's all I know."
The teenager nodded approvingly. "The hero organization and I appreciate your cooperation and assistance with our investigation, sir. We thank you deeply for the information you have lent to us."
The man smiled warmly. "It's no problem, kid. I'm just glad that I was able to help the hero organization with whatever they've got going on right now. Been a fan of it ever since I was a toddler, anyways."
The two shook each other's hands, and the man started to walk back to the door that would lead him into the building below. Just as he disappeared through the door, purple particles started floating to the right of the brunette, and with a noisy 'vroowp', a being appeared beside the boy with bee features.
"Hey, Honeycomb. What lead did you get?" A person with a dual-colored face asked, and Honeycomb's antenna's twitched in acknowledgement to the other teen's question.
"A wonderful lead, Ender." Honeycomb responded, a glee-filled grin spreading across his face. "Such a big lead that I don't think we'll even need any backup to wrap up this mission.
"That lead being...?"
Honeycomb turned his gaze to his partner's glowing purple eyes, which were still filled with slight confusion. "We know the general area of where they're currently residing. It's in that area over there, around the skyscraper. That's what the man told me, anyways. Do you know what this means?"
"It means that all we have to do it wait for one of them to peek their little heads out where we can see them, and we'll be set! If we could get both the healer and a supervillain at the same time, it'd be like two birds with one stone! We'll probably get paid enough to retire and watch the world burn!"
Ender looked slightly disturbed yet amused at his partner's morbid enthusiasm. "But Honeycomb, we're literally only seventeen. We can't retire at this age."
"Who said?"
"The US government."
Honeycomb frowned at this, but quickly shrugged it off. "Well, you get my point. We'll have a stakeout on one of these buildings, and it won't be long before we could narrow down the general location of these two even more!"
Ender let a small smile match Honeycomb's beaming one.
"Yep, it won't be long at all. We'll have this cat in the bag by the time the next rent rolls around."
Made by FloofyTheFox:D
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