but... as bad as it was, i learned something about myself. that i cohoe go through something like that and survive

IT WAS THE next morning, and Alaric was sitting at his desk in his old classroom, with his feet propped up on the desk. He twirled the white oak stake in his hands as he looked at Victoria and Caroline. The blonde was the one tied down, while Tori was just unconscious, a wound on her forehead.

Soon, Tori's brown eyes fluttered open, but then squinted shut due to the sudden light. "Ric?" She mumbled, her voice cracking. She heard muffles and turned her head to see Caroline who was being gagged, and had pencils sticking out of her hands. "Oh, my god!" She jerked up, her voice cracking. Her head pounded and she groaned, bringing her hand up to the wound which had her wincing.

"Hello, Tori," he smirked trough his words. "I'm sorry about this, but, I needed you to stay out of the way, so I had to put you in the middle of it."

"Why are you doing this?!" She went to stand up, but before her butt could leave the seat, he was in front of her, and slammed her back down. She shouted in surprise and he just rolled his eyes. "You went through with it?" She mumbles out in shock.

Alaric whistled as he ignored her questions and Caroline's cries, before dialing Elena's number. He smirked as Elena answered the phone, "Whoever this is, it's not funny." 

"Well, who else would it be," he grinned as he heard the intake of breath.

Surprise laced in her voice she asked, "Ric?" 

Alaric walked up the row as he spoke to Elena on his cell phone. "Listen, closely. I'm at the school, I have Caroline and Victoria. And if you wanna keep them alive, I need you to get into your car and come down here right away. If you tell anyone where you're going, I will kill them." He hung up the phone and smirked over at Tori who was gaping at him in surprise.

IT WAS NEARLY fifteen minutes later when Alaric heard Elena pull into the parking lot. He smirked as he looked over at the teenagers; Caroline was looking over at Tori with big eyes.

Elena quickly came running into the room upon hearing Caroline crying, and she gasped in surprise when she saw Alaric standing in front of her. She then looked over at her sister to see a huge dried up wound in her forehead.

Elena sucked in a breath and glared up at Alaric. "Let them go! You've down enough damage!"

Alaric waved his hand, "Free them yourself." 

Elena moves towards Caroline first seeing as she was the one with pencils in her hand, and a gag in her mouth. Tori slowly moved away from her seat before helping Elena with Caroline.

She gently pulled one of the pencils out of Caroline's hand, but Alaric rushed over slamming the pencil back into her hand. Caroline screamed in pain and the twins jumped back in fear.

"You said that you would let them go!" Elena screamed at the newly immortal vampire. 

Alaric shouted back at her angrily, "How many times do I have to tell you girls? Stop trusting vampires!"

Alaric dipped the cloth in a glass filled with vervain making Caroline cry, "No. No more. Please, no more." 

"Stop!" Elena and Victoria shouted and he pushed them down into a seat.

"Sit down! This keeps the vervain in her system. It's like inhaling razor blades with every breath." The vampire put the cloth back into Caroline mouth as she screamed in pain.  

"Why are you doing this?!" Victoria screamed, on the verge of a panic attack. Elena reached over and gripped her hand, trying to comfort her, and to not try and have a panic attack of her own.

"To make it easier on you when you put her out of their misery," he said and Caroline cried out, scared and in pain.  Alaric picked up the white oak stake and walked towards Elena who refused his proposition, "What? No!" 

"Isn't this what you wanted, Elena? For me to teach you how to kill a vampire? Well, here is a vampire, Elena. Kill her," Alaric held the white oak stake right in front of her.

Elena shook her head, not being able to hurt her friend. "This isn't what I want." 

"Of course it is," Alaric disagreed, "All those hours you spend training, getting stronger. You could be a hunter, Elena. But you've never actually staked a vampire through the heart, become who you were meant to be."

Elena kept staring at the stake in front of her, not moving.

It was a few moments later, and Alaric was pacing back and forth.

"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked, sniffling as she was sat between her sister and friend.

Continuing his pacing, Alaric told her in his own twisted logic, "Because you need me. You and Tori both. Because you're both eighteen year old girls without parents or guidance or any sense of right and wrong anymore." 

"I have just enough guidance!" Tori shouted and flinched when Alaric glared at her harshly.

"Look at you! How is this right?" Elena asked, pointing towards Caroline who was sobbing.

Pointing towards the blonde vampire, he said, "She's a murderer. She told me she killed someone and liked it. Now, how is that right?" He briefly glanced over at Victoria. "And you... you left your family behind because you couldn't handle this life, but found another town of vampires, and even fell in love with one. Disgusting!"

Elena scoffed. "Is not disgusting!" She shouted when she saw Tori tear up a little. "You've known her for a good while and you know she has a big heart! It's not disgusting of her to care for everyone, including vampires!"

