To Make You Feel My Love

Lindsey and his band the Desert Dogs are all set up and people are spread out on the grass on blankets. The turn out was phenomenal and it made Lindsey nervous. He focused on Stevie as he went through his set of Jack Johnson, Jason Mraz, and a little Dave Matthews for good measure. Everyone was having fun and the cheers he received after every song got him more excited, bringing him out of his shell a little. Stevie was amazed. He was on fire! He looked so handsome as he ran his hands through his curls. She looked him up and down, imagining what life used to be like with him. Before Brock they were practically together without labels. She was looking for someone totally opposite from Lindsey, the old Lindsey but what she got was so much worse. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes as his set suddenly shifted gears. A soft melody was being played and still he looked right at her. He looked concerned at first, wondering why she was crying but it faded as he began to sing. It was if she were the only one there.

When the rain
Is blowing in your face
And the whole world
Is on your case
I could offer you
A warm embrace
To make you feel my love

When the evening shadows
And the stars appear
And there is no one there
To dry your tears
I could hold you
For a million years
To make you feel my love

Stevie's tears picked up in intensity and she had to close her eyes. Her children were playing around with friends and she was lucky they weren't there to witness her pain.

I know you
Haven't made
Your mind up yet
But I would never
Do you wrong
I've known it
From the moment
That we met
No doubt in my mind
Where you belong

I'd go hungry
I'd go black and blue
I'd go crawling
Down the avenue
No, there's nothing
That I wouldn't do
To make you feel my love

Tears were in Lindsey's eyes too but he pushed on. He practiced this song a million times and even sang it in the shower but now, in front of her, it was much harder to do.

The storms are raging
On the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
Though winds of change
Are throwing wild and free
You ain't seen nothing
Like me yet

I could make you happy
Make your dreams come true
Nothing that I wouldn't do
Go to the ends
Of the Earth for you
To make you feel my love

He finished playing and sat down his guitar. "Thank you" he said softly and left the stage. Stevie had to walk away, she was inconsolable by the end and she couldn't face him.

"Baby" he says, coming up behind her. "Don't hide from me"

"I'm so sorry, Lindsey. You did a beautiful, beautiful job" she sobs. She inhaled deeply, consumed with tears and he embraces her. "Everyone in the world has done a version of this song and for some reason, yours is the only one I ever want to hear again" she says when she's finally calming down.

"That's such an honor, Stevie"

"I love you" she says, willing herself to hold it together. She can't get a grip.

"I love you too"

"I don't want to go, but I have to" she confesses

"No you don't, stay"

"I can't..." she says. He kisses the top of her head and holds her like it's the very last time. He doesn't push her further.

"Do you want me to cut my set and take you home?"

"No, honey. I will be fine."

"Alright. If you need me, I'm always here"

"I know. Thank you, Lindsey"

"You're welcome" He leaves her to go back onstage and the mood is noticeably more upbeat. She can't stop thinking about what he sang to her, what he has said. The man before her just a few minutes ago was the man of her dreams. Plans were made and dates were set...could she really back out now?


The kids clambered inside the house, running into their rooms. Stevie walked past Lindsey, going to her room to finish packing. Her flight leaves tonight and she was so tired. She would have loved a nap but there was no time.

"Stevie" Lindsey says, following after her as she hurried down the hall.

"I'm busy" she says, trying to shut her door. Truly she would have loved to talk to him but she couldn't let herself go there.

"No, you aren't. This is my last chance and I have to tell you everything"

"There is nothing to say"

"There is."

"Leave, Lindsey!"

"Don't push me away!"

"I told you I'm busy"

"When won't you be busy? Whenever you don't want to talk about this, you run away or busy yourself with some stupid fucking insignificant thing!" He shouts.

"Don't yell at me!" She shouts back.

"You won't listen otherwise"

"You don't try"

"Tell me, Stephanie. Why can you commit to him but not to me? I love you so much, don't you love me?"

"It's not about that"

"Then what is it?"

"He gives me freedom, you wanted me to stay home and be a wife and a mother, that's it."

"He doesn't give you freedom, he leaves you alone. He's always traveling and you're home by yourself. I've seen it, you've come to me when you're lonely. You cuddle up with me when you need me but when you're happy, I'm forgotten"

"That's not true!" She says, turning around from her luggage on her bed.

