6- Good luck with that

~Emma's pov~

"What do you mean falling apart?" I hissed, crossing my arms.

~An important item was stolen. This item was used to make this place, without it the Legendary Palace will crumble to dust and so will the Legendary Council.~ Arceus said leading the way to where ever he was taking me.

"Wait, if it is falling apart..." Night took a deep breath in. "What will happen to me and Purity? Nether one of us is allowed to leave this place." Night sounded scared, which she doesn't very often.

Arceus sighed. ~Well, since you and Purity both are confined to here... your spirits will perish.~

Night stopped following, going pale. I stopped as well, forcing Arceus to do the same. "Is there anyway to stop it?"

Arceus nodded. ~If you'll continue to follow me and stop interrupting.~

I followed Arceus, Night lagging as she did the same.

~You see, the item that was stolen is called the Legendary Heart.~ Arceus explained.

"You really like the word Legendary don't you?" I snorted.

Arceus glared slightly but moved from the topic. ~It has the essence of every legendary Pokemon in existence even those that are no more.~

"Who stole it?"

~Remember how I told you that Shadow simply vanished after you went back to earth? Turns out he didn't go far...~ Arceus said glumly.

"So Shadow stole it?"

Arceus nodded.

"Well he couldn't have gone far right? He's stuck here right?" I questioned.

Arceus didn't reply.


~Shadow has made his way back to real life. I don't how but he did.~

This time I didn't reply. If Shadow found his way back then he could be anywhere. But how did he get back?

"So how can we save this place? I don't like it but I don't have any intention and dying for real anytime soon." Night sighed. "So much fun I still need to have."

Arceus narrowed his eyes at Night before looking back at me. ~There are two ways that we can save this place. Neither of them are easy.~

"Such as?"

~Either you can seek out Shadow, and take back the Legendary Heart. Or you can seek out the Guardians of the Lullabies, from which we may be able to recreate the Legendary Heart but the one that Shadow has posses untold power. If it remains in his possession, no one knows what could happen.~

"So either way I have to find Shadow?" I asked annoyed.

~I am not asking you to do anything you are not comfortable with dear Voice of Purity. I think that you've been through enough because of your gift not to be forced into this.~ Arceus replied, a hint on softness edging into his voice.

"Fine, I'll do one but I'm going to avoid confronting Shadow if at all possible."

Arceus nodded. ~If that is as you wish. I have also recruited a helper for you, a Guardian Angel.~


~They have asked me not to give away their identity so you'll have to figure it out for yourself.~

Night growled and flicked her mane. "I don't think Emma even needs a Guardian Angel."

"Right..." I said awkwardly.

We entered a room that absolutely sparkled from every point, the walls seemed made from jewels, gold and silver. The walls swirled in complex patterns that seemed to draw your eye to the centre if the room where and empty pedestal sat.

~This is where the Legendary Heart once was.~ Arceus nodded.

"So that's why I wasn't allowed in this room." Night frowned. "Mystery solved. Well one anyway."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "You're a pain you know that right?"

"Let's see I've been told that at least a thousand times, so the idea had come to me." Night shot back sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes again. "Well I should be going. I need to avoid Silver for as long as posable."

"Good luck with that." Night snickered as everything around me faded.


The sun was only just rising from behind the horizon when I woke up. I was in my bedroom even though I'm pretty sure I fell asleep outside.... Red must of brought me in, he's so sweet, I couldn't ask for anyone better to call my boyfriend. I pushed off my covers, waking Hope and Trust in the process.

Being used to getting up early to take care of my nightmares, the two didn't complain about the early rise. They leapt off the end of my bed and waited patiently as I remade it. I flicked my lamp off, smiling to myself when I figured Red must of turned it on for me.

Since I was still dressed from yesterday I slipped down the hall silently with Hope and Trust at my heals. I walked down the stairs rather than sliding down the railing and made my exit through the back door. I closed it behind me and sighed at my success of not waking anyone.

A small smile spread across my face as I glanced down at my Pokemon. "You guys ready?"

~Why wouldn't I be?~ Hope smirked.

~Well I've still never been in this forest but yes, I'm ready.~ Trust shrugged. ~Let's go.~

"Okay then." I smiled taking off from my house, vaulting over the fence and running into the surrounding forrest with my Pokemon at my heels.

~Silver's pov~

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, greeting Clair who was drinking what looked like coffee from a mug with her gym symbol on it while watching the news. A Dragonair lay curled at her heals, it raised its head to look at me when I entered, its purple eyes searching over me for any sign of a treat before lower its head once more.

"Is Emma up yet?" I asked, noting that she wasn't in the room and normally got up early.

"Probably out." Clair shrugged. "She'll be back by lunch time, don't worry."

I frowned. "And your okay with her jus wondering off?" I asked.

Clair nodded. "It's fine, Emma's always up early and she can handle herself. Since she has nightmares most most nights, she's up before the sun rise most nights and she finds comfort in the forest, It's a safe town here and everyone around here knows Emma and that if they mess with her they'll end up with a foot to the face." She gave a shrug. "I don't know why you're so worried, sure she can get into trouble but it only makes her strive to become stronger."