Alaric sighed and spoke softly, "Listen, Elena, your parents led the council. It was their lives' mission to keep this town safe. They weren't dead six months before you both undid it all." 

The youngest doppelgänger, outraged, told him, "You don't know a damn thing anything about them. Don't use them as an excuse to murder a girl who they would've tried to help." 

"Why am I wrong? Do you actually think that they'd be proud of you?" He asked her as he kneeled down next to them. "If you don't side with the humans, you're just as bad as them." He held out the stake to her. "Now kill her Caroline or I'll do it for you and I'll make it hurt. Get up!" The immortal vampire forced Elena out of her seat putting the stake into her hand.

Elena's eyes widened slightly and then twitched her lip so that Tori would understand what she wanted to happen. When her sister nodded, Elena quickly turned around to stab Alaric while Tori grabbed the thing of vervain, and smashed it onto his face to give Elena the opportunity to stake him.

They quickly set Caroline free and the blonde was quick to leave once the twins shouted at her to do so.

The twins went to follow, but was blocked by Alaric. "Not so fast." He smirked, his face already healed from the vervain.

Victoria was quick to throw a lamp at him, and shove him to the side. She then grabbed Elena's hand, and they rushed into the hallway.

Suddenly, Elena went flying into a locker, knocking her out, and then Alaric rushed towards Tori, grabbed her by the neck, and lifted her up against a locker. "I should kill you. I should gut you like Brian Walters, Bill Forbes, and all the other cowards I plan on ripping apart. You're the worst offender of them all, Victoria. You don't deserve to live." 

"Please," she choked out as she clawed at his hands. "I know you're in there, Alaric."

Two people suddenly come out of nowhere and grab Alaric by the arms, making him drop Tori who fell to the ground, and tried to crawl towards her sister.

"Now!" Damon yelled, his face with constricted concentration.

Alaric quickly pushed Damon off of him, snapped Stefan's back and spun back around to snap Damon's neck before the blue eyed Salvatore could try anything. The two boys fell onto the ground, both unconscious.

Klaus suddenly appeared, digging his werewolf claws into Alaric's chest.

They both cried out in pain as they tried to fight each other, but Alaric finally composed himself before snapping Klaus's wrist, making the hybrid cry out in pain.

Alaric slammed Klaus into the lockers nearby, and before the hybrid had time to recover, he was slammed into another set of lockers before he was straddled by Alaric. The newly turned vampire brought down the white oak stake, about to stab Klaus when the hybrid grabbed the stake, trying to push it away from his heart.

"Stop!" Elena demanded as she suddenly was standing a few feet away from them, Tori still on the floor, trying to catch her breath. "Or I'll kill myself," she threatened, holding a piece of glass against her throat.

"Put it down Elena," Alaric commanded, still trying to kill Klaus.

"Why? Because you still need me alive? There's a reason Esther used me to make you, isn't there? She didn't want you to be immortal. So she tied your life to a human one — mine. That way you only have one lifespan to kill all vampires and then you'll be gone. So when I die, you die too. That's it! It has to be."

Victoria scrambled up to her feet, watching her sister with wide eyes. "Elena..."

"You're wrong." Alaric denied, narrowing his eyes at her.

Am I?" Elena asked and slowly scraped the glass against her neck, revealing blood. Tori sucked in a breath as she stepped closer to her twin, crying at the sight of her sister trying to kill herself. This must've been what Elena was feeling when Tori kept sacrificing herself.

"Stop! Stop! Stop!" Alaric begged, releasing his hold on Klaus.

The hybrid quickly pushed Alaric off of him, knocking him on the ground.

Before the twins knew it, they were pulled out of the school before everything turned black.

VICTORIA GROGGILY OPENED her eyes, and groaned loudly, her head pounding, and she felt like she could pass out. Her brown eyes looked towards a window to see the sun going down, and she prayed that wherever she was, Godric would be able to get to her.

"Good afternoon, love," a familiar British voice greeted and she quickly turned her head towards the voice which was a bad idea because everything began to swirl. "Easy, now," he tsked.

"Where's Elena?" She croaked out and turned her head to the right of her to see her twin beside her, still passed out. "Elena..." Her eyes widened when she noticed that on the table between them, blood bags were slowly filling up with their blood. "What are you doing?" She turned her head to look up at Klaus, her brown eyes filling up with tears.

"Tori," Elena groaned out and they turned their heads to one another. "What's happening?"

"I'm draining you both of all of your blood," Klaus replied, shrugging slightly. 

"What about your hybrids?" Elena asked weakly, barley being able to keep her eyes open. "You'll need more than this to create your army." 

