After they landed in the airport, they headed on a sight-seeing tour. Its so beautiful, and relaxing. Although Adrien travelled around the world a lot, Marinette was never outside of France. This was all new to her, the new language, time zone, currency, culture... After the boring history part was over, they arrived at their camp site, Viva a la Croatia (idk if this place exists, I made it up). It was nice, there were bungalows littered around the place. They were far away from eachother, so people can have privacy, but close enough so no one would be isolated. There was one main bungalow, which was three times bigger than the others.
"Ok, kids, while the driver unloads our stuff, let me go over the basic rules." Miss Bustier said loudly.
"Ahhh, do we have to?" Ivan groaned.
"Yes Ivan, we do. Anyway, this is the main bungalow. Inside this bungalows is the cafeteeria, the nurse's office, the telephones, the reception where you will pick up and leave your keys. The manager of this place was kind enough to make us the only guests here, so you don't have to worry about other guests. But beware, if anything is damaged, your parents will have to pay for it." By the time Miss Bustier finished, almost everyone was asleep.
"Ah, fine. Here comes the interesting part. My bungalow is the one closest to the main one, the rest are up to you. I made Alix in charge of the roommate thing, if anyone has any complains, complain to her." Miss Bustier said tiredly.
The children were fully awake now, and waiting to hear which roommate they got. Alix stood on a rock that was in the camp, and before she started, she looked at Nino and Alya. Alya winked, while Nino was smirking behind her back.
"Ok, peeps. I made a list for this." Alix said loudly.
first bungalow- Rose and Sabrina."
"Ok..." Said Rose and Juleka. They didn't mind, it was just weird.
" second bungalow- Juleka and Nathanael."
"Ohhh, nice." Rose and Sabrina smirked at Juleka, while Alya muttered, suprised:
"That's not the plan..." Nino's smirk grew wider.
"third bungalow- Ivan and Mylene." No suprises there.
" fourth bungalow- Kim and me."
" Ohhh, you go girl, get that stud!" The girls shouted. Alix blushed for a sec, but continued.
" Fifth bungalow- Alya and Nino."
"Wait, but that means-" Marinette and Alya paled.
" And finally, sixth bungalow- Adrien and Marinette." Nino showed a thumbs up, which a pissed Alya clearly saw.
"Hehehe, you and I are going to have a good time tonight." Alya said with a scary chuckle. Nino gulped, but he knew he did a good thing. His best friend needed him, and he will never let him down.
"... HUH?!??!?!?!?!?!?" Marinette squeaked so high, everyone except Alix, Kim and Adrien covered their ears. Adrien stared into the ground sadly, he thought Marinette didn't like to be around him. Marinette soon fainted, but was caught by Adrien before she hit the ground.
" *sigh* I'll take her to the bungalow. Kim, please help me." Adrien said sadly.
Kim nodded, and took the luggage. Alix chose the bungalow farthest from the rest, near the shore. This one was more luxurious than the rest. Adrien carried her bridal style, and when he got inside he laid her down on the bed, and turned to Kim:
"Thank you,Kim."
"No problem. Btw, can you come with me for a bit?" Kim whispered.
"Yeah, sure." Adrien said. He took a final look at Marinette, and walked out. But, before he even closed the door, he was knocked down by a worried Alya. She ran through the door, and quickly sat down near Marinette's bed. Adrien got a helping hand from Nino, who looked pale and sick.
"Nino, are you ok?" Adrien asked, worried.
"Yeah, I am, dude. But remember to thank me later." Nino said, quietly.
"Ok... so, what do you need to tell me, Kim?" Adrien said.
"Let's walk to the beach, Nino, wanna join us?" Kim asked.
"Sure dudes."
after 20 minutes
"So, Kim, what's up?" Adrien said, a little bit louder then before.
"Why were you sad, earlier? We are in paradise, with our friends-"
"and lovers!" Nino chimed in.
Kim blushed, thinking of Alix, and said:
"Yeah. There is no reason to be sad. Or do I have to beat you up to make you happy?" Kim balled a fist.
"No no no, no need for that." Adrien sweat-dropped.
"Its just, Marinette is afraid of me." Adrien sadly sighed.
"Are you kidding me? SHE IS OBSSESED WITH YOU!" Kim shouted.
"DUDE, quiet down! Do you want everyone to hear us?!" Nino warned him.
" How could she not be? You saw how she reacted! She fainted! Out of discomfort with the fact of spending a month with me! And, for the past three years she was always stuttering around me, avoiding eye contact, and always being shy! And I saw her, I know she is smart, sassy, self-confident, funny, and plain briliant! But she is so disgusted with me, she can't look me in the eye!" Adrien broke down, sitting on a nearby rock.
