Colette pressed her back to the wooden chair, sitting impossibly straight. It was one of the first rules Sophia had taught her if she ever had to confront her father. No slouching. She always had to be proud and hold herself high.
How could anyone possibly be calm in the face of a man like Lord Conway who was as unpredictable as a summer storm? One moment he could be slurry and completely lost in his own world and the next, his mind would be as sharp as a knife and his words an ax, anger burning through him.
Colette's right hand couldn't stop shaking and she placed her left one over it to still it. That just made her legs shake and her heartbeat quicken. Where was her father? The room reeked of stale drink, days old vomit, and unwashed clothes but he was nowhere to be seen. The room was surprisingly chilly even in this summer heat, but the fire at the hearth warmed her. Colette bit at her lip and increased the pressure with every growing moment her father wasn't there until she could taste the coppery tang of blood.
The door opened and Colette quickly wiped away the blood and stood up. "Father."
She received no response but with his free hand, he gestured her to sit and she obeyed. He remained standing, grasping a glass full of an amber liquid looking at her with swollen, red-rimmed, bloodshot eyes.
If she thought the smell had been bad then, it was even worse now. He smelled like a corpse and looked like one too. At one time, the Earl of Conway at one time would have been considered handsome, with inky black hair, piercing features, and stormy grey eyes, but years of alcohol, gambling, sleepless nights and constant puking had aged his features. His framer was significantly more rotund than when she had last seen him weeks ago. It seemed like he was actually eating something rather than just drinking. Yet a significant paunch that hung over the belt of his pants was still the same.
Collette uneasily stared back and nervously wet her lips as her breath hitched. The longer he stared at her, the more flustered Colette became. It took all her willpower to prevent her frame from shaking.
Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke, his words slightly slurred but coherent enough nonetheless. "I am of the belief that your season is happening now and you've been looking for suitors."
"Yes, Father. Indeed, I have. I even-"
"Found a suitor in the name of Lord Alton and have yet to announced your engagement to the ton?" Lord Conway smirked at her and his teeth glinted in the firelight.
Colette froze. Sophia had told Colette about her plan to get Colette married to Lord Alton without their father knowing and she had understood why. Given Lord Alton's and Sophia's history, the very reasons Colette had devised her own plan, her father would disapprove. If all went well in accordance with Sophia's plan, their father would never find out who he really was and if he did, it would be much after the wedding when nothing could be done. Clearly, plotting ran in the family but now....
Colette gulped. "I don't...I mean..." She was at a loss of words. What was she supposed to do? She was caught in the middle of a plot against him! She squirmed in her seat.
Noticing the movement, a large smile crossed Lord Conway's face and started laughing maniacally. "I see I have caught you by surprise, little one. Did you honestly think I wouldn't find out about your courtship? And to whom it was?"
The door opened again and Jenkins came in. He immediately ducked into the shadows.
Jenkins. That's how her father found out. Colette gritted her teeth.
"Of course not, Father. You would clearly know who I was to marry. Sophia and I were just finalizing when to finalize the engagement with you-"
The Earl cut her off by slamming his drink on the table. The liquid sloshed over the wooden desk and dripped off of it.
Colette flinched.
"Stop with the lies! You take me for a fool? I know what the three of you have been planning. Sophia was to marry you off to this Lord Alton. But you and the lord are plotting to get Sophia and him together, aren't you? All of you are associating with that bastard who ruined my life!" Lord Conway's face had turned a brilliant red and the vein in his forehead throbbed.
The Earl of Conway growled under his breath. "Shut up you little mongrel. I am not done." His body quivered like an arrow and he paced back and forth across the study, increasing Colette's agitation.
"You know what your sister and that wretched man cost me? I would have had all my debts paid off plus more money given to me if the plan worked. All I had to do was ensure Sophia got married to Darius Shaw, the Duke of Cambury's son and that was it! All my problems solved with one signature in a contract of marriage. I could control my money and my debts. Everything would be in my control."
He rounded on her and stalked towards her until his stale breath caressed her face. Colette instinctively turned away, trying not to gag.
"But my daughter, that stupid fool who couldn't keep her legs closed and the Marquess who opened them ruined it all! All of it! Everything!" He screamed into her ear. "I had to resort to paying my debts in other ways."
Colette's blood chilled. Was he talking about...could he? It didn't matter; she didn't want to know.
She eventually stuttered out, "Sophia told me what happened, Father. I am truly sorry. I know you wished best for us. However, we mustn't focus on that now. Lord Alton is here to make amends with our...the marriage. He said he'll even pay for your debts."
His nostrils flared in contempt and then he hissed, "Amends? No, that man is not here to pay amends. He is here to once again destroy this family's lives, honor, and name. When I received intelligence about who he was and what he was doing here, I instantly knew it was for no good. The more you defend him, the more apparent it becomes."
"But it's true, Father. I-"
He pushed away from her and his chest heaved. "You naïve little girl. Too stupid to see that he is trying to take advantage of you. At first, I was enraged that he would dare come into our home," Lord Conway chortled, "but I realize it's all for good. An opportunity to make him pay has been delivered right to our hands."
Colette shivered. "Father, what do you mean? And who is 'our?'"
