They know.
Virgil's POV:
I lay on my back, music blaring in my ears " has a hopeful undertone..." I sang. I sigh and sit up taking out my earbuds and putting on the dresser, I walk to my pet spider and take him out and let him crawl over my hands, It tickles. I smile to myself and put him back. I grab a bug and set it in their He attacks it. "Hmm I'm hungry to...." I say out loud but the voice says
"should you eat you fat pig? No you shouldn't just ignore your stomach, listen to me only me."
My jaw tightens my eyes and throat burn the voice comes back
"Go to bathroom, you know what you should do, go draw."
I walk slowly to the bathroom tears silently dripping down my face I turn around and lock the door to my private bathroom, I reach behind the toilet and grab a blade and start to draw on my arm, just like the voice said. I sadly laugh to myself and whisper under my breath "Why?" Then I start to cry and I put the knife back staring at the new cuts. Three cuts, so weak, I could do more, but instead I break down trying but failing to contain my cry's. I stop and choke on air when someone knocks on my bedroom door. I get up unlock the bathroom door I walk over feeling chilly, weird, I open the door, shit I remember why I'm cold I don't have my hoodie meaning my arms, my scars are on full Display! Roman starts to speak but looks down at my arms seeing the scars. He puts his hand to his mouth and silently gasps. "V-Virgil... what.... why?" Its hard to breath I take my hands away from the door and rake them through my hair "breath in and out, in and out, in a-and o-out" I say to myself backing away from Roman. He comes in and takes my shoulders "Virgil I-I .... I don't know what to say...." I look up, my breathing still ragged "ar-are you m-ma-mad...?"
"Mad? No how... how could I be mad... when someone I like is in so much pain... physicality and mentally..." he lifts my head up with his hand, I look into his eyes, I see his pain. "Wh-what?" I ask "what was that?" Roman chokes out he's crying now which is only making me cry more "you-you said you l-like me..."
"I... I..." he looks so sad, so scared. So I make him look at me and kiss him. I pull away for air but rest my forehead on his, my eyes closed, "I like you too"
Roman suddenly starts shaking I couldn't tell weather he was crying or laughing, I think a mix of both. And hugs me tightly, I of course hug back. He pulls away and sits on my bed wiping away tears "vigil why...?" He said hold my hand. I look at my feet my head starts to spin but I roll my shoulders and shakily say "I... I... the voice" I choke out a sob which makes Roman hug me " continue"
"Th-the voice.... it told me t-to draw, so I did" I pull away from the hug and pull my knees up and set my head down on them and cry, Roman rubs my back whispering soothing words although I'm crying to much to hear them. After a couple of minutes a take a deep breath and look at Roman "thank you Ro" I kiss him and he kisses back but I can tell he wants to say something so I pull back "what is it?"
"I'm so sorry... I keep insulting you but-but I was really just covering up the fact that I like you and I'm so so so sorry..." he starts to cry again and just hug him, I sing to him you are my sunshine he then calls down "it's ok, it's ok" I smile at him and he smiles back. I look up when I hear the floor boards creak, I hate loud noises, Patton was their with Logan "YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!!!" Patton screams. I start to breath quicker, Roman notices and asked them "how much did you hear?"
"Logan and I were walking by and heard Virgil singing so I stopped to listen!" I sigh in relief so does Roman. I start to rub my arms because I was cold and Logan looks at my arms and sees my scars, I notice that and run to the bathroom where my hoodie was I grab it and walk out breathing quickly, my head was down so I jumped when I was surrounded by the others who hugged me Patton was giggling "I like hugs" Logan looked worried, Roman noticed me Looking at Logan and looked at me " hey wanna grab something to eat?"
My stomach growls "n-no..." I back away from them, Logan puts one hand on my shoulder and gives me a look that says we'll talk later, I nod and he takes Patton out of my room. I stare at the ground tears threaten to spill out, eventually they roll down "ro-Roman..."
"Yes?" he said holding my head, wiping my tears away with his thumbs "I... I haven't eaten in four and a half days...I puke up my f-food... I-I'm sorry..."
He hugs me tightly I wouldn't have known he was crying but I felt his warm tears hit my neck "you need to eat.... let's eat breakfast, I think Patton made some eggs, bacon, and hash browns" I sniff and let him guide me their. We ate and the other three laughed Logan and Roman, mostly Roman, kept glancing at me, worried; Patton was still oblivious to my scars, which was good the less people that knew the better. The voice comes back while I put away my dishes " you ugly, ugly human. You just ate! you know you can't eat! You'll get fat! Fatter then you already are! You disgusting pig. Go. Go puke it up now. GO!" I go upstairs to my room Logan was reading a book while Patton sat and watched cartoons beside him on the couch, I don't know where Roman is. I frown should I go talk to him? NO you can't talk to him he'll only stop you. Your right." I sigh. I walk into my room head down and head straight to the bathroom and expertly did what I always did. Kneel down, lift the lid, and shove two fingers down my throat till I puked letting the smell make me puke more, but this time I was stopped. Just as I was about to shove my fingers down my throat roman stepped out of the shower. That dick! He was hiding in their! I paused and then crumbled on the floor eyes leaking already I start incoherently apologizing roman just picked me up like how a mother would with I baby and set me down on my bed and laid with me till I feel asleep to him whispering sweet nothings in my ear.
Hey I hoped you liked it!! Should I make them longer? Shorter? Stop writing this? •~• bye! Stay alive ||-//
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