Chapter 1
Aria's P.O.V
I'm Aria, I'm 17 years old and I go to Amber Hills High School. My boyfriend of 2 years Justin cheated on me with this girl named Maya from another school. But anyway that's all behind me and I'm determined to have a great senior year.
My best friend Cassie just got a scholarship to the college she's been dreaming to go to. Cassie said she's thinking about dumping her loser boyfriend Alec. Alec is not the kind of person Cassie needs to be with.
I'm crushing on this one guy. His name is Maxxie, Maxxie Oliver. The only thing is he is dating this girl Becca and of course she is the most popular girl at school. Maxxie likes popular girls so I don't think he knows I exist.
I was walking to class one day and I ran into Maxxie and dropped all of my books. It was so embarrassing.
"I'm so sorry I should've been watching where I was going." I say embarrassed.
"No need to apologize it's my fault I wasn't paying attention." Maxxie says as he helps me pick up my books.
"Thanks for helping me pick up my books." I say as we stand up.
"No problem Aria. Hey if you're not doing anything Friday night I was wondering if you wanted to hang out or something." He says.
"I would love to." I say.
"So how about I pick you up at your house at around 7:30 Friday night." He says
"Sounds great." I say and we walk to class together.
English class felt like an eternity because I just can't wait until Friday night. Next period is lunch. I of course sit with Cassie and her other friends.
"Hey Cassie wanna go to the mall with me Saturday? I ask.
"Uh maybe I have to babysit until 6 Saturday night." She says
"That's alright I will just go myself." I say.
I walk to the trash to throw out my lunch that I didn't even eat. I walk to my car so I can go home for free period and I'm stopped by Maxxie.
"Hey Aria where are you going?" He asks.
"Um just home. I forgot my English course work." I say as I get in my car.
"Can I come with you I don't have anything else to do free period?" He asks.
"Um sure I guess." I say and he gets in my car.
I drive off. I can't believe Maxxie Oliver is in my car coming to my house.
"So what happened with you and Becca?" I ask.
"Um she cheated on me. I really don't care anymore. Anyways has anyone ever told you how beautiful you are?" He asks.
"Actually no. Nobody has ever told me how beautiful I am but thanks." I say.
We get my house and get out of the car. I look through my bag to kind my key but it's not there.
"Crap my key is gone." I say
"Do you have one under the mat?" Maxxie asks.
"No but I do have a bobby pin. I know how to pick locks." I say
I finally get the door open and we go inside.
"My parents aren't home. They've gone away to Las Vegas for the week." I say as I walk into the kitchen. "Would you like something to eat or maybe to drink?"
"Um no thank you I ate at school." He says.
"Alright. Hang on I think my key is in my room." I say as I leave the kitchen.
I walk up stairs to my room. At first I can't find my key but I found it on under my English paper. I hear the stairs creak and I turn around to find Maxxie standing in my door way.
"Hey Maxxie. So this is my room." I say and he comes in. "You can sit if you'd like."
He comes in and sits down on my bed.
"Nice room." He says and I sit next to him.
"Thanks we just redid it like a month ago." I say.
It was silent for a few minutes. Then Maxxie kissed me on the cheek.
"So how about we ditch the rest of the school day and do something fun?" He says.
"Okay how about bowling?" I ask.
"Sure I love bowling!" He says.
We get in my car and drive to the bowling alley. We go inside and my phone starts to go off. It's my mom. I answer it and she sounds worried.
"I just got a call from the school and they said you're not there. What's going on Aria?" She asks.
"I left to go bowling with Maxxie Oliver." I say.
"Alright just don't do it again I'm letting it slide this time. I love you and I hope you have a great time with this Maxxie." She says
"Thanks mom I love you too." I say.
I hang up and smile at Maxxie. He smiles back and we hold hands to the desk.
"Two please" Maxxie says.
"What size?" The lady behind the counter says.
"6.5 and what size are you Maxxie?" I ask.
"9" he says.
"Here you go a 6.5 and a 9." The lady says
We go to sit down to put our bowling shoes on. I stand up and so does Maxxie and we go set up our log.
"I got the green one!" Maxxie says.
"I got blue!" I say exitedly.
Maxxie goes first and gets a strike on the first shot.
"Good job Maxxie!" I say and high five him.
"Thanks. Your up Aria." He says smiling.
I go up to the lane and I aim straight for the pins. STRIKE!!!
"Yes that's how it's done!!" I yell proud of myself.
Maxxie's P.O.V
Aria is so beautiful. I don't know how that jerk Justin could've cheated on someone so beautiful.
"Great job Aria!" I say.
"Thanks. Looks like it's gonna be a good game." She says.
She beat me of course. I kind of let her though to be nice. But it was mostly all her.
We drive back to her house and I go inside with her.
"Wanna watch a movie?" Aria asks.
"Sure what movie?" I ask.
"How about you pick." She says.
"Ok how about The Quiet Ones?" I ask.
"Okay sounds good." She says.
We started to watch the movie. Aria got a little scared so she cuddled up to me. I out my arm around her and she cuddled closer.
I like this. I've had such a great day with Aria. I want everyday to be like today. Aria is perfect.
The movie finally ended and Aria says "Interesting movie Maxxie."
"Were you scared?" I ask.
"Not really I was with you so it made it better." She says.
"I've been wanting to say this all night. I've liked you for a very long time now and what Justin did to you was extremely wrong." I say.
"I've liked you for a long time too." She says.
"Really that's great." I say.
I just can't help myself. I lean in run my fingers through her hair and kiss her. It was an amazing kiss.
"Wow Maxxie that was , that was amazing." She says.
"Was it really?" I ask.
"Yeah it was." She says.
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