"Wow, dude, I didn't know it bothered you so much." Said Kim.
Did it really bother me that much, do I really care that much about it??? Adrien thought, wide-eyed.
"Well, she liked you a lot when we were on that picnic." Nino murmured, leaning on a nearby rock, hands in his pockets.
"Yeah, she was like an angel." He smiled at the memory.
"And, she came back blushing, and so were you." At that Kim raised an eyebrow. Adrien? Blushing over Mari? Weird.
"Heheh that was the cherry on top."
" Well, why did you two blush?" Kim asked.
" We sang together. It was beautiful." Adrien sighed, dreamily.
"Dude, that's it!" Nino and Kim said.
"What's what?" Adrien asked.
"You can sing her a song! I know how to play the guitar, and Nino can set the mood!" Kim suggested.
"But, which song should I sing to her?"
"I know of a one." ??? said.
"What? Who's there?" The boys asked.
" Its just me." Alya came down from the tree she has climbed on.
"Oh jeez, woman, you scared me." Kim said.
"My specialty." Alya bragged.
" So which one is it?" Adrien asked.
"Come closer." Alya huddled them up in a circle.
"Yeah, I can play that." Kim said, cracking his knuckles.
" And I think a campfire would set the mood." Nino stated.
" Ok, Alya you bring Mari to the campfire at sundown, everything will be ready by then. Kim, warm up!" Adrien started giving out orders.
"Sir, yes sir." Both Kim and Alya said, and ran back to their tasks.
"Get, ready. You gotta win her over."
"I know dude, I know."
with Marinette
Marinette woke up, feeling woozy. Right on cue, Alya ran through the door.
"GURL! YOURE AWAKE!" Alya screamed as she smothered Mari.
"Can't...Breathe!" Mari gasped.
"Oh, sorry. Now, get up! We gotta find you a dress, and your hair is a mess! We have... 15 minutes till sundown?! Oh damn, lets hurry!" Alya loudly said.
"Wait, why?" Marinette asked, still confused.
" CAMPFIRE TIME, duh!" Alya stated, as a matter-o-factly.
" Ok, ok, don't rush me." Marinette groaned.
15 minutes later
Marinette and Alya came to the beach right on time. Everyone was there, chatting and laughing. When they saw them, they went silent, only Kim started tuning his guitar.
"Marinette! Come sit with us!" Mylene called her. Marinette sat down, only to realize she sat down near Adrien. She instantly blushed.
"Hey Marinette." Adrien smiled.
"H-hey. W-whats up?"Mari almost fainted. Again.
"Nothing. Mari, can I ask you something?"
" Y-yeah. Sure." Marinette stuttered.
" Do you hate me?" Adrien said, sadly.
"Hate you?! Why would I hate you? I just... Don't know..." Marinette sighed. She still couldn't confess.
" Well, Mari..."Adrien said.
"Huh?" She looked at him,her eyes reflecting the setting sun.
" You know what?"
"What?" Mari asked, slightly affraid.
"All I knew, this morning when I woke..." Kim started playing.
"Is I know something now, know something now, I didn't before."Everyone leaned in to hear better.
" And all I've seen, since 18 hours ago..." Adrien skipped a little bit, and started again:
"I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now..." Unexpectedly, Marinette joined in.
"I just want to know you better now, you better now, you better now." Everyone else started singing along.
"I just want to know you better now,know you better now, you better now. I just want to know you, know you..." And then, Marinette sang, like never before:
"Cause all I know is we said hello, and you eyes look like coming home. All I know is a simple name, everything, has changed."
Adrien sang back:
"All I know is you held the door, you'll be mine and I'll be yours, all I know since yesterday is, everything, has changed." Kim stopped playing, as Adrien and Marinette leaned their foreheads against eachother. It seemed like time stopped. The only thing heard was the splashing of waves and singing crickets. They opened their eyes, both looking like they just sang the song of their life.
"Did you mean it?" Marinette whispered.
" I really want to know you better, Mari. I really do." He whispered back.
after a few hours
Everybody was sleeping, after a long night of eating marshmallows and joking. Miss Bustier found them, all sleeping around a weak fire, all with a face of content. Ivan was hugging Mylene, both sleeping in a sitting position. Alix was sleeping on her right side, and Kim was next to her, on his left side. Juleka, Rose, Sabrina, and Nathanael were huddled together. Nino had his arms around Alya's waist, as she was lying on top of him. And finally, Adrien and Marinette were sleeping together, holding hands, both looking tired, but happy.
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