Klaus grabbed a filled blood bag from a compelled nurse. "These last few liters will have to sufficed," he answered with narrowed eyes. "You see, by attempting to kill us, my Mother strengthened the bond between my siblings and I. I don't need hybrids. I have my family."

"If you believe that, then why take our blood at all? You want a back-up family," Tori retorted tiredly. "You know that your siblings will never trust you again."

Klaus frowned. "You know, Stefan blames me for trying to tear him from his brother. But, I think we both know who really came between them," he stated, walking closer to them. "You. That's why you won't choose. You know once you pick a Salvatore, you'll destroy their bond."  He sped over, getting right up in her face. "Consider this me doing you a favor. Once you're dead, you won't have to choose. No broken hearts. Their family stays intact." He then grinned. "But just between us girls, who would you have picked?"

"Get away from her!" Tori rasped out, and tried to pull at the binding on her arms, but to no avail.

Klaus pulled away. "Sweet dreams, girls. It's been fun." He smirked before exiting the room. 

Elena's eyes filled up with tears as she glanced over at her sister. "I'm sorry. I got you into this and I just got you in more trouble."

Tori shook her head weakly. "Don't blame yourself, Elena. None of what is happening is your fault. It never was and never will be."

Suddenly, Tyler made his way into the room, and walked over to Elena first, untying her from the ropes.

"What are you doing?" Elena whispered just as he made his way over to Tori.

Tyler shushed her, trying to not make a sound. But, then Klaus appeared in the way Tyler came from with a glare on his face. Tyler snapped his head towards Klaus, and quickly pulled away from Tori, fully facing the hybrid.

"So much for that sire bond," Klaus stated, angrily

lI'm not your little bitch anymore," Tyler exclaimed confidently.

Klaus walked forward slowly. "How did you break the sire bond?"  "

"By breaking every bone in my body a hundred times," Tyler answered with a glare.

"That's impossible," Klaus argued with a shake of his head. 

"Is it? Or maybe real love is stronger than fake loyalty. But what would you know about that?" Tyler asked, standing up to the hybrid bastard. 

"You should be thanking me. I gave you a gift. I took away your misery," Klaus growled out.

"You didn't give a crap about me! You just didn't want to be alone," Tyler stated and walked towards Elena to help her up, but Klaus shoved Elena back, making her hit her head and get knocked out. 

Victoria cried out and stood up from the chair, but ended up falling to the floor with a loud thump. She looked up at Klaus with wide eyes when he appeared above her with a scowl. "No!" She screamed when he picked her up by her neck. "Stop!"

Suddenly, Klaus went flying through a wall, and Tori was caught before she fell to the floor. She looked up with wide, fearful eyes to only come face to face with Eric.

"I got you," he told her gently as Godric pulled Klaus up by his neck, an emotionless expression on his face.

"You should have never messed with these innocent girls," Godric spoke calmly and tilted his head when Klaus struggled with getting loose. "I'm older than you, so no point in fighting." He then held the hybrid up some more and said, "you can get it over with now."

Stefan sped into the room and placed his hand on Klaus's chest who's eyes widened as veins started to crawl up his body.

Eric looked down at Tori with wide eyes. "I felt your fear last night. I tried to get here as soon as I could, but it was daylight." He growled when he saw how pale she was, and that she had a dried up wound on her head. "Here." He bit into his wrist and fed her some of his blood.

When she got back her color and the wound on her forehead was healed up, she looked over at her sister with wide eyes to see Damon picking Elena up in his arms.

Then, the sound of a thump was heard as they faced Klaus' body which was grey and on the floor.

AFTER MAKING SURE Elena was alright. Eric and Victoria was up in her room, laying on the bed.

Turning around to face him, their faces were inches apart and she smiled widely at him. "Thank you so much for coming to my rescue," she whispered and grabbed his hand which was laying between them. "But, I think Godric had it covered."

"I know," he told her and then growled. "But, I felt your fear and desperation last night and I wasn't going to stand by and see what happens to you."

She smiled and moved closer to him. "This is the third time you have saved me, I think." She rubbed her thumb over his hand and sighed. "But... I still owe you a big thanks." She let go of his hand and wrapped her arms around him as best as she could. "You're amazing, Eric. I don't care what anyone else says or what you may do, I think I know you well enough now to make my own decision. And well... I like you, Eric."

He smirked and winked at her. "Oh, you want to thank me," he stated and she playfully shoved him and giggled.

"No." She shook her head. "I consider you a friend." She smiled and rolled over onto her other side so that she was the little spoon. "Goodnight, Eric."

"Goodnight, älskling." Darling.

Eric smiled as Victoria fell asleep in his arms before he closed his eyes and snuggled closer to her.

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