He smirked, revealing his yellowing teeth. "My consorts. But you needn't worry about them. All you need to worry about is how you are going to help me get rid of Lord Alton. See, initially, we thought we would kill him in a duel. But that is illegal and much too quick. Death is a mercy for him. He must suffer. We had to find more...creative ways to kill him."
"Father! You're talking about murder! You will be hanged! You needn't do this! Father, we will stop the courtship. Sophia and I will never be engaged with him again. But don't do this!" Colette pleaded, wringing her hands together.
Murder. Her father was talking about killing someone. She couldn't let that happen. Whatever she had to do, she would.
He roared like a beast and pounded his fist against the wooden desk. "He messed up my entire life! Ruined everything! Everything, Colette!"
Colette gulped and twisted her hands on her lap. "I understand, Father, but surely we can make sure he aids you and compensates you in some other way. Killing is not the answer!"
What matters is that he needs to pay. He has slightly me one too many times!" he hissed.
"Father, please think about what you're saying."
"I've thought enough! He has to go. If we killed him on the ground of eloping, kidnapping, and raping, no one would question it.
"Father, that is still murder. And kidnapping? Raping? Eloping? What do you mean?
"You promised to help the Marquess marry Sophia, didn't you? The Earl's eyes gleamed sinisterly.
He knew it was true, so there wasn't any point in denying it. "Yes, but Father-"Colette tried to protest.
"There we have it. You must convince them to elope together. That's where the plan lies. Then, of course, on the grounds of an angry, heartbroken father, I will declare it a kidnapping and marriage without my consent. It would be rape and against the law. And in the heat of trying to get Lord Alton, a dangerous man away from my daughter, he would try to harm her and I would kill him. Simple. Clean. Justified. Self-defense. Sophia will be brought back, unharmed, saved by her valiant father. No harmwill ever come to her."
"Father, no. I will not help!" Colette could barely breathe. Her stomach turned and twisted and she dry heaved. No. No. She could not do this. She will not help him.
"I will kill Jeanne."
Colette gasped out loud as her heart pounded even faster against her ribs until they threatened to crack. Her father was mad, she realized that now, but killing his own blood?
"Father, she is your daughter!"
He scoffed. "Sophia did not tell you? She is a bastard child. Your mother was a whore. I see where your sister got it from. Jeanne may be your sister but she is not my daughter. She is no blood of mine which means I can shed it."
Colette drew gasping breaths. Sweat trickled down her forehead and back, drenching her corset with sweat and her eyes glimmered with unshed tears. Jeanne was not her sister? How? What? Why?
No, those weren't the right questions now. "She is a child, Father! Surely you can't harm her. Please don't. Please don't make me do this."
"You will if you want your sister to live. If you care about her, you will do it."
"Please, Father. No one has to get hurt. We will tell the Marquess to leave!" Colette exclaimed as her voice wobbled. She couldn't keep up her strong front any longer.
"This is the only way. Breath and words needn't be wasted on a man like him! Besides, it is not just me who wishes to see him gone. He has caused infinite hurt and embarrassment to others. Destroyed the honor of my comrades. None of us can let it go.
"Father, you are not thinking clearly. Please let me try to help you! I can help, Father!" Colette cried as tears ran in rivers down her face.
"I don't need any help! All I need is for you to corporate or god save me I will kill Jeanne in front of you, bloody. I will make you watch her take her final breaths."
Was she dreaming or did her Father's voice wobble a bit? Perhaps he truly didn't want to do this. He was being forced, that's all. His heart was not in it.
"Please father, don't do this. I know you don't want to" Colette pleaded, her chest wracking with heartbroken sobs. She tried to reach out and take his hand. Colette knew her father had had an awful childhood without love or compassion. His traumatic childhood had buried its seed deep inside his head and alcohol and gambling had only nurtured it, driving him slowly insane over the years. It had finally blossomed.
But now, perhaps she could ease his heart and hate by showing him love. Just to protect everyone.
He flinched away from her. "Don't touch me and do your job. Tell no one, especially Sophia about this plan. If you do, Jeanne dies before you can even try to do anything else. My partners in this have spies everywhere and assassins in hand. You will not be able to save Jeanne in time. Nothing you do will be in secret, for someone will always be watching you, so don't even try. The more you resist, perhaps the more torture I will do to Jeanne before she dies. Your choice. You have a month to make them fall in love and elope."
Colette couldn't stop it anymore. She threw up all over her green dress and her father laughed.
"Believe me, my partners had far more...creative ideas to make you cooperate. Consider this deliverance of this command...cordial. Jenkins will keep me updated on your progress so don't try to work your way out of this. And make whatever you do to ensure the elopement is as natural as possible. They should not be suspicious and they should believe that I am still unaware of what is happening."
Unable to handle it anymore, Colette passed out. Even as she fell into the black embrace of unconsciousness, she could hear her father's laughter as evil as the devil's.
Complete blackness was a welcome guest.
Did anyone see that coming? This was one of my favorite scenes to write because a character as crazy and maniacal as the Earl was super fun!
Readers! Thank you for taking the time to read this chapter! Be sure to vote, comment and share it with others! Every single thing means the world to me! I love you all!
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