I gave a slight sigh as Emma's Pichu jumped into the windowsill. She looked around for a moment before leaping into the bench, grabbing an apple in her mouth and taking off again.

Clair frowned. "Again with the fruit Sparkle!?" She called after her. "I say Emma's Pokemon can come and go as they please and now they act as off they own the place."

I gave a slight chuckle and looking to where Sparkle had disappeared. "What does Emma do in the mornings?" I asked curiously.

"Different things. I know she has at least two training arenas set up in the forest but she also likes to simply run through the forest with her Pokémon from time to time. I wouldn't know what she does half the time but she knows what she can and can't do."

Emma poked her head through the kitchen widow and frowned. "Anyone seen Sparkle? I can't find her anywhere..."

"She stole an apple not five minutes ago." Clair shrugged.

"Thank you." She nodded, running off without another word or giving me a glance.

"Can't sit still for more than five minutes can she?" Clair shook her head and stood up. "I have to go to the gym. Help yourself to cereal or whatever."

"I'm good." I shrugged. "I'm gonna try and find Emma."

"Good luck with that."

~Emma's pov~

"Okay guys, go again." I nodded through the blind fold taking a deep breath in and letting aura guide me.

Through the aura I saw Aura as she charged in in me with a Bone Rush. I raised my Bo that Blade made me back in Unova and blocked the attack. I held the wooden weapon firmly and felt Blade coming in behind me. I pushed back my Lucario and swung my weapon around, hitting Blade in the side and knocking him into Aura.

Both got up and charged at me together. I charged towards them but at the last moment I stuck my Bo in the ground in front of me and used it to pole vault over them. While they recovered from the shock of my more I swung my Bo at Aura while kicking Blade in the back, both fell to the ground leaving me victorious.

I pulled my blind fold up and looked at my Galade and Lucario as they picked themselves up and gave me approving looks. ~Defiantly improving with the reflexes.~ Blade nodded rubbing his side. ~And how the hell did you learn to kick so hard?~

I shrugged. "You trained me."

~Yeah but not that well.~

"What can I say? I'm blessed." I smirked

Or cursed.

"Shut up."


"Seriously, be quiet."

But I don't wanna. I could practically see Night pouting.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Any one happen to want to have Night live in their head for the rest of their life? Cause I'm willing to give her up." I asked my Pokémon.

~No thanks.~ Aura raised and eyebrow.

~I'm good.~ Blade smirked.

"That was rhetorical."

And sarcastic.

I ignored Night turning my attention beck to my Pokémon. "Again?"

Blade shook his head and gestured to the sky. ~You should be getting back yet. You haven't eaten anything all day and you've been training all morning.~

I pouted. "Fine." I turned and headed back for Blackthorn City with Rioyaru, who'd been watching the whole time, at my heels as usual.

It didn't take me long to run into Silver, to say he looked relived to see me was an understatement.

"How big is this forest?" Silver exclaimed while panting.

"Pretty big." I shrugged. "Let me guess, lost?"

Silver gave a slight making me smirk. "Come on. I know this forest like the back of my hand."

"How?" Silver frowned. "Everything looks the same around here."

I rolled my eyes. "When I first came to live here I was afraid of a lot of things. I found this forest peaceful so I often explored it."

Silver nodded. "How often?"

I gave a slight shrug. "Back then I could barely close my eyes without being tortured by a nightmare, so I came here to clear my mind. A lot of the wild Pokemon became my friends since I didn't trust people at the time. Now, a lot of things I was afraid of I've grown out of apart from a few, the dark for example."

Silver didn't say anything but frowned. The edge of the forest came into view and we headed for my house.

"How early did you get up today?"

"Umm... Before sunrise." I replied.

Silver once again didn't reply.

We arrived at the fence to my backyard and I easily climbed over it while Silver used the gate. Since when did we have a gate!?

"Hey Emma?" Silver said braking the silence.


"I'm sorry, about last night. It came out differently from how I meant it. I know your life has been anything but easy and saying otherwise was a mistake." Silver said quietly.

"It's fine Silver." I sighed. "I just over reacted."

"No, what I said was out of line. I know what been happening has been anything but easy, even over these past few weeks when we tried to make things easy."

"Snowflake, I said its fine so can we please drop it?" I half frowned, half smirked.

"Seriously? You're still calling me that? It was one time."

"Yup." I smirked completely while sliding the back door open and walking in with Silver behind me.

Silver shook his head while following me in. "You are seriously the most confusing girl I've ever met."

"To bad you're stuck with me forever." I smirked.

"At least things stay interesting."

"True that."

Word count: 2043

Hi~! Sorry this is boring... I'm gonna get Emma to Kalos ASAP and introduce the plot points I need... *shrugs* I finally found some bracelets that didn't look girly I can wear to hide my wrist for now. Yay... Well bye~!

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