"What's the truth? Lay it on me."

"I love you to death, Lindsey. You know that. We have kids, we have history. I would die if I didn't get to be around you. It kills me to think about not being here and seeing you. You're my rock, my safety net. You make me feel whole."

"Why are you leaving?"

"I have to."

"No you don't. There is always a choice and literally nothing is holding you to him."


"Don't move, Stevie. Please!" He begs.

"What about Brock? What will I say?"

"It doesn't matter. If you love me and I love you, we could do this again."

"I can't be selfish. He has a life and I have to bend a little."

"I want you to have a life with me" he says and she blinks at his admission.

"We've had a life together for years." She tells him.

"I don't want it to end."

She gasps. "You've never once said you felt that way. You always said we were fine. The whole was a lie" she shouts, tears streaming down her face.

"How could I, Stevie? How could I make you feel as broken as I feel every time I look at your beautiful face? I was so mean and controlling back could I tell you I was sorry and actually make you believe me?" She tries to speak and he holds up a hand, stopping her. "You wouldn't have. We might have been even worse than we are now, had I even tried to get you to see. Loving you from afar was the closest I could get to the heaven of being forever yours."

"Please don't do this to me."

"Do what."

"You're making this hard. I don't need that right now."

"What do you need? I will do it. Anything you want, just tell me. What is it you need?" He urges.

"I need to get the hell out of here. I can't breathe. Stevie says. "Let me go." He stares at her a moment then places both hands on the sides of her face, kissing her. She relaxes a moment, accepting it before her eyes fly open and she pushes him away. "I hate you!" She spat.

"No, you don't. You're scared. I see it in your eyes and you've said it a million times but was it really so bad?"

"No" she says, stunning herself. Why would she admit something like that?

"Did it feel good?" He asks.


"Didn't you feel anything?" He asked

"Yes, I felt something. I always will but you have no right!" She shouts.

"Why don't I? Don't you want to be mine?"

"Leave me alone. I can't take anymore." She shouts, her voice fluttering. "I'm done crying over us. I can't do it, I won't do it!"

"Then stop."

"No, Lindsey. What we have right now is perfect."

"For who? We're both fucking miserable."

"I can't get too close."

"Afraid you'll get burned? That's ridiculous. All I've ever done was love you and when you felt trapped you ran away. You're doing it again. I admit, I was asshole of the year 14 years ago but haven't I proven to you that I've changed so much?"


"Then why won't you let me love you?"

"I don't know. I don't have any of the answers and maybe I never have. I'm engaged and this feels wrong."

"When we slept together in my office, it didn't feel wrong. Admit it, you liked it. You miss me, the way I touch you. The way you moan my name...I've never, ever heard you make the noises with Brock that you do with me. I don't just touch your body, I ignite your soul. That's what happened when you came to me and it terrified you."

"Okay!" She shouts. "I felt alive for the first time in years, is that what you want to hear? Yes, you ignite my soul. Hell, we could burn the house down with the passion we have for each other. But what happens when that passion is suddenly gone and we burn down to cinders?"

"Have we ever done that all the years we've been together?"


"If it's passion you want, believe me, I could show you right now."

"I'm sure you could" Stevie says, crossing her arms and trying not to think about what he's insinuating. God, he's sexy!

"Let me kiss you."

"I already did."

"One more time and I swear I will let you go. You can do whatever you want in the world. Just one more time." She nods and he presses himself against her. She can feel his arousal and she smiles to herself. He presses his lips to hers, light pressure at first. Her arms go up around his neck and she gets up onto her tip toes. His tongue begs for entrance and she grants it, getting lost in his touch. Brock isn't like this.

Lindsey suddenly stops the kiss before Stevie is willing and she whimpers softly. She looks at him with sad eyes. That will never happen again. The fire is still there. "Okay." He says, giving her a small smile. "You can go but I will never get over you" he says. "Never will I ever" he emphasizes.

"I won't get over you either, angel but we have to try." She takes the silver ring she had worn for 12 years off an odd finger, having moved it after her engagement, and places in his hand. She curls his fingers around it, frowning. He looks at her for a moment, knowing this stubborn woman has denied possibly the most passionate love the world has ever known and he leaves her room.

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